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Liu Bei POV

“It can’t be helped. Perhaps our fate is not at hand yet.”

“Fate huh…”

Given how intimate our fates are, how could fate be an issue here?

“Un… Xuan De?”


“Perhaps Zhuge Liang has not left her abode.” Yi De proposed.

“Eh? Then why did she not meet me?”

“As a test, a test to see how far you are willing to go to meet her.” Yi De explained, “She might be doing this to see how sincere Xuan De is.”

Ah… Sincerity huh…

Eh! Wait a second. I suddenly recalled something very important, something related to the events of history that were to take place. If my gut feeling is right, then it most definitely has something to do with this. Is there not a specific event that happens here?

Something something thatched cottage… B-but what was it supposed to be? I believe I remembered what it was until now but I cannot recall it at all now.

Wu… I am really sure that I know what it is too.

“Umm, Xuan De?”

“… Eh?!” I uttered in surprise as I snapped out of my daze and looked at Yi De who was looking at me with concern.

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“Did I say something wrong?”

“Ah, ah no. Not at all.”

I very nearly asked them what the right name of this event was. How could they possibly know when I could not even remember it myself? But it has something to do with thatched cottage, that’s for sure…

“Well then, big brother, what do we do now? Go back?”

“Un… That’s all we can do for now.” I said as I gave a long sigh, “She’s not here after all and we don’t know when she will be back.”

I cannot believe that I even doubted for a moment that I would not be able to make it home for dinner–



“Ah!” Yi De cried out as she covered her stomach.

Ah, so that’s where the sound came from huh? I nodded at Yi De who was blushing and then shifted my gaze to Yun Chang who smiled at Yi De.

“Well, it can’t be helped then.” I said as I looked at the sky where the sun was still hanging right above my head. It’s pretty much impossible to make it back for lunch at this point.

“In that case, let’s find a nice spot with good scenery to have some food first before we head back.”

“Un, alright.”

“Wu…” Yi De groaned from embarrassment.

“It’s okay, Yi De.” I said as I patted her back, “Nothing wrong with your stomach growling from a late lunch. I too am famished.”

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“Jia!” Yi De yelled out and went slightly ahead with an even redder face when she heard this.

“Ah, Yi De–”

“Big brother is really an idiot.” Yun Chang said as she stopped me as I was about to chase after Yi De.

“Eh? What’s the matter?”

“You know you shouldn’t have brought up her growling stomach just now.”


So it’s my fault huh? I guess I should have known that the Yi De of now would not have reacted to that comment with humour, not that this suffices as an excuse.

“Ah, Yi De.” Yun Chang called out to Yi De.

“… Un?”

“Look over there.” Yun Chang continued and pointed to a patch of forest some ways away, “See those pine trees over there? It looks like there’s a stream nearby, why don’t we eat over there?”

“Ah, un.” Yi De said after looking at where Yun Chang pointed in a daze.

I too looked over and found that there was a nice patch of greenery over there. The only plants that have any sort of leaves at this point in winter are just pine trees after all and it would be nice to have a bit of colour around us as we eat.

“Let’s go then.” I added, “But if possible, let’s take our time as the roads are steep.”

It’s not like we need to rush back anyway at this point. This entire trip has now become a sort of outdoors excursion. Though we had only took about 15 minutes or so to come to Zhuge Liang’s residence from that patch of forest earlier, it took us about 45 minutes now to get there.

We may be relaxed now but when I remembered that we would have to come again, I began to feel exhausted inside.

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“Ah, there’s some spring water over here.” Yun Chang said as we neared the spot.

“I can’t believe there really is a stream.” I said, feeling amazed that Yun Chang could spot it from this far away.

“I couldn’t get a good glimpse but there did seem to be some water flowing so I felt that should be it.” Yun Chang said, not seeming to be particularly happy that her guess was on the mark.

“Un~ The flow doesn’t seem to be particularly strong so the source isn’t nearby.” Yun Chang said as she reached down and grabbed a scoop of water and drank it.

“Ah, is it alright to do that?”

“It’s fine,” Yun Chang said as she wiped her mouth, “Big brother can try it.”

“Sure.” I said as I tied my horse to a nearby pine tree and went over to get some water, “Ah, this water is delicious.”

“Isn’t it?” Yun Chang smiled as she came over with her gourd, “The mountain springs here are much better than the ones up north. There is no hint of sand or dirt at all. I can more or less understand why someone would live up here in seclusion.”

Un, I agree wholeheartedly. At the very least, I would not dare to drink like this back in my era.

“Alright, let’s eat here then.” Yun Chang said as she returned to her horse with a full gourd and looked at Yi De, “Yi De, help me get our lunch out from my bags.”

“Ah, alright.”

Today’s lunch consists of mainly dried food and meat but the meat is a little better than what we usually eat when we march out as it’s the sort that is made to be eaten within a shorter period of time and thus has better taste.

While preparing to eat, Yun Chang was inspired to cook some porridge using the spring water and dried grains, making for a decent lunch overall.


The taste of the spring was really good. Unfortunately, the porridge was not cooked to a high enough temperature and it was only warm. Well, it’s not like we can ask for much in the wilderness.

I looked to the side and saw that Yi De was wolfing down her food. Looks like she really is hungry. The way she eats is reminiscent of the old Yi De.

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As I thought so, I looked out to the mountains and saw that there was a village to the right. That should be Longzhong which we passed by earlier. The rice fields looked very orderly and the farmers were working leisurely and peacefully. The entire scene looked like a peaceful paradise.

“Oh? I didn’t think that there would be outsiders coming here.”

“Un?” I turned back when I heard a voice come from behind and saw a young woman standing there.

She looked like she was in her early 20s and wore a set of white robes with black flower motifs. Her long hair was tied in a bun with a black ribbon and she wielded a stave in 1 hand and a scroll in the other. A gentle breeze blew, making her clothes sway in the wind, creating a mesmerising image that made it difficult for me to look away.

“Ah, sorry, did I disturb you?” She said plainly and made her way to the spring and had a drink.

This woman gave me the same feeling that Yuan Zhi and Sima Hui gave me. The aura of a hermit. Unlike the sharpness that Yuan Zhi, who was more of a swordswoman than a scholar, had, this woman had more of a softer and sanguine feel that made it difficult to lie to her.

Ah, could it be…

I looked at the other 2 and tried to signal what I thought to them. Though I did not say a word, their surprise and subsequent nods made it clear that they were thinking of the same thing.

“Haa~ The mountain spring water here is really sweet~” She said as she got up and wiped her mouth happily, looking elegant and beautiful the entire time.

There is no mistake here.

“You’re having lunch huh?” She said as she looked at the food in our hands and frowned, “Aiya, how can you eat such things?”

“We were in a rush so that’s all we brought.” Yun Chang said, “If you don’t mind, you can join us.”

“Ah ah, no need for that. I brought my own.” She frowned and patted her bags before she smiled, “But you lot actually found a really beautiful spot huh?”

“Is this place very famous?”

“Yes.” She said as she folded her arms behind her pack and walked toward us before pointing ahead, “That’s Crouching Dragon Ridge and this region is Longzhong. You have nice mountains up here, a water source and lush forests below, gentle breezes that do not cause a ruckus; a nice place to live all round.”

(TL: She speaks in a poetic manner in the second sentence, I am unfortunately unable to do so.)

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