Don't Interrupt My Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 93: Legendary Super Department

For Lin Wen.

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As long as the first phase of the project is completed, all the good fortune of Lin Wen's long-planned home reconstruction plan will be credited.

This is the grand plan he started planning as soon as he became the sheriff. After experiencing so many ups and downs and expending so much mental and physical effort, he can finally see the dawn of success.

Based on his contributions to this matter, he will definitely receive a huge amount of rewards.

Lin Wen is looking forward to that feeling.

After the completion of the second and third phases of the home reconstruction, it will be considered as a new event and, of course, there will be more good fortune.

In addition, there will definitely be a lot of good fortune in the matter of resettling the farmers and the Democratic Party who fled to Qingcheng.

Coupled with the flourishing Changshan County, Lin Wen can already foresee his incredibly bright future.

Just as he was immersed in beautiful fantasies, the settlement of yesterday's events finally came out.

A huge golden number.

Good fortune +231

Lin Wen's mood instantly became clear and comfortable. All the potential depression and frustration instantly disappeared from him, as if a thick amber-colored honey was poured into his heart, spreading a sweet fragrance to his limbs.

This is the most beautiful feeling and the most anticipated thing for Lin Wen in this dull physical world.

Feeling pleased, he even wanted to compose a poem on the spot, and he already had a title in mind.

"In the Fragrance of Rice Flowers, Talking about a Bountiful Year"

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However, he then encountered a huge blow.

A pure black number.

Bad fortune +1

Half of Lin Wen's face instantly drooped.

Sure enough, yesterday's chaotic scene must have had both good and bad fortune. He couldn't guarantee that every enemy would receive the damage they deserved, nor could he guarantee that every good person wouldn't suffer undeserved harm because of him.

If he insisted on acting strictly based on pure goodness, then almost nothing could be accomplished.

Even if it's for the benefit of 99% of the people, sacrificing the interests of 1% of the people, you can't say that all of that 1% are bad guys. Just like there is no absolute justice in the world, there is also no absolute kindness.

So, Lin Wen had already expected this and wasn't too disappointed.

As long as the good outweighed the bad by a hundredfold in what he did, then it was a gain.

There's one more thing.

Although bad fortune reduces a lot of opportunities and luck, it greatly increases basic attributes and can temporarily increase combat power.

This is very useful in the early, middle, and late stages. Only when reaching the super late stage, the level of Immortal King or above, can the power of good fortune be fully demonstrated. At that time, not only is luck and opportunity highly demanded, but crossing the tribulation is also very difficult. Many demons have fallen at the hurdle of heavenly tribulation.

This is also the greatest limit of bad fortune.

Good fortune, on the other hand, can reduce the power of major calamities. This is one of the reasons why Lin Wen has been pursuing good fortune from the beginning.

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However, bad fortune is not completely useless. In the case where good fortune far exceeds it, a little bit of bad fortune is not a bad thing.

It can greatly enhance basic attributes and significantly accelerate his development in the early and middle stages. It is very helpful in joining sects, selecting talents, focusing on cultivation, receiving true teachings, and participating in martial arts competitions. Even in the early stages when he doesn't have many trump cards and encounters critical situations, it can temporarily increase his combat power and unleash a burst of strength.

In short, it allows him to smoothly transition to the super late stage, without any gaps, avoiding the roller coaster-like experience. If he suddenly derails, that would be bad.

But it shouldn't be too much either, otherwise, after thousands of years of hard work, he would only explode and give away his wealth and treasures. Who could bear that?

After understanding this, Lin Wen's mood instantly brightened, and those two points of bad fortune didn't seem so glaring anymore. After all, he now has 2062 points of good fortune, which is a thousand times more than the bad fortune, completely within his tolerance.

Today is definitely a day of great joy. By noon, Phoenix Nest also returned.

She looked dusty, with her clothes and hair covered in dirt, and her expression was solemn with a hint of worry.

Moreover, observant Lin Wen noticed that she wore the same clothes when she went out and came back, which had accumulated a lot of dirt.

For a girl who loves cleanliness, this is particularly unacceptable. Previously, Phoenix Nest would change her clothes every day without repeating.

"Where are your clothes?" Lin Wen asked as the first words.

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Qin Luoshuang was slightly surprised, but still calmly said, "I sold them. The prices of some mercenaries are quite high, and I don't have that much money. But fortunately, the effect is decent. The Elder should not notice this place for the time being. However, it's difficult to guarantee with the military. Information in that area is too sensitive, and I dare not investigate it casually."

"You've worked hard."

Qiqiao Linglong's heart felt heavy as she said, "It's really hard for you, a girl, to run around outside for so long. Take a good rest when you come back home. There are no aunts or uncles here, no cold-hearted father, but there's me. No matter how long you go out, I will always be here waiting for you, accompanying you, taking care of you."

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Qin Luoshuang's face blushed slightly, but she still calmly said, "Lin Wen, save the comforting words for later. Your situation is very unfavorable now. Sheng Huaixuan may not be able to withstand the pressure at the next Thirteen States Joint Conference, and you may be dismissed and punished."

Lin Wen smiled and said, "No, I have you, don't I?" He held Qin Luoshuang's hand and let her sit beside him.

"Come, now there's a new plan and responsibility that I want to give you."

Qin Luoshuang had many things she wanted to say, but at this moment, she couldn't say a word.

"Look, this is the new department I'm about to establish. You will become the head of this department and be responsible for all its operations. This is one of the subordinate units of this department."

Lin Wen pointed to a piece of paper on the table.

Qin Luoshuang focused her attention and looked down.

It read:

New Department: Sheriff's Guard DepartmentFirst Unit: KGB

Second Unit: Changshan County Federal Investigation Bureau

Third Unit: Changshan County Central Intelligence Agency

Fourth Unit: Military Intelligence Section 7

Fifth Unit: Changshan County Intelligence and Special Missions Bureau

Sixth Unit: Changshan County Counter-Revolutionary Committee

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Seventh Unit: Dragon Group (This unit is directly managed by Sheriff Lin himself)

Even with Qin Luoshuang's extensive knowledge and experience, she was taken aback.

"What... what are all these?"

Lin Wen proudly laughed, "This is the Sheriff's security department, in charge of all the intelligence, defense, reconnaissance, combat, espionage, assassination, and counter-revolutionary tasks you need. You can adjust the specific functions of each department unit yourself."

Qin Luoshuang was stunned for about ten seconds before she couldn't help but retort, "I adjust? Then what's the point of these units?"

"They're cool and handsome, and they also have bonuses from time and history."

"Alright." Qin Luoshuang sighed lightly, "I'll take charge, I knew it would be like this, you haven't changed at all."

The Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart said, "But isn't this the me in your heart?"

This sentence finally broke her defenses, and Qin Luoshuang's neck turned red. She immediately stood up and ran out, "I'm going to work."

"Hey, hey, don't rush!"

Lin Wen shouted:

"I'm also going to establish a Changshan County Supreme Political Bureau, responsible for all external political struggles. You'll be the director. Also, I have money now, I can give you ten million first, if it's not enough, you can come to me for more."

Qin Luoshuang didn't turn her head, only a voice floated back.

"I got it."

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