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Song Yan: “Can I ask why it’s fluorescent pink.”

Xia Zhiye: “Because I want it to stand out in a crowd.”

Song Yan: “……”

It truly does stand out in a crowd.

With this kind of blinding, titanium alloy bike frame fluorescent pink in color, if tossed into the city’s biggest intersection during rush hour it could be immediately seen by the police uncle if they violated the traffic laws and then fined with three tickets.

Song Yan felt even if he were beaten to death, he’d never agree to sitting on that bike.

Nevertheless, Xia Zhiye patted the back seat: “Come, it’s your exclusive throne.”

The afterglow of the evening sunset coincidentally landed behind his body, warmly covering him, as if he were the handsome and doting delinquent male lead that attracted all the girls in a Taiwanese drama. If it were a different person, they’d probably have already been bewitched into climbing onto the bike.

But Song Yan coldly and ruthlessly spat out: “Fuck off.”

He turned, and considered hopping away again.

Xia Zhiye smoothly grabbed Song Yan’s wrist: “Don’t be like this. To buy this bike I used up all my assets and you still look down on it.”

His tone was lackadaisical, and the last syllable was unconsciously raised in the way southerners habitually spoke when displeased. Almost like he was complaining coquettishly.

Song Yan never would have thought that one day, a 1.87 meter tall wild society brother would tug on his wrist and act coquettishly with him.

Even more unbelievable was the fact that he was kind of persuaded.

After all, if Xia Zhiye walked on his 1.2 meter long pair of uninjured legs, the short walking distance between the dorms and school could be completed in a flash. But he went to buy a bicycle without good cause, and it’s clear who it’s for.

Also thinking back to before in the classroom, when Xia Zhiye didn’t even have thirty yuan to his name, it was estimated that he used all his money to buy this bicycle. If Song Yan continued to be picky, then he would really seem ungrateful.


He turned around and just happened to gaze into Xia Zhiye’s pair of IQ-dropping, peach blossom eyes.

Song Yan: “……”

What kind of evil had he committed in his past life.

He expressionlessly shook off Xia Zhiye’s hand, pulled out a huge facemask and tightly covered up half of his face. Then he sat on the back seat, and with a cold voice: “Hurry up.”

Xia Zhiye stared at the exposed pair of beautiful almond-shaped eyes that seemed to scream “welcoming death with open arms,” and couldn’t help but lower his head and laugh.

Turns out this little lame person is amenable to coaxing1.

Moreover, he’s sharp-tongued but softhearted2.

For example, in the classroom Song Yan clearly saw his predicament then tossed his wallet over to help him out, but had a sour expression of “you borrowed grains from me and only returned husks3,” acting like a tsundere for who to see?

And as for that wallet……

Xia Zhiye thought of something, strode over to the bicycle then stepped on the pedal, and casually said: “When did you take that photo on your ID? You look pretty cute.”


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Song Yan stiffened.

“What the fuck! Damn! Xia Zhiye! You’re fucking sick!”

One second before Song Yan planned to jump off the bike, Xia Zhiye abruptly stepped on the pedals, and the blingbling pink bicycle flew forward. It speedily passed by the long path to the school entrance in a hurried fashion, leaving behind a series of high-pitched screams of girls, as well as Song Yan’s seldomly heard, uncontrolled shout of anger.

With the feeling of that person behind him tightly grasping a corner of his school uniform, the corner of Xia Zhiye’s mouth tilted upwards, revealing a smirk of reckless abandon.

That’s right, how nice it is to scold someone unabashedly, makes one look much more charming.


After returning to the dorms, Song Yan didn’t give Xia Zhiye a good expression: “How much was the bike. I’ll pay you back.”

“I bought it myself, why do you need to pay me back? Also it wasn’t that expensive.” Xia Zhiye changed his clothes and casually responded, as if he didn’t care much at all.

But Song Yan felt that boys this age had a strong sense of self esteem, and Xia Zhiye didn’t say it out of embarrassment.

So he held back, and didn’t pursue the topic.

If some things were said too directly then it would hurt others, and could only be addressed slowly.

Xia Zhiye also didn’t know what Song Yan was thinking, and only felt that this sharp-tongued, soft-hearted, tsundere appearance was quite cute, and helped bring over a cup of warm water. He placed it on the table, and then left to visit Class 13’s dormitory.

When entering, Shang Huai and Zhou Ziqiu just so happened to be laughing at something on someone’s cell phone.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, and after seeing Xia Zhiye, they immediately greeted him: “You came just in time. We just finished eating the melons4 of the new classmate and Liu Yue. So exciting, making a fool of Liu Yue like that must’ve felt so good.”

“That’s right, that’s right. Now Tieba is filled with people mocking Liu Yue, saying there’s a problem with his moral character.”

“He deserves it. Who told him to act like he’s pulling 2,580,000 yuan5 all the time, looking down on everyone, and even playing dirty in basketball.”

“Also whenever he’s around Lord Xia strutting around and flaunting his wealth I just want to laugh. Our Lord Xia’s lowkey, or else everyone would be shocked once he exposes his family property……”

“Okay, stop talking.” Xia Zhiye lazily interrupted Shang Huai and Zhou Ziqiu’s nonsense, “First lend me 300 yuan.”

Hearing this, Shang Huai raised his head: “Your family froze your card again?”

Xia Zhiye: “Yeah.”

Shang Huai tsked: “Your grandpa is so interesting. I’ve never met someone who loved freezing cards that much. But you’re also strange. Even though you don’t normally squander money, you shouldn’t be so tight on money at the end of the month.”

Xia Zhiye was too lazy to raise his eyes: “When I spend money have I ever skimped on paying for your share of food, or money for your entertainment?”

Shang Huai: “……Lord Xia, come. Please take care of this 300 yuan.”

“But how come you didn’t borrow money from your roommate.” Zhou Ziqiu who was laying on his bed next to them, swiping on his phone, looked over at him, “That level of a rich second generation is much better off than me or Shang Huai of the working class.”

Xia Zhiye: “Are others the same as you guys, freeloading food off me since middle school?”

Zhou Ziqiu: “……You’re right.”

Xia Zhiye verbally attacked them, then pocketed the money. He was just about to leave when Zhou Ziqiu frowned and called out: “Why does your complexion look so pale?”

“Does he? Lord Xia is originally pale, maybe you’re imagining things.”  Shang Huai stretched his head out to check, then raised his eyebrows, “Looks like you’re right, his lips aren’t even red.”

While speaking, he reached his hand out to touch Xia Zhiye’s forehead, then hissed: “It does feel a bit warm.”

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Xia Zhiye completely didn’t care: “Probably got sick.”

Yesterday afternoon he fought in the rain, at night he also carried Song Yan to the hospital under the rain. Added to the fact that when he rode a bike with Song Yan today, he helped block Song Yan from the wind. All in all, he probably got himself sick.

“Then remember to go to the infirmary and get some medicine.”

“Maybe later.”

Seeing as Xia Zhiye planned to sleep it off, Zhou Ziqiu added a few words, “It’s fine if you want to sleep it off, but one look and you know your roommate is a little young master that has been pampered since he was a child. His body looks frail and physically weak. Don’t infect him.”

Xia Zhiye heard the other, briefly paused, and then nodded: “You’re right, getting you guys sick should be considered an act of divine justice, but getting Song Yan sick truly isn’t that good.”

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Shang Huai: “……”

Zhou Ziqiu: “……”

“Xia Zhiye, that old bastard ditched us for love.”


When Xia Zhiye returned to the dorms, Song Yan was just about to order takeout.

Song Yan lowered his head, fiddling with his phone, then acting as if he didn’t care, asked: “I can’t order enough to get the minimum delivery fee, what do you want to eat?”

Xia Zhiye tossed the clothes he just changed out of onto the back of a chair, and wore a long-sleeved shirt: “No need to order for me, I have something to do so I’m going out for a bit.”

Song Yan wanted to ask what he had to do this late at night, but also felt he and Xia Zhiye weren’t that close yet, so just hummed in reply, and didn’t ask anymore questions.

But he still put down his phone, and decided to order later. After all, he didn’t know if Xia Zhiye had enough money to eat dinner later.

Thinking up to here, he also thought of Ruan Tian mentioning the scholarship money for the joint entrance examination the day before. He placed his hands onto the table, then tapped his knuckles twice, and once again picked up his phone, opened up WeChat, and tapped on his and Shen Jiayan’s chatbox.

[YAN]: Do you still have the book of basic concepts and error prone questions6 that that gold medal tutor gave you in freshman year?

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]:  I don’t have the hard copy, but I still have the electronic version. What about it?

[YAN]: Send me a copy.

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]: This kind of basic knowledge is useless for you, why do you want it?

[YAN]: You don’t need to worry about it, in any case I want a copy. Send it directly to my email.

[The Sweetest Little Milk Strawberry in the World]: Fine.

Song Yan received the email, then stood up and hopped on leg to the dorm’s printer downstairs.

Shen Jiayan was also a bonafide rich second generation. It’s just that his grades were first from the bottom year after year, and after the division of classes, he usually lingers around the second line7 during monthly exams.

Shen Jiayan’s parents grew anxious, then spent a huge amount of money to hire Beijing’s best tutor to create a few materials, and collated the basic concepts of each subject into a book.

Unexpectedly Shen Jiayan was able to squeeze himself into the tail end of the first line in last semester’s final exam.

Shen Jiayan praised that book as a lifesaving text.

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Song Yan felt that due to Xia Zhiye’s poor behavior, his basic foundation should be worse than Shen Jiayan, and if he studied this text then the results would be even better than Shen Jiayan’s results.

If he just read 50% to 60% of the material, then considering No.3 Middle High’s environment, it wouldn’t be impossible to get the most-improved scholarship.

It wasn’t as if Song Yan was willing to help others, it’s just that Xia Zhiye was unwilling to accept money for the bicycle, then he could only use this method to return a favor.

After all, in Song Yan’s opinion, the most important thing in human relationships was to not owe each other.

Because only by not owing one another, can you avoid lingering attachment.8


Xia Zhiye originally wanted to go to the infirmary and randomly pick up some medicine, but after his temperature was taken, it was measured at 38.9C, shocking the school doctor to the point they directly drove him to the hospital.

After drawing blood, having it tested, getting an ECG, going through the works, it was diagnosed as a common cold with a fever, and the school doctor sighed with relief. They repeatedly warned him a few times, then sent Xia Zhiye back to the dorms.

The sky was already pitch-black, and along with the light rain falling from the sky, and the early autumn evening wind, Xia Zhiye, who had originally felt nothing, began to feel uncomfortable. He intended to sleep as soon as he got back.

But as soon as he opened the door, he was directly met with a burst of warm and fragrant food.

Song Yan stood next to the desk tearing open the takeout packaging. After hearing movement, casually glanced over, then lowered his eyes without much care: “I ordered too much for dinner, if you didn’t eat yet, let’s eat together.”

Xia Zhiye actually didn’t have much of an appetite, but knew that with Song Yan’s personality, if he rejected him, there would be no next time: “Sure, I was just hungry.”

Then he pulled out 300 yuan, counted out thirty yuan and handed it to Song Yan: “This afternoon you helped pay for Zhang Mianmian, so I’ll pay you back for him.”

Clearly this afternoon he couldn’t even bring out thirty yuan, where did he get 300 yuan from?

Song Yan just began to grow suspicious, and glanced over at the arm Xia Zhiye extended and saw a bright red spot: “What is that?”

“What is what?”

Xia Zhiye followed Song Yan’s gaze, and saw him staring at the pinhole left behind by the blood draw at the hospital.

The blue-red dot against the snow-white skin of his elbow appeared quite dazzling.

But Xia Zhiye didn’t want Song Yan to know that he developed a fever after sending Song Yan to the hospital in the rain yesterday, so he randomly responded: “I guess I accidentally pricked myself somewhere.”

Just a white lie to coax children.

Song Yan impatiently raised his head, and just happened to see Xia Zhiye’s lips.

He remembered Xia Zhiye’s lips were very good looking, and were also naturally bright red, very attractive. But now they appeared to be much lighter in color, as if he lacked blood.

The more Song Yan contemplated, the more he felt something was wrong.

He wanted to ask, but also felt he was being nosy.

But if he didn’t ask, his heart felt stifled.

While hesitating, someone outside shouted: “Lord Xia, there’s a problem, come out for a bit!”

Xia Zhiye placed the money on the table: “Shang Huai is calling me, I’ll go out first. If you’re hungry, then you eat first.”

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

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But his movements were too broad, and he accidentally bumped into the chair.

Something fell out of the pocket of the pair of pants that Xia Zhiye had just changed out of and had placed on the back of the chair, but he hadn’t noticed.

Song Yan bent over to pick it up and prepared to put it back, but paused when his line of sight accidentally landed on the ends of his fingertips.

In his hand was a crumpled flier, and on the surface of the sheet, he saw the faint outline of someone’s illegible handwriting written with a ballpoint pen. Shockingly, his fingertips had landed on the word “blood.”

He unfolded the sheet and saw:

High-paying side jobs, sincerely recruiting

Paid blood donation, 300/donation

Nude model, 500/client

High reward from couple seeking a child9, face-to-face interviews for those interested

Contact information: 138xxxxxxxx

The ancient and sinister business transaction only seen in legends.

300 yuan.

That red pinhole.

Lips lacking blood.

So it’s like that.

Song Yan unconsciously wrinkled his eyebrows.

After a brief period, he returned the flier to its original spot with a stiff face.

Later he unlocked his phone, opened the food delivery app, and searched through menus for: stir-fried pig liver10.


1. In Chinese, it’s 吃软不吃硬, lit. eat soft food but doesn’t eat hard food. Essentially XZY is saying SY is weak to coaxing, and can’t bear to be angry once someone coaxes him.

2. 嘴硬心软 = sharp-tongued but softhearted. SY is harsh and cold on the outside but soft and fragile on the inside. 

3. Basically an ungrateful expression. Like a tsundere, SY has on a sour/ungrateful expression but intended to help XZY in that moment.

4. Eating melons in Chinese refers to reading/watching the latest gossip, specifically gossip that has nothing to do with oneself.

5. Pulling 2,580,000 yuan refers to the rich and wealthy, who are generally considered to have been ‘born with a silver spoon.’ The term was originally a mahjong term as the 2, 5, 8 tiles are considered trump cards. Hence players with such tiles are thought to be lucky, as are people who just so happen to be born into wealth. Basically SH and ZZQ are saying LY loves to act wealthy.

6. Error prone questions are those questions that students usually answer wrong, ie: tricky questions.

7. Second line is essentially the less gifted class.

8. The author uses a Chinese idiom here, 藕断丝连, lit. lotus roots may break but the fibers remain connected. Refers to a relationship that seems broken, but is in reality, still connected.

9. aka: 重金求子, a well-known scam wherein the scammer acts as a rich married woman who cannot get pregnant, and thus must turn to others to fulfill her dream of being a mother. The scammer then asks victims for money on the grounds of health check fees, gifts, etc.

10. Chinese people believe eating pig liver helps with anemia.

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