Chapter 44 From now on you are not my friend

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It is only a few steps from the dormitory to the outside, and if the door is open Ye Yao can be out in the blink of an eye.

But the door was closed.

The door was even closed by Ye Yao himself, as he wanted to watch variety shows with Lu Xun without being disturbed by the sounds from outside.

Unlocking the door and pulling it open are two simple actions that in normal times would be inconsequential, but now they are the difference between success and failure for Ye Yao.

Ye Yao is held tightly.

“What are you running for?” Lu Xun’s low voice sounded behind him.

It was difficult for Ye Yao to answer this question, and he slowly turned back to meet Lu Xun’s direct gaze.

Lu Xun’s face is smooth and sharp in its contours, and his eyes are narrow with deep sockets, giving him an oppressive look when he looks at someone without smiling.

Lu Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, “Not even giving me an explanation, running away after ruining my innocence?”

Ye Yao couldn’t say that he didn’t mean it as a defence – because it was indeed deliberate on his part.

He deliberately tested Lu Xun, deliberately guiding his to put his head up and then turning his head for a kiss when he was unsuspecting.

“…… sorry.” Ye Yao said, “It was my fault.”

“An apology? I don’t want an apology from you.” Lu Xun gave a meaningless laugh as he pressed further into Ye Yao’s ear, air currents running into Ye Yao’s ear as he spoke, “It’s the first time I’ve ever been kissed, you know?”

Ye Yao knew, of course, that again, it was just the first time he had kissed someone.

…… But then again, accidentally brushing the corner of your lips like that shouldn’t really be considered a real kiss.

Such a not-quite-kissing gesture caused a chain reaction he didn’t expect.

It’s not that he’s repulsed or unable to accept it, it’s just that it’s so sudden that he inevitably feels …… nervous at this time of transition in his relationship with Lu Xun.

Ye Yao said tentatively, “Or should I recuse myself for now and we can talk about this later?”

Lu Xun steadied his voice and refused, “I don’t want to talk about it later, I want to talk about it now, you’ve ruined my innocence and I want compensation.”

Lu Xun just stared at Ye Yao for a moment.

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He was so close to Ye Yao that he inhaled the scent of Ye Yao’s clothes into his nostrils. He was surrounded by a fragrance that belonged exclusively to Ye Yao and that he would never forget.

His face was still warm and hot where Ye Yao’s lips had brushed against it, and Lu Xun’s throat twitched slightly as he restrained his hand from moving and gently cupping the snow-white cheek.

The feel of the hand was a million times better than he could have imagined, and just the simple touch of it made him tremble with excitement.

Ye Yao’s lips pursed as he cupped his face, the flesh of his cheeks puckered slightly as he pressed them together. It was almost as if every inch of it had grown to that favourite spot of his.

Lu Xun felt his throat go dry and thirsty as he lowered his voice to coax, “You let me do what I just did, give you a kiss, and do things fairly, right?”

The eyelashes of the person in front of me are long, and when they twitch they look like the wings of a black butterfly, with a fragile beauty.

Ye Yao also looks tense, pinned against the door by Lu Xun, with the bustling corridor just beyond it and the faint sound of other hostelers talking and footsteps as they pass by.

Ye Yao nodded lightly.

Lu Xun’s mouth curved and he hurriedly came forward.


He finally got to kiss Ye Yao as he wished and in all honesty.

It smells so good, his mouth and body are covered with the aroma of Ye Yao that he loves.

Lu Xun does not start the kiss at the corner of the mouth, but at the earlobe.

These are the things that he tries to do in his pursuit of Ye Yao, and they are the seals that he uses to restrain his actions. He did not want to make Ye Yao unhappy, he did not want to alienate Ye Yao’s heart from him.

Lu Xun doesn’t know what he would have done if he hadn’t restrained himself. Perhaps on the Ferris wheel at that amusement park he would have pinned Ye Yao to the glass and forced Ye Yao to kiss him in that small space where there was no escape.

Or over a delicious sauce while eating hot pot together, devouring the prey that automatically jumps into his arms.

He sealed the seal tightly, but with Ye Yao’s nod, the seal was broken and something not so good crawled out of the deep well.

This is what Ye Yao allows, Ye Yao will not be unhappy, he can …… do what he wants to do.

It has been too long since he has been this close to Ye Yao.

Ye Yao’s earlobe is thin and cool, and Lu Xun brings his lips to it, breathing heavily because of the softness.

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Ye Yao felt that something was wrong and he tried to turn his head over to look while uttering, “…… Lu Xun ?”

Lu Xun holds Ye Yao’s cheek in place, preventing Ye Yao from moving or escaping.

The kiss moved slowly from the earlobe to the cheek.

Lu Xun’s heart almost overwhelms him with a surge of joy at the warmth of Ye Yao’s snowy white skin, and this excitement is carried over into his movements as well.

Ye Yao’s cheek was sunken into the bridge of his nose, and the soft flesh of his cheek was rubbed back and forth, making his happy to be in contact with his lover, but also making his body tense with this wonderful feeling he had never experienced before.

Ye Yao could not breathe without being kissed on the mouth, and he spoke with some difficulty, ” Lu Xun? I don’t think …… did that, did I?”

How can you kiss so …… much as if you were a different person?

Lu Xun’s nose rested against Ye Yao’s face and sniffed, his voice husky: “It smells so good, even better than yours …….”

“What did you say?” Ye Yao said hesitantly.

Without further explanation, Lu Xun continued on to his next destination.

The corners of their lips meet, Ye Yao’s chin pinched by Lu Xun, his head spinning and the corners of his lips burning.

Ye Yao had a strong feeling that Lu Xun was not just trying to kiss him on the corner of his mouth, but was actually going to kiss him.

In the most enthusiastic way.

“Bang, bang, bang–”

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Xiao Pang’s voice rang out, “We’re back, Ye Yao Brother Lu, help open the door! We can’t open it with the key, how strange is that?”

Startled, Ye Yao pushed Lu Xun off his body and said hurriedly, “Go back to bed or to the bathroom and clean yourself up before you come out so they don’t find out.”

Ye Yao pushed Lu Xun to the edge of the bed and watched Lu Xun take a deep breath before rolling onto the bed, only then wiping his own face with his sleeve and opening the door.

“Tough break Ye Yao–ugh? Why is your face so red?” Wen Ke was surprised.

Ye Yao wiped his face again and smiled as calmly as he could, “Oh, my skin is a bit sensitive with the recent change of season.”

“In that case, you should be careful then, I have a hydrating and moisturising cream for winter here, you take some of it and rub it on?”

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As Ye Yao and the others talk downstairs, Lu Xun sits on the bed, his mind dizzy from the aroma, his senses coming back to him.

He recalled the surprise and astonishment in Ye Yao’s voice when he couldn’t restrain himself from kissing him.

He actually knew why Ye Yao was surprised, because his image was a bit different from the usual.

In the past, he used to keep Ye Yao in the dark when he wanted to do something bad.

For example, he doesn’t want Ye Yao to have the energy to have a girlfriend, so he intentionally bumps into a tree and hurts his leg to get Ye Yao’s attention. But he would never tell Ye Yao that he hit the tree himself, he would only say that he was hit by someone else.

For example, he did not accept Ye Yao’s distancing, so he would try every possible way to follow him, following Ye Yao to lunch without Ye Yao’s knowledge, staring at Ye Yao from afar and watching Ye Yao so that he could eat.

For example, he stays up in the middle of the night and sneaks in the darkness to lift Ye Yao’s curtains and look at Ye Yao’s silhouette while he sleeps.

There is much, much more, all of which Ye Yao does not know.

So he is seen by Ye Yao as cheerful and warm to his acquaintances, probably sometimes overbearing in things he shouldn’t be, and a bit overbearing, like preventing Ye Yao from getting a girlfriend, but generally quite normal, except that the two of them are inseparable.

But just now, he accidentally gave away a little something out of the ordinary.

He is extremely possessive and exclusive of Ye Yao, and obsessed with licking Ye Yao’s entire body. Such extreme feelings may not be accepted by everyone, and some may feel suffocated and scared and want to run away.

…… He has to exercise restraint and hide any excessive, potentially discomforting emotions from Ye Yao.


Ye Yao also got into bed after thanking Wen Ke for the cream.

The bed curtain enclosed his bed so that the others could not see him and he could not see the others.

Ye Yao was hesitant to lift the curtain on Lu Xun’s side of the bed. After what had just happened, it would be wrong for him to think that Lu Xun was a straight man.

What kind of straight man’s first reaction to being kissed by another man would be that?

If that’s straight, then he can say he’s straight too, he’s straight in steel.

And Lu Xun kissed him with …… too much enthusiasm, if this state can act, Lu Xun does not go across the industry to become the entertainment industry’s best acting boss is really a waste.

Rationally, he should have lifted the bed curtain and spoken to Lu Xun.

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But he and Lu Xun had just kissed, and the other couples had gone home to their own mothers after the kiss, lying in their beds recalling the details of the kiss. He and Lu Xun, on the other hand, are a bit awkward, seeing each other from the other side of the bed, the distance provided by the thin curtain.

…… or tomorrow?

Ye Yao was thinking when he saw a bony hand reach out from Lu Xun’s side, through the gap between the bed curtain and the wall, and flex its fingers to knock on the wall.

Then there was the head of a furry doll bear poking out from behind the curtain of the bed, its round eyes looking up at him.

“Is anyone there, is anyone home, can I come in?”

With a sense of helpless embarrassment and inexplicable exhilaration, Ye Yao lifted the bed curtain.

This time, Lu Xun pokes his upper body in.

The bed curtain separated this little side of the world and they both looked at each other, neither of them speaking first.

Ye Yao couldn’t hold back and laughed first.

When he smiled, Lu Xun smiled too.

The tall, cool man with a handsome brow and a smile in his eyes was joking with Ye Yao: “What are you smiling at, happy to see me?”

“Well,” Ye Yao’s hands under the covers scratched the sheets as he said frankly, “Happy.”

Lu Xun was stunned by Ye Yao’s directness, but he looked back and beckoned Ye Yao to come closer.

So Ye Yao leaned over and heard Lu Xun whisper to him, “I’m really not straight, from now on I’ll chase you, don’t see me as a straight guy pretending to be gay, okay?”

It turns out that Lu Xun wanted to talk to him about this.

“I’m sure you’re not straight anymore.” Ye Yao looked at Lu Xun for a moment and then looked away, and he whispered, “You should stop chasing too.”

Lu Xun’s face changed slightly, but he still smiled forcefully: “Why should I? It’s my freedom, I can go after them if I want to, you’re in no position to stop me.”

Ye Yao couldn’t hold back another laugh as he reached out and took Lu Xun’s fingertips in his hand.

“I promised you.” Ye Yao had a smile in his voice, “It’s not impossible that you don’t want to take it and still want to continue to enjoy the chase.”

Lu Xun went from the 18th floor of hell to heaven again in half a second, and he even saw the holy light of heaven.

In the holy light, the beautiful angel said to him, “From now on you will not be my friend, you will be my boyfriend, understand?”

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