Continue The Show Anyway, You’ll Be Fine

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In a blink of the eye, the November holiday once again returned. Jiang Yan and Xue Hangyi got engaged quietly.  

Gu Chu had come from S City to see them, and when she saw the couple rings in their hands, she shrieked in delight.

“You didn’t even call me when you got married! You’re too mean, Ginger!” Gu Chu pouted, seemingly at a little loss. 

“No, no, it’s just an engagement. Only family members know about it. We didn’t make it public.”

Gu Chu laughed again and hugged Jiang Yan’s arm. “You must call me when you get married. Ah! It’s not easy to marry you off…”

Jiang Yan said as she looked behind her again, “Won’t you introduce the handsome guy behind you?”

Gu Chu’s face flushed, and she coughed. Before she could speak, the handsome guy behind her had already stepped forward and embraced her shoulders. He greeted Jiang Yan and Xue Hangyi with a smile. “Zheng Ye, Gu Chu’s boyfriend.” 

After a slight pause, he continued. “We saw each other last November, in front of a snack bar on Pingjiang Road!”

Jiang Yan remembered the sunshine boy from a year ago. After a moment of surprise, she chuckled. “Xiao Yu’er ran for  2 minutes and 20 seconds?”1

He shook his head regretfully. “No.”

“Then how did you guys—” Jiang Yan was a little puzzled.

He sighed and stroked Gu Chu’s head. “She asked me to run first and said she wanted to chase me from behind. As a result, she ran in the opposite direction…”

Jiang Yan understood. “So you ran back to chase her?”

Zheng Ye smiled and nodded. “I couldn’t let her run far…”

Xue Hangyi exclaimed. “It’s so witty, I should have thought of such a tactful way.”

Jiang Yan glanced at him. “If you are stupid, you should read more.”

Gu Chu and Zheng Ye both laughed.

The four of them happily entered the city. After sending Gu Chu and Zheng Ye to the hotel and making an appointment for tomorrow’s trip, Jiang Yan and Xue Hangyi drove home.

The two were living together after their engagement, but they still held on to the last “line of defense”. They both agreed to save the first time for their wedding night.

When Xue Hangyi went to take a shower, Jiang Yan, in her nightgown, lay in front of the computer, chatting and singing with her friends.

Her ears felt a bit uncomfortable lately so she didn’t use the headset. While Xue Hangyi was away, she grabbed the mic and sang a song called “Spoof”, which was exactly what he sang to her on KTV a year ago.

Halfway through the singing, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind her, she was startled and let out a scream.

Nearly fifty people who were listening to her sing were also startled by her shriek, and they quickly texted her asking what happened.

She stared at Xue Hangyi angrily, but he looked at her innocently.

She stretched out her hand to cover his eyes. “Don’t look at me like that!”

Grabbing her hand he softly coaxed, “Well, I just wanted to see what you were doing—”

She snorted and pointed to the screen. “I’m playing with all of them, go away, don’t make trouble!”

He leaned over, put his arms around her neck and softly said, “No, I’ll watch you play.” 

When the two were talking, suddenly a faint voice came from the computer, “Ginger, you haven’t turned off the mic.”

Jiang Yan: “——”

He continued to look at her innocently (OS)2: Is it my fault?

She hurriedly turned off the microphone, and typed a few words on the public screen: 

【I’m going to take a bath, you guys continue… nothing happened just now! Yep! Everyone, go on!】

She glared at Xue Hangyi. “I’m going to take a bath, you obediently read your book, don’t move!”

Xue Hangyi raised his head and nodded obediently. “Yes, my wife!”

Standing in the bathroom she still felt awkward at his sudden move. However, amidst the sound of splashing water, there was a faint singing voice. Her eyelids jumped and she quickly closed the tap, she could hear the voice even clearer.

Jiang Yan wrapped a bath towel around and ran into the bedroom to check on the situation, and as she walked in, she saw Xue Hangyi singing happily on the mic.

She stood at the door, coughed, and asked him, “What are you doing?”

As he sang, he turned to look at her and gestured a ‘shhh’. “Wait for me to finish singing!” 

Seeing him turn around and continue to sing, Jiang Yan felt like she was struck by lightning. This guy is too shameless! When I was in the shower, he took the initiative to sing!

While he was singing, she quickly put on her nightgown, walked behind him, and looked at the flowers and the words “enter the circle” on the screen. She sighed quietly, thinking in her heart that, as expected, men are more popular than girls.

As soon as he finished singing the song he turned to Jiang Yan with a smile as if asking for praise. “How was it; did I sing well? I didn’t shame you, right?”

Jiang Yan was silent for a moment and shook her head. “No, I am the one who embarrassed you.”

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, whispering softly, “Then I want a reward.”

She struggled a few times before finally leaning on his chest. She quickly pecked his lips and reached out to mute the microphone. “Don’t forget to turn it off after singing.” After a slight pause she said, “Can you still sing?”

Encircling her waist, he placed his forehead on hers, and his voice barely whispered, “What should I do, I suddenly don’t want to bear it…”

She put her hand on his shoulder, and giggled. “No! Endure!”

However, his hands were not so honest.

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She grabbed his hand angrily. “No touching!”

At this moment, a cough suddenly sounded from within the computer, and Ping Ning’s voice rang: “Ginger, you didn’t turn off the mic.” 

“Huh? No?” Jiang Yan flushed and quickly looked back.

Xue Hangyi smiled and said softly, “Actually, I just turned it off…”

He just turned it off, then… and she turned it on again!

She immediately flushed with shame and was annoyed at the same time. Breaking free from his arms she climbed on the bed and tightly covered herself in the blanket.

As he watched her, he erupted into laughter, making her more embarrassed. She exclaimed, “It’s your fault! You sleep in the guest room today!”

“My fault?” As he spoke he hugged her and tugged away the corner of her quilt vigorously. “My fault? What can I do with you for being so shy?”

She retracted into the quilt again, and asked in a muffled voice, “Did you turn it off?”

“It’s off.” Xue Hangyi held her across the quilt, and nuzzling his forehead on hers, said, “I think…”

Along with those words, his hand had quietly reached into the quilt. Jiang Yan shook her body, and quickly reached out to push him. “No way, no way!”

He looked at her pitifully. “Xiao Yan, I have endured for more than a year.”

She was silent for a while. “Get the certificate tomorrow, and roll on the sheets tomorrow night!”

Xue Hangyi was astonished. He leaned over to hug her and rolled on the bed a few times. He pressed her under him and gave a hard kiss before parting and raising his head. “Okay, we’ll go get the certificate tomorrow.”

Seeing his face full of excitement, she quietly moved aside, grabbing the quilt between the two. “Behave tonight!”

“Okay!”  Then he reached out and scooped her back into his arms. Before she could speak, he explained: “I’m holding you to sleep!”

Jiang Yan couldn’t help but smile and let him hold her, she then closed her eyes peacefully.

Xue Hangyi was a gentleman, and he was quiet all night without even moving his hands.

It was only early in the next morning that he became uneasy, and a series of movements finally irked Jiang Yan and woke her up.

Jiang Yan stared at him angrily, but he looked at her with a smile. “What time does the Civil Affairs Bureau open? What time does it open? What time does it open!”

“Around eight or nine…” She rubbed her forehead silently and asked, “What time is it?”

He glanced at the phone. “Five thirty.”

She kicked him. “Get out!”

He came over and hugged her again. “You sleep. I’ll wait.”

Jiang Yan replied with a “En” and fell asleep again in a daze.

Xue Hangyi looked at her slumbering visage and couldn’t help holding her tighter.

How nice, I can see her every day when I wake up.

She belonged to him.

When Jiang Yan woke up again, it was two hours later. Gu Chu called and asked them where they were going to play today. As a result, Xue Hangyi’s plan fell through and he spent the whole day following Jiang Yan to play with Gu Chu and Zheng Ye.

When they finally went home that night, he didn’t look that good.

Jiang Yan didn’t notice it at first, but when both of them were getting ready to go to bed, she realised that he didn’t seem to be sticking to her as usual tonight. So she held his finger and asked him, “What’s wrong with you?”

Xue Hangyi snorted almost inaudibly, closed his eyes, and said, “Unhappy.” 

She took the initiative to lean against him. “Because I didn’t go to get the certificate?”

He snorted again, but she laughed. “Xue Hangyi, why are you like a child when friends come over to play, you can’t just leave them alone, right?”

Xue Hangyi opened his eyes and looked at her but said nothing.

She had to coax him. “When they leave, we’ll get the certificate, okay?”

He finally let out a hum, put his arm around her and rested his chin on top of her head. “Xiao Yan, I love you.” 

Jiang Yan leaned a little more and reached out to hug him. “I know, I love you too. ” 

“I love you. ” 

“… I know. ” 

“ I love you. ” 

“…What’s with you?”

“Important things need to be said three times!”


After the November holiday, Gu Chu and Zheng Ye returned to S City hand in hand.

Originally, Jiang Yan and Xue Hangyi were going to obtain a certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau but were dragged down by a sudden change in a cooperative project. Xue Hangyi had been working overtime for this, and sometimes he didn’t even get to see Jiang Yan once a week.

Jiang Yan was the Chief Editor, and her company did not specialize in literature. So in general, her work was relatively leisurely. However, she rarely got to see Xue Hangyi, so her mood sank day by day.

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Because the two companies had a cooperative relationship, Jiang Yan’s big boss knew about the relationship between them. Seeing that Jiang Yan’s whole person seemed lost, the big boss said, “Xiao Jiang, I heard that Juqi is planning to recruit someone to fill in for creative planner, you want to go try it?”

She looked at her big boss in shock. “Huh?”

The big boss continued: “Seeing that you are not in the right state of mind all day, as a friend of Mr. Xue, I can’t let you two have such a long-distance relationship.”

“But if I leave, what will our company do?” she said.

The big boss sighed and smiled unnaturally. “My little sister graduated this year. She studied Chinese, so she can just come over.”

Jiang Yan immediately understood. She had seen this little sister of the big boss before. She didn’t have any outstanding ability and there was no department as comfortable as her editorial department. However, she was the big boss’s sister, she was incapable of holding a position that was too high, and would be wronged if given  a position that was too low. This not-so-important Chief Editor was just suitable.

Since the boss said so, Jiang Yan had no choice but to nod. “Well, I’ll go through the resignation procedures tomorrow.”

The big boss smiled with satisfaction. “Xiao Jiang, Mr. Xue will never let you be wronged, you can rest assured.”

Jiang Yan smiled. “Okay.” 

The next day, Xue Hangyi was still on a business trip. Jiang Su returned to the company to go through the exit procedures and pulled out the recruitment brochure from the Internet.

She submitted the résumé and soon received an email from Juqi’s Human Resources Department for an interview.

After taking a bath, Jiang Yan rolled around on her big bed a few times, thinking about what kind of expression Xue Hangyi would have when he returned and they saw each other again. She smiled subconsciously.

Lost in her musings, she fell asleep hugging the quilt.

At half-past one in the morning, Xue Hangyi returned. The project was negotiated in advance so he rushed back immediately.

Jiang Yan was sleeping lightly. When Xue Hangyi opened the door, she woke up. First, she was startled and then relieved when she knew it was him.

Rubbing her eyes while sitting up, she asked, “How come you’re back? Weren’t you supposed to return the day after tomorrow?”

He took off his jacket, pounced over to hug her and went for a wild kiss before he replied, “One day without seeing you is like three years.” After a moment, he kissed her lips again. “Did you miss me?”

Jiang Yan was fully awake at the moment and clearly saw the danger signal flashing in his eyes. She said with a smile, “A little bit. “

Although he knew that she was joking, Xue Hangyi still felt a little disappointed. He kissed her lips again and paused for a moment. “But I missed you very much.”

Saying so, he wanted to kiss again but Jiang Yan couldn’t bear it anymore. She hurriedly reached out and pushed his face. She yawned, and commanded, “Go take a bath!”

Xue Hangyi was taken aback. He let go of her and ran off to take a shower. However, when he came back, Jiang Yan was already asleep

He knew that she had to work the next day, so he did not stir her up anymore. He just sat on the bedside and kept scolding himself for being stupid.

The next morning, the two left the house together. Jiang Yan did not tell Xue Hangyi that she was going for an interview. So, as before, she got out of the car at the door of her company, and after bidding him goodbye took a cab to the mall downstairs.

She found a Gong Cha3 shop that she hadn’t visited with Xue Hangyi before. As she sipped her tea, she prepared for her interview.

The interview time was set at ten in the morning. Juqi started work at nine and it’s only half past nine now.

Jiang Yan drank tea and flipped through her résumé making sure that there was nothing amiss. At nine-fifty, she took the elevator to the 18th floor where the Human Resources Department was situated.

The recruitment round could be said to be very grand. There were three interviewers in the preliminary round, and nearly 100 interviewees were waiting outside. Jiang Yan didn’t expect it to be so lively so she was taken aback.

After submitting her updated résumé at the front desk and receiving the number, like many other interviewees, Jiang Yan sat in the waiting area awaiting her turn.

She hadn’t come early. She was forty-sixth, somewhere in the middle. By the time she was called in, it was eleven-thirty.

Among the three interviewers, one had met Jiang Yan before and was stunned when she saw her come in.

Upon receiving her résumé, the interviewer asked, “Miss Jiang, as far as I know, you used to be the Chief Editor in Muting. How did you think of coming to Juqi?”

Jiang Yan blinked and smiled. “Do you want to listen to the truth?” 

The interviewer was taken aback and nodded. “Of course!”

Jiang Yan coughed and replied word for word, “I am here to hook up with your Boss Xue.” 

The three interviewers were dumbfounded. After a few moments, the interviewer who had just asked Jiang Yan this question smiled. “Miss Jiang is really good at joking.”

Jiang Yan also smiled. “Just enlivening the atmosphere….” After a slight pause, she said earnestly, “Yes. Although Muting is good, it is not specialized in the writing industry. Although Juqi is not specialized in this area either, it is closer to that direction. And as far as I know, Juqi intends to invest in cultural media. In comparison, I think the development space here is much better than that in Muting.” 

The three interviewers looked at each other, puzzled. Only their top management was in the know about the matter of investing in the cultural media industry. How could she, an outsider, know so clearly about the things that even their ordinary employees were in the dark?

“How did Miss Jiang know that we were planning to invest in cultural media?” asked the interviewer as he stared at her.

Jiang Yan smiled slightly. “I’m sure you all know that I was involved in the collaboration between Juqi and Muting. I’ve also had dinner with your Boss Xue and several other managers. So, it wouldn’t be too much for us to talk about this kind of thing, right?”

The interviewer nodded. Indeed, she was the Chief Editor of Muting before, and was considered a high-level person. Also the relationship between Boss Xue and the boss of Muting was pretty good, so it’s not too much for the other party to know about it.

The three interviewers asked a few more questions about the profession. Jiang Yan answered them one by one. The interviewers discussed in a low voice for a while and said to Jiang Yan, “We all think that Miss Jiang is very experienced and professional. If you join us, you will be a great addition to the group, so congratulations to Miss Jiang for entering the second round. Please attend the executive interview on time at 2:30 p.m.”

Jiang Yan got up, thanked them, and left the office.

As soon as she reached the first floor, Xue Hangyi called.

“Should we eat together?” 

Thinking that she could not let him know about the interview for a while, Jiang Yan quickly said, “At night, I’m a little busy right now, you can go and eat by yourself.”

Xue Hangyi sounded a little tired. 

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“I’ve been interviewing all morning. I’m tired.”

What? He was personally interviewing? Jiang Yan was a little dumbfounded. For the interview and recruitment of this size, even the dignified CEO of Juqi is personally attending it! It’s not just about recruiting a few creative writing planners, is it?  Is it… to recruit senior management for the cultural media department?

Thinking about it, Jiang Yan asked, “Why are you still interviewing personally?”

Xue Hangyi didn’t even think before answering honestly 

“I have invested in a new cultural media project and need to hire a director and department manager to take care of it. Of course, I have to check this personally.”

Sure enough! Jiang Yan thought in her heart and smiled. “You’re toiling hard! Mua~ you deserve a kiss!”

Xue Hangyi lazily gave an ‘en’, and suddenly said:

 “Why don’t you come here? Then I can rest assured that I can still see you all the time.”

Jiang Yan felt her heart almost skip a beat, this guy is psychic alright!

“Okay, I’ll be there in the afternoon!” Jiang Yan said as she opened the door to a restaurant and went in. After finding a relatively hidden corner, she sat down.

Xue Hangyi thought she was joking, so he just smiled and sighed. 

“If you really come here, I will set up the Cultural Media Director’s office right opposite to the President’s, and use transparent glass for the wall so that I can look at you every day.”

She snorted and laughed. “Would you like to be a muddle-headed ruler encaptivated by a beauty?”

He disapproved. 

“What’s wrong with being a muddle-headed king when I can see you anytime?” 

She smiled and said, “I remember that across your office is your assistant’s office, isn’t it?

“That’s okay, I can remodel the whole floor.”

“It’ll be a waste of manpower and resources!”

Xue Hangyi snorted. 

“As if you are really coming over!”

Jiang Yan was speechless. She quickly changed the subject, and the two people chatted for a while until she said she had to eat, and the two ended the call.

After her meal, she sat in the restaurant for a while. At 2:10 p.m., she took the elevator to the 22nd floor. This was the same floor as Xue Hangyi’s office.

The second round was arranged in a small conference room on the 22nd floor. Six interviewers were sitting close to each other while Xue Hangyi sat in the middle; listening to the questions and answers, taking notes from time to time, showing a very serious attitude.

There were many people in the morning but only five entered this round. Jiang Yan was the fifth one in line.

While waiting outside the meeting room, Xue Hangyi’s assistant, Xu Xi, came out to help him pour water and was a little surprised to see Jiang Yan. He walked over to greet her.

Jiang Yan made a “hush” gesture and glanced at the conference room. “Be quiet, don’t let him hear.”

Xu Xi understood immediately and asked her in a low voice, “Came for the interview?”

Jiang Yan nodded. “Don’t tell him! Let’s see his reaction later!”

Xu Xi smiled. “That would certainly be wonderful!”

Jiang Yan also smiled. “You can take pictures secretly, and then threaten him with them to give you a raise!”

Xu Xi couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s a good idea! Thank you, Miss Jiang.”

Jiang Yan waved her hand. “It should be!” Seeing that he was about to leave, she repeated, “Don’t tell him!”

Xu Xi gave her an OK gesture and entered the meeting room with the cup.

The interviewee was a senior editor in the industry. Xue Hangyi listened carefully to his views on the industry. He didn’t notice Xu Xi’s expression, just took a sip of the water and continued to listen.

After the senior editor, it was Jiang Yan’s turn.

When Jiang Yan entered the door, Xue Hangyi was discussing with a department manager about what the senior editor had just said. He neither noticed Jiang Yan’s résumé placed in front of him by Xu Xi nor the person herself waiting by the door.

It wasn’t until the interviewer sitting on the far right said, “Simply introduce yourself.” that Xue Hangyi turned his head towards her. He didn’t react for a while. His eyes glanced at Jiang Yan and landed directly on the résumé in front of him, seemingly shocked. After ten seconds, he suddenly raised his head and met her(JY) smiling eyes.

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She is really here! She! Actually! Really! Came!

For a moment, Xue Hangyi didn’t know how to. He didn’t smile much at the company, just went about his work seriously. But now he really wanted to laugh out loud. He wanted to rush forward and hug her with joy. It was really tormenting to maintain the boss’s temperament in front of the employees.

By the time Jiang Yan finished her brief introduction, Xue Hangyi had gradually calmed down. He listened to the interviewer’s questions and her answers, she was smiling confidently while being absolutely professional. The corners of his mouth could not help but curl up at the sight.

Those present were all good at observing words and expressions. When Big Boss smiled, they naturally knew that he was very satisfied with the interviewee in front of him. After a few sets of questions, Xue Hangyi suddenly coughed and pretended to casually flip over her résumé before opening his mouth. 

“Jiang Yan, right? There are a few questions that may be designed for privacy. I don’t know if it is convenient for you to answer?”

The several interviewers present were surprised. Generally speaking, the most private question during the interview was whether one was married or not. They had already asked her that to which she’d replied in negative4. Now what kind of question would Big Boss ask that involved the interviewee’s privacy if it wasn’t about marriage? They silently waited for the interviewee’s answer.

Jiang Yan smiled slightly. “Please ask, Mr. Xue.”

President Xue hummed, took out a piece of paper, scribbled a few words, then raised his head and asked, “You said you are unmarried, so you are single right now?”

At that moment, Jiang Yan had an urge to rush over and kill him. Was it really okay to ask something knowingly?!

“No.” Although she despised him very much, she answered honestly.

Xue Hangyi said, “What is your plan on getting a marriage certificate?”

Everybody in the room looked at Big Boss with doubts. Even if this recruitment position was very important, it didn’t matter if one had a marriage certificate or something, right? Only Xu Xi couldn’t help cover his mouth and smile.

Jiang Yan rolled her eyes countless times in her heart, looked at his eyes, and muttered after a moment, “Tomorrow?”

Xue Hangyi smiled. “What time is it?”

Jiang Yan looked at her watch. “Three-thirty.”

Xue Hangyi turned back to ask Xu Xi, “What time does the Civil Affairs Bureau close?”

Xu Xi was taken aback but quickly replied, “Six.”

Xue Hangyi nodded. “Well, there’s no hurry.” After a slight pause, he looked at Jiang Yan. “What kind of wedding do you want?”

The department managers were about to cry from shock. They were wondering who would fork their boss out!

Jiang Yan considered it seriously, and then replied, “Church or lawn. In fact, traditional Chinese style is also good, the dress is nice, and the hair accessories are also lovely.”

Xue Hangyi noted on the paper and asked, “Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?”

The department managers looked back and forth Xue Hangyi and Jiang Yan and gradually realized that their relationship seemed extraordinary.

After a thought, Jiang Yan replied, “Can I travel around the world? I want to go everywhere.”

Xue Hangyi smiled. “Of course.” After he scribbled on the paper a few times, he asked, “When do you want to have a baby?”

Jiang Yan flushed immediately and coughed softly. “Let’s just go with the flow.”

Xue Hangyi chuckled, looked at her, and asked his last question, “Have you brought your resident registration card?” 

Jiang Yan nodded. “Yes, I have.”

Xue Hangyi stood up. “Let’s go.”

Jiang Yan also stood up. And a female interviewer near the door suddenly stood up too. “For induction procedures, I’ll take her, so President Xue doesn’t need to trouble himself with this.”

Xue Hangyi looked at her strangely. “Who said I am bringing her to go through the entry formalities?”

As he talked, he strode towards Jiang Yan who had already stood at the door, and the two of them walked out of the conference room together.

The poor Assistant Xu was held back by the ones left behind.

Xu Xi sighed helplessly, looking at all the curious faces, and said, “Couldn’t you see? Miss Jiang is President Xue’s fiancée. They were secretly engaged before. None of you noticed the ring on Big Boss’s hand?”

“Are they going to get the certificate?!” a half-bald man exclaimed.

Xu Xi glanced at the time and nodded. “No surprise. It’s probably not too late.”

The conference room was quiet for a moment before it boiled: Their President Xue is getting married!

Knowing that she was going to apply for employment, Jiang Yan had brought her ID card and household registration certificate, as well as her household registration booklet just in case. But she didn’t expect Xue Hangyi to carry his household registration booklet with him too5.

When she asked him for the reason, he replied seriously, “In case you suddenly wanted to get the certificate, but I didn’t bring the household registration book, that would be boring6.”

Jiang Yan was speechless.

Juqi wasn’t far from the Civil Affairs Bureau, only a ten-minute drive away. After staying there for nearly two hours, the two came out with a small red book in hand. Xue Hangyi was so excited that he could hardly close his mouth, grinning from ear to ear.

Sitting in the car, while instructing the driver to drive home, Xue Hangyi snatched Jiang Yan’s book, his eyes bright. “Why don’t we burn the marriage certificate, anyway, we won’t get divorced!”

She chuckled. “You are stupid if you burn the marriage certificate. What would you do when your son goes to school in the future?”

“Yes.” He slapped his head, laughed happily, and carefully packed the two notebooks together and put it into his bag, then he reached out and hugged her. “I am the happiest person in the world today.”

Jiang Yan glanced at him contemptuously. “Look at your stupidity! If your staff sees it, they will definitely resign!”

Xue Hangyi didn’t care, rubbed his hand on Jiang Yan’s shoulder and said, “I’m glad you’re there anyway.”

The whole world can leave, as long as you are there.

The author has something to say: 

I don’t care! In the next chapter I’m going to write a little x-article/ x reader!

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