The commentator who can participate in the KPL exhibition match is either highly skilled or well-connected behind the scenes. Xie Yao clearly belongs to the latter, but there are obviously some who have used connections to get onto his team.

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In an exhibition match, it starts with a performance and then a competition.

During the first game, the opposing team did not put in their full effort and treated it as a playful game.

With Jiang Song and Xie Yao on the team, and the other side intentionally going easy on them, the first round was won without any suspense.

However, during the middle of the game, one of the commentators clearly had his mind elsewhere and as a marksman, did not defend the development path properly. He followed Jiang Song’s jungle recklessly and aimlessly, revealing his desire to gain popularity and curry favor.

As a result, the second round was naturally lost, and Xie Yao was very dissatisfied and started the third round.

From the beginning of this round, the bottom lane was penetrated. Although the top lane managed to hold onto the second tower with difficulty, the enemy jungler’s frequent harassment and ganking wore down the warrior. SUS’s mid laner was very dominant, and although the opponent temporarily could not take advantage from Xie Yao’s hands, Xie Yao was also bound and unable to leave.

SUS’s mid laner chose Milady, who is famous for her tower-clearing speed. As long as she seized the opportunity, she could quickly push down a defense tower. Xie Yao chose Wan’er who naturally had a disadvantage in tower destruction compared to Milady.

Even before reaching level four, Xie Yao’s Wan’er had to time his support carefully, let alone now that it was late game. If Xie Yao made one mistake, the enemy mid laner could easily push through to the high ground.

“I’m going to catch someone!”

In the game, the sound effect of Jiang Song’s capture was heard. Xie Yao glanced at the jungle vision and saw that Jiang Song skillfully placed a wave of vision with Li Bai. They quietly moved into the enemy blind spot and into the grass in the middle lane.

Although both mid laners were tightly entangled and neither could do anything to the other, Xie Yao still breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Bai’s icon.

In the game, Shangguan Wan’er, holding a brush, accidentally moved in the wrong direction, which gave the suspicious mid laner an opportunity to quickly flash and pull Shangguan Wan’er into attack range. The mid laner used a small robot to throw out a second skill that exploded quickly, leaving Shangguan Wan’er with only a sliver of health.

Milady pursued the attack and used her ultimate to accurately trap the injured Shangguan Wan’er. At that moment, Li Bai in the grass seemed like a tiger waiting for its prey. He used his first skill to quickly flash out of the grass and used a basic attack on the soldier line that Shangguan Wan’er had left behind on purpose.

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Li Bai’s graceful figure flashed in front of Milady, who quickly retreated backwards, but it was too late. Even with the flash, Milady had no chance of escaping from Li Bai’s ultimate. Jiang Song calmly moved the joystick and Li Bai, having just used his ultimate, flashed in Milady’s direction. His third skill perfectly connected, accompanied by the sound of a kill. Jiang Song’s first skill lightly returned to the grass, and then he used his second skill to easily dodge tower damage.

At the same time, Shangguan Wan’er, who had been trapped by Milady’s ultimate, used her Cleanse skill to remove the damage at the moment of the skill explosion.

“Beautiful!” The commentator outside the game shouted loudly at this exciting moment, and the audience in the game also cheered. Xie Yao wore headphones and couldn’t hear the sounds outside of the game, but he was glowing with excitement due to his tacit cooperation with Jiang Song. His lips, which had been tightly pursed before the game, finally lifted slightly.

But before the two could catch their breath, news of a double kill came from both the top and bottom lanes, with our top laner being killed by the enemy’s top laner, and our support in the bottom lane giving a double kill to the enemy ADC.

Jiang Song subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Xie Yao when he heard the sound of a kill. As expected, the smile on the child’s face immediately disappeared, and his whole profile became expressionless and fierce. Jiang Song sighed.

“Yao Yao.”

Xie Yao had a calm expression as he faced the Qing soldiers, thinking about how to turn the tide of the battle. However, the grayed-out icons of his three dead teammates and the ticking countdown timer made him realize that they were likely going to lose this round.

Feeling frustrated, the young player suddenly heard Jiang Song’s voice through their team’s voice chat. His opponent’s gentle tone calling out to him almost broke through the cold, fierce facade that Jiang Song wore on his face. Xie Yao’s hand shook, causing him to miss a cannon minion. He wanted to furrow his eyebrows but instinctively relaxed them instead. He pretended to remain calm and used a healing spell on himself, asking in a low voice, “What’s up?”

Meanwhile, Li Bai calmly floated into the enemy jungle and stole the blue buff of the opponent’s jungle while they were gathering on the top lane. He said, “Xiao Ying’s current state is on par with yours. If not for Milady’s economy being too high, he wouldn’t be able to beat you.”

Jiang Song’s words elicited different reactions from the other three teammates. The top laner and support were unaffected, but the marksman, who had been daydreaming throughout the game, suddenly had a dark expression on his face. He clenched his teeth but couldn’t refute Jiang Song’s statement since three out of Milaidi’s four kills were against him.

Xie Yao didn’t expect Jiang Song to say that, but he felt strangely relaxed as he tightened his grip on his phone.

Jiang Song glanced at Xie Yao, who had a slightly more relaxed expression. Then, he focused on his own actions.

Unexpectedly, the top-ranked jungler made a mistake.

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Distracted, Jiang Song controlled Li Bai and walked toward his own jungle, missing the enemy jungler’s icon that flashed on the map.

Suddenly, the sound effect of a flash came from the bushes. Jiang Song raised an eyebrow and immediately used his first skill to dodge the opposing support Zhang Liang’s ultimate, but he didn’t anticipate that he would run into SUS, the enemy marksman. SUS used his ultimate to stun Jiang Song and followed up with an attack.

As a well-developed marksman in the late game, SUS was almost unbeatable against a squishy jungle character who was stunned. Jiang Song was unfortunately killed by SUS, giving away the first kill of the game.

The sound effect of the jungle being slain echoed, causing Xie Yao’s hand to pause. By then, the three teammates had respawned at the fountain. Before Xie Yao could say anything, they had already rushed towards the minion wave at the bottom lane’s high ground. It was as if they were cursed, as all three of them were ambushed and killed by Sus, who had been hiding in the bushes next to the high ground.

The team’s voice chat fell into a suffocating silence.

“Yao Yao, keep going.”

Jiang Song’s voice suddenly sounded in the headphones. Xie Yao’s fingertips trembled slightly, and he murmured lightly. In the game, Shangguan Wan’er, who was guarding the middle lane tower, moved a distance with her ultimate skill while twirling her brush, and the next moment, the defense tower exploded.

The five opponents who had come to the middle lane to take down the tower saw the mage walking away and immediately turned around.

The time passed to twenty minutes, and the entire game interface changed. The icon for the dragon pit lit up.

“The Storm Dragon King descends, and the battle begins!”

“We’re going to lose.”

The commentator on the commentary desk said regretfully, “This wave just took away Jiang Song. It can only be said that the shooter on the SUS team knows their former captain too well. It was unexpected, and now the storm has refreshed. SUS is fully alive, but the broadcaster team only has one person left in the mid-lane.”

The situation in the game was almost completely one-sided. Xie Yao was the only one left on his team, and SUS had left after pushing the tower in the middle lane. Everyone could guess that SUS was definitely going to fight the Storm Dragon King, but what was the point of knowing?

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The commentator outside the game concluded, “The defeat in this game is already certain, it’s just a matter of time. After all, SUS’s bottom lane was too strong, and the broadcaster team couldn’t resist it. The whole team only has Jiang Song on their side. But Jiang Song hasn’t revived yet, so unless this mid-lane broadcaster can steal the dragon, in just two minutes, their crystal will explode.”

But what the commentator didn’t know was that the small broadcaster wearing headphones with a calm and serious expression was thinking about stealing the opponent’s Dragon King.

Although Xie Yao didn’t have the god’s eye view of the audience, he also knew that since the opponent had let go of the high ground, they must be going to fight the Storm Dragon King. Weighing the pros and cons, when he saw that the next wave of soldiers had not yet come out of the enemy’s crystal, Shangguan Wan’er decisively hid in the edge of the field of vision along the side road, and finally skillfully circled around to the enemy’s jungle area, coming to the red buff grass beside the dragon pit.

At this time, because the opponent had pulled the Storm Dragon King forward, the vision was off, and sus clearly didn’t even care about the broadcaster team, who had only one person left, and didn’t even bother to explore the vision in the grass. So they naturally didn’t know that Wan’er was twirling her brush and waiting for an opportunity in the grass above.

The commentator who had just joked about congratulating SUS on winning the exhibition game championship was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

“Um… according to this position, it seems that the mid-laner of this Shark Live broadcast is very bold, and the opponent clearly wants to take this Storm Dragon King from SUS’s hands.” The commentator sighed and then strongly disagreed with Xie Yao’s actions.

“But this strategy is obviously more harmful than beneficial. Not to mention the difference in the number of people, even if he really succeeds in stealing the dragon, sus’s soldiers have already reached their crystal, and the broadcaster team now only has one defense tower in the middle lane, which is obviously not enough to withstand the super-powered soldiers for twenty minutes, unless he can wipe out the opponent.”

However, when he said the last sentence, the commentator himself laughed, “To complete a pentakill in a downwind game against SUS, the world champion team, the success rate

Xie Yao couldn’t hear the voices of disagreement outside the arena. He stayed calmly in the grass, constantly calculating the lineage of the Dragon King, with a steady and determined gaze in his eyes.

“Launch the attack!”

With the sound of an attacking effect in the game, Xie Yao’s eyes narrowed. His fingers flew rapidly as he threw his second skill towards the Dragon Pit, followed by his first skill to change direction and his third skill to quickly charge into the Dragon Pit, securing the Storm Dragon King!

The audience was in an uproar, but Xie Yao continued to operate!

In the Dragon Pit, Shangguan Wan’er, holding a calligraphy brush, rushed into the pit when the suspecting crowd least expected it. She snatched the Dragon King and, with the ultimate ability above her head, quickly zigzagged with a strange Z-shaped tremor, rushing towards the center of the five people gathered around the Dragon Pit. Two, one, three, three, three, up to the sky!

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“An enemy has been slain.”

“Double Kill!”

“Triple Kill!”

“Quadra Kill!”

“Penta Kill!”

The sound effects of the pentakill suddenly exploded in everyone’s ears. This scene, which could make a god, made the audience outside the arena wide-eyed and speechless with shock.

After Shangguan Wan’er lightly landed and turned a few times, the narrator spoke again in the game.

“Aced!” Annihilated!

“Pentakill…this commentator has got something!” The commentator on the stage suddenly stood up from his seat, and even though he was far from the microphone, his excited voice still conveyed loudly to everyone’s ears.

The audience was shocked and dazed, but the commentator’s excited shouts brought them back to their senses. Suddenly, the screams and cheers in the arena were almost enough to turn the entire place upside down.

In the game, Shangguan Wan’er, with the buff of the Storm Dragon King and the red and blue buffs inherited from the opposite jungler, was covered in lightning, looking extremely cool.

Jiang Song, who was sending attack signals to the little child while holding onto the time, smiled with a hidden power and prestige.


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