Don’t tell me this is the Battle of Hulao Pass

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“That is to say that we let this dog run, and then whoever catches it keeps it?” This was my summary after listening to a long and convoluted explanation by Gongsun Zan.

“Un, that’s how it is.” Gongsun Zan nodded with a smile. “You can attack or hinder other competitors as well. But to prevent injuries, the only weapon allowed will be a 3 chi long wooden stick.”

(TL: Chi is a unit of measurement. 1 chi is about ~30cm.)

So about 1 meter then… Not too long, not too short. Looks like Gongsun Zan has indeed considered things well.

“If anyone gets injured, come find me okay~~~~” Hua Tuo waved from the side.

“And that’s how it is, any objections?”

“”Nope~~~~” Everyone raised their hands in agreement.

Except for Han Fu’s group who have gone somewhere else, everyone including those not interested (me, Zi Long and Zhang Liao) have been forced to join this contest.

“I object!”

Who is it? Who could dare to object at this time? … Oh, it’s the guy selling the dog.

“What if the dog doesn’t return? Then won’t I lose out?”

“Don’t worry, all contestants will give you a deposit.” Gongsun Zan suggested without even thinking.

“Un, then I have no objections.”

Sure you don’t have objections but I do! I don’t have that much money!! And why is everyone so willing to spend now? Yi De made me buy sweets for her just now, yet she can pay for this herself.

Hai, no way about this, I just have to borrow from Zi Long…

“I just hate having to spend money…” That was the first time I saw, a truly horrific expression on Zi Long. “Un? Is there anything Lord Xuan De?”

“Ah… No…” How could I ask.

Alright I’ll ask Yun Chang… No, I can’t, no matter what she is my little sister… That’s right, Zhang Liao!

On reaching this conclusion, I walked over to Zhang Liao.

“Zhang Liao… Umm, can you lend me some money first?”

“Ah? But… But I still have to pay for my lord’s share hm~~~” So Feng Xian doesn’t usually bring money about huh. “… Maa, since you asked…”

“Thank you so much!! Zhang Liao is the kindest to me!” I grasped Zhang Liao’s hand and shook it over and over.

“Maa maa, no need for thanks. I’ll be very happy if you would shield me from a certain animal that will come flying over later… Oh? Looks like it’s starting.”

Un? Wow when did they set up a starting line.

Hopping in the front row was naturally my little sisters, Feng Xian and Gongsun Zan while we 3 were lined up behind.

“Ready!” The merchant put a hand on the dog’s collar lock, ready to unlock it anytime now while his other hand held something that seemed like some sort of paper crack to scare it, then– “Go!”

The cracker exploded and the dog raced forward in shock.

Apart from the dog, several beautiful young women with gleaming eyes flew out as well.

— Now entering Gongsun Zan’s point of view.

“Damn it, where did it go?”

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I, Gongsun Zan, swear by my name that I will definitely get that dog.

But speaking of which, where is Zi Long? She’s not behind me?! Really, how am I supposed to compete now? We’ll see what I’ll do to you when I get back… Un, probably nothing.

Aiya! I can’t think of such things now! White Horse (my name for the dog)! Where’s my White Horse?

“White Horse?! Where are you?~~~”

“Hmph, calling out like that is a waste of effort!!” A cold voice came from the roof of the building beside me.

Un? This voice is?!

“General Lu Bu!”

I looked up and saw General Lu Bu, who stood on someone’s house and ignoring said someone’s scolding, surveying the surroundings as she spoke to me.

“I’ll praise you for your legs and ears at least. From my experience, Red Hare did indeed escape in this direction.”

What experience!! Its nothing but an act! I won’t believe in what experience you claim to have, I only believe in my own instincts! And its name is not some Red Hare, its rightful name is White Horse!

“But since I’ve made it here anyway, there is no reason not to fight for it.” I smiled and pulled out the wooden stick.

General Lu Bu stood there silently for a while after hearing my words before saying–

“… Lord Gongsun, are you serious?” Just as she finished, I felt a strong air current blow past me. “I had planned on letting you go account of you being Lord Xuan De’s childhood friend… So let me ask once more, are you serious?”

Zi Long isn’t here at this time too… No good, I really want to run away…

But, But I–

“For the sake of my White Horse, I will not quit!”

“… You have guts.”

Though I’ve never personally seen her in combat, even I can feel it from her aura– That if she fights seriously, my death will certainly come, and it will be faster than flipping a book.

But! Now both of us wield just a wooden stick, a thin wooden stick at that. This way, we are both in a tough spot.

And so I have a chance to win!

“Well then– Here comes my first blow!~~~~” General Lu Bu flew over from the roof in one jump, and the wooden stick came smashing down, aimed at the center of my forehead.

“Haa!~~~” I yelled out to energise myself and held my wooden stick above my head as I readied myself to take the blow.

Such a simplistic move– I’ll definitely block it!

— *Kacha*

What sound was that! Did someone’s stick break? No it was impossible for only one side’s stick to break as the sticks all had the same density and hardness… Could it be that both broke?

But if they both did… Why… Why does my forehead feel like it got hit?

Before I could figure it out, my legs gave way and I collapsed to the ground.

“Wh… What…”

… What happened?

“The wooden stick you held up was a hindrance so I used my arm to break it first. Good thing the stick wasn’t too thick.”

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You, You used your arm?!

“But in the end, the winning blow was not really a direct hit. All I did was press down on your head with the arm I used to break the stick and then hit my arm with my own stick. This way you won’t have any external injuries and will faint at the most.”

No good, I’m losing consciousness… My vision is already dark.

Just that one charge had that much power huh…

“Don’t move anymore, Lord Gongsun. Lord Hua Tuo should be here soon to treat you.” I could still hear General Lu Bu’s voice from my beside my ear. “I’m sorry but I really want that puppy.”

As she finished, she ran off and the sound of her footfall grew distant until I couldn’t hear it anymore.

… Come to think of it, I really am silly. Why did I think that I have a fair chance if we used the same weapon?

— Now entering Feng Xian’s point of view.

Seems like I broke a bone in my forearm…

Breaking the stick was still okay, but that blow I gave myself was probably a little too heavy.

“It hurts…” I moaned in a low voice as I began looking for traces of Red Hare.


(TL: Mandarin onomatopoeia for barking.)



I rushed round the corner and saw the shadow of Red Hare race ahead.

It’s turning around the next corner!

But I should be able to see Red Hare again when I reach the next corner!

I sped up as I thought so.

Just then I could feed someone running nearby and when I turned my head, I came face to face with–

“Feng Xian?!!”

“Yi De?!”

We both gave each other a shock on seeing each other.

“”Hei!!~~~~” And we immediately accelerated the moment we recovered.

Our goal was the same, the Red Hare who was at the next corner and so we ran towards our destination at full speed almost in sync.

“Even if it’s Feng Xian, I’ll face you with everything I have!!” Yi De immediately got into a stance and swung her stick at me, “Haa!!”


… This might be troublesome.

Because my dominant right arm was now injured, I could only block with my left. And to make things worse, Yi De was standing on my right so defending was extremely difficult.

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“What happened? Did you injure your right arm?” Yi De quickly understood when she saw the quirks in my stance and asked with concern, “Need me to run to your left side?”

… Yi De really is a good person, and looks out for me quite a bit.


“Your feelings are good enough, but I too have an advantage this way!”

That’s right, my advantage was— The next corner was a left turn.

At the speeds we were running at, having a slightly better position would make a world of difference in rounding the corner.

With my position, I can race ahead of her once we turn the corner.

As long as I turn first, and chase up to it first, then I just need to dive towards it and Red Hard will be in my arms.

“… Is that so?” Yi De gave a bright smile on seeing how I was. “Even so I won’t lose!”

“That’s my line!”

I endured the searing pain in my arm and ignored my hair that was all over the place. In my eyes was only the scene of victory after I turned the corner.

— Now back to my point of view.

“Feng Xian?”


Just when the puppy was outflanked and cut off by me and Yun Chang, Feng Xian came running in from the other side of the road.

Her eyes bulged when she saw us, and I could see a clear look of despair in her eyes.

“Oh, Feng Xian, you’re here too!” Yun Chang happily called out. “Unfortunately this puppy has been caught by us. I feel bad about it but this puppy is ours.”

Just then, Yi De came around the corner as well.

If I think about it carefully, this can be considered as the ‘Three Heroes Battle Lu Bu’ scene… Though the form is different, the meaning behind it is non-existent, and not to mention I feel really bad for Feng Xian here, this battle should end in our victory.

“I didn’t think you would come from the other side, what a miscalculation.” Feng Xian lowered her head, and from where I stood I couldn’t see her face. “But you haven’t gotten the Red Hare yet.” She said as she stepped forward.


“And why is that?” Yuan Chang said calmly and slowly as she raised her wooden stick to defend from any surprise attack by Feng Xian.

“Because,” Feng Xian edged closer to the puppy who was very close to us and raised her head. I saw that she was– Smiling confidently. “You haven’t caught it yet!”

And she leapt forth as soon as she finished!

“No!!” Yun Chang yelled. “Yi De, grab her quick!!”

“Come here, Red Hare!”

Everyone was shouting at this moment. And it is at this moment that every one of us heard a single sound– *Wang*!

“I really didn’t expect that~~~ That the puppy would give a bark and then jump into Feng Xian’s arms.” Yun Chang said with a helpless smile.

“That’s right, looks like we really lost this time.” Yi De said with a similar expression.

Though they felt it was a pity, I could tell that they were taking it in stride.

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Because they could never win Feng Xian when it came to love from the Red Hare.


Hearing tiny yelp, I looked toward Feng Xian who was moaning from pain whilst holding the Red Hare with her left arm.

“How can it not hurt?! Your right arm was thoroughly broken, and that leap you just did? You landed right on the broken bone… Hai, how reckless can you be!” Hua Tuo said as she treated Feng Xian. “But it’s still okay, at least the bone didn’t shatter. With my medical techniques, your arm should recover within a week.”

“Ah, thanks Lord Hua Tua.” Feng Xian said, not once did she stop caressing the Red Hare. “Right, Zhang Liao, where were you? How come I never saw you?”

“My lord! It’s all because of my failure to overcome my cowardice and follow my lord that my lord has had to sustain such a grievous wound.” Zhang Liao was bawling her eyes out as she looked at Feng Xian, not forgetting to hide from the dog’s vision. “It’s all my fault, forgive me my lord!”

“Maa, if you’re afraid of dogs then just say so. I won’t let Red Hare run around you… Ouch!” Feng Xian gave a smile as she winced from pain.

Speaking of which–

“My lord, please use your brain the next time you get into a duel. You know you can’t beat General Lu Bu yet you still went ahead anyway. If it weren’t for her showing compassion and holding back, you would have been dead by now!”

“Bu, but Zi Long… *shiku*… You didn’t manage to keep up…”

“My lord! Please don’t try and shirk responsibility and blame others, okay?! If you keep this up, you will never grow up!”

“… *Shiku*… *Shiku*… I, I understand.”

The worse off was Gongsun Zan huh~~~ Even her head is all bandaged.

Later we returned to find the merchant but he had run off long ago… I knew we shouldn’t have handed him so much money. Now I owe Zhang Liao a fortune!

But come to think of it, this isn’t Hulao Pass right? Why did the ‘Three Heroes Battle Lu Bu’ scene happen…

“Oi, everyone is there!” Just then, Han Fu came running over anxiously. “Lord Liu Bei, Lord Gongsun, we need to get to the city gates fast– Lord Yuan Shao is back!”

“Un? So fast?”

Was Hulao Pass unguarded?

We sprinted to the city gate and saw Yuan Shao who got angry even before we could speak a word.

“I’m so pissed!”

After she said that nonsensical line, she ignored us and entered the city.

Un? What was the matter?

“Meng De, what’s this all about?” I quickly asked Meng De who just came by.

“Maa, this can be considered my mistake.” Meng De gave a bitter smile, “Didn’t we say we were going to Hulao Pass?”


“Because Hulao Pass was in a state of disrepair for a long time, it lost its purpose. And so early spring this year, it was merged with another pass and the name and place of Hulao Pass ceased to exist.” Meng De opened her hands, revealing a map. “Unfortunately, the map we were using was last updated a year ago and so naturally we didn’t know of this. After marching for half a day, we only knew this when we asked an old farmer.”

“… And?”

Cold sweat flowed down my back and I swallowed as I awaited Meng De’s reply.

Meng De pointed at the stone tablet on the wall of Sishui Pass and said–

“The merged Pass is now called Sishui Pass! That is to say Hulao Pass– Is Sishui Pass.”

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