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Liu Bei POV

Of course, If I said that I did not hate Meng De employing such methods, that would be a lie. But in this era, such things are commonplace. I consider myself to be blessed to be able to be with everyone up till now.

After snapping out of my thoughts, I realised that Yuan Zhi continued to remain silent and I looked up to see that she was deep in thought as well.

“So… What does Yuan Zhi plan on doing?”

“Un…” Yuan Zhi sighed once more. By now, I could already guess what her answer. It was clear enough when she did not drink the sugar water before.

“Yuan Zhi, I know you are a filial daughter and you owe your family too much so just be honest with me.” I said and urged her to say what she wanted, knowing that she was worried about me.

Un! Yuan Zhi leapt up and flashed in front of the moon before somersaulting and landing lightly behind me. I turned around to look at her but she kept her back to me.

“I, Xu Shu, truly intended to serve my lord as a general to advance his path from this meager land. Unfortunately, my mother has suffered too much and given what has happened, I hope that we can part ways from now.”

That was quite the mouthful but I can understand the key message.

“You’re leaving huh?” I repeated with my own words.

“Un,” Yuan Zhi nodded, “So I can’t drink that cup of sugar water.”

“I see, what a waste.”

My nose was beginning to flare up as I said this. I really did not think that we would part ways so soon. This is something that should have been a given in these troubled times. I know this full well but accepting it is difficult.

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I still had so much to say to Yuan Zhi and wondered if I should use this opportunity to tell her everything I wanted to but the words could not come out. I was afraid, afraid that I would waver and beg her to stay, and afraid that I would make her feel even worse for making her decision.

And so, I chose to remain silent and accept this awkward atmosphere. And when I looked at Yuan Zhi’s back, I could also feel like she was begging me not to say anything. Her will was set. It was not for Meng De, or herself, but for her mother.

“Hai~” Yuan Zhi sighed once more, “If only I could have met Xuan De earlier. All I can say is, it’s a little late for me to atone for my sins from back then.”

“Why is that?”

“No, it’s nothing.” Yuan Zhi said as she shook her head and looked up at the sky, “It’s too late to be saying such things anyway.”

I wanted to reply her but I could not. I could not tell the future with certainty so I could not tell her that she could do the same under me. It was clear that serving Meng De would allow for her to care for her mother better.

Huu~ Haa~ I took a deep breath and spat it back out to suppress my emotions. Life has to go on after all.

“Alright, that’s it for that then.” I said to Yuan Zhi calmly as I patted her shoulders, “Before you go, let me toast to you.”

“… Un.” Yuan Zhi nodded. I could feel that her shoulders was shaking and I knew that she was sad and hurt. I am still a gentleman after all so I turned around and went ahead. After about 5-6 steps, I heard her starting to follow me.

“By the way, this courtyard is really big huh?”

“Yes… It would be nice if it had some flowers growing in it.”

“What kind of flowers does Yuan Zhi like?”

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“I don’t really have a particular type I like and just go with the flow.”

“Haha, that’s the same as me.”

“Xuan De is like this as well?”

“Yes, all flowers seem beautiful to me.”

“Haha, you really accept all types huh?”

“Is this praise~”

“You will have to figure that out yourself.”

The casual conversation we had as we walked along had no meaning at all but given the little time I had left with her, I would really like to hear her kind and soft voice as much as I can.

“We’re back.” I said as we entered the main hall. Everyone was back in their seats and the atmosphere was rather gloomy. I looked at everyone’s faces and at the letter and figured out what had happened, “Does everyone know about it already?”

A few of them nodded silently.

“I see, then there’s no need for me to explain it then.” I said as I turned back to Yuan Zhi who hurried along before going to my seat.

“Does Lord Xu Shu really have to leave?” Zi Long asked directly before I could return to my seat. I looked at her and saw that she looked calm but her frown betrayed how she felt.

I sighed and slowly said before sitting down, “Yes, Yuan Zhi has to be filial and see her aged mother.”

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“…” Yuan Zhi did not sit down and merely stood there as she silently bowed to us.

“She’s leaving after such a short time with us huh~”

“Zhou Cang.” Yun Chang said and stared at Zhou Cang who lamented.

“Since Lord Xu Shu is going to act out of filial piety, we will not try to keep you.” Yun Chang said as she looked at Yuan Zhi and raised her cup, “I know you won’t drink the sugar water to join us but please let us have a farewell toast with liquor for you.”

“”Lord Xu Shu, please!”” Everyone said as they raised their cups in a single, thunderous voice that shocked Yuan Zhi.

I smiled at this and raised my cup as well, “Yuan Zhi can drink less but please.”

When Yuan Zhi saw this, she lowered her head and smiled before picking up her cup, “Xuan De, please.”

She then turned to everyone, “To all my companions! Please!”


When we finished, we downed the contents of our cup in one go.


And as if what happened before never took place, the atmosphere became one of cheer and laughter.

Yes. Even if this is a farewell banquet, we have to make it rowdy and fun. No matter how sad we are, we still have to smile here.

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“Xuan De, what kind of liquor is this?”

“Un?” I took a close whiff of the liquor when Yuan Zhi suddenly asked me this and replied, “Un… Should be from around the area. I don’t really know too much about liquor.”

“I see, I see.” Yuan Zhi vigorously nodded. I looked over and saw that she had finished the liquor in her cup and her head was lowered as she rubbed her eyes with one hand, “This liquor is really strong. To the point where my tears are flowing.”

“Yes, it’s really strong.” I said and sighed.

After this, Yuan Zhi ended up getting drunk. Not everyone was here and I was not willing but I still ended up being pulled into a game of train by a drunken Yuan Zhi.

Just like the last time.

It has been a couple of days since we came to Fan city now. Apart from the first night where we had a banquet, life quickly went back to normal after that. Yun Chang, Feng Xian and the rest brought their troops and oversaw the construction of new houses. Zi Long, myself and the rest of us from Xinye wanted to help but were strongly rejected.

“You’re guests to Fan city. When you return to Xinye, you’ll have your own work to do.” Wen Yuan had said.

Of course, she means more than what those words mean on the surface. She also wants us to not forget to speak with Chen Gong, Huang Zu and Liao Hua about deploying more troops to Fan city.

To be honest, as a feudal lord, I really should just issue an order to them to deploy troops over but I do not have that sort of say. I also do not feel like that sort of method would convince them.

I really do prefer doing things nicely with everyone who are all my companions after all. Of course, I still wanted to help after Wen Yuan said this but Zi Long stopped me from doing so.

“Lord Zhang Liao is right. We’ve been doing a lot of work in Xinye after all so let’s be respectful here.”

Zi Long is right, I guess, and one should rest when they can. They are unlike me after all and have been really busy in Xinye the entire time. And so, that is why I am currently lying in my room, staring at the ceiling. Zi Long and Chen Dao have gone out to browse the streets so there are only 2 of us in the entire mansion. Ah yes, there is also Kou Feng.

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