Chapter 11 Don’t tarnish our relationship

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The dormitory is very quiet after lights out at night, so any slightest sound is amplified exponentially and reaches the human ear.

The wind can still be heard clearly outside the window, let alone the sound of talking on the pillow.

But Lu Xun acted as if he didn’t hear: “…… What did you say?”

Ye Yao then repeated in a calm tone, “I said, that I don’t like it, it’s too strange, reduce it, just contact as before.”

Ye Yao’s idea is simple.

He needs to control himself not to reveal his true feelings, but at times like that, he tends to act without thinking.

What if one day he got impulsive and kissed Lu Xun while he was helping him?

Avoiding this mistake is simply a matter of cutting off the source that would make him impulsive.

Now it was good enough to simply cut down on such behaviour as helping each other. After all, in his anticipation, he would even need to stay away from Lu Xun in many ways if the day came when he really couldn’t control it.

When Lu Xun didn’t say anything, Ye Yao gave him a nudge: “Do you hear me?”

Lu Xun seemed to wake up after he was pushed past him and wrapped his arms around Ye Yao’s waist.

“You don’t like it …… because I’m not making you comfortable?” Lu Xun’s voice was pressed, speaking much faster than usual, revealing a sense of anxiety, “My skills will improve later, it’s also the first time I’ve helped someone, you always have to give me time to improve don’t you?”

Ye Yao : “The point is not this ……?”

Lu Xun rarely interrupted Ye Yao, who was talking, “Or do you think you’re tired of helping me, then you can just touch me a few times later, it’s not tiring.”

“……” Ye Yao had nothing to say about Lu Xun’s ability to get to the point and could only reiterate, “It’s not about that, just do a search or ask around, a lot of people can’t accept people doing this kind of I don’t like it either.”

“You really don’t like it?” Lu Xun suddenly spoke.

Lu Xun’s instincts are quite sharp at times, and Ye Yao avoided the subject without moving: “I’ve thought about it carefully, and it’s better to do this kind of thing about the lower half of your body with the person you’re married to, otherwise it’s all inappropriate, and you can say I’m conservative.”

“All right, it’s a deal.” Ye Yao was not here to discuss the feasibility of this matter with Lu Xun, but to inform him, after which he patted Lu Xun’s arm soothingly, “Go to sleep, don’t think about it, good night.”

The room is once again quiet, with everyone having changed into a thick quilt on an unheated autumn day. Two people lying on a single bed, squeezed under a thick blanket, can easily feel the comfort and sleep that is not found in the summer.

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It is easiest to fall asleep after a relaxing session, and Ye Yao is no exception, his forehead resting against Lu Xun’s shoulder as his breathing gradually becomes calmer and longer.

Ye Yao is asleep.

Lu Xun can’t sleep at all!

The pleasure he had felt for the first time only a short time before was mercilessly denied him.

The pleasure is gone.

Of course, it stands to reason that he could continue to enjoy this pleasure by helping each other and others.

Lu Xun imagined it a little, and turned himself blue with anger.

Who wants to let other men touch it? It’s disgusting to the point of vomiting.

Only Ye Yao doesn’t make him sick, after all they are the best.

Only Ye Yao can make him feel happy to help each other.

Lu Xun moved slightly and took the person deeper into his arms, while burying his head in the nape of Ye Yao’s neck and taking a breath.

He had seen better sights, so how could he willingly retreat.

A marriage partner? Heh, does a marriage partner get to do things he can’t do? What kind of sense is that?

Lu Xun’s instincts are at their sharpest when it comes to matters related to Ye Yao.

Lu Xun took another deep breath and breathed Ye Yao’s breath into his lungs.

He sensed …… Ye Yao holding back, backing away.

Ye Yao doesn’t want to get any better with him.


For the next few days, Lu Xun was in a state of low pressure.

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This low pressure is not visible in front of Ye Yao, but it is obvious when Lu Xun is alone, scaring Lu Xun’s classmates into not sitting near him.

On this day Lu Xun had an evening class and Ye Yao had a lot of homework to do, so the two of them split up.

Two classes had passed and Lu Xun was walking back to the dormitory building after school when he received a phone call.

A phone call from his mother.

Lu Xun frowns and walks to a remote location to pick up the phone.

After a few pleasantries, Mother Lu finally explained his intention: ” Lu Xun, I heard …… that Ye Yao went to meet a girl the other day and you went over and kicked his out before they could talk for long?”

Lu Xun raised an eyebrow and gave a disdainful laugh, “Who tipped you off?”

“You just say it don’t you?” Mother Lu said angrily.

“Yeah, so what, he said he wasn’t going to have a relationship until he graduated.” Lu Xun replied.

It was a reply that was so overly justified that it stopped Mother Lu from speaking for a while. After a moment’s reprieve, she continued, “Don’t you think it’s rude to do that?”

“I’m not a gentleman, and it’s not the first day you’ve known me, haven’t we known each other for twenty years?” Lu Xun laughed and then curbed his smile, “Don’t worry about it, I can’t just stand by and watch him go out with another girl anyway.”

There was another long silence from Mother Lu: “Do you like Ye Yao and want to get married to his? Tell me the truth, I don’t blame you.”

Lu Xun frowned at once: “Even you can’t tarnish our relationship like that.”

How could his feelings for Ye Yao be so shallow?

Mother Lu : “……”

What a monstrosity she’s given birth to.

“Lu Xun, even saints have their tempers.” Mother Lu sighed. Mother Lu sighed, “There has to be a limit to how far you can go in being friends, if you take it too far, maybe Ye Yao won’t want to hang out with you one day.”

Lu Xun did not say anything.

“That’s probably not something you’ll like to hear, but I hope you’ll think about it anyway. Don’t end up making friends instead of enemies.” Mother Lu said.

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Lu Xun looks up at the orange glow of the street lamp overhead, the yellow light shining on his face but not warming his handsome features.

Did Ye Yao’s backing off and rejection upset Ye Yao because he was too much in charge and overbearing?

Lu Xun’s face was expressionless as he curled his lips, “You’re right, I can’t …… make him hate me.”


Lu Xun didn’t go back to the dormitory, he was extremely bored and didn’t want to face Ye Yao with a bad mood, so he just went for a walk.

After sending a message to Ye Yao that he would not be going back for a while, Lu Xun wandered off campus.

The university town was not in the downtown area, so after leaving the campus it was quiet and less crowded. Lu Xun just walked with his head in the cold wind, trying to vent his bad mood by walking.

After walking for an unknown period of time, Lu Xun stops and turns around.

Behind him, followed by several men.

The men looked sleazy, wearing sunglasses at night and not wearing their clothes properly, with their sleeves pushed up in the cold, revealing their flowered arms inside.

“Oops, found us brothers?”

“Must be no shortage of money to look like that, eh? Borrow a few bucks to spend?”

“Don’t lie to us that you don’t have money, these shoes aren’t cheap, be honest and hand over all your money!”

Lu Xun wanted to laugh a bit, when the mood struck, he came up with some human sandbags, which were a great way to vent his anger.

“What era is it, who carries cash on them?” Lu Xun said lazily.

“No cash, no cash, just scan the code! Transfer all the money from your card!” The punk said.

Lu Xun smiled and took out his mobile phone, “Then you guys take your phones out and let me scan them.”

“Right, communicate properly and we won’t beat you up.” The leader of the gang said as he walked up to Lu Xun with his phone, “Just scan this code – uhhhh!”

The leader of the gang screamed as Lu Xun kneed him in the stomach, and the next second he was thrown to the ground with an over-the-shoulder slam.

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When the two remaining punks saw the situation, they tried to fight and run, but they couldn’t fight and couldn’t run, so in the end, they were all knocked to the ground and fell to the ground grunting.

Lu Xun put a foot on the back of one of the men and was in a much better mood. He looked at the fallen men and suddenly had an idea.

He could not restrict Ye Yao’s life too much, otherwise he would easily turn Ye Yao off. But what if, on the other hand, he found a way to get Ye Yao to follow him of his own accord, instead of going out on his own to date someone else?

For example …… he is injured and can’t be left alone and needs someone to look after him?

Lu Xun’s fingertips tremble with excitement. He messed up his clothes, changed his position to find the right angle to capture the chaos and clicked on it to send it to Ye Yao.

Soon after, Ye Yao called straight away.

“Well, I got robbed …… They said I looked like a rich man and tried to rob me.” Lu Xun took two breaths, sounding like he was holding back pain, “It’s been too long since I’ve worked out, so I thought I’d come out for a night run, I didn’t expect ……”

The care and urgency shown by Ye Yao on the phone was like a bowl of honey to Lu Xun’s heart, making him feel better about the idiots lying on the floor.

Ye Yao Yao is worried about him, what could be better than that?

Lu Xun whispered, “There were too many of them, and although I won the fight, I was still a little wounded. My legs hurt, can you come and get me?”

Lu Xun’s eyes were filled with a satisfied smile as he heard Ye Yao’s unhesitating agreement.

“Well, I’ll send you the location.”

After the call, Lu Xun swept his eyes over the dumbfounded men on the ground and instantly changed his face, saying coldly, “What are you looking at?

“Get out, get out now!”

With the eyesore gone, Lu Xun walks slowly to a tree.

When Ye Yao arrived, he had to hurt something in order to let Ye Yao take care of him in name only.

But it is important not to get too much in the way so that Ye Yao doesn’t get tired of looking after his.

This has to be done in good measure.

Then he can sell his misery openly, hang on to Ye Yao every day and continue to build up his relationship with him.

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