Chapter 14 It’s all the fault of the gay who seduced Ye Yao!

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In this hot, humid bathroom, the hand on the back of the neck burns too hot to ignore.

Lu Xun stroked the delicate flesh of the back of his neck in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly: “Have I explained myself clearly enough this time?”

He felt Ye Yao’s soft hair brushing against his cheek, so he brushed after it and whispered, “Don’t think I’m anyone, I’m not that casual.”

They were so close to each other that Lu Xun heard Ye Yao’s breathing, one after the other, growing more and more rapid.

Before Lu Xun had time to wonder why Ye Yao was breathing so hard, he was pushed away with a jerk.

After the distance had closed, Lu Xun saw Ye Yao’s face clearly.

Ye Yao’s eyes were wider than usual, and there was a lot of emotion in those beautiful eyes, and one of the things that was immediately apparent was panic and shock.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Xun reached out suspiciously, trying to touch Ye Yao’s face, “Did I say something too meaty and gross you out?”

He admits that those words just now were indeed a bit mealy-mouthed, but they also flowed from his heart. The truthful link is that it’s just easier to be mealy-mouthed and disgusting.

Lu Xun was about to say something else when he was glared at by Ye Yao.

“Shut up, no talking.” Ye Yao whispered.

Lu Xun closed his mouth and locked eyes with Ye Yao before he saw Ye Yao pick up a towel and place it over his eyes.

“No looking at me either.” Ye Yao said.

Lu Xun is not sure why, but when confronted by Ye Yao, who is clearly not right, he reigns in his rebellious nature and settles down.

Ye Yao finally had time to calm his heartbeat and gather his expression.

He knows Lu Xun, they are best friends, so Lu Xun likes to be with him no matter what he does. From Lu Xun’s point of view, that was probably a simple statement of fact.

He was his best friend, so only he could, no one else could.

But from his point of view …… and that of his crush, Lu Xun’s words sounded like a confession and were enough to send waves through his heart.

Ye Yao hastily rinses the foam off Lu Xun and turns off the water.

Lu Xun can handle the latter on his own and Ye Yao does not intend to help.

He opened the bathroom door a crack and left a message before leaving, “Don’t talk like that in the future, I can’t get used to it.”

The bathroom door opens and closes, Ye Yao leaves, and Lu Xun removes the towel covering his eyes, pondering.

He thought back to the expression he saw on Ye Yao’s face, stripped of shock and panic, and actually one emotion that was obvious – happiness.

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Although the corners of his mouth do not rise, his entire features are a wonderful expression of happiness, an emotion that is certainly not hidden from Ye Yao, who has been with him for several years.

It’s a mouthful when you obviously like it but don’t let him say it again.

Ye Yao didn’t want to get any closer to him to become better, and this was probably the opportunity to get closer to Ye Yao.

Ye Yao’s words can sometimes be disregarded, so just keep doing it and talk more when you get the chance, until Ye Yao accepts it and is willing to become the best in the world with him!


Ye Yao didn’t stay in the dormitory as he didn’t want to face Lu Xun for a while, so he changed out of his somewhat drenched clothes and went out for a walk.

Straight men are the ones who can say and do anything because they have no inhibitions.

Ye Yao took out his phone while walking and searched for the passionate deeds of straight men.

He searched for a post where the poster, whose avatar was a budding girl, said in a very shocked tone: [Oh my god, my two ex-tables, one calls the other his wife! The other one sometimes hits him and sometimes just answers, are they for real?]

The first part of the post was saying things like they were so in love and they must be real, and when they got to the twentieth floor, somehow a straight guy burst in and suddenly changed his reply style.

[Hahahaha what ah, our whole dorm called each other wives, I had seven old wives in high school and three new ones in college].

The straight guy probably went off to call his friends, and a whole bunch of straight guys poured in at the back to speak.

[If this can be used as a criterion to identify the base, then most of the boys’ dormitories only have straight bedpans, you girls don’t get it, no.]

The first thing you can do is to call your wife what you are, our dorm is still staging bed-pressing scenes every day, I am more powerful, when they see me they will shout x brother don’t ah].

[Upstairs, so you’re brave].

[Fencing! If you’re a man, come fencing! If you can’t even fence, you’re not a man!

Ye Yao : “……”

Shouldn’t he be glad that Lu Xun hasn’t learned to call his wife and press the bed yet? The fencing act was also quickly snuffed out before he had a chance to sprout, remaining only at the huckleberry stage.

Ye Yao read the outrageous actions of other straight men and began to think that Lu Xun wasn’t too bad, or at least not the best of all straight men, and that there were many things Lu Xun hadn’t thought of.

Ye Yao looked on, gradually at peace with himself, and felt that he was going to disappear into the void in the next moment.

” Ye Yao ……? Is that Ye Yao?”

A voice sounded behind his and Ye Yao turned around to see a tall, handsome looking boy.

The man looked familiar, but Ye Yao couldn’t remember where he’d seen him before, but the boy was quite upbeat and introduced himself, “We played a game this afternoon, I don’t know if you remember me?”

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“Remember.” Ye Yao who remembered smiled kindly, “Can I help you?”

“Didn’t I lose my footing once in the second half and I was about to fall, and you pulled me next to me. If you hadn’t pulled me that little bit, I might have twisted my foot… I’ll treat you to a meal.” The boy was smiling.

“I’m just standing by and going along, you’re welcome.” Ye Yao shook his head.

“That’s not right, it’s too wolfish of me to do nothing for someone who has done me such a great favour, give me a chance?” The boy was still smiling, his eyes flicking covertly around Ye Yao’s face, “Have you had dinner yet, can I buy you a cup of milk tea then?”

It was not a good idea to push the issue any further, as it had already been said. Ye Yao didn’t see any problem with it, so he nodded his head.

Together, they head to a nearby milk tea shop where they can sit and relax, and learn that the boy’s name is Yan Xing and that he is a student of civil engineering.

“Our campuses are so far apart that I haven’t even seen you before.” After the milk tea was made, Yan Xing brought over two cups of milk tea and placed one in front of Ye Yao.

He had a casual chattering look on his face, “How come you’re the only one hanging out inside the school and your boyfriend isn’t out with you?”

It was true that people in the team were fooling around and would be easily misunderstood by the uninformed. Ye Yao explained helplessly, “It’s a friend, not a boyfriend.”

“Oh, it’s not a boyfriend, misunderstood misunderstood.” Yan Xing had a bright smile on his face, “Luckily it’s not, otherwise how many girls would be sad. There are several girls in our class who like you, can I quietly ask around for them, do you have a girlfriend?”

Ye Yao : “No.”

“Then you must love studying, and so do I. That’s why I’m not in a relationship.” Yan Xing looked surprised. Yan Xing looked surprised, “Do you want to go to the library to study together on the weekend? I usually arrive at seven o’clock, so I can take your seat and we can have some company. No one in my dorm is willing to get up so early to go to the library with me.”

Ye Yao : “……”

This man was so socially skilled that he could talk for so long with someone he hadn’t even spoken to. A few more words and he suspected they would become half-brothers.

But even as a friend, he prefers Lu Xun’s type, who never made him feel uncomfortable at all when he first met him.

Ye Yao glanced down and stood up, “Excuse me, I’m going to take a call.”

Ye Yao went to the door and picked up the phone. Lu Xun’s voice rang out on the phone: “Where are you, Brother Ye? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, don’t leave me alone in the dormitory, I’m so lonely.”

Ye Yao, who is now at peace, replied, “I was out for a casual walk and ran into a friend I had just met, so I came along for a cup of milk tea. Do you want one? I’ll pack one for you.”

“Forget it, just tell me where it is and I’ll go over there, and I can stop by and take a slow walk around the school with you on the way back. Even though I’m injured, I’ll be all over the place without any exercise at all.”

So Ye Yao gave the location, hung up the phone and returned to the milk tea shop once again.

He politely declined Yan Xing’s invitation to go to the library to study with him. Yan Xing looked regretful and then changed the subject and continued to drag Ye Yao into conversation.

Ye Yao doesn’t say much to people he doesn’t know well, but Yan Xing doesn’t care, and he keeps the atmosphere cool.

“You’re very good at playing, can you spar with me when you have time? I feel like 1v1, I should be at a disadvantage against you, that’s probably the skill gap.”

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Ye Yao frowned, “You’re exaggerating, you’re playing well.”

“I’m not exaggerating, come and spar with me this weekend,” Yan Xing said with a smile, “I’ll buy you a big meal afterwards.”

Ye Yao did not answer, he saw Lu Xun coming from behind Yan Xing.

I don’t know how much of their conversation Lu Xun overheard, but it’s okay to be overheard in a normal conversation like this.

Lu Xun looks normal as he smiles at Ye Yao and sits next to him.

At the sight of the sudden appearance of Lu Xun, Yan Xing froze, subconsciously frowned and then loosened his brow.

“You don’t mind if I sit here, do you?” Lu Xun asked lazily.

“Of course I don’t mind.” Yan Xing looks as sunny and chatty as ever, “We are all friends of Ye Yao and it’s nice to sit and talk together.”

The corners of Lu Xun’s mouth pressed downwards, an inconspicuous sneer appearing on his face.

Where did the heartthrob dog come from, mentioning himself on the same level as him in the first sentence of their meeting?

All Ye Yao’s friends? This guy is a piece of shit.

He also pretended to play ball with Ye Yao and asked Ye Yao to go out for the weekend and have dinner on the side, a clumsy way to woo him that was immediately obvious.

Yan Xing laughed, “I thought Ye Yao was your boyfriend when I saw them joking around earlier, but I found out after asking Ye Yao that he wasn’t. I was mistaken.”

Lu Xun doesn’t want Ye Yao to continue talking to this male suitor at all. He already hates homosexuals, let alone the fact that this is a gay man who likes Ye Yao, which is even more annoying.

Lu Xun remembers that Ye Yao was quite unhappy after he had interfered with his dating other girls in a forceful manner last time, and was probably more repulsed by his excessive control, so he has to learn from his experience now and not to do that.

To face the green tea is to be more tea than he is.

“I don’t blame people for getting the wrong idea,” Lu Xun sighed and turned his head to Ye Yao, “I like Ye Yao too much and always cling to him, which has caused him so much trouble.”

Ye Yao Yao’s grip on the milk tea cup tightened and he almost squeezed out the milk tea inside, but luckily he reacted in time to let go.

Yan Xing’s face froze and a smile twisted on his face for a moment.

“Okay, stop it.” Ye Yao is rather thin-skinned, and Lu Xun’s flirtatious remarks in front of people he doesn’t know well made his face smoulder, so he immediately dragged Lu Xun to leave.

Yan Xing also wanted to add WeChat, but Ye Yao decided that this was as good a thank you as any and refused Yan Xing’s request, taking Lu Xun with him.


Ye Yao walks slowly, mindful of Lu Xun’s leg injury, and when he reaches a less crowded area, he opens up to Lu Xun.

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“What was wrong with you just now, did you not like the boy?”

Lu Xun was walking slowly with Ye Yao’s shoulder propped up when he looked over and locked eyes with Ye Yao.

“Don’t say no, you just had a very unusual attitude.” Ye Yao continued, “Did you and he ever have any problems?”

The look in Ye Yao’s eyes was serious and contained trust in Lu Xun, whose pretended breeziness was torn open by such a look, revealing the original boredom inside.

“Of course there’s a conflict.” Lu Xun scratched his hair in annoyance, “The guy likes you and he’s after you, isn’t that contradiction big enough?”

“He’s after me?” Ye Yao’s eyes widened in shock, “He likes guys?”

“Isn’t that obvious.” Lu Xun’s brow furrowed to a death.

Ye Yao then also frowned at the memory of the thought, vaguely tasting a little taste, surprised, “I thought he was making friends with me in a normal way.”

After all, there are still a few people in the world who like the same sex, and he didn’t think of it that way.

“Heh, tricky.” Lu Xun laughed coldly and put his arm around Ye Yao, “Don’t be fooled by the stinky gay guy, he must want to be friends with you first and confess to you after he gets to know you better. It would be a disaster if you are tricked into bending him.”

Ye Yao is silent.

After a moment he laughed softly, “What about the bend.”

The wind blew Ye Yao’s hair away from his forehead, revealing his beautiful face in all its glory.

With a face this beautiful, there will always be someone who likes him, whether male or female.

“In your eyes …… should be a great crime.” Ye Yao laughed, “Never mind, let’s not talk about that.”

Ye Yao changed the subject, not noticing that Lu Xun’s attention had not followed.

Lu Xun’s throat tightened; he had never contemplated the possibility of Ye Yao becoming bent.

He hates men who like the same sex and will not be friends with such a person.

But what if Ye Yao becomes bent, will he alienate Ye Yao?

The mere thought of this possibility makes Lu Xun’s skin crawl.

His chest tightened and many thoughts seemed to flood his mind, and then again, none, for only one was clear.

If Ye Yao is bent, how can it be Ye Yao’s fault?

Of course it’s all the fault of the gay guy who seduced Ye Yao and made his bend!

He would never, ever let such a deadly gay man be around Ye Yao!

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