Chapter 69 - Never hold hands with a man in this life

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Ye Yao froze for a moment, quickly coming back to his senses.


This obviously cannot be Lu Xun trying to shake his hand, it can only be Lu Xun trying to take his hand away, but very unfortunately choosing to withdraw at the same time and in the same direction as him.


This can be a real misfortune for someone who abhors physical contact with men.


Ye Yao withdrew her hand to her side and returned to the counter to take some papers and put them in front of Lu Xun.


Lu Xun's stern face was so fierce and unfriendly that he seemed ready to stand up and fight Ye Yao in the next moment.


"Here you go." Ye Yao said.


The sullen school bully took a paper towel from Ye Yao and wiped the corner of the table, which had been slightly wetted by the frozen lemonade.


Ye Yao: "It's not for you to wipe the table ...... Forget it, it's all right."


Lu Xun looked over with a frown, "What did you say?"


"I didn't say anything." It looked like Lu Xun didn't want to talk about it, so Ye Yao didn't mention it either, "I'll go back to work, call me if you need anything."


Lu Xun watched in silence as Ye Yao turned back, threw the paper towel into the bin below, and then held the cold lemonade in the hand that had come into contact with Ye Yao.


...... touching Ye Yao's hand did not make him feel sick.


Probably because they are friends, it's normal for friends to hook up and high five each other once in a while.


All sorts of confusing thoughts flew through Lu Xun's mind.

Who said that to be friends you had to touch boxing palms, but mental communication was enough?


There is also a difference between this and a high five, which is a finger touch, which is a bit disgusting to think about.


But Ye Yao is fine, he is a straight man like him, and he is clean and tidy.


...... He wouldn't be the first friend to come across Ye Yao's hand, would he?


The door of the tea shop was opened, the wind chimes rang a few times, and there were lively and cheeky male voices.


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"Ye, we've come to see you!"


Lu Xun looked up and saw some other boys from his class.

They had probably just finished playing football, their hair was still a bit wet and they were laughing and joking as they walked up to the counter to talk to Ye Yao.


The shop is quite noisy and Lu Xun cannot hear the full conversation, only an occasional sentence or two, as Ye Yao hands over the finished drinks.


The table in front of him had been talking and Lu Xun was able to hear Ye Yao's conversation with the boys.


"Let's play together in a few days, we haven't been able to play together for a while."


"OK, I'll do Thursday and Friday." Ye Yao said.


"If you come I'll ask the group from Class 3 to fight, I'm not convinced that I lost last time!"

"If you don't come, you won't be my dear daddy anymore!"


The boy in black put his hand out in a waiting high-five motion, "It's a deal, Ye, no cheating!"


Ye Yao gave his friends a brief high five, joked with them some more and watched them leave.


The calm was restored and Lu Xun lowered his eyes and averted his gaze, his aura of being unapproachable intensifying.


I have to say that the more you look at the topics in the textbooks, the more annoying they become.


* The workday is over.

At the end of the working hours, Ye Yao changed her clothes and took her backpack backstage and walked over to Lu Xun's table.


Their budding school bully is probably in a grumpy mood with his homework, frowning and not looking half as good as he should.


Ye Yao thought there was probably something wrong with him. Anyway, when he saw someone who was not studying start to study, he was in a happy mood, even if the person looked like he was going to beat up the person who came up with the question.

It's good that we are all the future pillars of our country.


"Have you finished writing? Lend me a copy." Ye Yao said it in an extremely natural way.


Lu Xun scattered his pen fiercely and clasped his hands, leaning back in his chair, "How can you possibly finish writing so many questions?"


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Ye Yao sits down opposite Lu Xun, pulls Lu Xun's workbook over to look at it and raises an eyebrow.


"I can't believe you've written these questions." Ye Yao said, "I saw you sleeping in class, you can write this too."


The fierce school bully didn't seem so fierce: "...... Does this even need to be said?"


Ye Yao took out her own workbook and started copying, saying as she did so, "Can I borrow your homework again? It's much faster this way."


Lu Xun's expression stiffens slightly, and if the person who said this to him had been someone else, Lu Xun feels he could have immediately gone into cynical mode.


What a joke, someone expects to copy his homework from now on! If you don't have the time to do it, don't turn it in. If you don't have the guts to be criticised by the teacher for not turning it in, then you're thinking of copying it.


He could not have followed the rules and done his homework even if he had run away from home for three years and jumped off a building.


But now the person sitting opposite him and saying this to him is Ye Yao.

...... Ye Yao is so serious about his studies that he must really not have time to write.


It was rare to make a friend with a personality and temperament so to his liking that it was probably not a good idea to reject him outright.


Lu Xun stiffened his face, "You can borrow someone else's."

Lu Xun suddenly changed his tone: "You can borrow the homework of the group of friends who just came to see you. The one who high-fived you looks good to me, she seems to be doing well in her studies."


Ye Yao is not interested in having someone who is already doing his homework on time lend it to him to copy, he is more interested in getting someone to write who wouldn't otherwise open a book.


"It's not like they're at my table, it's not convenient." Ye Yao said, "After all, you're the one at my table."


Lu Xun's expression is not so bad.

The teacher had put them together at the same table because she wanted Ye Yao, who was the class president, to control his discipline, and probably also because she wanted Ye Yao, who was top of the class, to give him a lecture on what he didn't understand when he had time.


Who would have thought that the tide would turn and instead of asking Ye Yao questions, Ye Yao would start copying his work.


In a good mood, Lu Xun changed his mind.


"Depends on my mood." Lu Xun said.


After copying their homework, the two of them came out of the milk tea shop and rode home.


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Lu Xun has rented a house in the neighbourhood that he likes in every way. It is not far from Ye Yao's neighbourhood and is on the same road, so we can walk together.


When they came to the fork in the road, Lu Xun was about to say a cool "let's go" and part ways with Ye Yao when he was told to stop again.


Ye Yao stopped the car, propped one leg on the ground and turned his head towards Lu Xun.


"Do you live alone?" Ye Yao asked.


"I don't live alone, do I have to share a room with someone?" Lu Xun asks rhetorically.

He would never share a room, not in his life. The thought of sharing a room with someone else in a house that belonged to him was annoying, and he preferred to be alone.


Ye Yao tapped his fingers on the handlebars and the breeze blew up his collar and hair against the blue sky and green trees.


Such a young man looked at Lu Xun with a serious look on his face, not a joking one.


"Take down my number and call me if you need anything." Ye Yao said, "Living alone out here can be a lot of trouble, no need to be polite about such things. I've lived here for more than ten years and I'm much more familiar with it than you are."


Lu Xun is a rebellious man, born into a wealthy family, he has heard too many people say with affection that they want to help him and take care of him, but he won't let them, he wants to confront them.


But now that Ye Yao is the one who says it, Lu Xun intuits that there is a lot of sincerity in it.

Although we hadn't spent a lot of time together, it was clear that Ye Yao had a lot of time on his hands. If he wasn't really worried, how could he have given him a piece of unknown time.


Lu Xun fished his mobile phone out of his pocket in silence, deposited Ye Yao's number as Ye Yao said and looked at Ye Yao again.


The rebellious school bully, a little unused to this warmth, raised his eyebrows with a bad smile and said in a joking tone, "Aren't you afraid I'll call you at two or three in the middle of the night?"


"It doesn't matter." Ye Yao smiled a light smile, "Anytime, it doesn't matter about such things."


Ye Yao pedals up, "Let's go."


The young man rode away on his bike, the breeze blowing his school uniform and making his back even thinner and thinner.


* Lu Xun

Lu Xun went home, ordered himself a takeaway for dinner and then started to do nothing.


Normally he would go out and play basketball, or if he didn't want to go out, he would watch TV or play a game to pass the time, but he has no interest in any of that now for some reason.


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Lu Xun lies on the sofa for a while, bored, then goes to the study and pulls out a book from his desk.


Never mind, just take a look, in case he is in a good mood to copy Ye Yao's homework and do it slowly one day.


There is magic in the open book, Lu Xun reads it for about ten minutes and closes his eyes.


Having fallen asleep on his desk at 7 or 8 pm, Lu Xun woke up at almost 1 am.


There is a slight tickle in his throat and Lu Xun coughs a few times, intending to leave the study and return to his bedroom for another nap.


Lu Xun was about to close the open window when he saw a slightly familiar figure on the far side of the road opposite the study.


It was too far away to see, so Lu Xun took his phone out and found the photo function to zoom in on that one spot, and it was always clear.

It was Ye Yao and a woman who looked to be in her thirties leaving the taxi, Ye Yao was holding the woman up so that she could walk without effort. The woman occasionally reaches up to cover her mouth and looks like she is coughing.


Ye Yao walked around the corner and disappeared.


Lu Xun made a quick judgement that the woman was probably Ye Yao's sick mother, and because she had suddenly become unwell in the middle of the night, Ye Yao had taken her to the hospital and was just now returning.


Lu Xun associates himself with it.


...... Before Ye Yao said that to him, was it because he was afraid that he would be alone at home sick and unattended, so he was specifically instructed to call at any time?


There is an indescribable feeling in the heart, not the urge to continue to confront people.


With Ye Yao no longer visible on the street, Lu Xun puts his phone down and leaves the study for his bedroom.


Silence and solitude envelop you as you lie in a wide bed.


Lu Xun tossed and turned, took out his phone, looked at the newly added mobile number again and set it as his first contact.


Having done so, he was content and closed his eyes in silence.




What the author has to say.

The extra story will be fast paced and will quickly move into the stage where the heart wants to be the best friend in the world without knowing it haha

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