“Big brother, shouldn’t we go give that Zou Jing guy a hand?” Yi De said as she looked at Zhang Bao and Zou Jing, who were wrestling on the ground.

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“It’s their own personal feud, how can we step in?”

“But shouldn’t we separate them? They’ve been at it for almost half an hour now.” Yun Chang said with impatience in her voice.

“No need for that, they don’t have weapons anyway. Just treat their scuffles as their training.”

Those 2 had been travelling together for about a day and hadn’t exposed their identities to each other until now. That was quite a remarkable feat. And now that they know who each other is, conflict is unavoidable.

I didn’t bring my troops and leave but sat at the side and watch. My troops weren’t doing nothing either, and had started taking bets on who would win, and it looks like the majority are betteping on Zou Jing.

No matter what, he is an officer of the Imperial Court after all, and has the support of the people.

“Excuse me~~~ General Zou~~ Need some help?” I asked for courtesy’s sake.

“Ah!” He got punched, “No, no need.”

Maa, no one would normally ask for help. Calling for helpers in a one on one fight, who would do that? This unspoken rule has always existed since ancient times after all.

While I couldn’t claim the reward for capturing Zhang Bao, I can’t exactly just leave like that either.

If Zou Jing won, then I would go with him to Zhuo commandery with Zhang Bao in tow, and I would probably receive some reward no matter what. If Zhang Bao won, then I would capture him and then Zou Jing would owe me a favour.

But just as I was thinking sbout this–

“You traitor, don’t be so arrogant… Eat this punch…”

“Ke!” Zhang Bao fell onto the ground from a heavy fist… Looks like the match is settled, and I quickly ordered my troops to tie him up. As he was being tied up, Zhang Bao still hadn’t given up, “… Haa… Haa… Let me tell you, my little brother’s rearguard is on the way. When they come, you will get it.”


Zou Jing got a shock from Zhang Bao’s words.

“Hehehe, even if I’m captured now, my little brother will definitely save me. Even if he can’t, your troops and you all will be caught in a pincer attack since Cheng Yuan Zhi has conquered Zhuo commandery.”

The tied up Zhang Bao laughed as he looked at us.

Hai~~~ I didn’t want to, but I had to tell him.

“Actually, the Cheng Zhi Yuan you mentioned–” I looked at Yun Chang.

“Un, we defeated him.” Yun Chang said calmly.

“Ah? That can’t be possible right?” Zhang Bao’s expression froze, but he should understand that we are not the kind of people who will say things with no backing. “No… Impossible…”

“Why would we lie to you.”

My mood sank the moment I thought about yesterday.

An epiphany hit me, and I walked towards Zhang Bao and spoke to him while I looked him in the eye.

“Zhang Bao, I think it’s better if you obey the Imperial Court.”

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“Huh? Are you telling me to surrender?”

“Yes, I am telling you to surrender. Not only you, but I also hope you can persuade the rest of your forces to do so as well.”

“What nonsense are you spouting? How can we possibly surrender?!”

“… Actually you all know it deep down don’t you.” The look in my eyes, was probably pity now. “Though you may have the numbers, your army is weak, and with just a few hundred strong militia I have dispersed your main force that numbers tens of thousands. Though you call yourselves the Yellow Turban Army, you can’t even afford yellow cloth. Moreover, it is no longer like before. From now on, there will be many generals and officials who will hunt you down for rewards and honour. I think it won’t be long before you are all decimated.”

“So turn back while you still can.”

As I spoke, I couldn’t help but to think of what happened yesterday, and my voice choked.

“… Hai~~ You are really different from those in the official army.” Zhang Bao sighed as he made a face. “Those people have never been very willing to waste their breath on us.”

“I am not in the official army, at least not now.”

“Is that so, no wonder then.” Zhang Bao looked up to the sky, and in his eyes I could not see a single shred of hope. “But we can no longer hold back the Yellow Turban Army. Apart from the forces that we command directly, the Yellow Turban Army is no longer the same as before, and are no better than bandits.”

“Hmph, you were a traitor to begin with so what else is there to say.” Zou Jong said.

“You idiot! Will you die if you don’t speak!”

“No matter the case, they are all subjects of the Imperial Court, General Zou’s words aren’t too appropriate.”

Yi De and Yun Chang couldn’t stay silent at Zou Jing’s words and retorted him.

“It’s fine, he’s right. Saying such things now is too late, and the moment we began our rebellion we had no way to turn back… Please don’t look like that , even I am feeling sad.”

“… Un.” I stood up, “Then at the very least, can you speak with your brothers about this?”

“Stop it! I told you already, we will never surrender. Give up already.”


“It’s best you all don’t surrender, then I can get more honour and rewards. Move! To Zhuo commandery with me!” Zou Jing interrupted my words and forcefully hauled Zhang Bao up. “For sympathising with traitors, by the laws you all should be severely punished. But since you all did defeat Cheng Zhi Yuan, I won’t pursue the matter further.”

“You! How can you keep saying such…”

“Little sister, don’t bother arguing further. Not everyone is like big brother.”

“… Hmph, I’ll take it I never heard those words, as I’m a big hearted person after all.” He laughed disgustingly, “I see that you lot want to serve the Imperial Court so why not come along with me to Zhuo commandery. My troops should have reached by now. We’ll head over, organise ourselves, and take a short rest. I hear Zhang Jue’s main encampment is not far from Julu commandery so we’ll head out in that direction tomorrow– Ke ah!”

(TL: Zhang Jue is the name of the leader of the Yellow Turban Army.)

Before he could finish, an arrow pierced through his head and Zou Jing collapsed after letting out a weird cry.


My face went pale when I saw this, and I stepped back.

What is this situation!? My reply of ‘no thanks’ was still hanging on my lips and I hadn’t said it, yet the one I wanted to say it to had collapsed to the ground!?

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“Big brother, calm down.” Yun Chang hugged me, “All troops on full alert!”

“Someone has attacked, be careful big brother.” Yi De was serious as well, and was frantically looking around.

“Looks like my little brother has come.” Zhang Bao’s face cracked into a smile. “Come out little brother, don’t hurt these people, they are not in the official army.”

“Not the official army? It wasn’t the official army who killed brother Cheng?” Again coming from the forest, a man who looked like Zhang Bao walked out as he spoke with displeasure in his voice. He turned toward the forest and spoke again, “Everyone stay put and be prepared. When I order it, charge forth.”

Kuh, it’s us who are in a severe situation now.

Zhang Bao walked forward and the man, who was called Zhang Liang, hurriedly came forward to untie him.

“Cheng Zhi Yuan wouldn’t listen to my, his warlord, and hastily led his forces to Zhuo commandery without even finding out the route beforehand. Being defeated is well within expectations.”

… As expected that Cheng Zhi Yuan is another absurd general like us.

“Hmph, to not listen at this stage. But big brother, why are you letting these people live? Are you planning to recruit them?”

“Why would I? I just thought he was interesting and wanted to bring him to see the General of Heaven.”

(TL: Recall that the General of Heaven is Zhang Jue. Zhang Liang’s title is the General of the People.)

What? Go to where Zhang Jue is?

Why would I go there? I have nothing, to, do, with, him.

Right!! <The Essential Art of Great Peace> that was in the feather fan is written by Zhang Jue right? If I can meet him… Maybe I can find something out?

“Please do let us go with you.” I went up and asked enthusiastically.

“This isn’t up to you!” Zhang Liang reacted to my attitude, “Big brother, have you gone mad? If we bring them there, there are many ways this could go wrong… Un?”

A pigeon flew by and landed on Zhang Liang’s shoulder.

Should be a messenger pigeon.

Zhang Liang took out a piece of paper from the pigeon’s leg and looked at it–

“Damn it! This is bad!” Zhang Liang’s expression instantly became one of anxiety and panic. “Julu commandery has fallen, and the General of Heaven is running this way with the survivors while being chased by enemy forces.”

“What, that’s way too fast…” Zhang Bao frowned, “Don’t go to Zhuo commandery anymore with your forces and make preparations to receive the General of Heaven.”

“Un. Oi, get a horse out for the General of the Land.” Zhang Liang yelled toward the forest. As soon as he finished saying that, he ran to the forest and thundering of footsteps, twice as loud as Cheng Zhi Yuan’s contingent, could be heard.

“What are you all going to do? From what you said, you seem like you want to meet the General of Heaven.” Zhang Bao said as he got up on a horse.

I turned around and looked Yun Chang and Yi De in the eye, and they nodded.

“Un, we’re going… But we cannot help you.”

“We don’t need help from such a small number of people anyway… Follow us.”

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Zhang Bao galloped to the front of the contingent.

“Big brother you should ride with me since you still aren’t used to riding.”

“Oh, thanks Yi De.”

That’s a great help. Riding alone was still very difficult for me and my buttocks hurt quite a bit just from riding for a while.

“That, actually you can ride with me as well…” Yun Chang said in a low voice and tone quite unlike her usually.

“… Nothing, big brother should just ride with Yi De.”

As she said so, Yun Chang swiftly got up onto her horse with a red face and rode off with her hair floating behind her. I rode with Yi De at the head of our contingent.

I took out the feather fan which was at my waist and looked at it. It looked dignified as ever.

After rushing for almost 2 hours, we could hear shouting ahead of us.

This time, several dozen people came running towards us.

“Little brother? Didn’t you go on ahead?”

“We’re late, too late!!” Zhang Liang cried, as he rode in front of us, “We rushed ahead as fast as we could and when we finally met up with the General of Heaven, continuous cannon fire sounded from 2 neighbouring mountains and that was when we knew we got trapped. I only escaped with the General of Heaven thanks to Pei Yuan Shao bringing the main body to stop the enemy forces.”

(TL: Pei Yuan Shao is another general of the Yellow Turbans. Not very important.)

As he said so, he looked back to a person wearing a cloak.

“Is that so… As long as the General of Heaven is alright, then it’s all good.” zhang Bao said dreadily.

“What’s our next step?”

“We can only go to the south, but I don’t know if Bo Cai will be willing to take us in…”

(TL: Bo Cai is another Yellow Turban general. Not important.)

Before he could finish, more cries came from in front.

“… Looks like we can’t even run to the south haa~~~~” Zhang Bao gave a long sigh, “Zhang Liang, we’ll distract the enemy forces.”

“I can do that with you, but big brother, we can’t let the General of Heaven run away alone.”

“Relax,” Zhang Bao laughed and then turned to face me. “About this, you won’t refuse right.”

Zhang Liang seemed to want to protest this and Zhang Jue seemed to want to say something as well but Zhang Bao stopped both of them and they waited for my answer.

He means for us to escape with Zhang Jue huh.

… But why are you trusting me so much?

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“To be honest, I cannot make this decision.” Though I was fine with it, bringing Zhang Jue along was dangerous and I had to be responsible for my troops. “Do you 2 agree to it?”

Yi De and Yun Chang laughed and said.

“Does it need to be said? Of course we’re helping.”

“No matter what, they’ve pleaded sincerely for help. In that case, doing our utmost best to help is the right thing to do.”

“”No matter who they are.”” They finished together in one voice.

“Un… Zhang Bao, we will help you.” I said to Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao was silent for a while, before he lowered his head, shook it, then looked to the sky and breathed in deeply, only then was he able to hold back the overflowing tears.

“Our General of Heaven… Our big sister, please.”


As they said so, they brought the cloaked Zhang Jue off the horse and then with the remaining men left, they began riding off in the opposite direction of the battlefield. At this time, I finally saw the, wearing the symbol of the Yellow Turban Army, the yellow cloth.

Yun Chang forcefully pulled Zhang Jue up onto her horse and we hurriedly hid in the forest for fear of being found by the official army while we watched the official army chase the Yellow Turban Army.

The Yellow Turban Army’s end is near huh, I thought.

I have seen, learnt and felt many things about in this one day which has brought much conflict in me when I try to piece them together. At the very least, I cannot conclude whether the Yellow Turban Army is good or evil. In terms of the Three Kingdoms, they are unimportant and are only part of the opening act. But to me, life is never unimportant, and the name of ‘Yellow Turban Army’ demonstrates their value.

We were all quiet inside the forests, albeit a single weeping person beside me. If I wasn’t wrong, this must be the Genersl of Heaven– Zhang Jue who is crying.

“It’s me, it’s all my fault that you all are going to die.” Zhang Jue said, in a soft and unclear voice.

To have your brothers die for the sake of saving you, if it were me I would be suffering as well.

Speaking of which, that voice is really light, makes me think that he is…


Just now…

— Our big sister, please.

… Big sister?

I slowly raised Zhang Jue’s hood with stiff hands–

A girl who had cried her eyes red with wavy hair appeared before me.

… Oh, my god.

I slapped my forehead.

Aiya, why are you a girl too~~~~

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