Don’t tell me this is considered being prepared

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“Alright, with that, that’s done.” Yi De said as she stretched her neck.

“Un, thought the form was simple, the meaning behind it is deep huh.” Yun Chang said as she flicked her long red hair.

Though I feel like the meaning behind it was not very deep, perhaps there is much importance of the Oath as a key historical event.

I looked at the 2, and felt an inexplicable feeling of emptiness.

“Now then, what’s next?”

Don’t tell me, we are going to consummate this relationship?

I held up the feather fan tiredly and stared at the surface but naturally no sign came forth.

About the era of the Three Kingdoms, personally I don’t know all that much. Most of my knowledge comprises of bits and pieces here and there. From what I’ve seen so far, whether or not I am Liu Bei, I’m afraid that understanding history won’t bring too much benefits.

“Hnn hnn~~ About our next course of action, I have already thouht of it long ago!” Chang Fei held her hip and proudly raised her head, “Though I look like this, my family is actually quite rich yo~”

“Un, I see.”

“Ah… So?”

Yun Chang seemed to understand but I didn’t know what conclusion to arrive at from that.

“That is to say, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to recruiting troops and buying horses, big brother.”

(TL: In the actual Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei received sponsorship from a couple of rich merchants for his initial ventures.)

Ah, so that’s what she meant.

“But what you said is far too simplistic,” I shook my head.

It’s not that I want to be a wet blanket but the truth is like that.

“Having funds is good, but how will we recruit people? With just the 3 of us, who would be willing to listen?”

“Big brother’s words are right,” Yun Chang who seemed to understand the difficulty of the matter at hand said as she held her chin and frowned, “Moreover, even if we do manage to recruit people, in such a small county town, we can’t find the equipment for several hundred people right?”


Both I and Yun Chang sank into deep thought.

“That’s why,” Yi De said as a matter of factly, “That sort of thing, if we just leave it to big brother, won’t it be alright?”

“Ah?” I was bewildered, “Leave it to me?”

When did I ever have the ability to be a grand marshal? I’m only 17.

“No no no, I can’t.”

I hastily tried to shirk the responsibility she threw onto me.

“Big brother can definitely do it!”

I have no idea where she found that confidence from.

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But no matter what I must dispel this notion from Yi De.

“Yi De, what I want to say is–”

“Oi~~~~ Everyone!! My big brother has something to tell everyone, please do listen!!~~~~”

“You really don’t listen to what I say at all huh…”

Seeing the figure of Yi De running out happily, tears streamed down my face.

“Don’t cry big brother, third sister means well with this.”

“Are you sure this isn’t called being reckless?”

“… Maa, we did just meet so we don’t know her too well.”

“Doesn’t that apply to me as well…”

Unfortunately, time did not pity me, and without much effort, over a hundred people had gathered in Yi De’s courtyard. Why are they so free, was there too much labour supply in the village?

I sat on a makeshift stage with my 2 sisters and looked down to the bustling crowd below. Though there were only several hundred people, I have never had to give a speech in front of so many people in school.

Before I could even begin, the people below had already begun to greet me and offer encouragement.

“Young man, good luck.”

“He’s always been a good boy, and so filial to boot. As expected, he is destined to do big things.”

“Un, the straw shoes he makes are so cheap and durable too.”

(TL: The actual Liu Bei was a straw shoe weaving villager before he rose an army.)

“Ah… Thanks, thanks everyone…”

I can’t believe so many people have expectations of me. The Liu Bei before me, you really are a great help.

“Alright! Everyone quiet down, we are going to start.” ‘Go, big brother’ Yi De whispered to me, and forcefully pulled me to the front of the stage.

‘Big brother, good luck.” Yun Chang encouraged me softly.

Ah!! I just have to shameless about it!

“Ah, my name is Liu… Liu Bei, probably someone from this county. Some of you may know me, some of you may not, but now I stand before you hoping you will know me.”

What the fuck, what bullshit am I spouting!!

“I gathered everyone here today for the sake of discussing the matters of the Imperial Court. Do you see everyone, the officials these days are wicked and corrupted, and with the Yellow… Yellow Turban Rebellion, as subjects of the Imperial Court, we have… Have a duty to contribute to our nation.”

No way what is all this lousy talk! Even I am not convinced by myself!

“To… Today, I stand here. To incite and awaken everyone’s spirits, ah… The spirit of warriors.”

I really can’t continue, what sort of shame play is this ahhhh ~~~

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(TL: If what he said sounds incoherent to you, it’s intentional. Not bad writing nor is it my translation (I hope).)

… A-re? Why is everyone below all silent?

I looked down and several hundred pairs lf eyes were glued to me, as if they were waiting on my every word.

Is this for real? To think I got their attention with this much, could it be that the people of this era are all very simple-minded? … Alright, then I’ll just go at it with all I got.

“What does one mean by an individual? What does one mean by the world? What does one mean by the people? I believe that the core of the world is the people, that an individual is to be an example for the people, and that the duty of the people is to save the world. I do not represent the people, rather the opposite. I am only an individual, and everyone here represents the people. I will be an example for everyone, but in the end you all are the basis by which the world can be saved. So please, lend me your strength, for I am but a single commoner, so that we may save all the wretched in this world.”

(TL: I couldn’t find a reference for this speech and did the best I could to capture the original meaning and retain a grandiose feel in English but I probably failed ORZ.)

If I knelt down at this time, it would be perfect but I was not thick-skinned enough and bowed deeply instead.

It was silent below but in the next second–


The whole courtyard erupted in cheers, everyone’s face was filled with energy and they all looked at me with respect.

Though everyone’s reaction was positive, but if they were genuinely moved by my speech that was intended to incite, I really feel uncomfrtable inside… No good, my guilt is overflowing.

“Ah~~~ What a rousing speech, my tears just won’t stop.” Yi De was rubbing tears from her eyes that were a little red from crying.

“Yes, I never imagined that big brother would be exactly as little sister said at the start. More than that, he is truly a compassionate and righteous person. Yun Chang is really impressed.” Yun Chang bowed to me as she said so.

“Please don’t be like that, and you 2 aren’t supposed to be taken by those words…”

My speech were my true feelings however. I was just an ordinary 17 year old youth, where would you find a 17 year old youth with the actual appetite to support the world? In the end, I really need to depend on everyone’s strength to make it work.

But before I end up having to handle the world, I must think of how to get back.

“Alright, all those willing to join us come here and sign your name.” Yi De was really quick on her feet, to have progressed to the next step… Looks like she was sure of the success of my speech from the beginning.

I glanced over, and saw that all those who listened to me before were all queueing up and there were people from both sexes.

I felt assured but also pressured because these people had chosen to believe me, an ordinary youngster younger than most of them, and that was because of my words.

And I, have no background in military affairs, and am confronted with having to lead them through the next difficult task.

As for the next step–

“Yun Chang, we now have troops. But what do we do about horses and equipment.”

“Un, I’ve been thinking about that.” Yun Chang said helplessly, “The only thing we can do is to buy as much as we can, and where lacking have everyone prepare their own supplies and weapons. We aren’t an official unit after all, so there’s no way we can have everyone wear the same uniform, and can only have everyone make some sort of symbol on their clothes.”

“Un, we can only do that.”

“If it’s equipment we are talking about, I know someone.” Yi De said as she poked her head out from the crowd.

And she really did…

Yi De dispersed the crowd at the agreed time and brought us to a shop in the town.

“Zhang Shi Ping and Su Shuang, we are all good sisters right.” Yi De said as she seized 2 girls who were like little sheep.

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“Ah… Yes.”

“Maa, maa.”

Looks like they are the shopkeepers…

“That’s right that’s right,” Yi De slapped their backs, “Since that’s the casem then sell me your horses and steel ingots eh.”

“”… Alright, the price shall be whatever you say.”” The 2 girls said helplessly.

“Hahaha, thanks eh. Don’t worry, I won’t be too miserly.” In contrast, Yi De was laughing heartily and went off to see the horses and steel ingots.

… Isn’t this coercion?

As I watched her leave, I walked over to the 2 girls who were about Yi De’s size.

“About that, you 2, I’m really sorry.” I went up and bowed as I apologised.

The 2 looked at me, then looked at each other, before bursting into laughter.

“The ones who should say sorry should be us.”

“Eh?” I didn’t understand and the 2 began to explain on seeing my expression.

“We go way back. Every time Yi De buys something, she always acts like she is coercing us into a transaction but in actual fact her prices are higher than what we usually charge.”

“Though we accepted her high prices, we do not compromise at all on wuality and have always given her the very best.”

“Hai~~~” I sighed in amazement, she really was a good girl huh.

“As expected, being sworn siblings with you 2 was the correct decision.” Yun Chang, who had just been silently smiling at the side until now, suddenly said. “Big brother has a big heart, is compassionate, kind and poetic. And though little sister may be a bit reckless, but she is honest, virtuous and is a true brother. People like the 2 of you are rare in recent times.”

(TL: It sucks that there is no true translation of 义气 in English.)

“Maa, that’s a bit of an overstatement.”

I laughed embarassedly, and thought of the society I lived in and felt like it was a little ironic.

“Can I ask what kind of weapons you would like?”

After the horses were settled, we brought the steel ingots to a blacksmith. Apart from plate armour, we had to find a suitable weapon for us.

“Ah, the mightiest type of weapon, best if it’s the kind that can pierce and stab. It’s okay if it’s a little heavy.”

“A sword, a broadsword would be good. It’s okay if it’s a little heavy.”

(TL: Chinese broadsword, ie Dao, not the Western kind.)

“As for me… As expected it will be twin swords… As light as possible.”

The blacksmith looked at me as I said so, before proceeding to craft the weapons.

Ah, I hate conforming to settings. While choosing anything probably wouldn’t matter, I feel like it wouldn’t be Liu Bei without twin swords. And thought these 2 people might have different sexes from their originals, they still chose their signature Green Dragon Crescent Blade and Serpent Spear.

“Speaking of which, what about plate armour? Are you 2 not wearing some plate?”

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“I’m fine in my usual clothes, plate will only weigh me down.”

“As for me, because of my breasts, plate isn’t too suitable.” Yun Chang awkwardly looked at her… Un, definitely not suitable for plate. “So, so I’m going to wear coat armour, but I don’t know what colour would be good.”

“What’s the difficulty there?” I pointed to some cloth in the blacksmith, “How about that green, that looks good, no?”

Since when does Guan Yu not wear green?

“Green… Huh.” Yun Chang thought for a moment and stoked her long hair before she broke into a smile. “Azure green symbolises loyalty, I like that. Thanks for the suggestion big brother.”

“Maa, as long as you like it.”

This is the first time I knew that azure green has that sort of meaning.

“Since it’s what big brother chose for me, then I will wear this green for life and follow big brother.” Yun Chang blushed and bowed to hide it from me.

Yun Chang really takes formalities seriously, maa, it’s also fine that way.

Speaking of which…

“Speaking of which, you 2 know martial arts right? How did you all learn it?”


“Martial arts?”

Un? What’s the matter?

“I’ve never learn martial arts before?” Yi De said as she bent her head to the side.

“Neither have I, I sold dates before this.” Yun Chang also had a perplexed look on her face.

“Then… That is to say you don’t know how to fight at all?” I rubbed my tightened eyebrows.

Nod nod.

“Then why do you all want such heavy weapons!!”



They both looked me in the eye.

“”Because if it’s too light, we can’t carry it.””


I really didn’t understand what was going on.

Only later then I would find out. In this era, to give customers face, and also for customers who want to hide their strength, the standard business practice is to take the opposite meanings of light and heavy when taking orders.

… Now I know why the blacksmith looked at me strangely.

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