Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 109: The translation of "苍蝇凄厉" into En

Shenjing Imperial Capital.

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Zero Ring Line.

To the Winter Palace.

The furious Chief Commander looked like a monster ready to devour people. All the servants and trusted aides trembled in fear until the Chief Instructor, De Luo, came to report: "Chief Commander, the complete active gene skin of Minister Lai has been successfully removed!"


A hint of relief finally appeared on Yu Zhongxian's gloomy face.

"At last, there is some good news. With this crucial evidence, that brat can no longer act so arrogantly. He must be eliminated without a burial ground!"

"As for Lai Juncheng, let his son bear the responsibility of his crimes. No matter what means are used, his son must become Lai Juncheng within ten days. He must charge forward at the Thirteen States Joint Conference, using the enemy's blood to wash away the shame of his father's failure."

At this moment, Scarface Chang Hai brought more good news:

"Chief Commander! Ace spy An Desi has returned. He brought a large amount of incriminating evidence and information from Changshan County. You won't believe how audacious that brat has become!"

Yu Zhongxian quickly scanned through it and a smile immediately appeared on his face. "Good! He's doomed!"



"What self-reflection?"

Lin Wen sat beside Qin Luoshuang, his eyes wide open.

Qin Luoshuang buried herself in the documents, files, records, evidence, and photos related to everything Lin Wen had done in the past. She wore a pair of large glasses, giving her a restrained and hidden brilliance, but she looked more like a girl next door.

"It's a self-reflection that Governor Sheng wants you to write. This operation has passed in the Governor's Office, so it's only symbolic punishment."

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Qin Luoshuang didn't even lift her head. She was carefully studying the massacre of officials that Lin Wen had carried out. The more she looked at it, the more unbelievable it seemed. According to her previous beliefs, this kind of approach was simply self-destructive.

But now Qin Luoshuang no longer taught him how to do things. If she did, it would only give birth to another imperial bureaucrat. He might be more cunning, more rational, and sometimes even slightly kind-hearted, but once he encountered a crisis, he would compromise without hesitation, exchanging the tears and blood of the weak for his lofty position. He was no different from 99.9% of the imperial bureaucrats in this world.

She hated such a person, even more than Lin Wen himself.

So, she was only responsible for helping him withstand all the political attacks that came his way.

She was only responsible for keeping Lin Wen standing tall, unaffected by the winds and rain.

She was only responsible for supporting Lin Wen as he broke through obstacles, charging forward without being hindered by hidden arrows.

Because she didn't possess the same mental strength as him to do those things.

It wasn't just about courage.

It required even greater bravery to challenge the empire, to defy the iron laws it had set.

It required the courage to challenge the gods.

She knew very well that she didn't have it, and neither did anyone who had seen the true face of the empire.

But she did have the courage to help those who had the power to resist.

Because that was what she desired.

Lin Wen didn't notice the deep emotions she concealed. He just said unhappily, "Why do I feel like I've become a primary school student again, caught by Teacher Sheng to write a self-reflection? I won't write it, you write it."


"And also, don't send your guards to protect me. I don't need protection. Go protect someone else."

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"Furthermore, the highest leader of the KGB should be called Jie Er Ren Si, and the male should be called Crow, while the female should be called Swallow. The name of your KGB Chief Guard and KGB Guards is simply too weak, lacking any imposing presence."


Lin Wen was very happy. The Phoenix Nest was simply too useful now, with too many functions. It was worth the time he spent on it.

On the other hand, he felt regretful about Wolong. He had asked if it was possible to restore some of his health, but the answer hadn't changed. It seemed that the restoration of the central nervous system was a fundamental problem, and there was no answer to restoring half of it.

Even so, Lin Wen was genuinely happy that he could have a death without regrets.

But the new Wolong made Lin Wen worry again.

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After that, he used the 【Immortal's Guidance】 to inquire.

【Who is someone with similar abilities to Wolong Zhao Minggong?】

Consumed: 9400 Virtue

Lin Wen immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood.

It seemed that he had indeed been lucky before, equivalent to buying a lottery ticket and winning two 5 million prizes, or drawing a single card and getting two SSRs.

It was simply a miracle.

Fortunately, he managed to find the Phoenix Nest later. Otherwise, wouldn't he have lost 9400 Virtue?

If he hadn't found it or accidentally lost the Phoenix Nest, Lin Wen would definitely have had a myocardial explosion and died on the spot.

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Thank goodness, thank goodness.

Thinking about the person working hard in front of him, worth 9400 Virtue, Lin Wen's eyes sparkled. He wished he could sell her.

Of course, that was impossible. Until she earned back the 9400 Virtue he had lost and more, Lin Wen would never let her be harmed in the slightest.He had tried the same approach that had led him to the Phoenix Nest, but unfortunately, it didn't work this time. The answer was a long list of names, including all the officials he currently valued, Old Xie included.

Clearly, this was just a common answer.

The golden legendary opportunity answer was no longer available.

At this moment, Qin Luoshuang suddenly said, "Lin Wen, I have another friend coming."

"Sure, sure." Lin Wen nodded frantically, "Bring as many as you want."

Qin Luoshuang hesitated a bit, "She might be a bit strange, and also a bit troublesome."

"No problem, no problem. I can handle any trouble. When is your father coming? I can't wait to beat him up."

Qin Luoshuang shook her head slightly, "Our situation is very critical now. We need to get through the joint meeting of the thirteen states first before we can consider other things. If my father joins the battlefield at this time, we will be doomed. He is the supreme commander of the southwestern military region, the only seven-star general. In the next highest meeting, he will compete for the position of marshal, so he urgently needs to win over allies. Marriage alliance is the best way."

"Within the forces he represents, there are three governors, five ministers of the imperial headquarters, and two alternate elders of the highest elders' council."

Qin Luoshuang said calmly, her expression unchanged.

"Our family desperately needs a marshal. Everyone is on his side, including my mother who has always protected me. If he steps down, we will face all the forces of the Qin family and the Ming gang."

However, Lin Wen was not afraid at all. He only felt his blood boiling.

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"What a powerful enemy! I look forward to the scene of breaking his mountain gate and defeating the Qin family's heavenly immortals."

"I'm burning up. Is this the passion of youth?"

"Come on! I'm going to recite a poem on the spot! Qin Luoshuang, play the music!"

Lin Wen stepped forward, and Qin Luoshuang actually hummed a tune to accompany him.

In the melodious and clear humming, Lin Wen recited loudly:

"Tiny globe, a few flies hit the wall.

Buzzing, a few cries of despair, a few sobs.

Ants boast of their great nation by the locust tree, it's not easy for the mayfly to shake the tree.

The west wind falls leaves down Chang'an, the flying Ming Di.

So many things, always urgent;

The world turns, time presses.

Ten thousand years is too long, only fight for the day and night.

The four seas churn with angry clouds and water, the five continents shake with wind and thunder.

To sweep away all harmful insects,

Totally invincible."



PS: This is from Chairman's Man Jiang Hong, very appropriate, there couldn't be a more suitable one. I originally wanted to write one myself, but I greatly overestimated my ability.

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