Almost at the moment when Xia Zhiye lowered his body, Song Yan moved his hands from grasping Xia Zhiye’s clothes around the other’s waist to embrace the other’s upper body. Then he focused energy to his abdomen, and he raised his legs to wrap around Xia Zhiye’s waist.

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There was no obstacle in front of Xia Zhiye’s legs, so while hugging Song Yan, he took a step forward with his right leg, and pressed his upper body to the right. As he held Song Yan, he moved past under the horizontal bar, then immediately pulled his left leg back, turned his body, and the two perfectly passed through in a flash.

The difficulty in crossing under the bar for Song Yan and Xia Zhiye was that the bone density of men was far greater than that of women, and the flexibility is much worse, so other male-female pairs could directly pick one up, squat down, then pass under the bar. But this method is not suitable for them.

Because in that way, the length of time needed to bear one’s weight was especially long, and the requirements for one’s legs was particularly high. Furthermore, placing all the pressure on Xia Zhiye’s body would naturally make it more difficult to pass the event.

So Song Yan chose to first bend his body and control the height of Xia Zhiye’s body so that they would able to clear the bar stably, then had Xia Zhiye hug him, and while relying on Xia Zhiye’s explosive force in a flash, the moment he lost his balance, he quickly passed under the horizontal bar.

It only took two seconds for them to move from being stuck in a difficult position to a perfect finish. The little children and parents who were watching the show suddenly broke out into enthusiastic applause and cheers.

While this method was quick, the moment they used up their explosive strength, the pair would immediately lose their balance and fall onto the mat.

Song Yan hadn’t reacted yet when his entire person had already been securely pressed down by Xia Zhiye. Both of his hands were still around Xia Zhiye’s neck, and his legs were still wrapped around Xia Zhiye’s body. Their bodies were even more tightly stuck close to each other, neck to neck, their bodies in an ambiguous embrace.

In the eyes of the other pure and simple little friends and parents, this scene was just a little incident after two young boys succeeded in the challenge.

But in the eyes of little fatty, who had attempted to lock the two into a locker room yesterday, could only let out a loud ‘What the fuck’.

In such a public place in front of so many people, these two dared to play so openly?!

And this ‘what the fuck’ matchlessly and accurately penetrated through the layers of clamor from the crowd and landed on Song Yan’s and Xia Zhiye’s ears.

So Song Yan’s movements froze.

Xia Zhiye’s movements also froze.

At that moment, there was only one idea in both of their brains, was it breaking the law if they killed little fatty or not.

Yet little fatty was completely ignorant to it all. After saying ‘what the fuck’, he only felt that Song Yan and Xia Zhiye were really brave: “Yan ge! Ye ge! You guys are really courageous! Real men are magnanimous and unfearful of peculiar looks! Go! I’ll bring fresh flowers for you at the finish line to congratulate you!!!”

So in this world, there’s always some people who not only wanted you to feel embarrassed to death, but also wanted you to die of embarrassment forever attached to your first and last name.

After Song Yan thought of where to bury little fatty that night, he coldly looked at Xia Zhiye: “I’ll give you three seconds to get off of laozi.”

Xia Zhiye immediately got up, then reached out, wanting to pull Song Yan up.

Song Yan immediately pushed away the other’s hand, prepared to get up by himself, but when he was just about to get up, a tearing pain came from the back of his waist, and he couldn’t help himself from furrowing his eyebrows.

Xia Zhiye asked: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, just annoyed.” Song Yan coldly tossed out a sentence, pulled his sweatshirt hood up to cover his head, then shoved both his hands into his pockets and with quick steps, walked towards the last rock-climbing event.

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The final event wasn’t that gaudy, it was just the most simple rock climbing sprint.

One person in the pair would go first, then the other person would follow. Then together, they sound the bell at the end, which can completely end this lousy game.

Xia Zhiye glanced at the height of the wall, then glanced at the still heavily breathing Song Yan, and finally grabbed the safety belt: “I’ll go first.”

This way he could first find a path, and he could also allow Song Yan to rest for a moment.

Song Yan didn’t reject this, only coldly humming in response.

After all, this rock climbing wall was built in the parent-child amusement park. Although it looked a bit tall, the fulcrum was actually set up very simply. The level of difficulty wasn’t high, and Xia Zhiye’s four limbs were slender and coordinated. He would be able to climb up in several steps.

The parents of the neighboring 5 year old child had also smoothly arrived at the final event.

Song Yan and that young father fastened their safety belts at the same time.

When the worker held Song Yan’s waist to fasten the safety belt, Song Yan couldn’t help himself and furrowed his brows again.

The tearing pain at his waist was a bit severe, probably because he didn’t warm up well. Just now he exerted a great amount of force for a moment and stretched his body, so now even just moving a little bit hurt like hell.

The young father next to him noted his expression, and asked with concern: “Little classmate, are you okay?”

He just spoke when a milky voice floated down from above their heads, cheering: “Daddy, you can do it! I want Automan! Dudududu——”

Once they raised their heads, they saw the little boy leaning over the railing, looking downward as he was doing Automan’s classic, cross-shaped pose1.

The young father immediately moved a few steps back, and replied with the exact same pose: “Daddy has received it! Son, please obediently wait in Nebula M782 for daddy’s victory!”

“Your son has also received it! Go daddy!”

Then the little boy was obediently taken away by the worker to a safe location. The young father then resumed his normal state, and looked towards Song Yan and abashedly smiled: “My son just likes these things, there’s nothing I can do about it. Or else his mother and I wouldn’t have participated in this competition.”

Song Yan looked at the other’s collar that was already drenched in sweat: “It seems Automan is the second place award?”

“Mm, yeah, the second place award. If it was the first place award then I probably would have already pulled you into a fight.”

Song Yan: “?”

The young father laughed: “Really, I’m not joking. I promised my son that I’d get the Automan, and I have to work hard as a father. Or else if an adult breaks their promise, then the child would be very disappointed.”

If an adult breaks their promise, then the child would be very disappointed.

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Song Yan lowered his head to test the safety belt, then lowered his eyes: “You treat your son really well.”

“Ayy, aren’t all dads like this.”

The young father had a proud yet happy smile on his face.

Song Yan didn’t look at him again, just turning his body to reach out towards a depression in the wall, then stepped upwards to a projected rock on the wall, then began climbing upwards.

In the past, when he was in Beijing, he had been exposed to sports such as shooting, skiing, and rock climbing, so a rock wall with this level of difficulty was not a problem at all.

Just that every time he exerted strength, a severe, tearing pain would rise up on his waist. So every time he climbed, he had no option but to rest for a moment until that severe pain passed, and then he would be able to continue climbing upwards.

At first, he was able to bear it forcibly, but the more he pulled closer to the end, the more repeatedly he pulled, the more intense the pain was. Every time he chose an effective movement upwards, he would have to stop and rest, so that even the young father nearby, who was clearly exhausted, quickly surpassed him.

In the beginning, Xia Zhiye had even thought that Song Yan had never rock climbed before, so he was a bit unaccustomed to it. But the farther he continued upwards, the more Xia Zhiye found it strange.

He had seen Song Yan’s physical prowess. Even if he was unaccustomed to it, his movements would not be so cumbersome and heavy.

Little fatty and Kong Xiaoxiao had already moved from behind the stage, if you looked down, you could see how close they were: “Yan ge doesn’t seem to be in a good state.”

Xia Zhiye remembered Song Yan’s furrowed eyebrows when he was picked up, then looked down to ask quietly: “Song Yan, are you feeling unwell?”

“No.” After Song Yan finished speaking, he forcefully pulled his arm back, and brought his body upwards a step.

But the hammering pain that came from his waist was really unbearable, and he could only step on two protruding stones to stop, while his two hands were placed close to a lever. His arms were a bit bent, with his head lowered, buried into the bend of his arms and took a deep breath.

No matter how you looked at it, it didn’t look like he was fine.

“Song Yan.”

Xia Zhiye emphasized his voice.

Only then did Song Yan raise his head, then he coldly tossed out a ‘I’m fine’, then continued to climb upwards.

But then that young father climbed up to the final point, saw Xia Zhiye’s worried expression, then replied while panting: “I think that your friend might have an injury somewhere. Just now, I saw his face was quite pale, and his forehead was even drenched in sweat.”

When Xia Zhiye heard this, his heart tightened, and immediately leaned over to yell downwards: “Song Yan, stop!”

But it seemed as if Song Yan didn’t seem to hear it at all, and continued to immerse himself in climbing up.

“Song Yan, stop right now. Then grab the safety belt, I’ll tell the worker to help you down.” Xia Zhiye’s voice had a rare hint of earnest displeasure.

Yet it seemed as if Song Yan still hadn’t heard it, only mechanically repeating the same body movements.

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The stinging pain at his waist rose up again and again, hurting so badly he could only fiercely bite down so as to stop himself from groaning out loud. Each time he pulled himself up, it was as if it was a heavy punishment, and several times it hurt so much so that he almost couldn’t grab it well, and there was still half a wall up towards the top of the wall.

It wasn’t that Song Yan didn’t want to give up.

But he had promised little mahjong that he was going to get her the princess castle, so he had to do it.

This was a promise that an adult made with a child, he definitely couldn’t go back on his word.

Because he was clearer than anyone else, that when a child wholeheartedly likes and believes in an adult’s promise, only to wait and find that it was all futile, how disappointed they would be, how despairing they would be.

He once had a happy time in the amusement park, and it was the first and last time he went to the amusement park in his life. So even if it was just a small promise, he didn’t want to break his promise.

He didn’t want to be the kind of adult that he hated the most.

Song Yan bit fiercely down on his lip, in an attempt to forcibly shield his five senses from his psychological cues. He didn’t listen to the care and dissuasion of those who were anxious and worried, and didn’t think about how far the end was, he just endured the severe pain and climbed up bit by bit.

Ten steps, nine steps, eight steps……

Three steps.

Two steps.

One step.

When he finally reached the peak and crossed the finish rail, all the senses he had pressed down under pressure surged.

The pain immediately pushed down so much that Song Yan couldn’t stand up at all, supporting himself on the railing, trying to sit down, but instead, he was directly pulled into someone’s arms: “Where does it hurt?”

His voice was lowered and it was clear the other was displeased, and holding back his worry.

Song Yan pretended to be indifferent as he pushed the other aside: “Nothing’s wrong, just that I think I pulled my waist…… Fuck! Xia Zhiye, are you fucking sick! Put laozi down!”

Song Yan hadn’t finished speaking, when he was directly held up by Xia Zhiye, and he couldn’t help but shout out in anger.

But Xia Zhiye didn’t listen to him at all, only turning his head to ask the worker: “Where’s the medical treatment center in this section of the amusement park?”

The worker hurriedly replied: “It’s at the entrance of the park where they check the tickets, right opposite the center of the princess castle. I’ll have the sightseeing car take you there.”

“Mm, thank you.” Xia Zhiye turned back to look at little fatty and Kong Xiaoxiao, “Can you guys help watch my younger sister, I’ll take Song Yan to the medical tent first.”

After he said this, he held Song Yan as he got onto the sightseeing bus.

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When he placed Song Yan onto the seat, Song Yan wanted to kick the other away, yet he had just raised his leg when the pain forced him to take in a deep breath.

Xia Zhiye’s face immediately worsened, and he pressed Song Yan’s shoulder: “Behave, don’t move around.”

After he spoke, he picked up the corner of Song Yan’s clothes.

Song Yan hurriedly pushed his hand aside: “What the fuck are you doing!”

Xia Zhiye resisted the urge to grab a certain person and place them on his legs for a beating, then turned the other around: “Checking to see if you have any other injuries aside from your waist.”

“No.” Now, Song Yan was afraid of having his limbs touch Xia Zhiye, feeling as if Xia Zhiye was just about to touch his waist, and he hurriedly reached out to pull the hem of his clothes down.

But Xia Zhiye was only worried, just grabbed the other’s wrist and pressed it down next to him so it wouldn’t move: “If there’s nothing then just let me check it out.”

Song Yan was rushed: “I said there’s nothing, so there’s nothing, what’s there to look at.”

“Just before, I asked you if there was anything wrong, and you said there was nothing wrong, but look what happened.”

Xia Zhiye thought of Song Yan’s pained and pale face, and his heart seized unbearably. Even if he wanted to hit the other, he couldn’t bear it, even if he wanted to scold the other, he also couldn’t bear it, but not having Song Yan realize the seriousness of the error and being afraid that the other would repeat the mistake again made him speak gravely.

Song Yan was used to Xia Zhiye’s good temper, and originally was very uncomfortable due to the pain. But as a result, not only did Xia Zhiye not comfort him, he had even scolded him, and for a moment, he was a bit unclear as to whether he was aggrieved or angry.

His voice had also turned colder: “It has nothing to do with you if there’s something wrong with me or not, it’s not worthwhile for me to report back to you.”

“You participated in the competition because of me, yet you say it has nothing to do with me?”

“Don’t think too much. I participated in this competition because I care about little mahjong, and it has nothing to do with you at all. Don’t always put everything on yourself, we’re not familiar.” The more Song Yan spoke, the colder his voice became.

Xia Zhiye was directly angered into laughing: “Fine, we’re not familiar. Then let me ask you, if your waist is crippled today, what do you plan on doing?”

“It’s my waist, if it’s crippled then it’s crippled, what does it have to do with you. Xia Zhiye, we’ve only known each other for two or three months, can you stop being worried about everything, it’s not like you’re anyone to me.”

“You said what does your waist being crippled have to do with me? Then let me ask you, whether or not I have money, whether or not I have anything to eat, whether or not I’m being bullied by a rich lady, what does it have to do with you? Who are you to me?”


“So Song Yan, are you saying these things today because you’re an idiot?”


The hand that was about to pull down his shirt froze, and Song Yan dared not move.

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