Lin Wen immediately took a car to Huai Town, while Qin Luoshuang continued to bury herself in the pile of affairs like a mountain.

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As soon as he arrived at the First Hospital, Lin Wen saw a large group of people surrounding Zhao Minggong's ward. They were all cadres, officials, and some key members of the Nationalist Party who came to visit.

They were all stopped by the head nurse, who said without any politeness, "Vice Sheriff Zhao needs quiet! He needs rest! No one is allowed to disturb him. Ah, Sheriff Lin is here, come this way."

Lin Wen walked into the ward and immediately saw Zhao Minggong lying on the bed, as well as Li Xiaoli who was crying beside him.

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"Ah, Lin Wen, you're here."

Zhao Minggong smiled and said. He looked much weaker, with sunken cheeks, white hair, and dark circles around his eyes.

But his spirit was good, without any signs of depression.

Lin Wen nodded silently, sat down beside him, and only said, "Don't worry, you will get better soon."

Zhao Minggong smiled and said, "I already know. The director personally told me. It will be at most three months, and if transferred to the Imperial Hospital, maybe a few more days. But nerve cells cannot regenerate, and the damage to the brainstem cannot be reversed. The outcome won't change."

Li Xiaoli's delicate face was full of tears. "Sheriff Lin, can you think of a way? Save Grandpa Zhao, please."

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Lin Wen remained silent for a while. He actually knew the outcome earlier than anyone else, but he had been unwilling to accept it. After a long time, he finally said, "The assassin and the mastermind behind it have all been killed by me."

Zhao Minggong smiled and said, "Is that so? That's great."

Lin Wen felt uncomfortable in his heart. It was his decision-making mistake. He had never realized the threat of Lai Juncheng. This person had not caused any damage except for sending a bunch of spies to be caught. He had planned to eliminate him only after everything was fully prepared.

But the fact proved that nothing could be fully prepared. Hindsight is always 20/20, and it's not like Zhuge Liang.

He didn't know what to say, so he had to get up and say goodbye. But Zhao Minggong stopped him, "Sheriff Lin, I have a request."


Lin Wen agreed without hesitation.

"I want to use this place as my office and move the vice sheriff's office here."

If Lai Juncheng and his accomplices had not been killed by Lin Wen, he would definitely have a devil in his heart at this moment.

He said softly, "Rest well and don't overwork yourself."

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"No." Zhao Minggong's vigorous spirit suddenly returned, making him look like a phoenix reborn. "I haven't worked hard enough. From now on, every minute that I'm not working for Changshan County, I will have great regrets."

He stared at Lin Wen intently, "You can understand, as you said, when looking back on one's life, one should not regret wasting time. Most of my life has been a mess, not recognized, not acknowledged, considered a fool by colleagues, considered stubborn by superiors, considered mentally ill by classmates, parents don't understand me, wife left with the child, leaving only me. If I hadn't met you, when I look back on my life, it would be full of mediocrity."

"But in this short time since you came, it has rewritten my life. Its brilliance can cover all the darkness in my life. When I look back on my life, I can see all my accumulations shining at the end."

A powerful aura emanated from him, and the image of a crouching dragon soaring into the sky. He was radiant, full of vitality, and didn't look like a dying man at all.

"So, I have no regrets in my life."

"This is my final wish, a death without regrets. Please promise me."

In an instant, Lin Wen's world seemed to be illuminated by a ray of light, and all the regrets and sorrows in his heart disappeared in an instant. He seemed to see a new way of death, as if he saw Zhao Minggong's figure reincarnating as an immortal.

Although it was just a beautiful fantasy, Lin Wen believed it was true.


Lin Wen immediately agreed.

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After leaving the ward, he called Li Xiaoli out.

"Li Xiaoli, prepare for your Grandpa Zhao! Move the county government office here! From today onwards, this will be the administrative center of Changshan County. You handle the hospital affairs properly and do not allow any interference with the patients, understand?"

Li Xiaoli, with tears still on her face, looked at Lin Wen blankly and only answered after a long time.

Lin Wen casually took out two tissues and roughly wiped away the tears on her face.

"From now on, you are not allowed to cry. This is the most dazzling time in his life. You should ignite it and be a vibrant girl, adding brilliance to him!"

Li Xiaoli looked very flustered. "What...what should I do?""Every day when you wake up, shout to the rising sun: 'Hello, morning sun!' When the sun sets, shout to the sunset: 'See you tomorrow, morning sun!' Keep your smile constant, let vitality fill you, bury your sadness deep in your heart, and spread joy to the world."

Lin Wen touched her head and laughed:

"You are an angel."

He leaned in closer to her ear and whispered:

"If you accumulate too much pain, come find me."

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Lin Wen then went to another ward and met the rescued leader of the Democratic Party, Chen Xingtai.

Despite the inhuman torture he had endured in prison, he still looked resolute and competent, full of confidence and hope for the future.

"Hello, Sheriff Lin, I've heard a lot about you. On behalf of everyone in the Democratic Party, I thank you for your rescue and shelter."

He lay on the hospital bed, unable to move, his face pale, but still showing a friendly and sunny smile, as if he didn't care about his own pain and the setbacks of the Democratic Party.

As he was directly appointed by the "Immortal Guidance", Lin Wen didn't use the "Aura Observation", he just nodded and said, "After you recover from your injuries, go to Shangxi Town as soon as possible. The authority I gave to Yun Qingshui is also valid for you. You can appoint or dismiss anyone in Shangxi Town without my approval. As long as you don't violate the 'Shangxi Town Reclamation Method' and the three rules I set for Yun Qingshui, you can implement any policy."

This man seemed reliable, he should be able to share some of Zhao Minggong's work.

Suddenly, the rock beside him started crying again. Lin Wen frowned slightly. This man looked so tough, could he have been a woman in his previous life?

He didn't notice that all the Democratic Party officials present were almost crying. Chen Xingtai was even more moved, "Sheriff Lin, we have encountered too many shameless imperial bureaucrats. You are the most unique and unbelievable one I have ever seen. If someone had said there would be someone like you before, half of the people would think he was dreaming, and the other half would criticize him for telling cold jokes at work."

Lin Wen smiled, stood up to leave, but suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, one more thing, your party's mode can't last. Since you have become the official of Shangxi Town, you are a leader in your own right. You need to form a more cohesive and disciplined organization. This way, if you encounter a major disaster in the future, you can survive better."

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