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Liu Bei POV

“Didn’t she say she wasn’t going to work to Liu Biao anymore?”

“She did but due to the chaotic state of affairs in the city, manpower is sorely needed and someone was sent to bring her back.” Sima Hui said, seeming more happy than sad, “Her position this time appears to be higher so she’s going to be in touch with administration work that’s more substantial.”

The expression that Sima Hui had on while he spoke about Xiang Lang was as if his adult daughter had gotten married. The comparison is a little weird but the feeling he had for her leaving is probably the same.

“And what about you? Is it alright for you to live alone? I can send some men to help you with your spring planting.”

“No no no, no need for that. My friend has already helped me with that.” Sima Hui said as he tidied his clothing, “Besides, it’s better alone. When Xiang Lang is around, she nags at me all the time. Un? What’s the matter?”

“Even though Teacher Shuijing appears to be becoming a deity anytime soon, you’re still so approachable as ever huh?”

“I’m just an ordinary person.”

“But you know a lot more than most people in many ways.”

I do not actually know the depth of his wisdom and intellect but it should be very impressive.

“Kekeke, just a little more than most, just a little more than most.” He said casually, “I still have to eat and worry about things.”

“That sounds very profound.”

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“Not at all, I mean what I said. Don’t think too much of it.” Sima Hui then gave a long sigh, “Hai~ Alright, enough about me. What about you, how is Xuan De these days? It seems like a big battle was fought of late.”

“Un, yes. We fought with Cao Cao Cao Meng De’s side.”

“Un un, looking at the current situation in the city, it must have been a decisive victory.”

“It was decisive indeed.” I said, feeling pleased, “Right now, we’re working on various post-battle construction projects.”

“Ah, you mean the part about inviting villages into the city right?”

“Eh? You’ve heard of it as well?”

“I won’t hide it from you. We’ve gotten the invitation too from where we are.” Sima Hui said as he took out a piece of silk from his waist, “This is it.”

“Oh~ This is indeed the one.” I said even though I could not read anything written on it and could only recognise the final seal, “So will your side be moving?”

“It’s still in discussions but whatever the case, it doesn’t have much to do with me.” Sima Hui said as he folded the piece of silk and put it beside him before finishing his drink, “Well then, the water is finished and so is our reunion. I should be leaving now.”

When he finished, he then got up and made to leave.

“Ah, Teacher Sima!” I exclaimed in fright and got up when I saw this and tried to stop him.

“Un? If it’s dinner, I won’t be having any as I still have leftovers at home.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.” I said seriously as I looked at him and finally spat out what I had been wanting to say, “I actually have something to ask you…”

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“Hmph.” Sima Hui turned slightly to look at me as he scoffed, “Really, just say it if you have something. There’s no need to drag on.”

“I’m sorry…”

The casual conversation earlier was just Sima Hui trying to draw out what I really wanted to ask. Clearly, a hermit scholar would not have waited long just to have a cup of water and casual conversation with me.

“Ahem, please have a seat.” I said as I sat down first and continued, “I actually have something very important to ask of you.”

“That’s the way. No need to be reserved with me.” Sima Hui said as he came back and sat down, “I saved your life after all so we’re not strangers. There’s no need to be reserved for us.”

“I understand.” I nodded and took a deep breath, “Actually, Xu Shu Xu Yuan Zhi of Jing state came to join me recently.”

“Oh? Yuan Zhi was here?” Sima Hui asked with interest as he sat upright.

“She was still here a few days ago.” I said and smiled bitterly as I thought back to what happened, “But now, she’s been summoned to Xuchang by Cao Cao.”

“She’s not here anymore huh?” Sima Hui nodded, seeming a little more deflated, “Hai, that Yuan Zhi. She doesn’t speak much usually nor does she reveal the depth of her abilities in the least despite being a very capable individual. Whoever is able to get her is a very fortunate ruler.”

“Un, I understand.”

I saw how capable she was, in battle and outside of it. With her horses, her suggestions to administration issues and even random pieces of knowledge here and there.

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“But, she’s no longer here.”

“Un…” When I finished, Sima Hui stroked his beard and asked me with raised eyebrows, “Did Yuan Zhi really want to leave?”


— Did Lord Xu Shu really want to leave?

I suddenly recalled what Liao Hua told me before. I was only planning on thinking about this after this meeting but now it popped up again and I did not know what to say.

“Un… Alright, I won’t ask that since she’s already gone to Xuchang.” Sima Hui said when he saw that I remained silent and decided to let it go, “Well then, what does Xuan De want from me.”

Many thanks, Teacher Sima, I thought and replied him, “May I ask if Teacher Sima knows of any other revered individuals who could be recommended as a replacement?”

I did my best to remain as vague as possible and not mention the name of Zhuge Liang at all. It’s best not to be obvious for now lest he detects something which could mean trouble. As I thought so, I looked up at Sima Hui and saw that his eyes were half-closed and he seemed like he was in a daze.

“Ah, umm, Teacher Sima?”

“… Un, other revered individuals huh?” Sima Hui blinked and continued as he folded his arms and sank into thought.

“Yes, I’m counting on you.” I said as I saluted him and kowtowed as I waited for his reply.


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In the entire main hall, only Sima Hui’s grunt could be heard. I was sure though that he was indeed thinking for me as it showed on his face.

“Alright, I do have some names who currently reside in Jing state. *Pa*” Sima Hui said after he sighed and slapped his thigh.

“Ah! Then in that case, may I ask–” I asked as I went up to him but he raised his hand and stopped me while holding up 2 fingers.

“But if Xuan De is looking for that 2 individuals, you won’t get them.”


Looks like he saw through me huh? But that is true. I asked Zi Long to seek out Sima Hui for the sake of finding Zhuge Liang’s whereabouts. If it is as Yuan Zhi said, then whether or not I am willing, I absolutely have to find Zhuge Liang right away. But what is Sima Hui going to say this time? Is he still unwilling like the last time?

“Teacher Sima, please tell me the whereabouts of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong. It’s not nice for me to say this but I believe I do have some fate with the 2 of them.” I said as I kowtowed once more, making him rather frantic.

“Get up, please get up, this is not right.” He said as he turned away, “That you were able to have Yuan Zhi serve you, even temporarily, means that you do indeed have some fate with the Crouching Dragon and the Fledgling Phoenix.”

“Then what does Teacher Sima mean by what he said before?”

“Firstly, Pang Shi Yuan is not in Jing state currently. She has left on a journey of self-discovery.” Sima Hui said as he stroked his beard and frowned, “As for Kong Ming… She is currently in Longzhong.”

Ah… Longzhong is a familiar location. I have recited it before when reciting ancient texts. I never knew it had a connection with Zhuge Liang. But is Zhuge Liang that difficult of a person that would make Sima Hui this hesitant?

“Teacher Sima, please say what you want. No need to hold back.”

“Un… From what I know, Kong Ming is close friends with Cui Zhou Ping of Boling, Shi Guang Yuan of Yingchuan and Meng Gong Wei of Zhuangnan. Of course, Yuan Zhi was a close friend as well. Outside of Kong Ming, all 4 are highly intellectual and capable individuals. You can defer to them on important issues and give them critical roles without worry. As for Kong Ming, it seems like she is always looking at things from a very high-up and long-term view. She seems disinterested in current affairs nor have I heard of her ever being interested in officialdom.”

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