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Yan ge, you really love him.

“Wait a minute.” Little fatty finally reacted, “If those two really had something, then it would conflict with the information I just asked about.”

Zhou Ziqiu looked at him from his peripheral view: “What did you ask about this time?”

“Just the situation regarding why Lord Xia was forced out of ShiWai.” Little fatty glanced at Jiang Yuanyuan who stood in the corner, lowered his head to cover his mouth, then whispered, “Actually, he wasn’t forced out. It’s just that at that time, the high school division at ShiWai had already determined that Lord Xia would be promoted to a key class, but as a result, when the admissions list was announced, his name disappeared. Therefore, it was equivalent to him not attending school at all, and there was no ‘forcing’ at all.”

“Then why did it turn into being ‘forced out’?”

“It is said that Lord Xia fought with someone before the midterm exam, and beat that person so badly they were sent to the hospital. Ultimately, that person couldn’t attend the midterm exam, and transferred schools. Some people guessed that it was because of this that ShiWai didn’t accept Lord Xia.”

“Then why does this conflict with the two of them?”

“Are you dumb, what else could it be for? Lord Xia and that male student fought because they were rivals in love for a girl. It seems that that male student had just announced that he and Jiang Yuanyuan were together, and then Lord Xia beat that person up.”

“Hiss——“ Everyone took in a breath of cold air, “But doesn’t Lord Xia like Yan ge’s type?”

“That’s right, so that’s why I thought it was strange. But when you say it like this……” Little fatty took a brave guess, “Could it be that actually it wasn’t that Lord Xia and that male student were fighting for Jiang Yuanyuan, but he was fighting with Jiang Yuanyuan for that boy. Then because love gave rise to hate, they had a vicious fight?”

“Hiss——“ Everyone took in another breath of cold air, “Makes sense.”

“Mhm, it truly isn’t impossible.”

“Right, there’s a possibility……”

Wait, why does this lazy voice sound a bit familiar?

Little fatty turned around, then saw Xia Zhiye and Song Yan had already changed their clothes, and were just calmly standing behind them.

Little fatty: “……”

“Are you done gossiping?”

Xia Zhiye asked.

Little fatty nodded: “Done gossiping.”

Xia Zhiye: “Then if you’re done gossiping, can you nicely move it to the basketball court?”

“I can.”

Little fatty quickly spun away from the scene.

The remaining students also pretended that nothing happened, while some said “the sun today is so nice’ while others praised that ‘the moon today is so beautiful’, they left the locker room at top speed.

Song Yan stared at everyone’s retreating backs, and chose not to end Xia Zhiye’s life, only said two words: “I’m thirsty.”

Xia Zhiye: “I’ll buy it. What do you want to drink?”

“Mineral spring water, buy a few more bottles.”


Xia Zhiye was used to being sent off on errands by little master Song and didn’t harbor any doubts as he grabbed his cellphone and left the basketball arena.

And Song Yan, after watching the other leave, calmly withdrew his gaze, then looked towards the teacher’s schedule in the Academic Affairs Office that was pasted against the wall and fell deep into thought.


When Song Yan returned to the basketball court, the two groups, one from No.3 Middle High and the other from ShiWai, looked at each other fiercely across the boundary of the half court.

Each one of them raised their chins higher than even their noses, and looked as if they were primary school children about to fight. It was clear that they hadn’t reached an agreement regarding Xia Zhiye’s problem.

The other party was led by Chen Rui, and when he saw Song Yan come over on his own, he lightly sneered: “What’s wrong, Xia Zhiye figured out he did something shameful, and now feels so guilty he ran away just before the battle?”

Zhou Ziqiu harshly glared at him: “Xia Zhiye didn’t even do anything shameful, why should he feel guilty?”

“Oh, looks like the new little friends from No.3 Middle High don’t know what he did in middle school?” Chen Rui laughed peculiarly, “Because of love he beat a classmate from the same school into the hospital, and even forced them to transfer schools, then stole someone else’s first place position in the entrance exam. This isn’t a shameful act?”

“You’re saying this but do you even have proof?” Zhou Ziqiu remained unmoved, and immediately refuted.

Chen Rui coldly laughed: “I was there at that time, and watched with my own eyes as Wu Feng entered the hospital. Seeing is believing, and there’s no way that was faked, what other proof do I need? Also, if it were fake, why would ShiWai not want the top scorer in the entrance exam and have him be allowed to enter No.3 Middle High? The school is covering him up, it’s not like we’re dumb.”

Zhou Ziqiu still wanted to say something, but Song Yan called out “Fang Chang”, and little fatty immediately ran over: “Aye, Yan ge, what’s up.”

Song Yan whispered into the other’s ear, and little fatty’s excited expression of ‘there’s also something like that’, then he nodded: “Yan ge, don’t worry, I’ll deal with this matter.”

After he said this, he walked to the audience nearby, took out two bottles of happy water1, then walked towards Chen Rui and Zhou Ziqiu. He said with a smile: “Everyone calm down, let’s drink some water and stop arguing.”

Little fatty, as his nickname suggested, was white and chubby, simple and honest. Once he laughed, he was like a big panda, and it was very hard for others not to lower their guard. So although Chen Rui felt that despite bringing gifts, the other had no good intentions, and could only ask with a poor temper: “Something wrong?”

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“Nothing’s wrong, just feel that the atmosphere is a bit awkward, and think that that’s not good. Everyone is innocent, and we’ll all be friends after drinking Cola. Later during the practice game, we should take it easy.” Little fatty raised the can of Cola and laughed adorably.

The other party was already so sincere, so he couldn’t reach out to slap a smiling face. Chen Rui couldn’t continue to take his anger out on the innocent because of Xia Zhiye, so he reluctantly reached out to pick up the beverage that little fatty handed over.

However, just as the other party was about to touch the bottle, little fatty suddenly shouted ‘aiyah’, and immediately after, fell down. The bottle of Cola in his hand flew up with a perfect parabola in the air, then fell down with his huge body, making earth shaking noises in the empty basketball hall.


Chen Rui’s hand was still frozen in midair.

He hadn’t yet had time to figure out what level of a scheme this was when little fatty laid on the ground and began yelling: “What kind of person are you?! I treated you to a drink with good intentions, and if you didn’t want to drink it then don’t drink it, why’d you have to push me!”

Chen Rui: “???”

“Fuck, when did I push you?!”

Chen Rui had never been so wronged in his life.

But little fatty’s facial expression was even more wronged: “You won’t even own up to it! Just now! Everyone already saw it!”

The loud voice of anger reverbated indoors. Chen Rui felt the inquisitive gazes of everyone in the basketball hall, and couldn’t help shouting in return: “He fell on his own! It has nothing to do with me! It really has nothing to do with me!”

“Would he fall with his entire body sprawled on the ground on his own?” Liu Yue was most aggressive in No.3 Middle High, and took the lead in raising difficult questions.

Immediately after, Zhou Ziqiu coldly laughed: “Even a blind person could see that you clearly reached your hand out to touch him, and then he fell. You’re still acting innocent?”

“You guys said Chen Rui pushed him, but do you have proof?!”

Even if the ShiWai students didn’t know the truth, they also couldn’t let Chen Rui be bullied by those from other schools, and they began to fight back on the spot.

But Song Yan, who stood aside and watched with cold eyes, leisurely opened his mouth: “We were all here, seeing is believing, how could we fake it? What other proof do we need? If it was faked, why would little fatty go so far as to not drink a perfectly fine can of Cola, and insist on tripping himself? You guys are covering for him, but we aren’t stupid.”


You couldn’t say this had nothing to do with Chen Rui’s words, and could only say that it was exactly the same.

Even if Chen Rui was said to be slow to react, he still realized: “You’re purposely trying to start something!”

After he said this, he viciously smashed the basketball towards Song Yan, and when the ball bounced back up, it nearly smacked Song Yan’s face. The students from No.3 Middle High couldn’t not be angry, and they rushed forward to push Chen Rui: “What’s up? What’s that supposed to mean? You want to fight?”

Chen Rui’s temper was also vigorous, and he pushed them back: “If you want to fight, then fight! Who’s scared of who!”

“Aiyo! You even dare to push people!” The student who was pushed immediately fell to the ground, laid shoulder to shoulder with little fatty looking aggrieved.

Chen Rui: “???”

He swore he didn’t use that much strength.

But the others from No.3 Middle High didn’t care at all: “You also pushed people, what are you trying to say!”

The students from ShiWai also grew angry, and pushed back: “This is what we mean, do you understand yet?”

“Hey, try touching me again?”

“If I touched you, I touched you, what are you gonna do about it?”

“You fucking kicked me!”

“You kicked me first!”

“Liu Yue, go off on them, don’t be scared!”

The fire of war spread in an instant and ten or twenty 1.8 meter tall male students shouted and scolded as they began to scuffle about. It could even be said that the scene was spectacular, and even little fatty, who had very average body quality, also scratched at others to participate in the battle.

Kong Xiaoxiao stood to the side as she cheered and egged the students on, while Jiang Yuanyuan made calls while looking anxious.

Chen Rui had just knocked down someone from the enemy camp with great difficulty, and glanced around to look when he saw Song Yan standing calmly amidst the scuffle to the side of the basketball court.

He recalled that Song Yan had just said something to little fatty, who had then came to set up the ‘accident’, and Chen Rui’s anger bubbled up again. He took large steps forward, then grabbed Song Yan’s collar with one hand: “What the fuck are you so calm about?!”

“I’m not calm about anything.” Song Yan raised his eyelids, his expression cold as he sneered, “What, you want to punch me but don’t dare, so you had to find an excuse? If you have a problem, then directly punch me.”

Chen Rui was ridiculed by Song Yan in such a way, and a gush of hot blood rushed up to his head. He moved faster than he could think, and immediately flung Song Yan forcefully to the wall, then raised a fist up high.

But before he could hit anyone with that fist, a loud, severe voice could be heard from behind: “Everybody stop! You’re all so unrestrained, huh! You even dare to start a fight at school! Who started it! Come forward!”

Chen Rui turned around to look.

Fuck! Who the fuck called the Director of Education!

Song Yan waved around the phone in his hand: “You guys have the contact info for the Educational Administration office pasted onto the wall.”

Chen Rui: “……”

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And when he turned this time, he just happened to have eye contact with the Director of Education. Once the Director of Education noticed him grabbing another student’s collar as if he were about to punch that student, he shouted on the spot: “Chen Rui! Get over here! You’ve even learned to start a fight and cause trouble! You’re really good, huh!”

Chen Rui felt he suffered a great injustice: “Teacher! He was the one who started it!”

Little fatty wiped his tears, and with the tear-stained face of a beauty: “Clearly you were the one who pushed me first.”

Chen Rui: “?”

Song Yan: “Teacher, we can ask to check the security cameras.”

Chen Rui: “??”

When they saw the footage from the security cameras with their own eyes, they clearly saw little fatty laughing while walking towards Chen Rui with a can of Cola in his hands, but as a result, when Chen Rui reached out with an ugly expression, little fatty fell down. The Director of Education smacked the table: “Chen Rui! Is there anything else you want to say!”

“???” Chen Rui, “Teacher! There’s a problem with the angle of the security camera!”

“Then what about this! Is this also a problem with the angle of the security camera?” The Director of Education once again pointed to the second person he had pushed.

Chen Rui: “……”

There was no problem this time, but he swore he didn’t use that much strength!

“Also this, this student didn’t even move his hands at all, and you suddenly rushed forward to hit him. Is this also a misunderstanding?” The Director of Education was so angry he could die.

Chen Rui wanted to cry without tears, and felt it was beyond dispute: “He was the one who let me beat him!”

“Are you sick, he let you beat him?”

“He’s the one who’s sick!”

Chen Rui had just opened his mouth to speak when little fatty could no longer take it: “You’re trying to scold my classmates again!”

The Director of Education acutely latched onto the most important point: “Again?”

Little fatty nodded his head frantically: “That’s right, again. Before, he scolded our classmate Xia Zhiye, scolded him for being a scum of society, and being a degenerate. He scolded him so terribly that my classmate cried, and now he’s secretly wiping his tears in a corner. Originally we didn’t want to argue, and share a beverage to express goodwill, but as a result, he even pushed me!”

Chen Rui nearly felt insane: “Xia Zhiye’s secretly wiping his tears in a corner?! Can you guys say something that makes sense?!”

“You’re the one not making sense!” The Director of Education forcefully slapped the table, “Speak, why are you scolding Xia Zhiye for no good reason?”

“He already caused Wu Feng to be unable to attend the entrance exam and directly transfer schools, why can’t I scold him? Is it reasonable for him to bully his classmates? If he didn’t beat Wu Feng into the hospital, then it’s not guaranteed that the top scorer of the entrance exam would be him!”

In middle school, Chen Rui and Wu Feng were roommates. At that time, he saw that Wu Feng hadn’t returned to the dorm, so he went to the teaching building to look for him. He had just happened to bump into Xia Zhiye carrying Wu Feng, who was bloodied, into an ambulance. Later he couldn’t meet Wu Feng again, and was notified that Wu Feng had transferred.

Later, the school left the matter unsettled. Without this explanation, some people guessed that the school chose to cover for Xia Zhiye in order to protect the remaining top student in the entrance examination. After the high school refused to accept him, Wu Feng had also always brooded over this.

After the Director of Education heard his excuses, he took two extremely deep breaths, then stood up: “Everyone has to squat here and write a self-reflection for me and properly reflect upon the violent behavior you had in school. Before I come back, none of you are allowed to leave!”

After speaking, he shut the door and left.

The remaining classroom full of male high school students gazed at each other in consternation as if they were in a cockfight.

Chen Rui’s face had already turned red-purple in anger, and hated that he couldn’t lift Song Yan up for a fight right now, but in order to avoid the Director of Education’s abuse of authority, he could only resist his urge.

But the more he endured, the angrier he became, until he became so angry he nearly exploded.

Fuck, why!

Clearly, the students from No.3 Middle High were the ones to scam them! How did it turn into him having violent behavior at school!

He truly couldn’t endure it, and he fiercely kicked the leg of a nearby chair.

On the other hand, Song Yan was the exact opposite. He leisurely leaned against the wall, and calmly said: “What’s wrong, the feeling of being wrongly accused is hard to take? Especially being wrongly accused with this kind of ‘seeing is believing’, isn’t it difficult to bear? Aren’t you resentful?”

Difficult to bear, sullen.

The things he hadn’t done obviously couldn’t be explained clearly. He felt so sullen that he wanted to commit seppuku to prove his innocence.

Chen Rui nearly broke all the teeth in his mouth with how hard he was gritting his teeth, and with great difficulty, resisted the urge to directly wreak havoc upon the classroom: “So what the fuck are you trying to say? I provoked you, or angered you!”

“I already said, I don’t mean anything. I just wanted to let you experience what it felt like to be accused wrongly by others who feel that ‘seeing is believing’.” Song Yan’s tone was very calm.

Chen Rui laughed out of anger: “Fine, I understand. Isn’t it that you feel that Xia Zhiye was wrongly accused, so you’re helping him fight for justice? But I’ll still tell you today, Xia Zhiye definitely wasn’t wrongly accused!”

“Then why don’t we make a bet.”

Song Yan said to Chen Rui.

Chen Rui: “Let’s make a bet then.”

“If Xia Zhiye wasn’t wrongly accused regarding this matter, then I’ll take full responsibility for the things that happened today, and I’ll even treat your basketball team to drinks for a whole month. If Xia Zhiye was wrongly accused……”

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“Impossible!” Chen Rui interrupted him with righteous indignation.

Song Yan indifferently replied: “I said if.”

“There’s no if. If there was an ‘if’, then I’ll do whatever you want me to do, I can even cut my head off for you to use as a soccer ball.”

He had just spoken, when the Director of Education opened the door: “What are you kicking3? If you guys don’t finish writing a 3,000 character self-reflection, no one can even think about playing soccer!”

After speaking, he tossed an archive envelope onto the table: “This isn’t the first time I’ve explained that the school isn’t covering for Xia Zhiye, but you don’t believe me. Look for yourself.”

“What is this?” Everyone curiously crowded over.

The Director of Education took a big gulp of tea, then replied after spitting out tea leaves: “The results of handling the matter at that time.”

Results of handling the matter?

He was letting them see it just like that?

Chen Rui skeptically pulled out the documents in the envelope, skimmed over it, and his face immediately stiffened.

After a large amount of specific investigative evidence, the information provided by the parties involved, and the injury examination results from the hospital, the conclusion is as follows:

[The student involved, Wu Feng: Because of long term pressure from learning, he had developed a somewhat serious psychological issue. He had regarded classmate Xia XX as an imaginary enemy and took the initiative to provoke the other many times. He also imagined that he had an abnormal intimate relationship with a classmate of the opposite sex, and stole that student’s personal belongings many times, and also improperly harrassed that student, which brought serious trouble to that student. Because the student involved was in a state of psychological vulnerability and had involuntary behavior, he was removed from school after mediation by both parents for in-depth treatment]

[The student involved, Xia Zhiye: At about 22:30 on May 11, 2019, because he saw a certain student Wu X lock a female student in the bathroom while harassing her in both speech and behavior, he violently broke the door and tried to stop it. However he was violently resisted by the other party who was seriously injured in the fight. However, because the purpose of the act was justified, it effectively prevented the situation from escalating while protecting the injured female student, he received the understanding of classmate Wu X’s parents. So after compensating the medical expenses, he was criticized and no other punishment was given]

After everyone saw the two decisions made after the educational administration office handled the situation, there were opposing reactions.

Little fatty exhaled with a breath of relief, as if a weight lifted from his mind. Fortunately they didn’t believe in the wrong person.

But Chen Rui and the others found it hard to believe: “Impossible, Wu Feng and I were roommates at that time. How come I didn’t know he had a psychological problem? Also, if it was really like this, then at that time, why didn’t the school make the decision public, and Xia Zhiye also didn’t explain it himself?”

“Wu Feng originally had a reclusive temperament. In order to preserve his position as the first in the grade, he only studied, which led to a problem with his mental health. What could you, a little idiot, have discovered? As for why we didn’t publicly announce it……” The Director of Education sighed, “It was Xia Zhiye’s intention.”

Chen Rui didn’t understand: “Xia Zhiye’s intention? What was he planning?”

“What else could he be planning, he was trying to keep everyone’s face. Did you guys forget, this also involved a female student. At such an age, you guys can gossip about things that aren’t even gossip, and things that you can gossip about can be indeterminately spread around. If it were really announced, wouldn’t this female student be blamed?”

Everyone grew quiet.

Although it wasn’t laid bare, everyone could also guess who that girl was.

At this age, one’s sense of right and wrong is not yet fully mature. A beautiful and virtuous girl was easily envied by those of the same age, and was also easily pitted against by boys that she had rejected. So regardless of whether or not it was intentional, lies and slander would definitely be spread far and wide.

“But if Xia Zhiye wasn’t wrong, then why didn’t the high school accept him?” Someone raised a question.

The Director of Education exasperatedly replied: “It wasn’t that the high school didn’t accept him. That year, Xia Zhiye’s parents had just passed away, and his household had run into an unforeseen accident. He gave up on ShiWai himself, and had a full scholarship to No.3 Middle High. It was also because he felt that as long as he didn’t go to high school at ShiWai, then the lies and slander wouldn’t affect him, so he felt there was no reason to announce it. Who would have thought you would have misunderstood him to this extent.”

After saying this, Song Yan in the corner unconsciously curled up his finger.

Turns out Xia Zhiye couldn’t afford ShiWai’s school tuition because his parents had passed away in the third year of middle school, which is why he chose to attend No.3 Middle High.

After all, even if he received a full scholarship for ShiWai’s school tuition, the incidental cost such as school uniforms, as well as the usual school activities, and the cost of recreational activities were all not cheap.

Song Yan, who had previously never understood why Xia Zhiye could afford to attend ShiWai in the past, finally received an answer.

Meanwhile the others from ShiWai also had the same train of thought, and felt both disconsolate and ashamed.

At that time, clearly they had been friends that even called each other brothers. But as a result, his parents had passed and they didn’t even know it. Seeing that he voluntarily didn’t let them know, and was forced to transfer to another school but they had no idea why, and had even left behind a pile of misunderstandings, forcing them to call him a scum of society and a degenerate.

Chen Rui recalled the feeling of being wrongly accused from before, then substituted himself into Xia Zhiye’s situation at that time, and felt that he was really too excessive.

Xia Zhiye could endure it, and was worthy of being a true man.

“But director, wasn’t it Xia Zhiye’s intention not to tell us, you’re telling us right now……” Chen Rui wanted to continue but hesitated.

The Director of Education sneered with a smile: “Look at you guys acting so terrified, such a big group of boys, and you still believe that girls will behave in the same way? Jiang Yuanyuan contacted me long ago, saying that she has finally figured it out. Since she has done nothing wrong, she isn’t afraid of those rumors, and allowed me to clarify for Xia Zhiye. Now look at yourselves again? Other than making trouble, what else can you do?”


They were unable to refute.

“So that’s the end of this matter. Also, although Jiang Yuanyuan doesn’t mind, you should also be a man and take it upon yourselves to not gossip arbitrarily, got it?”

“Got it.”

“If you understand then continue writing your self-assessments. If you don’t finish writing a 3,000 character self-assessment then you can’t leave.”

“Then the basketball competition……”

“You’re still talking about the basketball competition. Take a good look at yourselves, all bruised and battered, can you still play basketball? Cancel it, and change it to an in-class exam!” After the director finished speaking, he strode forward self-righteously then left with a violent swing of the door.

The ShiWai students left in the room who had inexplicably gained another in-class exam: “……”

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Didn’t they just finish taking their midterms?!

Little fatty gazed at their repentant and despairing expressions, and his mood improved greatly: “Hey, such a good basketball competition can no longer be played, and you insisted on fighting. Ai, we were just trying to have a good time.”

His tone of voice incurred much ire, but Chen Rui and the others knew they were wrong, and could only copy each other’s draft, suffering in silence as they squatted in a row against the wall.

Little fatty’s enmity was avenged and his body and heart was free from worry. He turned his head to look at Song Yan: “Yan ge, you pulled it off nicely. But when did you know about this?”

Song Yan lowered his head to play with the bracelet on his wrist, and answered lazily: “Just now.”


“I learned about it with you guys just now.”


“So you mean you also didn’t know about this before?” Chen Rui pupils shook, “Then you fucking dared to make a bet with me, aren’t you scared your face would hurt!”

Chen Rui currently felt as if he was gambling at a poker table, he had first decided to ‘rise’ while the other party instantly said ‘all in’. He originally believed it was because the other party had two AAs, and would have accepted this loss. But as a result, the other party told him that they had no idea what cards he had in his hand at all.4

This kind of feeling wasn’t harmful, but its ability to humiliate him was great.

He felt that Song Yan was a gambler.

But Song Yan only calmly replied with: “Not scared.”

If Xia Zhiye really did something that was deserving of being cursed at, one that would stain his reputation as a student, then No.3 Middle High, as a key high school, also wouldn’t accept him as a full scholarship student. So as long as one moved one’s toe, they would know that there was definitely something amiss.

Also Jiang Yuanyuan’s expression clearly showed that she knew something, wanted to say it, but also lacked the direct motivation to make her explain it without any hesitation at all. So Song Yan thought of the plan just now.

If Jiang Yuanyuan was willing to say it, that means that at that time, Xia Zhiye’s decision was worthy, and to everyone’s satisfaction.

If Jiang Yuanyuan was unwilling to say it, then it also wasn’t bad to let Chen Rui and the others to experience what it felt like to be wrongly accused.

But Chen Rui was still unwilling to concede: “But why were you so sure that Xia Zhiye was wrongly accused?”

“Because I believe in Xia Zhiye.”

Song Yan’s tone of voice as he said it was as if this was a matter of course.

For a moment, Chen Rui didn’t know how to retort, and could only ask again: “Even if you believe in him, he himself didn’t care and didn’t explain it. Why did you expend so much energy to plan to wrongfully accuse me?”

“Because I care.”


“He was subjected to such grievances and he doesn’t mind, but I mind.”

Song Yan knows better than anyone else that he was obviously wronged, yet no one believed in his feelings. So no one else cares, but he cares.

Even more so because this person was Xia Zhiye.

Chen Rui: “……”


He was the one who was wrong first, and it wasn’t good to say anything more. He pulled out a container of Safflower oil from his pocket and tossed it over: “I tossed you pretty heavily before and you probably bumped your shoulder against the wall. You should apply it soon, so as to avoid Xia Zhiye from finding me to settle accounts.”

Once little fatty heard this, he immediately stood on his tiptoe as he pulled aside Song Yan’s collar. He saw a large bruise behind Song Yan’s shoulder, and his eyes immediately reddened.

Song Yan disdainfully pushed him aside: “It’s just a small injury, do you have to go that far?”

Little fatty was choked with emotion: “Yan ge, you don’t understand. I was just moved and ashamed of my previous narrow prejudice against love.”

Song Yan: “?”

“Unconditional belief and protection, so much so that you don’t hesitate to endure serious harm to your body for him, you really love him.”

Song Yan: “……”

The room filled with little fatty’s lamenting cries.

Outside, Xia Zhiye lifted up a bag of mineral spring water, and lowered his head with a warm and indulgent smile.


1. Happy water = Cola, a play on the words in CN as Cola (可乐) sounds like happy (快乐)

2. For a more accurate translation, the idiom used here is to describe people who seem harmless to humans/animals, but in fact are quite scheming.

3. The word ‘soccer ball’ in CN has the word ‘kick’ in it, so the director only heard half of what CR said.

4. According to google, all-in is betting your entire pool of money while raise (I believe author meant ‘raise’ instead of ‘rise’ as is written in the raws) increases the size of an existing bet. I believe ‘raise’ is less risky than ‘all-in’ bc you don’t loose all your betting chips. Poker also requires knowing/guessing what the other party’s cards are to make an informed decision on whether to raise/all-in. CR is saying SY basically bet everything even w/o knowing the full picture behind XZY’s fight.

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