double standard

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Flash to block a big move, world’s truest love

Now he knew why the similarity of this group of IDs was so high, after all birds of a feather flock together.

Fortunately, even though Shen Jiayan helped to buy the account, he changed the ID after and Shen Jiayan probably wouldn’t be able to recognize it. For the time being, there would be no risk of exposing himself.

But even after thinking it over for awhile, he still felt it was all quite freaky. How could the person Shen Jiayan found to play with him be Shang Huai?

However, it might be that ever since he met Xia Zhiye, freaky situations occurred more and more often, so after a short duration of shock, Song Yan quickly returned to his normal state of silence.

Shen Jiayan, that fool, was still happily acting cute over there: [I only know how to play mid-lane, so can you all let me play mid-laner please~ QAQ]

Shang Huai: [No problem. You play mid-laner, I’ll play jungler, and we can play together, unparalleled in the entire world]

Zhou Ziqiu: [I’ll play top lane]

Song Yan, this kind of lone wolf style player, didn’t have the word ‘support’ in his dictionary, and was too lazy to say any extra words, and directly marked his own role: [ADC1]

The remaining Xia Zhiye was also quite cooperative: [Sure, then I’ll be support]

Xia Zhiye just sent this out, while Song Yan watched on helplessly as he saw the other choose Zhuang Zhou2, while bringing along a head on the way.

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: ?

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: The opposing team’s Wang Zhaojun, King Lanling, BaiQi and Zhong Kui3, I’ll control them

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: Got it, but bring weakness4

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: No need

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: ?

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Piranha5

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: ??

Song Yan always felt he himself was the kind of player that was the most annoying kind of tumor.

His play style was ‘I’m the best unparalleled player, the rest can do whatever they want’ but because his skills were pretty good, most passersby teammates were willing to protect him.

Who would have thought he’d meet a player who’s even more of a malignant tumor than he was.

As the ADC with the shortest legs in the canyon of King’s Glory, Song Yan chose to play Lu Ban, and in the three minutes since the game began, he had not seen Xia Zhiye’s support once.

It wasn’t until a 1v2 battle in the bottom lane against Yu Ji and Zhong Kui where the other two had been beaten to residual HP, did that fish6 suddenly bring the opponent jungler’s red and blue buff and mysteriously appear, then used a big move to go underwater and win two heads.

The system announced, Zhuang Zhou double kill.

Song Yan was itching to reach into the screen and use Lu Ban’s giant cannon to directly fry that fish alive. He truly couldn’t stand it, then opened the chat box in the game.

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: ?

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: I was afraid your damage wasn’t enough

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: ??

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Anyways we’ll win

They truly did win. Finally, that fish that sorely needed a beating chose a build that sucked away other’s HP, and after he rushed into team battles, with Song Yan shooting from behind, the other team was essentially entirely wiped out.

So that little Luban had no choice but to run around the entire map behind a fish, and experience for himself what it means to have a poor gaming experience.

Previously, when Song Yan found Xia Zhiye to play, it was usually Xia Zhiye playing jungler on his own, while Song Yan played a side lane. Each did their own thing, neither bothering the other.

This time was the first time he truly understood what it meant to have someone accompanying you every step of the way, and he would never have thought it could be so joyless.

Song Yan felt if he played this kind of game again, his and Xia Zhiye’s friendship would probably reach its end.

So in consideration of world peace, at the end of the round after they all returned to the loading room, he directly sent out a sentence with a cold face: [You guys play, I’m logging off]

Shang Huai and Shen Jiayan were basically dead weight throughout the entire match, and nearly caused the mid-lane to collapse. The entire time, they hugged Song Yan’s thigh and laid down to win. Seeing as he wanted to leave, they grew worried at once.

[Sexy and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Little sister don’t, that person is just like that. He plays high damage heroes too much, so he sucks at playing support. Don’t go, why don’t I be your support in the next round

[Beautiful and Rich Little Lady]: No need, I have something to do tomorrow, I’m going to sleep

After he replied, Song Yan logged off, exited the account of [Beautiful and Rich Little Lady] and returned to his own WeChat account.

Only then did he see the message that Shen Jiayan sent previously: [Before, the limited edition skin came back for a period of time. I sent you one, go online and check it out]

What followed was a link to a game gift.

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Song Yan smoothly entered.

His phone screen loaded up a game login interface.

He just clicked on the icon to log in with his WeChat, waited for the page to load, when a new message appeared on his friend’s list.

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online (Wild)]: You haven’t slept?

[Not Added as a Friend (YAN)]: Hm.

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online (Wild)]: 5v5, you in?

Why would he be in.

Song Yan prepared to reject the other, but a game invitation popped up on his screen. Song Yan’s fingers shook, and he accidentally pressed on ‘Accept’.

So the moment he entered the game room, Song Yan felt a sense of suffocation that was both real and virtual coming from Shen Jiayan.

But this sense of suffocation was restricted to just the two of them.

The three male high school students only felt happy.

[Sexy and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Yan ge? You’re also playing?

[Cute and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Just enough people, let’s start.

[Pure and Good-Looking Male High School Student Accompanying to Play Online]: Sure

From beginning to end, Song Yan had no time to reject, and was forced into the picking stage. Then without waiting for Song Yan to reject him, Xia Zhiye once again sent out: [Yan ge is ADC, I’ll protect you]

After he said this, he chose Cai Wenji7.

Song Yan thought back to the experience of the game with Xia Zhiye supporting him, and kind of wanted to shut his phone off.

Meanwhile Shen Jiayan on the other side recovered from his enormous shock, then private messaged Song Yan: [You guys know each other???]

Song Yan scoffed in reply: [Yeah, classmates]

Shen Jiayan, who was separated by a wall8, felt his head nearly explode: [This world is just too magical!!! Dad, you definitely can’t betray me! If you let them know I’m a guy, then my legendary reputation will be gone!]

Song Yan replied: [You originally didn’t have any kind of legendary reputation.]

Shen Jiayan was nearly crazed: [I’m begging you dad, just pretend we don’t know each other at all, okay? I’ll kowtow for you and pay respects early!!!]

If you knew the shame of today, then why did you have to use the voice changer in the first place.

But Song Yan thought back to his own behavior, and found that he wasn’t that much better.

After all, what if one day his sockpuppet of [Beautiful and Rich Little Lady] was exposed, then he might witness the fall of a horse bleeding out over a hundred steps, his corpse on display for others to see9.

Thinking this, Song Yan felt he must cover his sockpuppet to keep his dignity, so he said with rarely-seen kindness: [Don’t worry, I originally don’t even know you]

Shen Jiayan finally sighed in relief: [Thank you dad. A dad’s love is like a mountain, I will forever be grateful to you]

After the two exchanged information, they switched back to the game, and just happened to enter a team battle.

Xia Zhiye played support again, but this time he didn’t charge forward recklessly into the other team’s jungle to fight for the blue buff, and had even chosen not to go into the mid lane to clear lines. Instead, his hero directly sat in their rocking chair10 waving about as he closely followed behind the Marco Polo that Song Yan controlled.

Wherever Song Yan went, he also went. He didn’t mess around, didn’t leave, and also didn’t fight for heads, just bounced around his two short legs and followed behind to heal Song Yan, and the distance between the two never exceeded two body’s width.

He healed until Shang Huai finally cried, and directly opened the mic: “Dad! Don’t just follow behind Song Yan and heal him! He has full health! He doesn’t need you! Please turn to look at me who has less than ten percent health left and even has five stacks of poison! I’m even your friend Lan11!”

He just finished saying this when Song Yan in the mid-lane canyon killed the opposing team’s Arthur who had been crouching in the grass, and the Di RenJie that Song Yan was attacking was low in health. Meanwhile, the opposing mid-laner Zhuge Liang flashed in front of Song Yan ready to unleash a big move12.

At a glance, Song Yan could be seen to be close to disappearing, but Cai Wenji, who had even less health than Di RenJie, and whose skills were on cooldown, directly flashed in front to block Song Yan and take the place of receiving Zhuge Liang’s big move.

Simultaneously, Song Yan seized the opportunity to kill the opposing Zhuge Liang.

The remaining three teammates stared at the two announcements of Cai Wenji’s death closely followed by Marco Polo’s double kill: “……”

This teamwork is too 613.

Shang Huai opened his mic: “Who said our Lord Xia doesn’t know how to play support?”

Zhou Ziqiu typed: “To the extent of angering the top lane’s Lu Ban to death.”

Shen Jiayan through the voice changer: “Wow, the support gege is such boyfriend material!”

Xia Zhiye, who had always just typed in the chat box, opened his mic, and his lazy voice broadcast out from the game: “As long as I don’t die, our Song Daxi must not die. Don’t be envious, don’t be jealous, this is the good fortune you can’t beg to have.”

His tone was languid, and was even mixed with a hint of carelessness.

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Hearing this, the tip of Song Yan’s ears felt hot, and he lowly scolded with a ‘dumb idiot’.

Did this guy coax little girls all day and become addicted?

Also, in the last round, he couldn’t catch the other’s fish, but in this round, no matter what he did, he couldn’t get rid of Cai WenJi. How could the same person play support in such distinct ways?

Did the other have some kind of sickness?

While thinking, Shen Jiayan sent a message on WeChat.

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]: Brother, I feel like this classmate of yours might have some kind of problem.

[YAN]: ?

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]: Do you know how he played support in the previous round?

[YAN]: .

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]: He basically made himself the ADC, while Lu Ban was relegated to being a pendant.

[YAN]: ……

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry]: And the only time I’ve seen someone play support and has such a big difference of life and death to protect one person already announced that he and the other are boyfriends, so brother, I can only wish you good luck.

Song Yan: “……”

Turns out you shouldn’t change your voice, because if you use it too much you’ll turn gay.

Song Straight Man assessed Shen Jiayan in this way.


Facts have proven that Xia Zhiye wasn’t simply protecting Song Yan at risk of loss of life just once, and was just willing to do so every round.

He played to his utmost, to the extent that even China would be moved.

So in the next few rounds, Song Yan played quite comfortably, and won MVP round after round, and his stats grew better and better.

But tomorrow he still needed to go to the cemetery in the outer suburbs, and also still needed to help Shen Jiayan complete worksheets, so after playing a few rounds, Song Yan logged off.

He wasn’t playing, so Xia Zhiye also wasn’t interested in playing, and also logged off. He then switched to WeChat: [I searched your desk and bed but couldn’t find your tablet. It’s also not that good if I search your drawers or closet]

It was inevitable he wouldn’t find it because the tablet was lying next to Song Yan’s left hand, and he just randomly found an excuse at that time.

[YAN]: Ok, no problem. I’ll go back and find it myself.

After he said this, the dialog box began to switch between [Wild] and [The other party is typing……], as if the other had something to say but was very hesitant.

This wasn’t like Xia Zhiye’s usual style.

Song Yan just wanted to ask, when a message was sent over [Were you happy today]

A sentence that came out of nowhere, was it worth it to be so hesitant over?

Song Yan’s fingertips paused for a moment, and felt this message of Xia Zhiye’s was a bit direct, as if the other knew Song Yan returning home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival would cause him to be unhappy.

But he quickly felt he was thinking too much.

Xia Zhiye was probably just talking about playing games.

[YAN]: Not bad.

[Wild]: That’s good, remember to come back early. NanWu needs you.

[YAN]: ?

[Wild]: NanWu city’s city grass14 is very lonely staying home alone15.

[YAN]: ……


Song Yan scolded the other in his heart, but the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but raise up in a subconscious smile.

He smoothly bought a plane ticket to go back to NanWu in two days.

It’s fine to go back early.

So as to prevent Xia Zhiye from going astray after having nothing to do in this long, 8-day break.

After all, who knows how many good jiejies this scumbag had.

Also he really didn’t want to stay in Beijing. Even though it was his mother’s memorial day, he didn’t really have any additional changes in his mood.

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After all, the feelings he had for his mother had changed after being tormented during his short childhood years. After he saw his own mother die in front of him, all that dependence, dread, deep love, and fear had already dispersed cleanly.

Only leaving behind the gratitude of the hardships of carrying him in her womb for ten months to give him this life.

Every year in Autumn, he would come here to clean the leaves from the tombstone, place a new bouquet of white flowers, and stand there quietly for a moment. As if it were the last interaction and restraint between mother and son.

“That’s also fine. At the very least, you don’t have to feel sad every year. But don’t worry, my mom is your mom. After you go back to NanWu, if you need anything, just let me know.” Shen Jiayan said as he crazily stuffed the small desserts and snacks his mother made into Song Yan’s luggage.

Song Yan pulled out the pile of items that were stuffed into his luggage, but clearly wouldn’t pass the security check: “It’s fine, rather than worrying about me, it’s better if you do some worksheets, and let your mom worry about you less.”

After he said this, he pulled out a book of teaching materials and worksheets for Shen Jiayan, and handed them both over: “The most important testing points for Year 2 as well as your most error-prone questions. I helped you collate the data. As long as you look it over before the final exam, you’ll probably be able to save your life.”

Shen Jiayan took it, flipped through a few pages, saw that the ink still hadn’t even dried yet, and knew that the other had stayed up all night to help him put together his wrong questions and teaching materials.

Seeing as Song Yan was still able to think about his own matters at this time, Shen Jiayan’s eyes felt a bit warm, and bear-hugged Song Yan, his voice choked with emotion: “Lao Song, you’re too good to me.”

Song Yan felt this person was probably an idiot. Just a notebook could make the other lie like this.

But if the other wasn’t an idiot, he wouldn’t go so far as to be friends with Song Yan, and after thinking this, Song Yan was still a bit moved.

He just planned to comfort the other, when Shen Jiayan wiped his tears, and raised his head from his chest: “But Lao Song, don’t worry, your brother won’t treat you unfairly. If one day you come out of the closet with that gay classmate of yours, and your father wants to beat you to death, just find me. Your brother will definitely pledge to uphold the freedom of your love!”


Song Yan’s words of comfort immediately faded without a trace, and he coldly pulled back his notebook, “It’s better if you get beaten to death by your mother.”

“Don’t, lao Song, I’m serious. If it weren’t for you, I definitely wouldn’t be able to survive National Week. It’s such a shame you have to go back so early…… Oh?” Shen Jiayan seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and slapped his forehead, “Although you can’t stay in Beijing, but I can go back to NanWu with you!”

Song Yan: “?”

“I’ll just tell my mom that you don’t have any friends in NanWu, and I’ll go with you to play around for a few days, and you can also tutor me along the way. She’ll definitely agree, it’s perfect!” After Shen Jiayan said this, he ran downstairs followed by a sweet yet greasy voice, “Ooh! My youngest, most beautiful mom!”

Yan: “……”

This person really did whatever he said.

Also Shen Jiayan’s youngest and most beautiful mom was already tired of seeing this idiot at home. So rather than staying at home everyday to play games, it would be better if he went with this top student, Song Yan, and go out to gain knowledge and experience. So she bought a plane ticket for Shen Jiayan without much convincing.

It wasn’t until the two arrived that Song Yan finally realized this was decided so quickly.

He hadn’t even told Shen Jiayan that the gay classmate that played with him yesterday was the legendary little tyrant, Xia Zhiye.

If these two people with abnormal brain circuits met, exchanged contact information with each other, then underwent some strange evolution that was divergent from normal human practice, then it would be hard to ensure nothing would happen.

Just thinking about it made his physical and mental body feel exhausted.

Fortunately he didn’t tell Xia Zhiye he came back, and brought Shen Jiayan to live in a hotel. The two would probably not meet.

Shen Jiayan’s movements were also well-practiced: “Xiao Yan, I booked the hotel. A suite at the Hilton hotel. There’s two bathrooms, just perfect for the two of us to live together.”

“Hm, let’s go.”

Song Yan casually hailed a taxi, then picked up his luggage and got in the car.

NanWu at night was by far better looking and more interesting than during the day. As the car sped by on the elevated road, the neon lights on both sides of the road left behind magnificent rays of light to form a lively and bright background for the clamor and noise of the fireworks of the night market.

Once they arrived at the entrance to the hotel and got off the car, Shen Jiayan smelled some hot pot smell wafting over, and directly let out a ‘fuck’: “Smells good! Xiao Yan, let’s go eat hot pot later!”

Song Yan was playing on his phone, and didn’t even lift his head: “Whatever you want.”

He was tall and his legs were long. He walked extremely fast, and Shen Jiayan carrying a big and small bag of items found it laborious to follow along: “Walk slower, wait for me. Also there’s a glass door in front, be careful!”

Thanks to Shen Jiayan’s warning, Song Yan didn’t collide into the door, but his walking speed didn’t slow down at all.

Shen Jiayan followed behind while panting, and complained: “Who are you talking with, you’re not even looking at the road.”

Song Yan casually responded: “Xia Zhiye.”


Shen Jiayan raised the pitch of his voice, as if he thought he heard wrong.

In order for Song Yan to prevent Shen Jiayan from groundlessly worrying, he never told the other that the bad youth in the legend, Xia Zhiye, was not only his roommate, but also his desk mate.

But seeing as the two played games together, then it was about time to correct Shen Jiayan’s misunderstanding of Xia Zhiye.

So he added: “Xia Zhiye, my roommate, the support from last night.”

“???” Once Shen Jiayan heard this, his entire person grew more upset, “You’re telling me the support from yesterday night is Xia Zhiye?!”


“The one who kept playing Cai Wenji and Princess Yaoyao, who’s full to bursting with boyfriend material, has an amazingly great temper, that warm hearted support is that same person in the legend who’s 2 meter tall, has 8-pack abs, and beat someone up until they were hospitalized, and even has over forty girlfriends, that playboy scumbag is Xia Zhiye???”

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It wasn’t hard to hear Shen Jiayan’s conviction crumbling in his voice.

For a while, Song Yan didn’t know how to reply.

After all, to a certain degree, it was right, but it also wasn’t completely right.

Just as he was thinking of how to clarify the sentence so there were no issues, Shen Jiayan who had been standing behind him had already agreed tacitly.

While holding his luggage, his footsteps paused, and his voice was close to questioning humanity: “So, the person you were chatting with on WeChat yesterday that you said was a big handsome asshole that you thought was annoying was also Xia Zhiye?”

Song Yan: “Yeah.”

Shen Jiayn: “Then it’s over.”

“?” Song Yan didn’t understand these three words, stopped walking and turned back, “What do you mean it’s over?”

Shen Jiayan stood in his original spot, raised his arm and pointed behind the other: “Because there’s a person who looks exactly like that handsome asshole standing over there.”


“Also he’s been standing there looking at you for a very long time.”


Song Yan turned and followed Shen Jiayan’s gaze, then indeed found under the lights in the lobby, a handsome asshole who was tall, long-legged, had high eyebrows, deep eyes, a tall nose, with even a small birthmark lazily stood leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

After he met Song Yan’s eyes, his eyebrows bent slightly, and the corners of his lips slightly curved upwards. With the most relaxed smile, he tossed out three rhetorical questions that attacked the soul directly: “Playboy? Scumbag? Very annoying?”


In that moment, Song Yan thought, there was no need for this kind of childhood friend. If only he could directly cover the other in flour, and fry him into fried chicken.


The author has something to say:
Xiao Shen: Just a tool man, crying cat head.gif

This work is about to embark on the road of no return towards a Shura field16:

Xiao Shen falls, Xiao Shen falls, after Xiao Shen falls then Xiao Song falls.
Xiao Song falls, Xiao Song falls, after Xiao Song falls then Xiao Xia falls.
Xiao Xia falls, Xiao Xia falls, after Xiao Xia falls, he’ll be beaten.


I hope the whole gaming scene made sense  i don’t play games like this so I tried my best searching up all the references ;-;


1. ADC = attack damage carry, aka bot-laner. The hero that pushes towers and deals high damage (i had to google this so pls don’t be mad if i butcher these gaming terms!)

2. Zhuang Zhou is a hero in King’s Glory. He’s a support/tank style hero.

3. These are all King’s Glory heroes.

4. From what I can gather, weakness is a skill to weaken the other player (? i’m not quite sure on this one)

5. A type of build for Zhuang Zhou, i believe it’s meant to be a high output type build

6. The piranha build involves Zhuang Zhou riding on a fish, or something

7. Cai Wenji is another hero in King’s Glory. A lot of heroes in King’s Glory are based off prominent characters in Chinese culture/history. Very fascinating.

8. Author uses an idiom here, wherein being separated by a wall means the two are separated by a very large distance

9. Sockpuppet in Mandarin is (马甲), and one of the characters means horse (马). Fall off a horse essentially means exposing your sockpuppet.

10. Cai Wenji has some kind of vehicle they use for transport as part of the hero design.

11. Refers to a nine-minute animation that King’s Glory released about the backstory between two heroes, Cai Wenji and Lan. Although Lan was dispatched to assassinate Cai Wenji, a heartwarming series of situations occurred that caused the two of them to grow close – the video has heavy romantic undertones, but beware as Cai Wenji has the look of a young child, so it’s all kind of strange to me lol. Anyways SH is saying XZY should pay attention to him because they’re allegedly supposed to be in love! haha

12. The author mentions so many heroes ;-; (Di RenJie, Zhuge Liang)

13. 6 is slang for amazing

14. Play off of class grass. XZY is basically saying he’s the most handsome in NanWu

15. The idiom used here is meant for a woman who’s married and staying home alone

16. Shura field is originally a Buddhist term, and means a battlefield

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