Chapter 26 It’s over, Ye Yao sees the girl of his choice!

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Ye Yao’s refusal was so crisp that Lu Xun was frozen in place for a moment.

The hand on his shoulder was still stopping him hard, Ye Yao really didn’t want him to go up there, not joking.

Lu Xun took a few deep breaths and lifted the curtain of the bed to see Ye Yao propped up on the bed.

Ye Yao wore a beige pyjama top, a colour that dispelled much of his cooler aura and made him look warm and inviting.

The barrier between them disappears, and Ye Yao’s eyes meet Lu Xun’s without a blink.

When Ye Yao is assertive, Lu Xun basically won’t confront him to avoid making Ye Yao even more angry, and that’s what happened this time.

Lu Xun took the lead in softening his gaze and said softly, “What’s wrong, you’re in a bad mood?”

“There is no mood.” Ye Yao said.

Lu Xun poked his head into the curtain of the bed and put one hand on the back of Ye Yao’s hand holding his shoulder down: “Then why don’t you let me go up there?”

Ye Yao didn’t say anything for a while, he looked at Lu Xun with a slightly meaningful gaze.

“It’s not like it used to be, Lu Xun.” Ye Yao said slowly.

The pressure on Ye Yao’s hand suddenly intensifies, and Ye Yao frowns, while Lu Xun, who has regained his composure, hastens to lighten it again.

Lu Xun’s mouth curled up in a stiff smile with a vague air of fury: “Why is it no longer like before? What could be done before can’t be done now, the relationship is backwards, huh?”

Lu Xun speaks faster and faster as he gets to the end, especially in the words “relationship backwards”, as if they were a blazing fire that could burn his tongue.

If Ye Yao nods, he doesn’t even know what he’ll do.

Ye Yao was not at all intimidated as he continued slowly, “This is a single bed.”

Lu Xun quickly picks up, “It used to be a single bed too.”

“Yeah, but there weren’t as many classes as there are now, and it used to be okay to sleep almost at night, so I could rest and slow down when I didn’t have classes. Now there are too many classes and I need to have enough energy to get a good night’s sleep.” Ye Yao replied.

Lu Xun was stunned: “Did you have trouble sleeping with me before ……?”

Ye Yao actually slept okay, but he couldn’t tell the truth now, so he pretended to be dissatisfied and said, “Do you think two people can sleep well in a single bed? Study is the priority, each sleeps in their own bed this term.”

Lu Xun has a tough attitude when dealing with most people and will not stop until he gets what he wants. Some people used to joke that Lu Xun was the kind of bully who would force himself on someone when he took a fancy to them and would force them to do so even if they didn’t want to.

But when you actually care about someone, how can you not care about their feelings?

Lu Xun looks at Ye Yao for a moment in silence and slowly backs away.

He landed sullenly and returned to his bunk.

Ye Yao watches as Lu Xun climbs into his own bed, expressionlessly shakes out the covers and places the pillow on his side of the bed with his head on it.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Lu Xun muffled, “I wanted my head on one side with you.”

“Yeah.” Ye Yao reached out and patted Lu Xun on the shoulder, “Good night and sweet dreams.”

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Late at night, Ye Yao falls asleep.

Lu Xun, of course, couldn’t sleep.

It was clear that he was lying in a single bed, but he felt that it was so big that it left him empty.

Sleeping alone in a single bed bed which was so big that he felt he was on his own.

He will no longer be able to sleep with Ye Yao.

Once he thought of this, Lu Xun couldn’t sleep any more, and he propped himself up from the bed to look at Ye Yao, who was not far away.

The night was so thick that he could not see the exact details, only a vague outline.

Ye Yao is lying on his side, with a small part of his face buried in the pillow. He is very quiet when he sleeps, his breathing is so shallow that if you were not close to him, you would never hear his breathing.

Lu Xun furtively reaches out to touch Ye Yao’s hair, the watery strands running through his fingers, making his irritable mood slightly better.

It’s just this semester, he and Ye Yao have many, many years ahead of them and will still be able to return to normalcy later.

He wanted to offer to rent a room, but Ye Yao probably wouldn’t agree. He had thought about moving out with Ye Yao when they first started living together in freshman year, but Ye Yao refused, thinking it was unnecessary and a waste of time on the road.

Forget it, it’s only one term? The countdown starts today and there are just a few months left before his sentence is completed.

Soon, he’ll hold out.


Soon it was time for the official start of classes.

Lu Xun had to be separated from Ye Yao when everyone had their first class and left the dormitory area.

Ye Yao waved his hand at Lu Xun, “Bye, see you at noon.”

Xiao Pang and Wen Ke joked cheekily, ” Don’t worry Brother Lu, we’ll take good care of him!”

“Make sure no one with bad intentions takes advantage of it!”

Ye Yao left with the other housemates, and Lu Xun thought it would be nice to see and talk to each other again at lunchtime, which didn’t seem so bad.

However, by the time he had finished his morning classes and wanted to be alone with Ye Yao again, Lu Xun realised that he had been naive.

After lunch, Ye Yao takes a short break to refresh and prepare for the afternoon session.

Lu Xun was able to say a few words, but only a few words to Ye Yao on his way to work. The words he imagined that he could hold Ye Yao and talk to his for a long time did not exist!

Lu Xun is severely depressed.

He did not sleep with Ye Yao at night, he did not go to class with Ye Yao during the day, and he could not even talk to Ye Yao more than once.

Is this a human life?

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Lu Xun told Ye Yao about his complaint, who laughed: “What’s that, that’s all there is to it.”

Lu Xun : “…… What did you say?”

“What I mean is,” Ye Yao said calmly, “when you work in the future, there will be more situations where we can’t see each other. You are not a CEO in an idol drama, you can go around every day without working, you have meetings and business trips, and you fly abroad to study. When the time comes, it will be common for us to meet once every ten days and a half months.

Lu Xun opened his mouth to say that even if he was busy, he couldn’t stay away from home for ten days and half a month, but before he could say it, he remembered Ye Yao’s earlier comment about using his card to buy a big villa by the sea for his date.

Although he is determined to find a way to die alone with Ye Yao, even if Ye Yao doesn’t find someone, he clearly doesn’t intend to live under the same roof as him, but wants the two to be neighbours.

It was also close, but as long as they were not in the same room, there was a risk that Ye Yao would come home from work but he would not know about it.

It may be true that we only get to meet Ye Yao once every long, long time in the future.

His heart felt like it was being gripped by a large, unforgiving hand, and Lu Xun’s face turned ugly.

Ye Yao knew that Lu Xun would not take it well, but he had to give him this shot in the arm.

“Don’t think about it so much, that’s what happens when a person grows up and enters society. When you retire in your 70s and 80s, we can probably go fishing every day.” Ye Yao said, “It would be fun to fish all day long.”

After comforting Lu Xun, Ye Yao goes to bed, but Lu Xun is still sitting in front of his desk.

Ye Yao says fishing together is fun, but it will be 40 or 50 years before we retire.

How is it so hard to grow up?

Why can’t people live with their friends every day when they grow up?


Sitting in the classroom in the afternoon, Lu Xun was bracing himself to listen to the teacher on the lectern while he could not restrain himself from wandering.

What is Ye Yao doing now? Are there any girls who are smitten by Ye Yao and secretly write little notes to Ye Yao?

Or is there a guy who sees Ye Yao’s beauty and tries to bend his?

It was too dangerous, how could Ye Yao live without him.

Lu Xun took out his mobile phone under his desk and sent Ye Yao a message. He didn’t send any actual content, just emojis like [Are you there? My Dibao], [Buy whatever you like, we have money, I’ll collect rubbish outside to feed you].

He used to send similar emojis when he had nothing to do or when he was thinking of Ye Yao, and Ye Yao would reply to him, usually at the end of class.

But the class was over and Ye Yao had not replied.

The second session ended and Ye Yao still hadn’t replied.

As Lu Xun was about to call directly, Ye Yao’s reply finally arrived.

Ye Yao sent him a fierce cat emoji with the words: [I caught you slacking off again, didn’t I?

Lu Xun was relieved and immediately replied: [What took you so long to reply, I waited for you until the sea dried up.

Ye Yao :【There was so much talk in class today that it gave me a headache, so I spent the time between classes reviewing what was said in class and didn’t look at my phone, sorry.

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Ye Yao, why are you still apologising to him, why are you so polite?

Lu Xun remembered that some people who I had heard of often didn’t reply to messages for half a day, and when asked, they were playing games and didn’t have time to reply, and the tone of voice was quite unpleasant, compared to him he was really happy.

Ye Yao has a lot of work to do over there, so he needs to make up for it, otherwise he won’t be able to keep up with his nutrition. So Lu Xun asked, “Let’s go out for a nice meal together in a few days? You have to combine work and rest with study.

Ye Yao did not reply immediately, Lu Xun was staring at the sign on the top chat box that he was typing, Ye Yao was writing and stopping, and after a long time of typing, he replied to him with one word: [OK.

Another message from Ye Yao: [Is it okay if I choose the restaurant?

What’s wrong with that? Ye Yao could just pick a restaurant and have him buy it.

Lu Xun replied in the affirmative and the lesson was over, so their conversation came to an end.

Satisfied with his weekend dinner date with Ye Yao, Lu Xun regained some energy and began to listen carefully.


Ye Yao’s choice of restaurant is a very interactive one, a restaurant that sells not only good food but also the song and dance that it can enjoy while dining.

Not only does the dancer dance on stage, but she also comes down and randomly selects the dining guests to dance with her.

Lu Xun had no objections, and at the end of the week, the two went together to the restaurant they had booked and sat down at their reserved seats.

They are in a good position, close to the stage and able to watch the show unobstructed.

After the two of them have finished ordering, Lu Xun starts to talk to Ye Yao, but before he can say two words, the singer’s pleasant voice comes on and drowns out his voice.

Lu Xun : “……”

Ye Yao was subdued, which was what he had picked this restaurant for: “Can’t hear what you’re saying, eat, we’ll eat and enjoy them singing while it’s just as nice not to talk.”

The chairs here are not fixed. Lu Xun, who is sitting opposite Ye Yao, stands up, picks up the chair he is sitting on and sets it up next to Ye Yao.

Lu Xun sits down on a chair with his knee touching Ye Yao’s knee and his calf touching Ye Yao’s calf.

“You can hear it when you sit here.” Lu Xun said with satisfaction.

Ye Yao : “……”

Oops, miscalculation, I can’t believe he didn’t think of that.

The food had not yet been served and they were so close together that Lu Xun reached out and grabbed Ye Yao’s hand, which was hanging at his side.

They hadn’t held hands for a long time, so Lu Xun was happy to be holding Ye Yao’s hand again and had a smile on his face.

“Do you want to go anywhere else tonight? It’s my treat.”

Ye Yao shook his head as he shook off his hand, unable to shake it off.

Ye Yao didn’t have a good excuse for not letting Lu Xun hold his hand yet, and said helplessly, “Holding hands in public, do you look like a kindergartener?”

“Such a coincidence, I’m only three years old.” Lu Xun said.

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Ye Yao looks longingly at Lu Xun: “I don’t really want a son.”

Lu Xun immediately changed his tune: “In one sentence, a three-year-old child becomes an adult in his 30s or 40s, what made him make such a radical change? From now on, I am your reliable haven.”

Ye Yao smiled, “Good, as expected of you, it seems that with a few more words, we can Brother Lu step straight through the void and become immortal cultivators.”

It was a gradual step to reasonably distance Lu Xun, not to mention that Ye Yao only wanted to distance herself to the extent of a normal, casual friend, so he certainly didn’t say nothing to Lu Xun.

This time has worked well and Ye Yao has now decided to take it easy on himself and casually joke around with Lu Xun.

Ye Yao poked fun at Lu Xun with a random episode of a TV drama: “When I booked this restaurant, I was wondering if it was your family’s property, but halfway through the meal, the manager came over and bowed to you, saying that he didn’t know Mr. Lu was here, so he was sorry to welcome you, and that today’s meal was all free.”

“Hmm?” Lu Xun mused, “So that’s what you like, I thought you liked to keep a low profile.” Lu Xun picked up his phone, “That’s not a no, I’ll call him now?”

Ye Yao : “……”

What’s going on, can this bullying scenario even be real?

Ye Yao hurriedly pressed Lu Xun’s phone, “I’m just kidding.”

Their order is served and Ye Yao beckons Lu Xun to start eating, finally getting some peace and quiet.

After the songs on stage came to an end, veiled dancers dressed in Western-style dance costumes took to the stage to give a dance performance.

They danced very well, with beautiful dance moves and rhythms. Ye Yao ate and watched, and thought it was worth the trip.

I don’t know how long he had been looking at it, but Lu Xun suddenly whispered in his ear, “You’re looking at it so intensely, do you look better than me?”

Ye Yao froze, glanced back at Lu Xun and put on a straight man’s uncomprehending expression: ” Lu Xun, you are a man, how can you think of comparing beauty with women? You are wrong to think that way. I’m a straight man, it’s normal for me to think that girls are better looking.”

In the ambient light of the restaurant, Lu Xun’s face is vaguely green.

At this point, the dancers on stage came off the stage and it was time for an interactive session where the dancers picked guests to dance with them. Those chosen did not have to be basic dancers, they just had to hold their hands to give them a fulcrum and watch them spin and jump. Of course, you can refuse to dance if you don’t want to.

Two curvaceous dancers approached Lu Xun and Ye Yao.

Lu Xun didn’t even look at it, frowning and refusing.

In the past, Ye Yao would have politely refused. But now he looked at the obviously female hand in front of him and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

By accepting this invitation this time, when Lu Xun wanted to hold his hand again in the future, he would have an excuse to say that Lu Xun’s hand felt completely different from a girl’s and that it felt strange and he didn’t want to hold it anymore.

He is now a straight man who has never held a girl’s hand before, so holding Lu Xun didn’t bother him. Now with this dance, an awakening!

Lu Xun, who was sitting next to Ye Yao, watched in disbelief as Ye Yao put his hand on it and stood up.

This behaviour, which was out of character for Ye Yao, made Lu Xun’s head explode.

Ye Yao wants to dance with someone else!

Ye Yao never even danced with him!

It’s over, it’s over, Ye Yao has seen the girl of his dreams!

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