Lin Wen originally wanted to come again, but the other side angrily thought that Lin Wen was playing with them and said, "You wait." and interrupted the contact.

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"Too bad." Lin Wen licked his lips. This kind of delivered meat buns was really delicious, but there weren't many.

Qin Luoshuang covered her face, feeling ashamed that she was an advisor to such a big fool. "How could you think they would still send someone? Tell me, did you already decide to fight them to the death?"

Lin Wen thought for a moment. "If they offer more money, I might spare them for now."

Qin Luoshuang didn't know what to say. "Okay, okay, you're powerful, invincible. I'll wait for you to punch a hole in an aircraft carrier, withstand a barrage of cluster bombs with your body, and conquer the world alone!" She stomped her foot and ran away.

Lin Wen didn't care and carried the black suitcase. As soon as he returned to the sheriff's office building, he met Lei Tiantong.

Lei Tiantong looked very happy. "Sheriff Lin! The assistance from the Governor's Office has arrived. This time, they sent 62 million, and our funds are enough for a period of time. We don't have to worry about the first phase of reconstruction for now. We can also fill the financial hole from before."

Lin Wen nodded, but he wasn't particularly happy because he didn't earn a single cent of the 62 million.

But at least the urgent problem was solved, and if he could efficiently use the 62 million, he should be able to earn a lot of good karma.

It was unrealistic to do everything himself.

Lin Wen was a little regretful. His strength was still not strong enough, otherwise, he could really earn a lot of good karma.

He handed over the suitcase. "Here's another 5 million. Send it to the finance department. I won't go."

Lei Tiantong was stunned. "Where did this come from?"

"The Governor's Office saw me as talented and capable of handling big responsibilities, so they gave it to me as a bonus."

Lei Tiantong seemed hesitant to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Before leaving, there was a small incident. Deputy Director Old Xie heard that the sheriff had come back and ran over with good news, but he was beaten to it by Lei Tiantong, making him angry and grabbing Lei Tiantong's clothes.

"You, Lei Tiantong, I didn't expect you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, to also engage in these shady dealings! This is clearly my credit, but you reported it first! Are you afraid I'll take your position?"

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Lin Wen ignored the commotion behind him and was about to go find Huang Mingxiao to confirm the second batch of supplies list and many other details related to the reconstruction of their home when Fang Weiwei stopped him.

"Lin, Sheriff Lin! I have something to report."

Lin Wen glanced at Old Xie and his face turned cold. "Come on, let's go to my office."

Back in the sheriff's office, where he hadn't been for many days, Lin Wen sat back in his familiar chair and said, "Tell me, how many fish did Old Xie catch?"

Before leaving, he specially sent Fang Weiwei to supervise Old Xie, but he didn't expect something to happen so soon.

"Huh?" Fang Weiwei looked a little confused."Old Xie didn't touch anything, just fished around. Recently, people from the finance department have been saying that Old Xie has grown eight pairs of eyes. As long as someone puts their hand in an invisible dark place, he will shout loudly, making everyone have to raise their hands to go to and from work like a group of surrendering prisoners."

As she spoke, she laughed, as if thinking of those funny scenes.

This girl's laughter was relatively innocent.

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Qin Luoshuang is simply not human, making me always feel like I've crossed over into the world of immortals.

"What do you want to report to me?"

Fang Weiwei blushed again, looking uneasy as if there was something difficult to say.

"Do you remember what I said to you before?"

Lin Wen said calmly.

"You can't rely on my power of authority and documents for the rest of your life, can you?"

Fang Weiwei bit her lip, after a while, finally spoke up: "Yesterday, a group of vicious thugs broke into my house."

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Lin Wen frowned when he heard this, but Fang Weiwei seemed unfazed and continued:

"They said that since I am the Sheriff's lover, they won't make things difficult for me. They hope that Sheriff Lin can give them a face and go to Tongheng Restaurant to drink with them before 8 o'clock tonight or tomorrow night."

"What time is it now?"

Lin Wen immediately asked.

Fang Weiwei looked at her lady's watch, "It's a little past seven."

"Come with me."

Lin Wen took the lead and walked out.

When they left the county government office, Fang Weiwei finally realized that they were going to cause trouble, and whispered, "Do I have to go too?"

"Of course."

Lin Wen called for a special car driver.

"Go to Tongheng Restaurant."

Tongheng Restaurant was on the outskirts of Huaizhen, in a remote area. These fringe areas of the prosperous world were all the same.

Dilapidated, desolate, and full of crime.

They bore all the excrement of prosperity, maintaining the bright and beautiful appearance of prosperity, but were themselves filthy and covered with all kinds of parasitic insects.

Lin Wen had never been to this kind of area in this world before. Along the way, there were almost all ruffians, gangsters, beggars, and heavily made-up prostitutes.

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Lin Wen instructed the driver to drive slowly, and used his ability to observe people to look around. Almost everyone here had a black aura, more or less, but he had not yet found anyone who was completely black.

However, this may be because those who are completely black do not wander the streets.

Because it was the Sheriff's special car, no one dared to bother them before or after getting off the car.

The street where the special car was located was empty, with no one in sight. Only one street lamp was lit, and the others were all broken, making it look a bit eerie.

Lin Wen looked up and saw Tongheng Restaurant right in front of him. It was a three-story duplex restaurant that looked very old. The walls were full of mottled filth and dirty words.

Half of the neon sign of the restaurant had been knocked off, leaving only "Tongheng" without the word "restaurant."

"Let's go."

Lin Wen pushed open the door of the restaurant. Fang Weiwei followed closely behind him, looking very nervous.

The first floor was a very spacious hall with no coverings, only various types of tables, and the distance was very wide, making it look very empty.The guests were neither too many nor too few, most of them wrapped up tightly. The lighting was dim, but deafening rock music echoed throughout the venue.

The second and third floors only had a ring of balconies above, so it looked very tall and deep, extremely spacious.

As soon as Lin Wen entered, a waiter with a face full of band-aids froze.

Lin Wen, who had long been used to the shock of passers-by, said, "I'm here to find someone from Lei Gang."

The waiter was stunned for a few seconds before he came back to his senses and quickly ran to find the boss.

Soon, a fat man ran over quickly and respectfully asked, "Are you here on behalf of Sheriff Lin?"

Lin Wen said coldly, "It's me."

The fat man saw the sheriff's car outside the door, and his chubby face full of wrinkles suddenly smiled like a blooming chrysanthemum.

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"Esteemed guest, please come this way! Please come this way! The Supreme Private Room on the second floor! Jiaojiao! Lead the way, and if you neglect the guest, I'll skin you!"

A dancer wearing very little clothing walked over and said with a sickly sweet voice:

"Sir, please come this way."

Along the way, the dancer constantly tried to stick to Lin Wen's body. She was drenched in at least a ton of cheap perfume, and her skin was covered in thick oil. Under the dim light, she looked like a large piece of walking fat, making Lin Wen feel a bit nauseous.

To maintain his image, Lin Wen gave Fang Weiwei a look, but she misunderstood and backed away.

The dancer was overjoyed, thinking she could make a fortune from this pretty boy, and was about to wrap herself around him like a snake when a wine bottle flew out of nowhere and hit her on the head, accompanied by a voice saying, "Pah! Pervert!"

Lin Wen turned to look, but he didn't see anyone, and the dancer had already been knocked out.

Lin Wen thought for a moment. Although he had the "Colorless Phoenix" ability, this place was chaotic. To be safe, Lin Wen directly activated "Spirit Cat's Agility," which would last for 16 hours, until noon the next day.

Yuan Shen: 2%.

Lin Wen felt a little melancholy, it seemed that it was really difficult to replenish his Yuan Shen, and he was almost drained clean every day.

Just as he was about to call someone, the waiter covered in band-aids who had probably been beaten up rushed up, bowing repeatedly.

"Lead the way."

Lin Wen didn't want to waste words.


He turned to Fang Weiwei and said, "If any other woman dares to come over, you go up and slap her twice, understand?"

Fang Weiwei looked frightened but nodded.

The waiter in front sneered and muttered something, but still led the way honestly, taking them to the Supreme Private Room on the second floor.

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