Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 7: Floods are oming

At three minutes past three in the morning, Lin Wen was awakened from his sleep by the rising water. His hands and back were soaked.

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The Changpai Village embankment connected to the Qingfeng Mountain and the surrounding mountains. To avoid the rain, Lin Wen rested in a small cave in Qingfeng Mountain. Although the entrance was slightly lower than the embankment, it should still be above the water level.

Lin Wen turned on the light on his miner's helmet, waded through the water, and walked out of the cave. In the darkness, heavy rain poured down, and the river water surged. The world seemed to be flooded.

The river had risen at least 150 centimeters, and the rushing water was calling out with large waves.

In just a moment, the water had already risen above his ankles. Lin Wen knew that the flood had arrived. He fastened the radio to his chest, tuned the channel, and turned on the sound source, immediately hearing the cries.

"Changshan County! Changshan County! Please note, the first flood peak is passing! The maximum flow rate is 175,100 cubic meters per second, and the minimum duration is 13 hours. The second flood peak will arrive in 18 hours!"

Without hesitation, Lin Wen immediately used the "Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers."

The power of bulls and tigers penetrated his whole body.

"Without eyes but clear" - the world became clear, every detail visible.

Lin Wen fixed his gaze, leaped more than five meters, and landed firmly on the embankment.

This was the result of twenty days of training. If it were before, he would have flown into the river.

With a sweep of his eyes, he saw that several originally blocked holes were beginning to loosen.

Lin Wen took off the iron shovel wrapped around his waist, patted it down, and flipped over the materials on the embankment. He picked up an anchoring pile made up of dozens of steel bars, drummed up all his strength, shouted loudly, and plunged it in.

This way of hard anchoring was enough to make others' eyes pop out. The various experts would probably be spitting out incoherent scientific and unreasonable criticisms.

But there was no other way. Although Lin Wen was incredibly strong, he couldn't use his strength in the water. Moreover, the river was so turbulent that even with excellent water skills, there was no solution. He could only anchor it on the ground.

Lin Wen hung the shovel back on his waist and took a large iron hammer from his waist. He hit the anchoring pile with a hammer, causing the steel bars to bend and the pile to sway. The anchoring pile sank two points directly.

After hitting more than ten times, Lin Wen hung the hammer back, picked up a sandbag, and threw it onto the anchoring pile. The sandbag was a standard flood prevention material that Lin Wen had discovered in the town warehouse on a previous trip. He didn't know why such a cheap thing was stored there.

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But it was just right for Lin Wen. He arranged for ten laborers to transport it for three days, and then spent half a day putting it all up. Now, half of the embankment was made up of woven bags of earth, and the other half was sandbags. There were also some flood prevention materials under the embankment. Overall, the materials were sufficient, but the final result remained to be seen.

After dealing with the danger here, Lin Wen continued to patrol the embankment in the pouring rain and flying waves, relying on his "Without Eyes but Clear" vision to discover and eliminate hidden dangers that were difficult to detect.

However, due to the poor quality of the embankment itself, several hours later, small seepages, ruptures, and infiltrations began to appear in many places.

Lin Wen fought hard, relying on his immense strength to force his way through. Leakage? A ten-meter-long pole could be inserted, do you believe it? Rupture? Tons of sand and soil, plus an anchoring pile, could be used. Infiltration? Take my powerful Diamond Leg!

This battle lasted until dawn. Even Lin Wen felt exhausted, but fortunately, the first flood peak passed safely.

Lin Wen rested for a while and ate something to fill his stomach.A few hours later, the sky darkened again and the second flood peak arrived. This time, the flood was even bigger and would last for more than 36 hours.

The torrential rain never stopped, but instead grew stronger. The radio said that the rainfall had exceeded 600 millimeters and had become a super heavy rain.

Obviously, the real disaster was just beginning.

Lin Wen shook off his fatigue and prepared to face the final test in this world.

At the same time, fifteen kilometers away from Lin Wen in Yingjia Village, even wearing a raincoat and holding an umbrella, Sheriff Zhao Anping couldn't stop the cold sensation crawling up his spine.

In front of him, in the ink-black night, a long string of lights snaked like a dragon. Countless sandbags, earthworks, gabions, and even cotton clothes were passed among the crowd, up to the dike of Yingjia Village, and then thrown down in front of a breach that was about three meters wide and seven meters deep.

The rescue work had been going on for three hours, but the breach was still not completely sealed. The river water rushed out from any gap, and the second flood peak had already arrived, increasing the crisis countless times.

But there was no other way now, they had to forcefully seal it.

If Sheriff Zhao hadn't ordered the only heavy truck loaded with soil to back down and seal the breach when it first appeared, it would have already burst.

The dike of Yingjia Village was one of the three main dikes in Changshan County. Once it broke, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The slogan on the dike rose and fell, but the voices of 8,000 people were still drowned out by the sound of wind, rain, and rushing water.

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"Sheriff Zhao! Sheriff Zhao!" A figure ran over anxiously and cried out, "The west side has been flooded! More than ten dikes have collapsed!"

Sheriff Zhao shouted sternly, "Has the emergency evacuation notice been sent out?"

"It has been sent out, but..."

"What's the use of talking nonsense? Quickly report and request rescue! Broadcast it! Organize the rescue! Go!"

Sheriff Zhao's thoughts raced, "The upstream area is vast and sparsely populated, and the flood is slow to move with many mountains and hills. There are highlands everywhere that can be used for shelter, and emergency evacuation is definitely possible. The key is here."

Just as he was thinking, a cry suddenly came from the dike. Sheriff Zhao Anping looked up suddenly and saw a strong jet of water gushing out from the middle of the dike, spraying several meters high and accompanied by a large amount of sand and stones, scattering the people around.

The supervisor Liao Zhian shouted, "Seal it! Quickly go and seal it!"

Sheriff Zhao felt an evil fire rising straight to his head. He picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "I'll seal your mother's whole family! Run! The dike is about to collapse! Run! Run!"

The crowd surged down from the dike, and the cries merged into one. The people under the dike ran back like mad.

Sheriff Zhao felt the blood vessels on his forehead throbbing and shouted, "Hu Ping! Hu Ping! Quickly, organize people and send out an emergency evacuation notice. All the villages behind here won't be able to hold on. Tell the people inside to run down to the lower reaches without taking anything! The upper reaches are already flooded, so they can only run down to the lower reaches!"

Despair and rage did not interrupt Sheriff Zhao Anping's calm thoughts, "At least the Dongdao Dike is safe. Quanzhi Village and the surrounding area should be safe. I'll quickly take people there for shelter!"

Organizing people in the dark and in the rain was especially difficult. Amidst various noisy shouts and the sound of wind and rain, there was a loud crash. The dike of Yingjia Village collapsed, and the flood tore open a huge thirty-meter-long gap and rushed towards Yingjia Village.

Sheriff Zhao Anping no longer cared about anything else and ran wildly with the crowd. The rain hit his face, as if pouring into his heart.I don't know how long I ran until I couldn't hear the roar of the flood anymore. I found a safe high ground and someone brought a high-power searchlight, which was just like a lighthouse.

Zhao Anping held the searchlight and shone it towards the sky while directing the staff to gather the crowd. He smiled bitterly, thinking, "Why do I feel like a defeated general in ancient times gathering troops after a defeat?"

Looking around, everyone was drenched in heavy rain, anxious and dejected. It really looked like it.

"Hmm, the enemy must have taken advantage of the heavy rain and night to launch a surprise attack, while also using water to flood and defeat Zhao Anping's Changshan Army. After this battle, Zhao Anping was devastated and died with resentment."

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After joking around, Zhao Anping quickly regained his composure. Seeing more and more people gathering, he raised the loudspeaker and shouted, "It's safe here, as long as we're alive. This rare flood will surely be helped by the empire to rebuild our homes."

With just this sentence, the crowd became much calmer. Zhao Anping wanted to say something else, but he saw another group of people running towards them from the north. The leader saw Zhao Anping and cried out, "Sheriff Zhao! The Dongdao Dam has collapsed! Over ten thousand people are affected!"

Zhao Anping's head buzzed. He grabbed the person and said sternly, "What did you say?"

The man's face was full of rain and tears mixed together, crying, "The water was too strong! The Dongdao Dam couldn't hold it. I saw that the situation was bad, so I let everyone run. The dam collapsed in just a few minutes, and the water rushed out like crazy. I, I..." and started crying again.

Zhao Anping felt a chill from head to toe. He suddenly realized that if the Yingjia Village Dam and the Dongdao Dam had both collapsed, it wouldn't be safe here. They had to run further downstream.

He picked up the loudspeaker and shouted with all his strength, "The Dongdao Dam has collapsed! The flood is coming! It's not safe here, we have to run!"

Suddenly, cries and shouts rang out again. Zhao Anping had three people carry the searchlight and continued to walk downstream. The crowd was forced to move.

After walking for less than thirty minutes, they heard the sound of rushing water behind them. Someone shouted, "The water is coming! Run! Run!"

The crowd started running. They didn't know how long they ran in the darkness until they couldn't hear the water anymore. Fortunately, they had the searchlight to guide them, and not many people were left behind.

Zhao Anping found a place to temporarily settle down and asked, "Where are we now?"

The people around looked at each other and it took a long time for someone to tentatively answer, "It seems to be near Niu Jiaocun."

"It's Niu Jiaocun. I released cattle here," someone confirmed his words.

Zhao Anping calculated in his mind, "Then it should be safe. The flood can't reach here."

"No, it's not!"

Zhao Anping suddenly stood up.

"Isn't Changpai Village next to Niu Jiaocun?"

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The people around turned pale. They immediately realized that they were facing the Changpai Village Dam!

Some had already started running away.

"No, no!"

Zhao Anping immediately denied his previous thoughts. "The Changpai Village Dam would have collapsed long ago! It doesn't make sense for the Dongdao Dam to collapse and the Changpai Village Dam to still stand!"


Everyone thought.

It would have collapsed long ago. The Dongdao Dam couldn't even withstand a second round of flooding with so much manpower and resources. Why would the Changpai Village Dam still stand? Did it collapse twice in five years?

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But look around, where is the flood?

"Just thinking won't help." Zhao Anping said, "We'll know when we go and see. The Changpai Village Dam is not far away, only a few miles.""But... " Xiao Zhang trembled all over, his legs shaking. The terrifying scene of the breached levee had greatly frightened him. "Shouldn't we just evacuate?"

"Evacuate?" Zhao Anping glanced around. Tens of thousands of people lay on the ground, exhausted and injured. The sound of crying was everywhere, and many had already scattered along the way. "Can you even walk?"

"But, but, what's the use of going to see?"

As the sheriff, Zhao Anping still had authority. He chose ten people to follow him. "In case there's an emergency on the levee, we can help."

"Let's go."

Zhao Anping said, but in his heart, he was thinking, "Is it you, Lin Wen?"

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