Chapter 51 In front of me in future

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There was silence inside the dormitory, as if time had frozen.

There are footsteps, one step at a time, coming towards Ye Yao.

Ye Yao’s back straightened, there was no point in playing the ostrich now, so he slowly straightened up and closed the wardrobe door.

Ye Yao’s feelings were quite mixed, he hadn’t quite figured out how to face Lu Xun. He wanted to seriously criticise and educate Lu Xun, but he also wanted to tell Lu Xun that he could speak up if he wanted to do such things, and he also wanted to grab Lu Xun and beat him up.

At the same time, of course, he was also a bit afraid that Lu Xun would choose to rip off his disguise if he broke the secret. Isn’t that what they often do in TV dramas, where the protagonist breaks the villain’s bad deeds and the villain smiles grimly and says, “Now that you know, I won’t pretend anymore.”

It really is like an onion that can be peeled back layer after layer, with each layer giving him a new …… surprise.

The sound of footsteps came up behind Ye Yao.

Ye Yao decided he couldn’t be cowardly, so he preempted him and lowered his voice, “What do you have to say?”

Ye Yao did not turn around, remaining oriented towards Lu Xun at the back of the front wardrobe, so that he could not see Lu Xun’s expression and would not give away his own.

Ye Yao did not immediately receive a reply from Lu Xun, whose hand with the ring was shaken.

The grip on his hand was careful in its strength, as if he was unhappy if it was heavy, and he shrugged it off if it was light.

Lu Xun is in a weak state of mind.

Lu Xun was afraid he would get angry.

Lu Xun is in his element.

As soon as this move was made Ye Yao knew he had the upper hand, and with that seeming apprehension in his mind dropped, Ye Yao asked again, “Are my clothes okay to touch?”

“Hmm.” Lu Xun said.

Ye Yao continued, “What’s different from yours? We both bought the same model, be honest with me.”

Ye Yao also knows that he is asking a nonsense question. For Lu Xun, the fact that a garment has been worn by him is probably the most important difference, and the feeling he gets when he touches it is completely different.

But he wanted Lu Xun to say it himself, to tell him about this wild desire. He would then slowly lead the way and rationalise everything.

There is no need for concealment between the two of them, only honesty.

The scene was also mentally tense for Lu Xun, who was subconsciously trying to cheer Ye Yao up, trying to comply with Ye Yao’s wishes, given his serious expression.

He really couldn’t think of a sensible excuse anyway.

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“Your clothes, they smell better than mine.” Lu Xun says.

Ye Yao : “Hmmm, nice touch …… nice smell?”

Ye Yao : “……”

Lu Xun : “……”

Ye Yao’s face gradually becomes expressionless.

He pulled the hand he was holding out and moved the joints of his hand.

He will not, today, be a civilized man.


Ye Yao had the upper hand in this fight, as Lu Xun did not fight back at him at all.

Ye Yao could not really do anything to Lu Xun, but it was Lu Xun who began to feel distressed.

“Does it hurt to hit your hand, or would you sit on the sidelines and watch me beat myself up?”

Ye Yao was really pissed off: “How dare you say that, you want me to hit you some more, don’t you?”

Lu Xun did not speak, his eyes narrowed at Ye Yao.

Ye Yao’s attitude was much better than he expected …….

He thought Ye Yao would find out what he had done, get angry, reprimand him, or accept that he was simply distant. Or he thought that a normal person would never do this and forcefully order him to correct himself, panicking when confronted with him, imagining all the worst consequences of exposure.

But none of this, even Ye Yao punched him with such lightness, not really trying to make him feel the pain.

He was certain that Ye Yao was not really accepting of his behaviour, as Ye Yao was dumbfounded when he found out. He was not wrong in his initial analysis that Ye Yao was introverted and probably did not like him.

But even so, Ye Yao did not shout insults at him and distanced himself from him.

His preferences, which seemed odd to outsiders, a little too strong for many people to accept under this act, were embraced by Ye Yao with great effort.

The heart melts like it’s being soaked in warm water.


Ye Yao finally packed his backpack and had dinner with Lu Xun before heading to the house where he was staying for his extra lessons.

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Lu Xun glances at him from time to time on the road, and he also sneaks glances at him during meals, so many times that Ye Yao can’t even pretend he doesn’t see him.

“Still angry Brother Ye?” Lu Xun asked tentatively.

Ye Yao’s face was expressionless: “What do you think, what other surprises do you have that I don’t know about?”

That’s a lot, Lu Xun said evasively, “No.”

Ye Yao did not believe such words at all, and with a sneer, he continued on his way.

Probably because they lived close to each other, they ran into Ms. Wang and Wang Xue, who had returned from somewhere.

Wang Xue’s eyes widened at the sight of the two of them walking hand in hand, while Ms. Wang was a little surprised but accepted it quickly.

“Did you just get back from a date?” Ms. Wang asked.

Ye Yao did not retort and smiled at Ms. Wang, “What a coincidence, you and Wang Xue have just finished eating too?”

“Yes, I went to the provinces a few days ago and I didn’t see him for a few days, so I took him out to eat something nice today. Ms. Wang said, “I gave him a prayer that I said was very spiritual, hoping that it would bless him to get into the first grade.”

Lu Xun suddenly spoke up and asked, “A very spiritual wish?”

“Are you interested in this too Little Lu?” Ms. Wang got interested in chatting, “The temple is said to be very spiritual, but it only works best when you pray for the first time, so you have to think about what you want to ask for the first time, if you are interested I will send you the address of the temple?”

Ye Yao himself doesn’t believe in such things so he doesn’t say anything, but Lu Xun, who is close to him, is a true superstitious person on demand and will believe in anything he hears works. If it ends well, Lu Xun will think it is really good, but if it turns out to be bad or not, Lu Xun will immediately rebuke the feudal superstition.

Ye Yao watched Lu Xun and Ms. Wang exchange information about the location of the temple, which was said to be very spiritual, and Ms. Wang sent Lu Xun a prayer process.

They thanked Ms. Wang and left, while Ye Yao opened the prayer process to which he had also been sent a copy and looked at it.

The whole process is uncomplicated; the wish is written on a piece of talisman paper said to have been enchanted by a master, then threaded onto a string and hung from an ancient tree that has grown for who knows how many years.

The process makes a point of emphasising that because the first time is the most spiritual, it is important to write the wish that you most want to be granted on the first prayer.

Ye Yao’s eyes twitched slightly as he looked at Lu Xun next to his.

Lu Xun is also watching with him, looking serious.

“Want to go?” Ye Yao asked.

“It’s May Day in a while, so it’s a five-day weekend in a row.” Lu Xun bumped Ye Yao’s shoulder, “Shall we go together?”

Ye Yao looked over the whole process again without moving a muscle and had an idea in mind.

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Theoretically, any talisman that can be hung by Lu Xun can be taken down by him.

…… This is a great opportunity to get a glimpse into Lu Xun’s innermost thoughts.

With the qualification of being the first and most spiritual, he was able to confront Lu Xun directly with the deepest longings of his heart.

Normally, most people pray for themselves, writing wishes such as [all things come to mind, all things go well], [your partner loves you forever], [make a fortune] and so on.

Lu Xun would have understood if he had prayed that he would always love him, or that they would always be together, or that the contract would not be about him but about his career and his health. These are perfectly normal thoughts, and Lu Xun has lived up to the trust he has placed in him.

If Lu Xun writes something like [ashes buried together in the same grave], or [dying together] …… then he may have to probe a little further into why Lu Xun would think of writing something like this and look into how to slowly bring Lu Xun’s ideas back.

Ye Yao closes the phone and exhales.

Lu Xun is still trying to hit his shoulder when Ye Yao reaches out and holds him down.

“Well, come along.” Ye Yao said.


The last time they came to the house with Lu Xun for a tutorial, they slept in one room, but this time Lu Xun was clearly not so disciplined.

Lu Xun stayed in Ye Yao’s house, and as the time approached eleven o’clock in the evening, Lu Xun did not move, not having the slightest intention of going back, but looking at Ye Yao from time to time.

“Doing what?” Ye Yao asked, “You’ve already poured me my fifth cup of tea.”

Lu Xun leaned over, “It is late at night, shall I serve Your Majesty and rest?”

Ye Yao glanced at the inner bedroom, “That’s where Consort Xiong slept before, you want to be on top?”

“That stinking bear really did sleep in the bed!” Lu Xun gritted his teeth and watered, “I thought I was the queen, have I been relegated to the cold palace?”

Many things are said in the form of jokes, and Ye Yao looks at Lu Xun a few more times.

“Not relegated to the cold palace.” Ye Yao drank the tea Lu Xun poured for him and opened his arms, allowing Lu Xun to pick him up, “Serve in bed.”


With the lights off, Ye Yao is cradled in a familiar intensity.

They held each other face to face, their breaths melting together, hot.

The room is well soundproofed so that no sounds from outside can be heard, and the silent darkness is perfect for making out.

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But Lu Xun wasn’t eager to make out today, and Ye Yao listened to Lu Xun open his mouth.

Lu Xun looks like he is struggling with his choice of words, and his speech is not as crisp as usual.

” Ye Yao , that thing today ……” Ye Yao was hugged tighter, Lu Xun looked like he was afraid he would run away and tugged him into his arms.

Lu Xun’s voice was muffled, “I’m sorry, I’ll try to change, don’t be angry and don’t ignore me.”

Ye Yao said softly, “Decided to change?”

“Hmm.” Lu Xun replied.

They were so close that they even rested on the same pillow, and Ye Yao could feel the hot breath exhaled by Lu Xun as he spoke.

“It’s not impossible not to change.” Ye Yao says.

“Hmm …… hmm?” Lu Xun sat straight up, “What did you say?”

“I said, it’s okay if you don’t change.” Ye Yao repeated what he had just said, and seeing Lu Xun about to enter a state of shocked ecstasy, he hastily added the words that followed, “But when you want to do these things, you have to tell me or do them in front of me, you can’t sneak around behind my back and hide it from me, okay?”

Lu Xun’s breath caught in his throat, “In front of you?”

“Hmm.” Ye Yao replied.

Lu Xun took Ye Yao’s hand in his, palm on fire: “I want to try it now, in front of you.”

Ye Yao : “……”

Lu Xun waited for a while, but when he heard no objection from Ye Yao, he got out of bed and went straight to the small wardrobe in Ye Yao’s bedroom.

Ye Yao Yao was lying motionless on the bed when he heard the wardrobe door being opened.

He could not get a clear view of Lu Xun’s figure, but could only faintly see Lu Xun fumbling around in the wardrobe for a while, getting hold of a piece of clothing before pulling his upper body out of the wardrobe and burying his head down on that clothing.

Even in the darkness of the night, the scene was still too powerful for Ye Yao.

Ye Yao closed his eyes and pretended he saw nothing.

But there were still voices burrowing into his ears.

“Ye Yao ……” Lu Xun’s voice was low and inexplicably sexy in the cool night air.


Ye Yao couldn’t help but curse inwardly, burying his burning face under the covers.

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