Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 245: Who is in harge of the ups and d

Lin Wen put down the little boy and ran to the next dark cloud at the fastest speed.

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This was a village, but unfortunately, the massacre had already been completed. They piled the bodies in the center of the village and were setting them on fire.

Lin Wen flew over, stepped into the center of them, and with a swing of his iron arm, swept through like a steel whirlwind, leaving only a dozen headless bodies in an instant.

Without stopping, Lin Wen directly rushed to the next dark cloud.

The dark cloud was billowing, and the crime was in progress. Lin Wen accelerated, aimed at the sky, fired a gun, and shouted, "You bastards, you mongrels!"

Soon, the shadows of the entire town rushed towards him, becoming corpses under his iron fist.

While the rescued townspeople were still in a daze, Lin Wen had already disappeared without a trace, rushing towards the next dark cloud like a gust of wind.

So, on this piece of land, slaughter and blood blossomed like flowers, and the beautiful flowers absorbed the nutrients of sin, covering the innocent deaths.

An hour later, the formed dark clouds had disappeared, leaving only scattered dark energy wandering under the sun, like mosquitoes dancing beside street lamps.

Lin Wen began to hunt down these scattered dark energies. Due to his efficient action and precise hunting, the Papal States' cavalry that had been plundering in the Jinchai region today had been greatly reduced.

Colonel Luo Weiguo, the defender of the Jinchai region, was initially nervous, thinking that they were planning a major operation, constantly calling for assistance and concentrating all mobile forces together.

Although he knew that they were not opponents, he could not allow the other party to massacre the imperial civilians.

But as the intelligence continued to come in, he was incredulous to find that there seemed to be a group of hunters helping them to slaughter the enemy!

They were extremely mobile, extremely fierce and swift in combat. According to intelligence from a town, in less than a minute, the previously arrogant Papal States' cavalry had all turned into headless corpses, and the hunters had long since disappeared.

In the Jinchai region's command headquarters, Colonel Luo Weiguo and his subordinates carefully studied all the incoming intelligence and unanimously believed that a group of hunting forces had come to assist them.

These hunters acted alone, plundering the Papal States' cavalry everywhere, proving that they had strong individual combat capabilities and high combat intelligence, often able to predict the enemy's actions in advance and kill the enemy with one move.

"It must be the empire's support!"

Colonel Luo Weiguo shouted excitedly.

"After fighting for so long, we finally have assistance!"

"Yes, Colonel Luo!"

"It must be an elite special forces!"

Everyone was very excited. After suffering for so long, they finally saw a turning point.

They had no way to deal with this shameless harassment tactic. The Papal States' cavalry, relying on their higher mobility, came and went like the wind, dragging them into exhaustion.

If they pursued for too long and were careless for a moment, they would be counterattacked.

This kind of thing had happened many times in other areas.

This was also the reason why Colonel Luo Weiguo had been so cautious in recent operations.

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And this hunting force perfectly restrained the enemy. They had greater mobility, higher combat capabilities, smaller targets, and a more concealed nature, making them excellent hunters for hunting down those jackals and beasts.


"Let's quickly report the results of this team's battle, our region's enemies have been basically eliminated, let the governor quickly arrange for him to support other areas."

"That's right."

Colonel Luo Weiguo immediately reported this to the higher-ups, but the higher-ups were also puzzled and reported to the higher-ups.

As a result, this report reached Wang Bo'an's hands.

At this time, Wang Bo'an was retreating to his base due to the unsuccessful attack.

He was very surprised to receive the report.

"The empire sent a special forces team."

"This is impossible. The empire's special forces are only responsible for security and special operations, and would never be deployed externally."

An aide said, "Colonel Luo Weiguo's report is very detailed and cannot be false or misjudged."

"At least one thing is certain, there is an unknown elite hunting force helping us to clear the pests' harassment."

Wang Bo'an showed a long-lost smile. "Although I don't know which force's elite is, but to send troops to assist us at this time, to protect the empire's civilians, they must be on the same side as us."

"You let the people in Jinchai and the surrounding areas try to contact them and cooperate with their operations. When the war is over, I want to thank them properly."

Wang Bo'an stood up. His temporary base was in a run-down mountain village, and the temporary command post was a run-down shack.

Looking out from the broken house, he happened to see the rising sun.

With a surge of pride in his heart, he shouted loudly:

"Brothers, get ready to go. The empire's support troops have arrived, and they are helping us defend our rear! Our families, friends, and fellow villagers are temporarily safe! Let's put in more effort and drive out these mongrels!"

Under the bright sunshine, the soldiers' voices rang out in unison.

"Drive out the mongrels!"

"Drive them out!"

The voices echoed in the valley, startling the birds and insects to scatter and fly.


The dark energy of a region was quickly cleared.

Lin Wen quickly discovered in practice that the super-enhanced "No Colorful Phoenix in Body" had far more than this effect.

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As long as he concentrated, the world would become colorful. Where he could gain good fortune, where he could encounter bad fortune, and what level of danger he might encounter, all appeared clearly in his vision.

This was simply invincible!

This was the ability that Lin Wen had dreamed of before!

With it, Lin Wen had no worries about not gaining good fortune or not having a chance in the next life.

Unfortunately, the strengthening time was only three days, and he didn't know if he would encounter such a rare opportunity in the future.

After looking at it for a moment, Lin Wen suddenly thought of a better use for it.

He activated "Thousand-Mile Eye," then activated "Observing Qi and Reading People," and looked from a high place.

In that instant, the world was all in his eyes!

Looking up, he could see through a thousand years, and looking back, he could see through all eternity.

It was probably this kind of feeling.

A sense of vastness arose from his heart.Lin Wen burst into laughter, transforming into a white cloud, and with a speed surpassing sound, he dashed straight towards the largest cluster of dark qi thirty kilometers away.

In Ping'an Town, the red-turbaned thugs once again claimed victory, defeating the imperial garrison troops and capturing over thirty people.

They gathered the captives and civilians in the center of the town, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

Amidst the raucous laughter, they began to tear at the women's clothes, pointing guns at the men's heads on the ground, ready to shoot anyone who dared to stand up.

Gunshots, roars, cries, and laughter were incessant; within moments, dozens of people were dead, and those remaining dared not move, only bowing their heads deeply, their sobs echoing through the square.

A red-turbaned commander laughed loudly: "You imperial bastards, this is your retribution. The great God of Burning Heaven, the Three-Eyed King, and King Narayana will descend from the heavens and rule this world..."


A figure descended from the sky at an incredible speed, obliterating half of the commander's body, silencing his last word in his throat.

Amidst the splattered blood and rising dust, Lin Wen slowly stood up, ignoring the countless gazes that turned towards him, the hundreds of guns pointed at him, and the continuous cursing.

He casually tore off the clothes of a red-turbaned thug who was pointing a gun at his head and draped them over several women.


A gunshot sounded.

Then, countless more followed.

But they could not drown out the sound of watermelons bursting, the panicked and fearful screams, and a continuous laughter.

Amidst the laughter, Lin Wen strolled leisurely, slaughtering these demons in the midst of gunfire and rain of bullets.

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Slaying demons and eliminating evil, Good Karma +181


With a mere flick of my sleeve, good karma rushes towards me like a landslide and tsunami.

Nothing could be more exhilarating.

This is a heaven-sent opportunity.

If I don't take full advantage, I would be unworthy of my title as the great emperor who spans through the ages.

Lin Wen didn't waste half a second; as the last demon fell, he had already flown dozens of meters away, disappearing beyond the small town.

Half a day later, with his magic depleted, Lin Wen started anew, continuing his pursuit of the dark figures.

Meanwhile, the commander of The Papal States' cavalry had sensed something amiss. This raid had suffered unusually heavy losses, with no survivors in three regions and more than half the forces lost in another.

Could it be that the Central Province Governor had called back the main troops? But that seemed impossible. The rear area stretched over 500 kilometers deep, covering an area of 240,000 square kilometers. In this vast region, with over 3,000 villages and towns, even if he called back all his forces, they couldn't defend it all.

Soon, he received news from the inside that an unidentified hunter-killer unit had joined the battle, a special force targeting the cavalry.

"Damn, these cursed dogs."

The commander ordered a full retreat, instructing everyone to stand by at the stronghold.

Thus, as Lin Wen swept through, he noticed that the dark qi behind him was diminishing, and he reluctantly pursued forward, eventually halting at the front lines.

This frustrated him greatly. He climbed atop a peak and looked out, only to see that not a single dark spot remained on the vast land behind him.

Ahead, however, lay the enemy's main forces.

The super-enhanced "No colorful phoenix in body" flashed red and black, indicating an unbeatable foe, even specifying the maximum number of enemies Lin Wen could withstand, 987-1810.

This was the number of The Papal States' troops Lin Wen could defeat using all his means; beyond 987, defeat was possible, and over 1810, defeat was certain.

However, each stronghold in the distance had more than this number of troops.

Unless he charged in, killed a few hundred, exhausted all his primordial spirit, and then used his ultimate move to escape, attacking the stronghold was pointless.

But wouldn't that be a waste of this great opportunity?

If they were dispersed, with Lin Wen's strength, he could surely kill more than this number and gain more than this little bit of good karma.


He couldn't let it end so hastily.

Lin Wen crossed the front lines to the enemy-occupied rear, seeking new opportunities.

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Soon, "No colorful phoenix in body" detected a large, shining mass of good karma.

From its presentation, this was a good karma that required some time to develop and would be delayed in its arrival.

The amount of good karma was substantial, at least in the triple digits, and the danger level was extremely low, though there was a slight amount of bad karma.


No matter!

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "".

As long as there was a large amount of good karma.

Lin Wen took off running towards the target.

Before long, Lin Wen spotted an oddity on the horizon.

A five-meter-tall, three-meter-wide, triangular human wall was moving rapidly across the barren land at a speed of at least 60 yards.

Lin Wen almost suspected they had learned some immortal magic. Only after activating his clairvoyance did he realize that at the center of the triangular human wall was a motorcycle.

The people were using the motorcycle as a pivot, climbing on each other to form the wall.

However, the sheer number of people and the military supplies they carried made the motorcycle beneath the human wall seem tiny and obscured.

Lin Wen couldn't be bothered to chase them, as he had spotted another rapidly moving good karma on the other side.

He stood still, formed a gun with his hand, aimed with his index finger, and with a flash of light, a crescent-shaped fireball shot out, tracing a beautiful arc and hitting the target squarely.

With a thunderous boom, like a bowling ball striking pins, the group of would-be demons exploded into the air, many of them still on fire, trailing long lines of flame in the sky like fireworks set off by mischievous children.

This was the "Fiery Flame Art."

A Qi Refining stage magic, Lin Wen rarely used it because its power was only equivalent to a few hand grenades.

But in this emergency, he used it anyway, as it actually only consumed 5% of his primordial spirit.

Primordial Spirit Remaining: 115%


Lin Wen rushed towards another target.

An unimaginable mighty force surged within this ordinary human body.

Today, on this vast expanse of land.

I dictate the rise and fall.

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