Everyone looked at Lin Wen in confusion. The officials who had been with Lin Wen for a long time didn't have any other thoughts, but some of the lower-level bureaucrats couldn't help but have some wild thoughts.

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An official walked up and hesitantly said, "Sheriff Lin, you, you don't have to be too sad..."

Lin Wen couldn't be bothered to deal with him, and he waved his hand and rushed into the intensive care unit, once again coming to Zhao Minggong's side.

However, Zhao Minggong did not sit up in shock from his deathbed, but instead smiled and asked where the guest had come from.

Even the instruments around him did not show any significant improvement.

Could it be?

Lin Wen was a little worried for a moment. Could this thing be useless?

Glancing at it, Long's lifespan did indeed have 16 days left.

But why didn't he wake up? Could it be that he would lie in bed maintaining the lowest level of life activity for 16 days?

Activating the "Observing Qi and Reading People," although Zhao Minggong's aura was still dim and weak, there was an unexpectedly stable feeling.

Hmm, both spells indicated that Long was improving, but the instruments did not.

Lin Wen reached out and turned off the instruments, removed the tubes, and the healing spells on his hands were ready at any time.

A doctor sighed, "It's true, there's no need to maintain it. It's agonizing for the patient and everyone else. Let him be released sooner."

The doctors and nurses stopped pulling Lin Wen and secretly shed tears. During this time together, they also had great respect for the old man who had worked day and night for Changshan County.

The chief physician sighed and went out to announce.

He told everyone outside that Mr. Zhao only had a few minutes left, and they should quickly prepare for the aftermath.

But no one was willing to leave. There was a chorus of crying outside. At this point, there were still people holding onto a glimmer of hope, hoping for a miracle to happen and the doctor to save Zhao Minggong.

Inside the intensive care unit.

After removing all the instruments except for the electrocardiogram, Long's aura did not change, remaining weak and stable.

Only the flow rate of his lifespan had slightly increased.

This indicated that the instruments did indeed have the function of restoring or maintaining vitality, and the lifespan given to Long had indeed worked.

But Long still did not wake up.

Was it because of the long-term weakness and injury to his body?

Lin Wen pondered for a moment and asked the "Guidance of the Immortal" for advice.

"How can Zhao Minggong recover to a certain extent of health?"

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

He did not mention a full recovery, as that was impossible.

Cost: 10% of the primordial spirit.

This was the lowest cost, proving that this question was very simple.

The previous cost for this question was 30% of the primordial spirit, indicating that Zhao Minggong's physical condition had indeed improved.

The answer was simple: "One dose of the Pharmacist's Disease-Dispelling Spell and three doses of Mango Pomelo Sago."

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"Pharmacist's Disease-Dispelling Spell"

A white Foundation Establishment spell that consumed 15% of the primordial spirit to calm the illness.

Lin Wen had not thought of this spell because its effect was simple and did not seem as useful as the "Healing Art of Heavenly Water" or the "Rejuvenation Art."

But perhaps it would have a miraculous effect here.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

He still had 25% of his primordial spirit left, which was enough to use.

First, he used the "Pharmacist's Disease-Dispelling Spell," and the spell flashed by, causing the weak electrocardiogram on the display screen to suddenly jump.

It worked.

The medical staff around him were already busy dealing with the aftermath and did not pay any attention to the changes in the electrocardiogram.

Then came the "Mango Pomelo Sago," which lasted for 159 seconds, with the three spells adding up to about 7 minutes.

Lin Wen placed his fingers on Zhao Minggong's forehead, and the green light of the spell continuously invaded his body, bringing nourishment and vitality.

After 7 minutes, as the last second of the spell ended, Zhao Minggong's aura had completely recovered, becoming heavy, powerful, and full of strength.

This was a symbol of robust health.

He would soon wake up.

At this time, the director of the First Hospital led a large group of chief physicians over.

Approaching, the director took a step forward, "Sheriff Lin, my condolences. Regarding Mr. Zhao's passing, I am very sorry. Our hospital has already..."

"Sheriff Lin, why are you here?"

A familiar, old voice, but full of vitality.

Lin Wen smiled, "Mr. Zhao, I came to visit you."

Zhao Minggong smiled, "It seems that I'm back in the intensive care unit again. You've really gone to a lot of trouble. Don't worry, I can hold on."


Lin Wen activated the "Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart" and communicated with Zhao Minggong for a while.

It said a bunch of professional terms that Lin Wen couldn't understand, which made Zhao Minggong very pleased. "It turns out that Sheriff Lin is also knowledgeable. I can completely rest assured."

After that, Lin Wen took his leave, but before he left the intensive care unit, he heard a series of exclamations from behind.

"The liver function is normal!"

"The heart function has fully recovered!"

"The lung's breathing is strong, with a loud and clear voice!"

"Was the previous organ failure an illusion?"

The director ran up from behind, grabbed Lin Wen's legs, and demanded an explanation.

Lin Wen was annoyed.

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"Let go! I've said that this is the top-grade medicine Bodhi Great Foundation Pill, which was recently developed by the Empire. My friend Zhang Jing, who didn't want to reveal his name, came to give it to me!""Sheriff Lin, don't try to fool me! Last time you said you used the marrow-washing foundation establishment pill to save someone. But I asked all the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies in the empire, and no one has heard of your marrow-washing foundation establishment pill, and no pharmaceutical company has developed such a drug. I went there with a straight face, but only received ridicule."

"I announced my data at the empire's top medical innovation exchange, but it was considered a fake. The empire's medical community now recognizes that the first hospital of Changshan County, Director Zhao, is unscrupulous and incompetent. It's all because of you!"

Ignoring his age of over 50, the director clung to Lin Wen's legs like a stubborn child, not letting him go. In the end, Lin Wen had no choice but to say, "Whoever doubts you, you let them come, I will personally come and slap their face, okay?"

The director was overjoyed and finally let go of Lin Wen's legs. "Then I'll leave it to you! You must restore my reputation! Let those who mocked me see it for themselves!"

Lin Wen was annoyed, pushed open the door, but immediately found himself surrounded. There were hundreds of eyes filled with anticipation. They heard the argument inside, but didn't dare to fully believe it.

Lin Wen announced loudly, "Zhao Minggong's rescue was successful! The person has recovered! Everyone, don't worry, don't gather here, go back to your work positions! Don't be lazy!"

The huge cheer drowned out the last few words behind Lin Wen. He couldn't be bothered to say more, leaving the rest of the matter to the director and running away.

Lin Wen originally intended to return to the office, but as soon as he arrived at the county government hall, he saw a huge obituary posted at the door, with wreaths piled on both sides of the outer wall.

Many people from Huai Town spontaneously came to mourn for Old Zhao. He used to be the mayor of Huai Town for 36 years, and every old townsperson knew him.

Lin Wen only found out after asking that the news of Deputy Sheriff Zhao's death had spread throughout Huai Town. All the news channels had announced the news, and the first broadcasting station of Changshan County was still reading a nauseatingly long eulogy.

Lin Wen was very angry and immediately ordered the gathering of the propaganda department's personnel. The four responsible persons, Cao Yuan, Xu Ziqiang, Cheng Qingqing, and Cheng Jianxing, stood at the forefront of the team, their faces filled with sorrow and a hint of concealed satisfaction.

They thought Lin Wen was there to encourage and praise them, but they didn't expect Lin Wen to say directly, "From now on, the propaganda department will cease all functional activities. Everyone must pass an assessment before returning to their positions."

There were over a hundred people in the propaganda department, and they were all dumbfounded when they heard this, taking a while to react.

Cao Yuan cried out in grievance, "Sheriff Lin! What did I do wrong?"

"Where did you go wrong?"

If they hadn't been exposed, Lin Wen would have killed them all.

These bureaucrats were really disgusting, ruining Lin Wen's originally relaxed and happy mood.

The system was still imperfect.

He thought.

He must put a muzzle on this group of people.

They were capable, but all of them were extremely selfish and ambitious. Lin Wen didn't want to kill them, but he also didn't want to let them go. After all, it's unfair to punish people for crimes they might commit in the future.

Lin Wen originally intended to use this department as a trash can, to contain the garbage and avoid polluting the environment, and to see if there was any recyclable garbage to use. He didn't expect this trash can to jump up and disgust him.

Lin Wen glanced at them and sneered, "Go to the hospital and you'll know where you went wrong."

After speaking, Lin Wen turned and left, ignoring them, leaving a large group of people looking at each other.

After a while, someone finally expressed their most worrying thoughts, "Did Old Zhao come back to life?"

No one answered, they were all cunning and sly. Sheriff Lin's reaction indicated only one possibility.

Someone sighed, "What bad luck, Old Zhao didn't die after all. If we had waited a little longer..."

"The doctors at the first hospital really have no medical ethics. If they can be saved, it's definitely hopeless."

"Yes, once we get through this, we must discredit them!"

"Right, spread negative news about them, ruin their reputation!"

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Xu Ziqiang shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and remove these things! Tell the broadcasting station to stop broadcasting and correct the news immediately!"

Only then did everyone start to act, removing the wreaths, tearing down the obituaries, and burning all the news and speeches. It took a lot of effort to minimize the impact of this fake news.

The incident caused a great stir in the county government hall. The once high-profile propaganda department was directly shut down, and everyone was put on standby. They had to pass an assessment by the organization department before returning to their positions.

Lin Wen handed this matter over to Xia Xiaoxiang, instructing her to develop the strictest and most ideologically educational assessment, and to create the most difficult test paper. Without a full score, they wouldn't pass.

Xia Xiaoxiang was very unhappy and protested, "I'm working 18 hours a day now, you're almost using me up! You're the only one who does this!"

Lin Wen retorted, "Isn't a day 24 hours?"

This statement was too reasonable, leaving her speechless.

However, Xia Xiaoxiang did feel energetic during this time, and working for over ten hours didn't make her tired.Occasionally feeling a bit weary, she only needed three to four hours of sleep before she was spirited and lively once again.

Xia Xiaoxiang couldn't figure out why this was happening, and could only attribute it to the power of love.

Thanks to her good spirits and condition, she was very happy during this period, and even her attitude towards the ever-present Yun Zhixing had improved significantly. Yun Zhixing thought his fortunes had finally turned, believing he had at last won his master's favor.

"Indeed, imitating Sheriff Lin was the right choice," he thought.

"I need to observe and mimic every detail of Sheriff Lin's life even more."

Afterward, whenever he had the chance, he would stick close to Xia Xiaoxiang, following her orders and performing all the life details and habits of Sheriff Lin.

"Ha ha, today I spoke ten sentences with my master. I want to carve them all into stone, never to be forgotten," he said as he took out a stone tablet, which was already filled with their recent conversations. Most of them were:




"What color does Sheriff Lin like?"

"What flavors does Sheriff Lin prefer?"

"What does Sheriff Lin like to eat?"

"What time does Sheriff Lin sleep?"

"Perform that action of Sheriff Lin again."

And the newly carved ones:

"What is Sheriff Lin's attitude towards the washboard?"

"Why does Sheriff Lin have a father complex?"

"Who is the woman that has a deeper connection with Sheriff Lin?"

(When Yun Zhixing started talking about himself.)




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In the following days, Changshan County returned to its peaceful state, with all affairs proceeding in an orderly manner and all projects advancing at a high speed.

Changshan County was still speeding along on the fast lane.

Zhao Minggong's health was recovering nicely; he could even walk with the help of others.

The doctors at Changshan County's First Hospital seemed as if they had each consumed a million tons of stimulants, almost wishing they could fly instead of walk.

They had witnessed a miracle. It should be noted that up to this point, the greatest challenge in the empire's biology was the nervous system.

It was hailed as the domain of the gods, the last bastion of the biological and medical fields.

The non-regenerative nature of nerve cells was the solid brick wall of this fortress, and the brainstem was the forbidden zone of human life. Once the brainstem was damaged, it was a matter of life and death.

The brainstem governs all of a human's vital physiological functions. Once lost, organ failure and cessation of breathing meant there was no chance of resuscitation.

For someone like Zhao Minggong, with nearly 10% brainstem damage, the chance of survival was zero percent; there had never been a case of recovery.

But now, an exception had occurred in Changshan County.

Zhao Minggong had been hospitalized for nearly four months, and the hospital had detailed records about him.

If this case could be confirmed and published, it would undoubtedly cause a sensation in the entire empire's medical field!

At that time, all the disrepute associated with Changshan County's First Hospital would be erased.

The hospital director would become a new star in the empire's medical field, and the First Hospital would attract the attention of the entire empire.


Director Zhao was so elated that he almost danced with joy every day, as if he wanted to perform the wild wolf disco even when picking up dog poop.

However, the current problem was that no matter how they examined him, they could not explain his current state.

Some of Zhao Minggong's deteriorating nerve cells had indeed stopped deteriorating. However, the dead nerve cells had not recovered, nor had new nerve cells appeared.

Yet the brainstem was functioning well, with all physiological indicators gradually improving. Although he spent most of his time working from bed, Old Zhao's spirits were very high, and his sleep was especially normal, even better than that of young people.

What was the reason for this?

The director and the physicians were all puzzled.

Until one physician proposed the phenomenon of brain compensation, which refers to when the brain is damaged, the original functional areas are compensated by other areas, allowing a person to live normally without being affected.

He believed that the brainstem also had a compensatory phenomenon. The damaged brainstem had transferred some of its functions to another intact area, which led to the appearance of this rare case.

This theory was considered highly plausible.

With Zhao Minggong as a living case study, they could base hundreds of papers on this theory, adding luster to their resumes.

The director had already decided that such papers would be submitted exclusively to the empire's top medical journal, "The Leaf Scalpel."

With such journal experience, the next time they applied for professional titles, they would surely pass!

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