Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 124: Open the ladle again

On the stage, Elder Wang, contrary to his usual demeanor, agreed with Lin Wen's words: "I think there is some truth to it."

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Elder Ye furrowed his brows.

Elder Xu paused before saying, "I think he has overly extended the concept of the enemy."

Elder Cheng did not immediately express his stance either.

The thirteen governors, who were initially indifferent, now showed various expressions. Many eyes drifted towards Sheng Huaixuan, but his face was as calm as an ancient well, revealing nothing.

This matter was too contrary to common sense. Except for Elder Wang, the three elders felt that they could not easily express their stance, especially since it involved the Emperor's team.

So they unanimously decided to skip this matter.

"Next question."

Lai Juncheng knew he couldn't continue like this. He had to reveal something significant, or else he wouldn't even get half of the votes.

He quickly filtered through his thoughts, skipping over minor issues like forcing women, corruption, violating discipline, and random killings. He locked onto a matter that didn't seem particularly big, but would greatly affect the elders' perception.

"Why did you announce at your first meeting after taking office that you were going to establish a dictatorship?"

Lai Juncheng quickly presented the evidence, including testimonies and a video evidence. These were all heavy materials brought back by the ace spy, An Desi.

The staff brought up the display screen and connected the signal to the big screen.

The video was obviously taken secretly, from the corner of a window, probably by a miniature camera.

The picture was a bit blurry, but still clear enough to see. The sound was very low, but after post-production amplification, it could be barely heard.

From the video, Lin Wen could be seen standing on the podium, arrogantly saying in response to a bald man's question:

"I am establishing a dictatorship."

"Do you have a problem with that?"

Upon hearing this, three of the four elders' faces darkened, only Elder Cheng remained unchanged.

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In the video, the bald man turned around and spoke loudly to the people below the stage, but his words were unclear due to the fuzzy sound.

The video then zoomed in, focusing on Lin Wen. He walked down from the stage, took out a large hammer from his pocket, and approached the bald man from behind.

The latter was still spouting rhetoric.

The venue was silent, all the officials were staring at the big screen. Although they guessed what might happen next, they still found it hard to believe.


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Lin Wen hammered the bald man on the head, cracking his skull open.

This sound, enhanced by special effects, echoed throughout the venue. Many officials shrank their necks as if the hammer had hit their own heads.

Even the four elders showed surprised expressions.

The thirteen governors below the stage were even more shocked. Wang Bo'an, the governor of Zhongzhou, murmured, "So similar, so similar! This is the student surpassing the master, the new wave pushing the old!"

Go Guanglin, the governor of Mingzhou, showed a smile, "Direct, violent, I like it. These weak and incompetent cowards should be dealt with like this."

Shi Yuan, the governor of Hezhou, frowned and said, "Vulgar! Not elegant enough! How can a fight among the upper class be like this?"

Chang Shengkai, the governor of Shizhou, said, "Reckless! Foolish!"

Gu Zhengyi, the governor of Longzhou, shook his head slightly, "Too rash, there are at least a hundred better ways."

Bai Liuxi, the governor of West Swallow State, sneered, "Like father, like son. It's just the residual poison of Sheng Huaixuan."

Zhao Chaoyang, the governor of Yunzhou, frowned and remained silent.

Even Sheng Huaixuan showed a hint of surprise. He knew about this incident, but he was not clear about the specific details. He didn't expect such a violent and absurd scene.

The officials below were in an uproar, disbelieving. Many stood up, craning their necks to find the brave hero.

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In the video, after Lin Wen's two hammers, the bald man fell to the ground, and the recording ended.

Obviously, they only selected the part that was most advantageous to them.

Just by looking at the reactions of the elders and the officials present, Lai Juncheng knew that he had turned the tables.

However, the people from the East Qin Prefecture Governor's Mansion immediately protested.

Mei Xingan stood up and said, "It's clear that this is a carefully edited and fabricated video. Unless the complete original video is released, it should not be accepted as evidence."

"Ladies and gentlemen, you know, the truth, part of the truth, and part of the truth seen from a specific angle, are all completely different. The latter is a carefully fabricated lie!"

This statement was brilliant, eliciting a round of applause.

The officials of the council flatly refused, "This is completely unfounded. If all unfavorable evidence is fabricated, then there would be no criminals in this world!"

The two sides began to argue, quickly escalating to the point of physical confrontation.

Elder Cheng stopped this meaningless attack and turned to Lin Wen, "Do you have anything to say?"

Qi Mu had already sent all the relevant materials for this incident, but these materials seemed very weak compared to the sentence: "I am establishing a dictatorship."

However, at the bottom of the box was a compressed video disc. Qin Luoshuang had attached a note to it, writing: "Do not submit this evidence unless absolutely necessary."

Lin Wen thought for a moment, tore off the note, and handed over the compressed disc.

"I have the complete original video."

There were even a few cheers in the venue.

So, the complete version of "Sheriff Lin Dominates the Meeting Room.avi" continued, with all the officials focusing intently on the big screen.

What could be more attractive than the tipping point of an official's internal strife?

Moreover, it was such a unique battle.

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Many people here were local authorities, some of them even sympathized with Lin Wen, because sometimes they wished they could hammer their disobedient subordinates like he did.

The perspective of this video was from above, obviously from a surveillance camera in the conference room, clearer than a sneak shot, and with sound.

The first half was not much different, people just appreciated Lin Wen's heroic posture of hammering the bald man from another angle.

However, Lin Wen's words became vague, sounding like: "I'm going to kill you."

The bald man's words were exceptionally clear, revealing his boastful claim of being directed by the highest council and the general.

Everyone present had different expressions, but they all looked as if they had expected this.

The hatred between Sheng Huaixuan and Yu Zhongxian was well known to everyone.

Then came the exciting part. After the bald man fell, five secret service inspectors rushed into the conference room at a very fast speed towards Lin Wen, but were knocked down by Lin Wen even faster.

Then Lin Wen turned around and rushed into the crowd, knocking down the rebellious officials and guards one by one. His agility was like a swallow, his moves were as fast as lightning, and his advances and retreats were like an antelope's horns. In the blink of an eye, he defeated the enemy forces, making all the officials' blood boil with excitement.

By the time Fang Dashan led the troops to stabilize the situation, the video ended, and there was actually applause in the venue.

The governors around Sheng Huaixuan came up and said, "Congratulations, Governor Sheng, a strong general has no weak soldiers."

"I'm moved by this special little guy, let me have him."

"His moves are smooth and natural, unconventional, changing at any time, and innovative, he must be a disciple of a famous teacher!"

"No, it's more than that. He's so concise and refreshing, flexible, and has a high control of power and body. He has reached the level of a master. He's the new wave pushing the old one!"

"Haha, awesome! Awesome!"

This was the first time Sheng Huaixuan had seen this video, and he thought to himself, "This kid actually has such skills, no wonder he dares not to form a guard team."

"Heh, he's really young. I have to advise him when I get back. No matter how high his martial arts skills are, without a guard team, he could be killed by a single sniper shot."

He smiled as if everything was under control, carefully responding to the compliments from all sides, which was also to build up goodwill for Lin Wen.

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He thought again, "No, this video is a double-edged sword. It makes the conflict public and puts itself in an untrustworthy position."

Sure enough, both sides accused each other of faking the video, but due to technical reasons, it was difficult to confirm for a while, and in the end, they had to let it go.

However, due to the first impression, the elders inevitably had a bad impression, especially Elder Wang Wengong, who strongly opposed the expansion of imperial power.

Lai Juncheng barely gained a little advantage, but it was not enough to change his current situation, and it also involved Yu Zhongxian.

The expansion of the conflict is not in line with the current national policy of the empire.

The highest council of elders proposed a basic national policy of harmony and stability a few years ago, focusing on restraining and pacifying high-level struggles, and suppressing and maintaining stability as the primary task for lower-level unrest.

Therefore, the four elders unanimously chose to ignore this content and moved on to the next issue.

Now Lin Wen also knew that "dictatorship" was a taboo in the empire, something that could be done but not spoken of, even in jest.

The reason seemed to be related to the struggle for imperial power.

The word "dictatorship" seemed to be equated with imperial power.

Lai Juncheng knew that he didn't have many chances left for revenge, and he had to play his trump card.

This was the fundamental reason why he appeared here in this image.

Lai Juncheng waved his hand, and his subordinates immediately knew they were about to play their trump card, and hurriedly ran back.

There were too many pieces of evidence, and they couldn't all be presented here.

Lai Juncheng closed his eyes and was silent for a minute, not speaking until there was a slight disturbance in the venue.

"Every word I say next is fully and sufficiently proven. Please don't make pointless doubts, save your eloquence for sophistry."

"Thirteen days ago, at three o'clock and seven minutes in the afternoon, Sheriff Lin Wen, using his authority, ordered Fang Dashan, the defender of Changshan County, to lead six hundred imperial garrison soldiers, break through the Hangu Pass, and cross the border into Qingcheng."

An official from the council rushed in, pulling out a large amount of evidence from several briefcases, including testimonies, physical evidence, confessions, on-site photos, and photos after the collapse of the checkpoint, all of which were presented.

The evidence was plentiful, but it was clear and progressive, detailed but not complicated.

The main evidence was placed on top, clear at a glance, and below were a large number of supplementary corroborations.

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