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Liu Bei POV

When I looked up, I saw that Sima Hui had left the mansion. Even so, I saluted him and gave my reply, “Un, may we meet again.”

Despite what he said and what I had concluded, I still said what I felt. Even if there is no longer any fate between us now, there might be again in future. At least, that is what I hope.

Alright, enough about that now. I have a route to Zhuge Liang. Now I need to look for her. But first, let me think, what were the circumstances like when Liu Bei went to visit Zhuge Liang?

It should be the ‘3 Visits to the Thatched Cottage’ right? And since Sima Hui told me not to take too many people with me, who should I bring? It’s not a very important decision but I should use someone who is as normal as possible as a precautionary measure.

Un, I shall start my preparations today and leave for Longzhong by the day after tomorrow.

“My lord, what are you doing gesturing about and talking to yourself?”


Hearing a voice from the side, I turned and saw that it was Chen Gong, “Ch-chen Gong?”

“My lord, you’re in my way.”

Un? Ah. Only now did I realise that I had been thinking aloud in the doorway of the inner courtyard.

“Sorry about that.” I said as I scooted over to the side and gave Chen Gong space to walk through.

“What’s up with my lord? You’re always talking to yourself and acting up.” Chen Gong said as she walked past me with a stack of bamboo scrolls in hand, “If you’re sick then go and see Hua Tuo. Don’t go and cause havoc all day long like a madman.”

“I am not!”

“Alright, cut the crap. Follow me back to the main hall now.”

Wu. An ominous premonition filled me when I heard this but I still did as Chen Gong said and followed her. I really hope those bamboo scrolls consist of completed work and Chen Gong is just looking to have a chat with me.

*Dang* She set down the big stack of bamboo scrolls on the table in the main hall and turned to me, “My lord, get these deployment and reorganisation documents done as soon as possible. The goal is to have the troops to be sent to Fan city ready to set off by this afternoon… Un? My lord?”

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So those scrolls are really for me huh… Wu…

“My lord, don’t doze off! *Pa* *Pa*!”

“Ah, it hurts.” I groaned when she smacked the bamboo scrolls on my head. When I looked up, I saw Chen Gong’s irritated look.

“Even though it was my lord who made me rush the work for this, you’re showing me this sort of attitude now that I’ve gotten everything ready.”

“Ah… Ah, sorry about that.” I hurriedly apologised and lowered my head before scrambling over to the bamboo scrolls and began my work. In between scrolls, I looked up at Chen Gong and decided to explain myself, “I was just thinking about certain things just now so I didn’t notice you.”

“Really…” Chen Gong gave a long sigh and frowned slightly, “As a feudal lord, being distracted is no excuse for not doing a good job of things.”

“Alright, I’ll do my best…” I said, feeling dismayed and deflated. But it was true that deploying more troops over to Fan city was something very important as the sooner they got there, the sooner Fan city’s development and defences could be improved.

“Now that we have a lot more troops deployed to Fan city, if the enemy comes, they will definitely come for Xinye first.”

“Un… We do indeed have a shortage of manpower in Xinye.” I said and sighed, “But this can’t be helped. Fan city is much more expansive and is easier to develop. And who knows when Meng De will attack again?”

“We have to take it one step at a time huh?” Chen Gong said with dissatisfaction.

“That’s better than not moving at all right?”

“So spineless. Hmph.” Chen Gong said with disdain and huffed at me before turning away. At this, all I could do was smile stiffly.

Why is Chen Gong so strict at these times? But then again, she’s not wrong.

“But really, you’ve contributed greatly in recent times. Many thanks.”

“… What are you thanking me for? I shouldn’t have done anything worthy of that of late.”

“No, you’ve done a lot.” I smiled as I continued my work, “During the battle, you were working on the fortification works and created many traps. And it was also thanks to your personality that our plan worked. That is why I need to thank you.”

Chen Gong really has been a great help. Back in Jiangxia, she was also a great help in many ways. And now, in Xinye, I see her involvement in many ways as well.

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“Hmph, there’s no need to thank me– Oi! Your brush stopped!”

“Ah, oh. Sorry.” I hurriedly returned my attention to my work and stole a glance at Chen Gong who was standing there with her back to me.

“Hai, that’s why I say…”


“My lord still has a long way to go before he becomes a proper lord.”

“I suppose.” I said and smiled in agreement with what Chen Gong said.

“But let me say this first, everything I’ve done is not for you and is just for myself.” Chen Gong said as she came towards me, her shoes making a loud clatter that made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work. I looked at her and she smiled as she pointed at herself, “My lord, my goal still remains high officialdom and being able to leave my name in history. Right now, I’m but a mere aide with no title but one day, I will ascend to the peak.”

She then pointed at me, “So, even if it’s for my sake, I want my lord to work harder.”

“Ah… Un.” I did not understand what she was trying to get at but I decided to nod first. But high officialdom huh…

Yuan Zhi has likely leapfrogged Chen Gong in that regard. I wonder if Chen Gong feels uneasy or jealous about Yuan Zhi after learning about what happened to her?

“Oi, my lord, you hand stopped again. *Pa*!”

“Ow!” I moaned when Chen Gong smacked the back of my hand and hurriedly returned to my work.

“… But Lord Xu Shu has really left huh~” Chen Gong mumbled just as I was thinking about her.

“Un, Yuan Zhi has left for Xuchang.”

“…” Chen Gong did not reply and went over to sit on the other side, “Can I sit here?”

“Please do.”

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“Thanks,” Chen Gong said and sat down before continuing, “Hai, my lord could have stopped Lord Xu Shu from leaving.”

Wu. Even Chen Gong is saying this huh?

— Did Lord Xu Shu really want to leave?

Liao Hua’s words came to mind again.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s simple, isn’t it?” Chen Gong said as she tilted her head, “At the end of the day, Lord Xu Shu only left because her mother is in Xuchang. All we have to do is welcome her mother or kill her. With the latter, there will no longer be any fetters on Lord Xu Shu.”

“You can’t say that and what’s that about… Killing…” I frowned and looked at Chen Gong and saw that she did mean what she said.

“It’s not nice to hear but those were feasible and realistic solutions.” Chen Gong said and shrugged, “Because of your inaction, neither side was happy. Do you think you or Lord Xu Shu is happy with this outcome?”

“… That’s… Yuan Zhi should be…”

“Very happy? I think not.” Chen Gong said as she picked up Sima Hui’s cup and tried to drink from it but it was empty and she very awkwardly set it down, “The only happy party in this is Cao Cao since she gained a key strategist.”


Chen Gong was right. It was perhaps as she said. But…

“Forget it. It’s a little late to be talking about this.” I said as I gave a long sigh, “Whether or not it will have brought about a different outcome, I will definitely not choose a method that is dishonourable and barbaric.”

“Un~ I see.” Chen Gong said blandly and then gave me a contemptuous smile as she got up, “Well, it’s you after all. I never thought that even I would get used to your mannerisms and way of doing things so quickly.”

“… Sorry.”

“Why are you apologising?” Chen Gong asked as she looked at me with a complicated expression.

As for me, I was currently a mess inside from regret about what happened to Yuan Zhi. But now, there was nothing that I could not.

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“Alright, keep working, my lord.” Chen Gong said and turned to leave, “When you’re done, tell a guard in the mansion to send it over to the north wall. This is the final step to deploying troops over to Fan city.”

“Alright, I got it.”


Chen Gong’s clattering footsteps echoed in the room but I had gotten used to the sound so it did not disrupt my thoughts and even helped to calm me down.

“Ah, Chen Gong.”

“Un?” Chen Gong grunted as she slowed down her pace.

“Help me send a letter to Fan city later. Tell Yun Chang to come over tomorrow.”

“Alright, got it.”

“And,” I stopped work and looked up at Chen Gong’s back, “Right now, you’re the only strategist I can rely on. I’ll be counting on you for a lot of things from now on.”


Eh? When I finished, Chen Gong stood still. I thought that she would say something like ‘who do you think I am?’ or ‘got it’ but she did not say anything.

“Ah… Chen Gong?”

“… Your brush stopped, stupid lord.”

“Eh? Ah, ah.” I nodded and lowered my head as I continued my work, stealing glances at her from time to time as I did so but she continued to head outside.

Did she not hear what I said? If that’s the case, then it’s a little awkward–


Eh? A voice came again but when I looked up, Chen Gong had left. The voice from before… That probably was Chen Gong, right?

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