Chapter 3 The Skills of the Proper Court

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Back in the dormitory, Ye Yao, who can’t stand the smell of sweat, goes to take a shower, while Lu Xun, who is in a good mood because of Ye Yao’s promise, sits at his desk and casually plays with his mobile phone.

With a smile on his lips, Lu Xun browsed around on various apps before clicking on the school’s anonymous forum.

Lu Xun doesn’t often use the school’s anonymous forum, so I was surprised at how busy it was. The first page of the forum was full of posts made only a short time ago, and there were three posts that were the most lively –

I’m straight and my boyfriend must be straight too, you know?

Ye Beauty – Hei Zi – Don’t Enter!

A new Lu Xun picture, at your leisure

Lu Xun raises an eyebrow and clicks on the first one on a hunch.

Once inside, the first thing that came to Lu Xun’s attention was a photo that had been P-popped.

The photo is from that game this afternoon, and in the centre of it, he and Ye Yao are gazing at each other across a few silhouetted teammates, and the poster has added pink bubbles to the two of them, with their gazes at each other drawn in red lines.

Poster: [Oooh, this stare-down, I don’t believe it when they say they are friends, there must be an affair between them!

This picture is so pink and dreamy, and with Ye Yao’s slightly aloof face, Lu Xun couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Lu Xun saved the image and happily continued to read on, seeing more pictures of the duo and speculation about his relationship with Ye Yao.

For example, when he hands Ye Yao a half-drunk glass of water, he must be trying to assert his sovereignty with an indirect kiss in public.

For example, by putting his arm around Ye Yao’s shoulders and retreating from the stage, he is telling his rival and his crush that these two handsome grasses have hooked up and that the stragglers should back off.

Lu Xun curled his lips, although he hadn’t had these thoughts in mind when he made these moves, he wasn’t offended by the good-natured banter. It would have been normal for him and Ye Yao to joke around with each other, and the pictures were well taken.

Lu Xun saved all the pictures in the building with one click and left satisfied.

Then, Lu Xun clicked on the second post – “Ye Beauty 舔颜楼”.

More than the interaction between the two, the pictures in this post focus on bringing Ye Yao’s face to maximum clarity in the shot.

Although Ye Yao always says that Lu Xun is the school boy, he is not bad looking himself at all.

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Unlike Lu Xun’s handsome features, Ye Yao’s features are more refined and softer. He is the kind of woman who would be called a beauty if he had long hair and wore women’s clothes.

It’s a gender-neutral look, so naturally there’s no shortage of people taking photos and licking their faces. The building was brimming with all kinds of beautiful photos and all kinds of licking statements.

Lu Xun slowly scrolled down the thread, carefully saving every single photo of Ye Yao, while going to see what others had to say.

Perhaps because it’s an anonymous forum, people have no qualms about speaking up.

[Oooh, my husband’s skin looks so thin, see the blush on his face, it’s not because his face is hot from exercise, it’s because he’s shy from seeing me!

Ye Yao held me for half an hour because you said that.

I can’t even bear to break your fantasy, after all, he has to hold me to sleep every night. The previous one is right, his skin is really thin, and when you gently bite his throat knot when you’re having sex, you can see him slowly turning pink, hehehe, it smells great.

Lu Xun stares at the last comment for a few seconds, opens the top left corner of the comment and clicks on Shibboleth Complaints.

Bullshit, he is the one who sleeps with Ye Yao every day, how come he doesn’t know that Ye Yao will turn pink when he licks it?

It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain a clear atmosphere on the forum.

Lu Xun continues to scroll down in a spirit of disbelief, and his face suddenly sinks when he sees a certain number of messages.

Unlike the jokes of a flirtatious nature that preceded it, the messages that follow are full of instant malice.

[A sissy, only you girls with no aesthetics will like it, not a bit of masculinity, disgusting, master vomited].

[So pretty, you’ll be crying for a long time after a punch. Oh, Mr. Ye, it’s better to take a bodyguard with you when you go out, otherwise who knows what might happen.]

[What normal man would play with him? Normal men look down on him, laughing.

These messages likewise made the rest of the building explode.

[Red lips and white teeth and cleanliness is a pussy? I know you’re fat and greasy!

[So fond of cursing with mother, do you have no mother?

[I said Hei Zi, don’t enter, don’t understand human language? Get out!

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In this moment, Lu Xun understood why the words Hei Zi Do Not Enter were in the title.

“Fuck, here we go again, you guys can’t even match Ye Yao by a finger, bunch of stinkers.”

The sound of angry cursing reached Lu Xun’s ears and when he looked over, he saw Wen Ke tapping his phone furiously, as if he was cursing at someone.

Lu Xun’s gaze catches Wen Ke’s attention and he looks up at Lu Xun for a moment before swishing his phone back behind him.

“Lu, Brother Lu, you’re in the dormitory too, I forgot all about it if you didn’t say anything.” Wen Ke laughed awkwardly.

“You’re reading that post too?” Lu Xun asked succinctly, “What’s going on?”

“…… Brother Lu you saw it too.” Wen Ke scratched his head and sighed, “There’s a bunch of trash that always attack Ye Yao’s looks on anonymous forums. It used to be fine, but since Ye Yao is getting more and more popular with the girls, those people have become more and more vicious. I think it’s better to hide it from Ye Yao, don’t let him get upset about the anonymous forums, those people wouldn’t dare to push in reality.”

The sound of the water in the bathroom stops and Ye Yao opens the bathroom door and comes out.

The wide white shirt makes him look even more plain and slender, and he holds a towel in one hand to wipe the drips from his hair, and a clothes pole in the other to collect the clothes hanging on the balcony.

After collecting his own, Ye Yao turned back to the house and asked, “Do you want me to help you with your clothes?”

“Yes!” Wen Ke adjusted his mind and gave Ye Yao a heart gesture, “There’s no reward, I’ll give my body in return.”

“That won’t work, there’s a proper court, no concubines.” Ye Yao smiled and turned back to help the others put their clothes away.

With a raised hand, his body shirt pulls and outlines his lean, narrow waist like an upright bamboo.

Looking at the back of such a figure, Lu Xun remembered something Ye Yao had told him in high school.

He was then quite curious as to why a standard good student like Ye Yao was fighting, not to mention being so skilled that he was on the verge of rivalling him as a professional bad student.

So after they had become acquainted, Lu Xun asked him about his doubts. At that time, Ye Yao looked at him with the delicate softness of a young man’s features.

Lu Xun has finally found out why.

At the age when Ye Yao was in primary and junior high school, before his features had grown, Ye Yao looked like a girl, even if he had his hair cut short.

And such a boy is too easily targeted by all sorts of strange people and easily ostracised and bullied by the boys in his class, so fighting is simply a necessary skill for him to learn.

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Ye Yao had used his strength to silence those people, but when he went to university, the vitriol grew again and hid in the gutter to discredit him.

“Brother Lu, I know you’re angry, but watch your expression when Ye Yao comes out,” Wen Ke whispered to Lu Xun, “There’s nothing we can do about them saying that in the anonymous section, and letting Ye Yao know will only make his angry for nothing. We can’t do anything about it.

Lu Xun pushes his phone back into his pocket and takes a long look at Ye Yao’s back.

“Who says there’s no way.” He stood up and curled his lips, “How can you be a proper court without some skills?”


The night is thick, and even in a busy metropolis there are dim places where the lights don’t shine.

Two short, chubby young men walk in pairs down a dimly lit path while exchanging thoughts about a fun night out.

“The one I found this time was quite a hit, slutty enough and good looking. Screams like a singer, you try it next time.” The triangle-eyed man reminisced.

The other garlic-nosed one shook his head, “Yours is too expensive too, I’ll stick with mine, it’s good value for money, and a little innocent, hey, I love that.”

“It’s okay,” the triangle-eyed man scratched his hair and made a style from his hand, not knowing what came to his mind, a smile appeared on his lewd face, “That girl praised me for being handsome. I’m only a hundred times more handsome than that Ye Yao. Those girls in the school really have no vision.”

The garlic nose gave a mock vomit, “That’s enough, what are you comparing yourself to him for, isn’t that trashing yourself? If you give him five hundred years of effort he won’t be able to catch up with your masculinity, just that little sissy, with skin as white as a woman’s, he’s not a man.”

The two men were like-minded and conversational, and the excitement of denigrating someone who wasn’t even there made them ignore the taller figure that appeared in front of them.

Both men were dumbfounded when they were kicked to the ground.

“Who the fuck are you, you’re sick!” Triangle Eyes raged.

No one could swallow the anger of being beaten up for no reason on the road, so they immediately got up from the ground and charged at the tall figure, waving their fists.

Two against one, they’re going to show this guy who messed with them what it means to regret today!

But the attack was deflected lightly and the light was too low for them to see how the man on the other side was moving before the pain came from their bodies and they were knocked to the ground again.

“Scream, why don’t you keep screaming?” Lu Xun sneered as he stomped on the body of the triangle-eyed man.

“Ahem ……” the man who was so arrogant and unbeatable just now was now trembling, his voice took on a curt tone under the absolute crushing force value, “I have no enmity with you, did you identify the wrong person brother? ”

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“No grudges, no hatred.” Lu Xun repeated these words, his foot intensifying as the person he was stepping on let out a cry of pain, “Do you not know this so well when you hide in anonymous forums and attack people?”

At this point in the conversation, the two men who had fallen to the ground understood: “You’re here to take it out on Ye Yao? How did you …… know it was us, you hacked the forum to check the ip? You got the wrong person – uhhh!”

The words came to a screeching halt and the triangle of eyes curled into a ball of agony as Lu Xun brought his feet up.

“I don’t even think I’d get my hands dirty if I beat you.” Lu Xun laughed coldly, “Those who can’t control their lower bodies, don’t even take a look in the mirror, are you any better than him?”

No one passed by on the remote and dark path, and the fight, which was so vastly different in strength, was unseen.

Lu Xun ended the fight and was about to leave when he heard the voices of the two men who couldn’t suppress their resentment: “We are all men, what are we pretending …… we can’t control our lower bodies, how much better can Ye Yao be, how many times has he let you fuck him and you are so protective of him? Ha, just you alone, can not satisfy his hunger, right.”

Lu Xun stopped in his tracks, his face sinking a little as he listened to the words.

How can Ye Yao …… easily develop such low-level desires. It is disrespectful to Ye Yao just to think about it in your head and to associate it with Ye Yao.

It was the pure white colour he had seen in the mud and chaos, unsullied and never tainted with filth.

Lu Xun sneered and turned around, once again walking towards the two men who had fallen to the ground.


Ye Yao had no idea what had happened to Lu Xun, let alone that he was as clear-headed as an immortal in Lu Xun’s mind. He lay on his bed and sent Lu Xun a message, and put his mind at ease when he received Lu Xun’s message [I’m almost done with my big homework mistake, I’ll be right back].

After a moment’s hesitation, Ye Yao clicked into the anonymous forum.

Ye Yao ignored the post about himself and clicked into the post about Lu Xun.

There is a trail of Lu Xun photos, which Ye Yao saves one by one in a private album, pausing again when he sees a particular photo.

It was a picture of Lu Xun wiping his sweat with the hem of his jersey raised as he played, his abdominal muscles and the sweat on them covered with a warm glow from the setting sun, making the whole picture look even more sexy.

Ye Yao purses his lips and somewhat distractedly pokes his finger at the photo on his phone screen.

He knows the feel of those abs, the warmth of that skin, and the longing he feels from the bottom of his heart at every intimate touch, the desire to go further.

Solely because Lu Xun doesn’t know, he will try to keep his distance as a good friend and keep this secret buried in his heart, forever.

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