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Liu Bei POV

“Well then, that’s it for now.” Chen Dao said as she put the protective chest piece back on and happily saluted me before leaving.

As I looked at her back, I felt that she really is energetic at all times. Or perhaps she is being affected by the atmosphere after the battle has ended and is more happy.

Well then… Next is… I turned to look at the rooms. It was now very quiet in the mansion and there should not be anyone who will be back anytime soon.

As I began to walk over, I realised that I should be wearing boots in winter. But the boots in this era are really stuffy and unless it is really cold, I would rather put up with the coldness.

I was now in front of the rooms where my 2 companions who had contributed greatly to the last battle. I have not been able to see them these few days but I think I should do so and take the chance while Hua Tuo is not around. Chen Dao had delayed this for a bit but it should be fine even now. I wonder if they are awake though.

Un… I stopped and thought for a while but could not figure out which room I ought to go in first. After a long while, I eventually decided on Yi De. She did not sustain any serious injuries but I am more concerned about her condition.

… *Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

I knocked on the door lightly and called out, “Yi De~”

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But after a while, there was still no reply and I wondered if she might still be unconscious. Come on, Yi De, please wake up. I have a lot of questions to ask you.

“…” My pleas remained unanswered.


Looks like she really is not awake huh? I was a little disappointed as these questions have been swirling in my heart for a while now and I am getting really vexed. Even so, all I could do was wait further.

Despite this, I was still unwilling to give up just like this. Since I came all the way here anyway, I might as well go and see her face, I thought as I lightly pushed open her door.

Hua Tuo had given us strict instructions that no one was to enter so I merely squatted at the doorway and opened the door by a small sliver which I peered through. This act would probably not look good at all if someone else were to see me but there is no one else in the mansion and it’s not like I have any evil designs in mind so I went along with it anyway.

The first thing I saw was the medium sized bed.

… Eh? I stood up and peered inside further but all I saw was the empty bed with no one lying in it. Where is Yi De?!

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I began to panic and get anxious when I saw this and decided to just step in.

“*Pa!* Yi De!” I yelled out as I slammed the door open.


… Eh? When I opened the door, I finally got a good view of the interior of the room and saw a girl wearing thin clothing standing in front of a water basin.

She was currently looking at me with a wet face and fringe, probably because she was just washing her face. All she wore was a set of thin clothes and some water had splashed on it so it stuck to her skin and her feminine form was clear to see.

“Y-Yi De?!” I yelled out in surprise despite this person being the one I was looking for. As for her, she merely stared at me in a wide-eyed daze and looked like she did not understand what was happening.

“Ah, Yi DUe, sorry.” I said as I hurriedly turned away, “Umm, I didn’t know that you’d woken up and were washing up. I knocked and called out to you but there was no reply so I just came in…”

What is this feeling of deja vu? Ah yes, something very similar happened a while ago. I guess there is no hope for me to resolve this misunderstanding.

“Ah, umm, if you don’t mind, please use this–” I said as I took off my warm coat and passed it to Yi De without looking at her.

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Now that I think about it, this seems to be the exact same one I handed to her the last time. Even though this incident is not as explosive, in various ways, as the last incident, it’s still fundamentally the same thing and I am feeling really guilty about it.

I am surprised though that Yi De has not yelled out like the last time. This might be a good thing, or it might not be. I do not know as I cannot see her expression now but I am steeling myself to see a crying Yi De.


“… Thanks.” Yi De said blandly as she took my coat. I felt relieved when she did so. Her voice was softer than usual but it was firm and not shaky in the least which meant that she was not going to cry.

“Umm, I’m really sorry.” I apologised and bowed to her before turning to leave, “I’ll be leaving then.”

“Ah, my lord.” Just then, Yi De stopped me. To be honest, I was indeed hoping for this to happen but I did not think it would at all after what had just happened.

“Umm… I know that my lord did not do this on purpose.” Yi De continued, “Just like the last time…”

Yi De’s voice was really soft and did not sound like her at all. I was honestly dying to see what she looked like now but my guilt prevented me from doing so.

“Sorry.” I repeated.

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“It’s fine, my lord doesn’t need to have his back to me. I… I’m actually pleasantly surprised that my lord has come to see me.”

Eh? I turned back when I heard this and saw that Yi De had put on the coat I handed her and was bowing and saluting me.

“Yi De, don’t be like this.” I said as I helped her up.

Eh? Just then, I caught a glimpse of her face and saw that there was no rage or helplessness. Instead, she seemed to be a little shy and sad.

After Yi De got up, she went to get the basin of water but I hurriedly went up to snatch it.

“Leave it to me.” I said as I took it and went to the doorway as I poured it out.

I like living in this kind of house as many chores are convenient and even fun to do, like this. But the main reason why I decided to do this was to help alleviate the awkward atmosphere. At the same time, I thought about how I ought to broach the questions I had for her and continue the conversation.

I could not possibly just ask her straight off the bat about her memories after all. I felt very conflicted inside. This had nothing to do with what happened earlier and is merely my own weakness which is 1 part of myself that I dislike.

When I turned back after pouring out the used water, I found that Yi De had sat on the bed and her expression seemed sadder still which worried me.

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