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No POV / POV of God

After she finished, Xu Shu looked at the girl with a ‘you should know what I mean’ look.

Ah… So she asked this huh? The girl thought.

“That can’t be helped. The present is ever-changing so there will always be some deviations and irregularities.” The girl said as she gave a calm smile, “Besides, you resolved in the end, no?”

“… Alright.” Xu Shu said with some dissatisfaction as she closed her eyes. However, this is the best answer the girl can give as there are some things she absolutely cannot tell Xu Shu.

“Ah, by the way, where is your headband?” The girl asked, finally realising what the discrepancy between the Xu Shu now and the usual Xu Shu she was used to was.

“Ah,” Xu Shu said as she felt her forehead and turned around as she smiled, “I left it behind.”

Left it? The girl did not ask this and merely sat upright as she watched Xu Shu leave.

Xu Shu turned back and waved and so did the girl. As she stared at Xu Shu, the girl remained silent.

“Yuan Zhi!” But soon, the girl could not hold back and yelled out. Xu Shu, who was by now in the distance turned back as the girl yelled out in an even louder voice, “Remember to treat your aged mother well when you get to Xuchang.”

The girl looked at Xu Shu in the distance. It seemed like Xu Shu said something but a wind swept up and she could not hear it. It was even possible that Xu Shu had not heard her words.

“Another old friend has left huh?” A woman said as she appeared beside the girl, “Like this, it is likely that you will both never meet again.”

“… Possibly.” The girl said and sighed as she finally put down her arm, “But the things she said to me at the end… She wants me to help that Liu Bei change history huh.”

The woman raised her arm to cover her smile, “Will you?”

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“Of course not.” The girl said resolutely as she placed her hands behind her back and paced around inside the room, “My mission is just to make sure history advances down the path it is supposed to.”

“Then why did you say those things to Xu Shu?”

“…” The girl stopped and remained silent for a while before she continued pacing about again, “I don’t mean anything by that. A good friend is leaving after all so I have to say something to send her off.”

The woman who stood by the stone table merely smiled in response.


The sound of horse hooves against the ground reverberated in the mountains before disappearing without a trace before long.

Liu Bei POV

After Yuan Zhi left, Fan city became a lot colder and lonelier.

Of course, it’s not like things died down. In fact, they got more heated up as more and more people came into Fan city. Yun Chang, Feng Xian and the rest were really busy in particular.

“We need to get the housing facilities for the 2 villages that applied to come in over the next few days no matter what.”

“That is true but we have not even cleared out the land required yet.” Feng Xian said tiredly to an enthusiastic Yun Chang. Feng Xian seemed to be so exhausted that even Red Hare was dozing off.

And it was not even noon yet.

Ever since Yuan Zhi left, the plan to move the villages into the city has met with many roadblocks. Without her guidance, we could only bounce ideas off each other as we felt about in the dark.

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That is not to say that Yuan Zhi can always find the correct solution but at the very least, her insights have always been very constructive. Better than Zhou Cang at least, who proposed to expand the walls.

“Alright, let’s get to work.” Yun Chang said as she stretched her back and got up, not forgetting to greet me as she left, “Big brother, we’ll be leaving now.”

“Un, be careful when you’re helping with the construction works.”

“I’m going as well.” Feng Xian said as she got up, “Xuan De, are you leaving today or tomorrow?”

“Un… If I remember correctly, then it should be today.”

Yes, we are leaving Fan city today and returning to Xinye. We have already communicated to Xinye what to do with respect to the task of moving the villages into the city but we have not yet received any update on how it is proceeding.

“Un un. We’ll be especially busy over the next few days so I won’t be sending you off.” Feng Xian nodded as she looked at me before she left, “Come again when you’re free.”

“Un, of course I will.”

The way she said it was as if we were facing impending peril. But it did make me think back to when we were in Xu state and Feng Xian and Wen Yuan were sent to stand guard at Xiapi. At that time I never went to see them there. No, it would be more appropriate to say I never managed to get a chance before Meng De’s attack swept us out.

“Lord Zhao Yun, I’ll be leaving now.”

“Ah, make sure you do a good job.”

“Got it.”

As she left, she exchanged some words with Zi Long. I do not seem to recall them interacting very much in my mind but maybe it’s just that I have not really seen it.

Ah, I am beginning to get a little curious about how their relationships with each other are like.

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“Xuan De, we should start packing and getting ready to leave soon.” Zi Long said as she shifted her gaze to me.

“It’s best if we leave before noon. That way, we can reach before the evening.” Chen Dao added.

“Alright, I’ll go and change and get ready later.” I said as I nodded to which they and Yi De nodded as well. Thereafter, the 3 of them got up first and parted ways to get their own preparations ready.

Ever since Yuan Zhi left, no one has ever mentioned anything about her. The only time they did so was when she first left and they inquired me about whether she had already left but did not ask any further after I nodded.

Of course, I did not tell anyone about the red bandana she left with me and her promise as it’s far too improbable after all. I am not being pessimistic here, I just do not think that promise can come into fruition in these troubled times. I would be thankful already if we do not ever meet on the battlefield on opposing sides.

And so, we gained a city but lost a companion. I thought that the hollow feeling would dissipate after a few days but the pain still has not gone away at all.

Alright, let’s stop thinking about this.

Right now, the most urgent task at hand is to start returning to Xinye before noon. Once we get there, I need to think about how I am going to explain to Chen Gong, Huang Zu and the rest about Yuan Zhi.

As I thought about this, I shook my sleeves and got up before leaving the main hall and returning to my room to organise what little personal effects I had brought with me here.

“My lord! My lord!”

Just then, someone called out to me from behind and when I turned around to look, I saw that it was Wen Yuan.

“Wen Yuan? Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be busy with the work in the city?”

I was just thinking that I had not seen her earlier too. She was heaving and huffing as she caught her breath. Looks like she ran here from somewhere and it does not seem like she just rushed here to say farewell to me.

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“Aiya, I managed to get here in time huh.”

“What do you mean?”

“My lord, didn’t you get me to post a notice for the little girl and search for her family?”

“Ah, un. I did.” I nodded, finally understanding what she meant, “Ah, could it be that you found Kou Feng’s family already?”

“Yes!” Wen Yuan exclaimed with a wide smile, “I found Kou Feng’s maternal uncle and he is currently waiting outside the door.”

Maternal uncle? I wonder how distant he is but if he came here anyway he should not be too distant.

“That is great news.” I said excitedly as I nodded and patted Wen Yuan’s shoulders, “Wen Yuan, go and get Kou Feng over. I’ll go ahead and meet that uncle of hers.”

“Un, alright.”

When she finished, we then headed off in opposite directions. As I made my way to where the uncle was, I tidied my clothing and very reluctantly put on my head gear. I wonder if he will feel perturbed to know that it was a strange looking general who saved Kou Feng?

Haha… He probably will.

“Greetings, apologies for keeping you waiting.” I said as I bowed and saluted him when I saw a fat man peering inside from the doorway.

“Ah, no– Uwaa!” He shrieked mid-reply when he saw my grass circlet and took 2 steps back, nearly falling off the steps, “U-u-umm… You’re?!”

“Ah, apologies for scaring you. I am a general here and my name is Shamoke.” I said as I smiled stiffly and bowed once more, “May I ask if you’re–”

“I-I’m her uncle.” The uncle said somewhat unhappily as he placed his hands behind his back.

I did not really mind and instead focused my attention on inspecting him closely. From his clothing, he does not seem like the average commoner and should be a mildly successful merchant at the least. This makes me greatly relieved.

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