come back

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Xia Zhiye finally came back

Song Yan had long deleted the contact information of everyone except Shen Jiayan at HuiYing, so he didn’t see Lai Miao’s Moments post at all.

And only thought that the idiom ‘for enemies, the road is narrow1‘, was not unreasonable when he saw the distribution of rooms.

But it doesn’t matter, it was just a matter of time. There was a large probability that between Shang Wei and him, only one would live to return back to the dorms tonight.

After all, societal death was also a form of death.

As Song Yan thought, he pushed open the door to room 111, and the three other people in the room were all sat around laughing about something. Upon hearing the movement, they all raised their heads to look over, and when seeing Song Yan, their faces all underwent a subtle change.

Shang Wei was the first to reveal a sunny and bright smile: “Song Yan, what a coincidence.”

Song Yan had no intention of dealing with him, and didn’t speak at all. He walked to his own spot and began tidying up his things while minding his own business.

His act of ignoring others looked very ill-mannered.

Lai Miao beside them ‘tsk’ed mystifyingly: “As expected of our Yan god, it’s been so long since we’ve last met but you’re still so cocky.”

‘Yan god’ was Song Yan’s chuunibyou nickname while at HuiYing where he had once monopolized the first place in all academic subjects.

At that time, as long as Song Yan existed, then everyone else was basically just fighting for second place.

And the person who was competing for second place just so happened to be Shang Wei.

In simpler terms, he was perpetually in second place.

Furthermore, the relationship between him and the runner up was pretty good.

At first, Song Yan didn’t think anything was wrong.

Because Shang Wei was the kind of person who could create near perfect interpersonal relationships as soon as he met someone, who would always participate in various competitions with Song Yan and discuss various problems, and would even occasionally express concerns.

So for Song Yan, with a cold temperament that made it hard for others to get close, Shang Wei was the only other person besides Shen Jiayan in the entirety of HuiYing who was willing to get close to him.

So as a result, when Shang Wei suggested reading his draft to gain inspiration, Song Yan agreed without any hesitation.

But he never would have thought that Shang Wei would submit his manuscript one step ahead of himself with the other’s photographic memory, then make his speech on stage one step ahead of himself, and ultimately beat himself up by saying he had plagiarized.

Simply because he had always been pushing down on the other from above, and had even snatched away the attention of the girl that he had liked.

However Shang Wei, who is jealous and paranoid yet pretends to be a perfect person, has always had a good command of his negative emotions.

Thus, Song Yan tossed his things onto the table, then unhurriedly replied: “I’m definitely not as cocky as your Shang god. I heard that after I transferred, he was finally able to become first in the grade? Congratulations.”

His tone of voice was as light as a feather with no hint of emotion, consequently appearing more taunting.

Shang Wei’s sunny and bright smile froze for a split second.

But this kind of person who had always had good relations with others didn’t need to defend himself. When Lai Miao heard those words, he was the first to speak up: “If you didn’t copy Shang Wei’s manuscript in the last Youth Talent Cup, would you be able to take first place? Fortunately, the teacher’s eyes aren’t blind, and they brought justice for Shang Wei, or else would you be able to act so crazily here? You should be grateful that they didn’t send you off to the police station.”

Upon hearing this, Song Yan didn’t get angry. Instead, he simply replied coldly: “Do you know why I wasn’t sent to prison?”

Lai Miao: “Why?”

“Because there wasn’t enough evidence.”

Song Yan slowly spoke those five words, his tone lacking any waves.

As if saying that no evidence meant Song Yan didn’t push Shang Wei, nor was there evidence that Song Yan really did push Shang Wei.

Even the police didn’t close the case. The teachers and students at HuiYing International School made their own assumptions based on their impressions and completed their own trial. This was the most ridiculous thing.

Thinking of the basis of the final analysis, the teacher who led the team said, ‘Shang Wei is usually sunny, cheerful, and good-natured, and is especially popular. But Song Yan isn’t. He’s cold, withdrawn, and eccentric, so most of what Shang Wei said is true’. Song Yan felt that it was laughable.

He thought of something similar, then unhurriedly asked: “Is the lead teacher from HuiYing this time still old Dai?”

“What, you even want to take revenge on a teacher?” Lai Miao vigilantly retorted, “Old Dai made a fair judgment at that time. If you’re unwilling, use your own skills and rely on your own strengths to win first place and slap our faces!”

It was as if he had heard a joke, and Song Yan lowered his head to laugh.

Then he leisurely replied: “Your Shang god should be the most clear about whether or not I have the strength to take first place. Right, Shang god?”

As Song Yan spoke, he glanced at Shang Wei.

The corner of Shang Wei’s lip was clearly stiff, but he quickly masked it. He laughed naturally: “Of course Song Yan has the strength, it’s just that he purposely walked on the crooked path……”

“If I didn’t walk on a crooked path would you have the opportunity?”

It was as if there was a light sneer in Song Yan’s speech.

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He stuffed both his hands into the pockets of his coat, leaned against the desk, then turned to look at Shang Wei. The corner of his lips curved up into a smile that was not like a smile: “Otherwise, our Shang god would always only be able to take second place in the exam, take second place in competitions, and even only be second place in taekwondo. Even the girl he liked that he came across with great difficulty liked me. And even his parents are underlings at my dad’s company. When something does happen, they can only settle the matter without settling anything at all. This feeling of being crushed by me everywhere must be pretty unbearable, right?”

Shang Wei clenched his fist and grit his teeth. He thought that Song Yan’s provocation was at most just this, but in the next second, another light rhetorical question was thrown at him: “So you should have been very happy when you pushed me out of first place? Shang god?”

The two words ‘Shang god’ was said slightly slowly and heavily, and a hint of mockery in his voice was clear.

Even Song Yan himself didn’t realize that when he said those words, his tone of voice had subconsciously taken on the same leisurely and angering cadence often seen in Xia Zhiye’s voice.

Meanwhile Shang Wei also never would have thought that Song Yan, who would only use the most cold and irascible method of his fists to solve problems, could also learn to kill people with criticism.

But Song Yan’s provocation was not enough. He pressed his body forward slightly, looked him in the eye, and smiled as he casually spoke the words that scared the other the most: “So Shang Wei, you’d better not let me get first place back again this time, or else your nightmare will return.”

His voice was very low, and his speed of speaking was too slow to adjust. It was light, as if he was smiling, but it also made people feel cold.

In that moment, Shang Wei could already imagine the loathsome yet taunting way that Song Yan looked at him, and also imagined the way those people who had once believed in him left just as the wind blows once he lost to Song Yan again, and could even imagine the scene of his girlfriend breaking up with him after she discovered, once again, that Song Yan was better than him.

He had already suffered these things throughout his four years in high school, and didn’t want to undergo it a second time.

So he definitely couldn’t let Song Yan win first place, he definitely couldn’t.

Shang Wei secretly clenched his fist tighter.

He caught the familiar prejudiced and jealous look in Shang Wei’s eyes, and Song Yan knew that he had achieved his goal. He straightened up his body with satisfaction: “Fine, I won’t say anything else. Good luck this afternoon, I hope Shang god can bravely take second place.”

He was acting so haughty in public and Lai Miao couldn’t listen. He was about to flip the table to scold others when they suddenly heard two knocks at the door.

Lai Miao unhappily called out: “Who is it?”

A girl’s voice came from outside the door: “The volunteer association. I came to ask if you need anything.”

The girl’s voice sounded a bit familiar.

Song Yan opened the door to take a look. As expected, he saw Jiang Yuanyuan with a volunteer tag standing outside the door, then spoke to Song Yan with a cold look: “Are you Song Yan?”

The difference between her expression and tone this time and the warm girl from his memory was quite large.

Also, this wasn’t the first time they met, why was she suddenly pretending that she didn’t recognize him.

Thinking this, Song Yan’s first thought was if Xia Zhiye was up to something.

So he coordinated with her and ‘Mm’ed.

Jiang Yuanyuan continued to act like some older sister: “There’s some issue with your information, come out for a bit.”

As she spoke, she turned to Song Yan and quickly blinked.

At this point, Song Yan was completely sure that Xia Zhiye had planned something. Although he didn’t know exactly what had happened, he acted along with her and coldly said: “What kind of issue with my information.”

“The issue left behind by the last competition, I believe you know yourself.” One could hear the sneering contempt in Jiang Yuanyuan’s voice, and could see her disdainful attitude, “So in order to avoid influencing the competition, it’s best if you come with me to confirm with the educational administration, and prepare again.”

After she finished, she turned and left.

Song Yan also didn’t know what she was up to, but because he believed in Xia Zhiye’s instincts, he still chose to follow her.

Meanwhile, the moment the door closed, a taunting voice came from inside the room: “Turns out it’s best if people don’t commit wrongful acts, or else no matter how cocky you act, one’s notorious reputation will spread far and wide. So Shang Wei, this time you should do well and win first place again to prove it to him. I don’t believe that such a good person can’t compare to him.”

As he spoke, he discovered that Shang Wei had no reaction, and turned back: “Shang Wei, why are you spacing out?”

“It’s nothing, I just think that you’re right.”

Shang Wei indifferently agreed.

Meanwhile, the envious thoughts in his heart had already approached bigotry.

He couldn’t let Song Yan win first place.

No matter what, he couldn’t let Song Yan win first place.

But oftentimes, people don’t always get the things they want.

They didn’t know what happened after Song Yan followed Jiang Yuanyuan. They only knew that Song Yan entered the preliminary competition punctually, and even easily won first place with his stable speech and extremely flowing pronunciation and expressions.

And the grading mechanism for the competition this time wasn’t entirely decided by the final competition. Instead, 30% of the preliminary competition score, 20% of the free discussion performance score, and 50% of the final score would all determine the final rankings.

So the score from the preliminary competition was actually very important.

But because Song Yan’s taunting words before the competition affected Shang Wei’s mentality, he performed a bit poorly and his score was a whole 7 points lower than Song Yan.

Shang Wei was clear as to Song Yan’s strength, and didn’t believe that he would be able to win these points back in the final competition. So his originally poor mood which was a result of jealousy increasingly worsened.

He couldn’t think of anything else. He just wanted Song Yan to leave as soon as possible.

Song Yan could see the other’s mood wasn’t stable, and thought it was time to rub salt into the other’s wound.

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It just so happened that the preliminary competition was over, and they were about to announce the topic of the final competition and advance into the free discussion portion and preparation stage.

In order to prevent the possibility of contestants going online to plagiarize and hire ghost writers, after the topic was announced, the internet on campus was completely shut off. Then each person was inspected, phones and any electronics that could allow plagiarism were confiscated, and only then were the competitors allowed to enter the educational administration.

The site for the free discussion was arranged to be in a large-scale conference room in ShiWai’s educational administration building.

According to Jiang Yuanyuan’s words, the conference room was usually the place where the grade teachers’ meeting is held, and is enough to accommodate 50 or 60 students.

And the broadcasting room was right beside the conference room. Usually, announcements for meetings and the evening broadcast station was there, so the soundproofing was good and there were even monitoring cameras.

Song Yan was very satisfied with these arrangements.

He walked into the conference room, opened up the computer set by the sponsors, and directly ignored the unkind eyes and low pressure surrounding him.

The source of the unkind gazes was primarily Shang Wei.

It was probably because his preliminary competition score was too far from ideal, his mood was a bit low, and everyone around him was comforting him. When they saw Song Yan enter, their gazes all contained enmity.

This sort of enmity continued, and during the free discussion, no one was willing to talk to him.

Oral expression and debate was also included in the evaluation score.

If no one spoke to Song Yan, then he would naturally have nothing to discuss, and his score would naturally be terrifyingly low.

It has to be said that Shang Wei is really powerful. After only half a day, he has been able to form an inexplicable, invisible exclusion within the entire conference room.

But Song Yan was already used to this kind of exclusion and isolation, so it wouldn’t affect his mood. So he expressionlessly sat in the corner alone as he typed on the keyboard.

One of the representatives of this competition at ShiWai just so happened to be Chen Rui, whom he fought with last time.

An exchange of blows may lead to friendship, and ever since they solved the misunderstanding and clarified what happened that year, Chen Rui had a kind of inexplicable respect and remorse for Xia Zhiye. Even Song Yan appeared pleasing to the eye, and he felt that this handsome guy was very fucking loyal.

So, seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, he hugged his laptop, moved closer, and quietly asked: “What happened?”

Song Yan typed on his keyboard, expressionlessly saying: “During the last competition, I copied his manuscript and stole his first place spot. After he reported me, I even pushed him off a balcony on the third floor, exploited my family’s money and influence to make him afraid to demand justice. Today, the road for enemies is narrow, and we met again, and I even taunted him for a bit, which all led to the present scene.”

Chen Rui: “……”

It has to be said, this long series of words really was a bit difficult to digest.

“So do you believe it?”

Song Yan’s hands against the keyboard didn’t stop at all.

Chen Rui shook his head.

Song Yan finally stopped his movement, then turned his head: “You don’t believe it?”

“Yeah. Although you really are quite calculating and you look quite haughty, people who are haughty can’t do those types of things. The most important point is……”

He never would have thought that Chen Rui, whom he’s only met once during a not too pleasant encounter, would actually believe in him, and Song Yan was a bit surprised: “What’s the most important point?”

Chen Rui quietly said: “The most important thing is that Jiang Yuanyuan sent me on an errand for you, and told me to coordinate with her to deal with Shang Wei. She’s my goddess. If she can help you, what kind of bad person can you be?”

Song Yan: “……”


No matter the intention, it was fine as long as they were upholding justice.

“So what do you need me to do?”

As if he was a special agent, he lowered his head cautiously to ask.

Song Yan was very calm: “Can you add oil to the fire?”

Chen Rui: “?”

“Just praise me, then step all over Shang Wei. The more mystifying it is and the more anger-inducing it is, the better.”


There was even this kind of profession in the world?

Chen Rui slapped his thigh, “Just say so earlier, I’m the best at this kind of thing.”

After saying this, he exaggeratedly ‘wow’ed: “Song Yan gege, the sentence you wrote just now was so long and so complicated, it’s simply elegant ya. You’re worthy of being first place in the preliminary competition. Can you teach me ah!”

Song Yan: “……”

It was a bit too exaggerated.

But Chen Rui continued his overstated performance: “I originally wanted to ask Shang Wei, because I heard he was first place in the last competition, but this time, he even scored two points lower than me, so I was too lazy to ask him. With this kind of level, could it be that he stole first place last time?”

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Chen Rui originally said this unintentionally, but it just happened to stab right into Shang Wei’s suffering. The other’s fingers paused for a moment, and a string of keyboard smashes appeared.

Seeing as these words affected Shang Wei’s mood again, Lai Miao couldn’t help himself, and directly slapped the table and stood up: “What nonsense are you saying! Our Shang Wei’s number one rank was obtained fair and square, he just didn’t perform well this time! It’s all because of the person next to you. Do you dare ask what despicable things he’s done?”

Chen Rui asked accommodatingly: “What, he won first place fair and square, but Song Yan’s first place wasn’t obtained fair and square? What despicable things has he done, why don’t you say it?!”

Upon hearing these words, Song Yan’s face immediately changed, and was about to ask Chen Rui to shut up.

At once, Lai Miao coldly laughed: “Might as well say it. Anyway, I’m not the one who’ll be embarrassed when you say it. The student sitting next to him, Song Yan stole Shang Wei’s first place by copying Shang Wei’s manuscript during the last competition. After being exposed by Shang Wei, he pushed Shang Wei down from the balcony on the third floor, and then used his family’s wealth and power to pressure Shang Wei in private. Now that they met again, not only did he not apologize, but he even taunted and insulted Shang Wei, causing him to feel guilty and make mistakes during the competition. This person can only be garbage, don’t you think?”

The other’s words were nearly the same as Song Yan’s words, and Chen Rui had prepared himself long ago, not feeling surprised at all. An uproar arose amongst the rest of the students in the classroom.

“No way, something like this happened?”

“Fuck, that’s too disgusting. I thought he was quite handsome and his pronunciation was also pretty good. Before I even wanted to ask for his WeChat.”

“Forget it, no matter how handsome he is, his character is too poor.”

“Why can this kind of person participate in this competition again, shouldn’t he have been directly expelled?”

“That’s right, this kind of person is really disgusting, so annoying.”

These familiar insults and abuse continuously bubbled up, all drilling into Song Yan’s ears. Even if he wanted to avoid it, he couldn’t, and he had no choice but to recall those days of being spurned and isolated.

His nausea and irritable mood burst forward in a flash, and he coldly reprimanded: “Have you guys said enough?”

As if sensing his clear inability to control his anger, Shang Wei finally let out a smile, then immediately used a concerned and awkward look to cover it. He tugged Lai Miao’s sleeve: “Forget it, don’t mention it. Song Yan also knows he’s wrong, and these things are in the past.”

Lai Miao hated iron for not being steel: “Shang Wei! Can you not be so good-tempered! He’s already bullied you to this extent! Can this be called ‘knowing he’s wrong’?”

Shang Wei good-naturedly replied: “He also didn’t do it on purpose, don’t say that. I really didn’t perform as well as he did this time……”

“Enough!” Song Yan was at the end of his patience, his ruthless gaze landed on Shang Wei, and his tone of voice was incomparably irascible, “Can you stop fucking pretending?! Is it enjoyable? Fun? Don’t you think you’re disgusting?”

The last time Song Yan had been enraged to the point of beating someone, he also had this kind of reaction.

Looks like Song Yan still made no progress after such a long time, still sensitive, conceited, and unable to control his emotions.

As long as he continued to provoke the other, Song Yan’s mood would collapse and the other would once again throw hands, then the other would completely lose the qualifications to participate in this competition, then the difference in points would be nothing. He could even gain others’ sympathy, and everything would be just as he liked.

So Shang Wei once again brought out that innocent, good-natured expression that Song Yan hated the most: “Song Yan, what do you mean? How come I don’t understand, do you have any misunderstandings with me? You can say it directly, I can change……”

“Enough, I said to fucking stop!” Song Yan stood up and closed his laptop. It looked as if his mood was already more than he could bear.

After speaking, he opened the door to the conference room, as if he wanted to leave to calm down on his own.

Shang Wei also stood up, and Song Yan immediately turned back and viciously tossed out: “Don’t fucking follow me, let me calm down alone. I’m annoyed just looking at you.”

After he finished speaking, he slammed the door shut.

What Shang Wei wanted was for him to be unable to calm down, so he hurriedly followed after the other: “Song Yan, listen to my explanation.”

Now Song Yan had already entered the neighboring room, and was just about to close the door when Shang Wei hurriedly grasped the edge of the door, pressing against the doorframe, his face innocent: “Song Yan, let’s have a proper chat.”

“I have nothing to chat with you about!”

Song Yan attempted to shut the door with great force, but as a result, his strength wasn’t as big as Shang Wei’s, and he failed to withstand it. Ultimately, Shang Wei pushed the door open.

He was so angry he directly pulled out a chair beside the table, his expression irritable.

Shang Wei attentively closed the door, and even locked the door from inside.

After he confirmed that there was a camera behind Song Yan in the right corner of the room, he walked to Song Yan with satisfaction, then lowered his head and quietly said: “Song Yan, I’m sorry. Lai Miao only said those words to help me, he wasn’t purposely attacking you.”

Song Yan coldly laughed: “Shang Wei, we’re the only ones in the room, stop pretending.”

Shang Wei continued to act dumb: “What are you saying, I don’t understand.”

“You don’t understand?” It was as if Song Yan was angered into laughter, “Do you not understand or are you worried I’m recording your words? If it’s the latter, you’ve overestimated me. I don’t have the ability to bring my phone past inspection. Nor do I have the ability to do such immoral acts as recording someone behind their backs. I hate depravity.”

Each word Song Yan spoke was filled with extreme disdain, and if one were a boy, they wouldn’t be able to bear this kind of tone at all.

Furthermore, Song Yan passed inspection after him. He definitely couldn’t have brought a phone, a recording pen or anything like that. If he really did, then to say the least of breaking the rules of the competition, he would also lose all qualification to participate in the competition.

The walls of the room were also covered with extremely thick sound-absorbing pads, and the sound-proofing was quite good.

So Shang Wei was too lazy to continue acting. He simply wanted to infuriate Song Yan, so he lazily walked towards the opposing chair and sat down, his voice arrogant and filled with provocation: “My methods are quite depraved, but isn’t it fine if it’s effective?”

“I don’t think they’re effective at all. During the last competition, you copied me and took first place. This time, haven’t you directly revealed your true self? Also, the scar on your forehead. In order to frame me, you even dare jump off the third floor balcony, but as a result, your dream of being a pilot has been shattered. Was it worth it? Profitable?”

From beginning to end, Song Yan coldly smiled, as if he was looking at an unrefined little clown.

What Shang Wei hated the most was Song Yan’s lofty and cold look, and also smiled coldly: “Of course it was worthwhile. As long as I see you being the target of everyone’s scorn as they all scold you, I’m happy. As long as you leave HuiYing High, I’m happy. Also, at the very least, it proves that everyone likes me, and they’ll believe everything I say, unlike you, even if you’re telling the truth. Even your own father doesn’t believe you. Song Yan, how lamentable you are.”

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This time, Shang Wei’s competition score could no longer be perfect, so he wanted Song Yan to attack him in front of the security camera, completely serving as the other’s criminal charge. So he forged on towards Song Yan’s minefield.

And Song Yan acted as expected, and his mood changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. His jaw tightened, he clenched his fist, and clearly visible veins appeared on the back of his hand and his forehead.

He gnashed his teeth then asked: “Shang Wei, what are you planning?”

Shang Wei was very satisfied with Song Yan’s mood, and laughed: “I’m not planning anything. I simply hate you, hate how you always think you’re so amazing, with a cocky and arrogant expression on your face all day, as if no one is as good as you. But Song Yan, do you know why such a clumsy lie can put me in such an invincible position?”

Song Yan clenched his fist, and breathed heavily.

Shang Wei laughed as he stood up, then walked in front of the other: “Just because you’re loathsome. Do you know how many others are like me and hate you? That’s why they’re all eager to label you as garbage, then drive you away. So Song Yan, do you really not think you’re pitiful? Oh right. Or you don’t care at all, because your own father hates you, so you’re probably used to it after all these years?”

“Shut the fuck up!”

In a fit of rage, Song Yan grabbed Shang Wei’s collar, and lifted up his fist.

Now that he’s reached his goal, Shang Wei not only didn’t hide, but even quickened the pace of his speech: “Also, your long-dead mother. I heard she also hated you and wanted to kill you? Your father even directly named you ‘Yan’? What’s good about someone like you? So, I just can’t stand you, that’s why I framed you, but what about it? Who allowed you to be unlucky in life and be so disagreeable? So you deserve everything that’s happened to you.”

“I already told you to shut the fuck up!”

Song Yan’s rage had already reached its peak, his fist directly flying towards Shang Wei. Wind brushed along rapidly against his fist, bringing along with it an irreversible fate.

Shang Wei shut his eyes.

But the pain he had imagined never arrived.

He doubtingly opened his eyes, then saw the previously clearly enraged Song Yan who had lost all reasoning from a moment ago return to his apathetic sneer.

Song Yan released the other’s collar, lowered his head to straighten out his clothes, then expressionlessly spoke: “Thanks.”

This one ‘Thanks’ immediately raised alarm bells in Shang Wei’s heart.

But there was no way to hide anyone in the room and Song Yan definitely didn’t have a recording machine. Even if he did, it was against the rules. With the sound-proofing in the room as well as the measures he took to control his own voice, there was no way anyone outside the room could eavesdrop, so……


Why would this room have so many sound-proofing pads?

By the time Shang Wei finally considered that that impossible possibility might actually be possible, Song Yan had already pushed the power switch next to his hand, then casually said: “Oh right, I forgot to tell you. This room is a broadcasting room, and when I sat down just now, I accidentally pressed the broadcast button, so……”

A brief pause.

Song Yan raised his head, then looked at Shang Wei with a smile: “The chat we had just now has probably been heard clearly by the entire ShiWai campus.”

After speaking, he patted his thick coat, straightened his body, and leisurely opened the door to the broadcasting room, exposing the vast group of melon eaters outside. Lai Miao was included in the group, and each and every one of them were stupefied, finding it all very hard to believe.

Meanwhile Song Yan simply walked out calmly.

He walked directly towards Jiang Yuanyuan, who stood beside the crowd, holding her phone to secretly record the broadcast in real-time, then lowered his head to say ‘Thanks’.

Jiang Yuanyuan waved her hand promptly: “No biggie, no biggie. Oh right, the school’s closed and it’s not convenient for Xia Zhiye to enter, so he gave me something to give you.”

After she finished speaking, she brought out two sheets of paper folded into squares and stuffed them into Song Yan’s hands.

He unfolded it, and found that it was the kind of certificate usually sold by the shops in front of the school.

The first sheet:

[Congratulations to classmate Song Yan for winning this year’s Oscar for Best Male Lead
Awarder: Ex-Film Emperor Classmate Xia Zhiye]

Song Yan laughed while scolding ‘idiot’, then unfolded the second sheet of paper.

The second sheet:

[Congratulations to little friend Song Daxi for winning this year’s World Most Charming Little Friend Award
Awarder: The World’s Second Most Charming Little Friend, Xia Zhiye]

Seeing such familiar, flamboyant handwriting, Song Yan finally couldn’t help exposing the first carefree smile that came from his heart.

He turned to look outside, and discovered a flurry of snow falling down.

This southern city finally had snow, and that huge idiot Xia Zhiye finally came back.

How great.


tn: so sorry for the sudden hiatus, but thank y’all for continuing to stick with me as I translate! happy holidays!


1. Fig. rivals will eventually cross paths

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