As the sky was just beginning to brighten, Lin Wen walked into the county government hall with a pace that seemed to ascend to the immortal realm.

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Lin Wen was not only happy because he had discovered a new method to restore his spiritual energy.

It was because he had just discovered the strengthened power of destiny, and its effects were beyond imagination.

Generally speaking, it takes about 8-12 days for the natural state of Dao to recover from the lowest level of "Human Dao" to the highest level of "Dao Dao".

However, about a day and a half ago, his state had dropped to "Human Dao", and according to normal calculations, it would take at least half a day to recover to the second level of "Earth Dao".

But just after he strengthened "Yosuga No Sora", he recovered to "Earth Dao" in just two hours.

Based on this efficiency, the recovery efficiency of the natural state of Dao has increased by at least 4-5 times, which means that it only takes 2-3 days to recover from the lowest to the highest level.

This improvement is too great!

Moreover, with the increased recovery speed of the natural state of Dao, the effect of reducing good and evil karma should also increase by 4-5 times.

So, doesn't that mean he can eliminate 4-5 points of evil karma in a day?

Just thinking about this, Lin Wen was filled with excitement.

He now has more than 300 points of evil karma, which has seriously hindered his perfect reincarnation plan.

This is his foundation, otherwise he would only have a plan for excessive growth, like having a lame leg.

Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be strong.

Adhere to one center and two basic points without wavering.

Center: Focus on perfect reincarnation and cultivation.

Two basic points: Adhere to the policy of good karma without wavering, and strive for zero evil karma.

Otherwise, if both basic points cannot be grasped, how can the center be inserted?

Now, if he can quickly eliminate evil karma, his perfect reincarnation plan can be put into action again.

How can Lin Wen not be happy about this?

Of course, there is someone here who is even happier than Lin Wen, and that is Old Xie from the Finance Department.

Originally, after spending all the budget for this month, the funds on Changshan County's books were less than 600 million.

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And next month's budget has reached a staggering 1.1 billion.

Among them, half of it is just for personnel salaries, and the recruitment point in Yaojing is still recruiting people continuously. Although it is much less than before, there are still five to six hundred people arriving in Changshan County from Yaojing every day.

Old Xie had thought about cutting off this point.

In his opinion, the allocation of Changshan County has already exploded. A county with a population of no more than 1.5 million has nearly 500,000 government-employed workers and over 30,000 government staff.

Calculating the ratio of civil servants, it is simply terrifying.

Why do we still need to recruit people?

They should be downsizing!

But Sheriff Lin sternly criticized his immature idea and told him that unless he stepped down, the county government would not proactively lay off anyone.

Moreover, the 500,000 hired workers will be converted into regular employees of Changshan County in the future, and Changshan County will be responsible for all their welfare benefits.

Old Xie's face twisted. These 500,000 workers are the biggest expenditure of Changshan County. Even if their salaries remain the same, the benefits alone will cost several billion.

Old Xie's carefully prepared plans to reduce expenses were all rejected by Lin Wen, and he even opened up several new points.

Just when Old Xie was about to go crazy, Sheriff Lin once again demonstrated his incredible financial ability.

First, there was that member of the Dragon Group, Qi Mu, who brought back a total of about 60 million in assets and cash.

It was like a long-awaited rain for Old Xie, who hadn't had any income for days. He didn't even care where these assets, which were even stained with blood, came from, and immediately recorded them.

Then, a day later.

Sheriff Lin actually brought back 10 tons of gold ore from somewhere!

When this news reached Old Xie, he almost went crazy.

Although the smelting of gold was the responsibility of the Security Bureau, he quickly learned the estimated data: based on the gold ore content, about 3.1 tons of pure gold could be extracted.

Due to the economic turmoil, the price of gold in the empire is very high, between 330-350 yuan per gram. 3.1 tons of gold can be sold for at least 1 billion.

It is completely enough to cover Changshan County's expenses for a month.

Therefore, Old Xie, who was desperate for survival, was extremely happy. When he saw Sheriff Lin waiting for him at the Finance Department's door, he wanted to hug Sheriff Lin and lick him in excitement.

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Lin Wen stopped Old Xie's dangerous actions with a deathly gaze.

After entering the office, Lin Wen made an exception and asked for a detailed report on the current financial situation.

Old Xie was already familiar with this information, and he immediately began to explain it in great detail.

After listening for a long time, Lin Wen finally understood the composition of Changshan County's current expenses.

1. Expenses to maintain the normal operation of government departments.

This part is not much, and it is the only item that Old Xie can cut. The total is 18.12 million.

2. Personnel salaries and benefits, which are the biggest expenditure.

A total of 521,029 people, with a total expenditure of 638.21 million. Among them, personnel salaries amount to 550 million, including accommodation, food, material consumption, and various reimbursements, totaling 58.21 million. Various benefits amount to about 300 million.

3. The second largest expenditure, project consumption.

Total expenditure is 400 million, and it is still increasing rapidly.

The ongoing projects in Changshan County are:

Dike repair plan (completed).

Dredging work (completed).

Road repair plan.

Expansion plan for Huaizhen.Major Infrastructure Project.

Four, Military Expenditure.

Currently, the military expenditure of Changshan County is only 26 million, but due to Lin Wen's request for Fang Dashan to prepare for the expansion of the army, this budget will soon skyrocket.

Five, Taxes Submitted.

The previous submission of over 500 million in taxes, said to be a make-up payment, is more like a fee for buying fiscal rights, military power, and peace.

And the taxes that should be officially submitted this quarter are still waiting for the final calculation by the Audit Bureau.


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After listening, Lin Wen finally understood a bit of Old Xie's fear. Looking at the soaring expenses and plummeting income, it was indeed terrifying.

Having finished talking about the expenses of Changshan County, let's talk about the income.

That's simply not on the same dimension.

This month's tax revenue: 810,000.

Toll revenue: 5.11 million.

Industrial income: -1.21 million.

Income from Sheriff Lin: 1.06 billion. (One-time)

After calculating this, Old Xie's fear came back.

"Sheriff Lin, I think we should cut some of the salaries and benefits of the staff, and this all-inclusive food and accommodation, it's simply a nightmare."

"Just buying temporary residences for the 490,000 workers cost more than 200 million. Providing water and electricity to Qingze Township, building canteens, toilets, and bathhouses, cost another 100 million. If we don't provide food and accommodation, we can save a lot of money!"

"And that Shangxi Town, they made a lot of money from logging and selling timber. When they were in trouble before, we helped them so much. Now that they have money, we should tax them!"

Lin Wen directly said, "If you mention anything about cutting benefits or reducing wages again, you can stop being the director. I'll let Old Lei take over, and you can just assist him."

As soon as these words came out, Old Xie immediately shut up.

But it wasn't over yet, Sheriff Lin continued:

"Immediately notify the Organization Department and the Personnel Department to regularize the 490,000 workers as official government employees, make up for the benefits they should have, such as heatstroke prevention fees, cold protection fees, housing subsidies, insurance money, all of them."

Old Xie's face was about to split, he wailed:

"Sheriff Lin! We've never had such a rule! Workers are workers, why should they be regularized? If they become official government employees, even the lowest level of benefits will cost nearly 100 million more!"

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Lin Wen sneered, "Why? Because they are building Changshan County! Because they work hard in the fields without complaining! Zhao Minggong's progress always exceeds the standard, why shouldn't I give them more benefits!"

"On the other hand, you official employees, there are a lot of you who are slacking off. And those who go to the construction site after work to shout and point fingers, do you think I don't know?"

These were what he had just seen from Xia Xiaoxiang. Not to mention her character, her work was quite good.

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"It's just a change to official employees, a level lower than you official workers, the salary hasn't increased, just added some benefits, is it worth your wailing here?"

Old Xie's sweat was pouring down his forehead.

"But, but we don't have that much money, the most we have is 1 billion in gold, what about the third month?"

"Don't worry."

Lin Wen said confidently.

He had a plan long ago.

But he didn't know which plan was better before.

Among them:

The plan to rob the rich has been basically completed, there is not a single blood-stained rich man in Changshan County now. The Anti-Corruption Committee is basically sorting out files and supervising officials.

After the trip to Longzhou and the gold mine, Lin Wen confirmed that the robbery plan could not last long, the later it went, the more dangerous and less profitable it would be, it could only be used as an occasional emergency measure.

The fishing plan is not going very well, only one fish from Rock State has been hooked, and not much money has been made, it may take a longer time.

The investment plan has not been very effective, the angel investors and capital groups of the empire are basically still in the observation stage, they seem to have found something abnormal about Changshan County, but have not found the commercial value of Changshan County, so they are very cautious.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Wen has two more plans.

One, the Big Loan Plan, it is said that local governments can borrow money, the U.S. government borrowed 22 trillion with 11 aircraft carrier fleets, it's not too much for me, Lin Wen, to borrow 1 trillion with my 300-ton hammer-wielding technique, right?

Two, Changshan County Industrial Plan.

The second plan just had a prototype in Lin Wen's mind, Qi Mu going to get the source code of the empire's popular online game is one of the projects.

And this plan is what Lin Wen thinks is most likely to be realized.

After all.

Have you ever seen an immortal fail in business?

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