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Liu Bei POV

Wu… These scholars really have their way with words. I turned back and saw that Yun Chang was overwhelmed by them as well to the point where there were beads of sweat on her forehead. Normally, she would have intervened by now but she was rendered silent by Shi Guang Yuan.

I looked at her and nodded at her to signal that I would deal with this before turning to look at Shi Guang Yuan, “So why pick me then? We haven’t spoken much after all.”

“Yes, we haven’t spoken much indeed.” She smiled and rolled her shoulders, “But a feudal lord who can make Yuan Zhi dedicate herself so fervently to him can’t be a bad choice.”

“Ah, so you know Yuan Zhi as well huh?”

“Of course I do. I came here from the north with her to begin with.” Shi Guang Yuan said and chuckled as she took another swig of alcohol, “So I know Yuan Zhi’s temperament the best. She would definitely not work under a useless feudal lord.”

Hahaha… I actually feel like I am closer to a useless feudal lord than you think.

“We too have been thinking of doing something for a while now and it just so happened that you came and so we wondered if we could join you.” Meng Gong Wei said as he slowly drank as well.

I felt very conflicted at this time. From a big picture perspective, it’s clear that we should indeed try to recruit them. They were recommendations from Teacher Shuijing after all. No matter what, they cannot be too shabby and should at least be decent in administration. We are sorely lacking in manpower after all. At the very least, I should give them a shot.

But is that really alright?

We came here to seek out Zhuge Liang and ended up recruiting 2 of her friends. This made it seem like I was insincere and the journey to seek Zhuge Liang would come to an end.

Un… I pondered about this for a long while and turned back to look at Yun Chang and Yi De. They merely returned my gaze and neither shook nor nodded their heads. Looks like they do not intend on swaying my decision on this.

But I really do not feel like this is a decision that I should make unilaterally. Should I act according to my desires in this situation?

As I thought so, I reached behind to scratch my back. Eh? This is…

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… Un, I have an answer.

“Umm, sages. Though you both may view me very favourably, I am unable to let you both come to Xinye and work with me.”

Eh? When I finished, it was not just the 2 of them who reacted. In fact, my sisters behind showed even bigger reactions.

“Even if we aren’t incompetent?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “Even if that is the case.”

“Let’s put it another way,” Meng Gong Wei chimed in, “Even if there is the possibility of us joining Cao Cao’s side?”

Wu… That is really… I cannot believe that even that came out but I have already made my decision.

“Yes,” I vigorously nodded to steel myself, “If that should come to pass, then so be it. I will indeed feel that it is a great loss.”

More like I will be greatly troubled than anything.

“Oi, big brother… No matter what, there’s no need to go that far…”

No, there is. Anything less would be irresponsible to all of us, be it them, me or Zhuge Liang. And it was this notion that I held as I stared at Shi Guang Yuan who smiled and stared back with half closed eyes. Meng Gong Wei seemed to have lost interest and sat down as he resumed drinking.

“… Guang Yuan, that’s enough now.” Meng Gong Wei said as he looked at Shi Guang Yuan from the side after he finished drinking.

Shi Guang Yuan looked at him, then back at me. This repeated several times before she finally closed her eyes and sat down, “Alright, if Gong Wei feels that this is enough, then so be it.”

“Umm, may I ask what you both are talking about?” I asked, feeling troubled but Shi Guang Yuan seemed happy seeing my troubled expression.

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“Hehe, it’s nothing, it’s nothing. Don’t mind it. Since you don’t want to recruit us, then we won’t force you either.”

Eh? It feels like they gave up too easily all of a sudden.

“Why? Why does Lord Liu Bei look so confused?”

“Ah no, it’s nothing.” I shook my head. Though I was still very surprised by how things turned out, I still hurriedly bowed, “Even though I did not end up recruiting you both, I am deeply grateful for your favourable assessment.”

“Wu~ That’s so mushy. Let’s stop it.” Shi Guang Yuan said with a disgusted expression as she delivered more liquor down her throat, “But speaking of which, since you met Cui Zhou Ping, she should have said something to you about wanting to leave the mountains right?”

“Ah… No.”

It would be a mistake to say that I tried to recruit Cui Zhou Ping myself before as it would only give Shi Guang Yuan more ammunition for verbal jabs in future.

“Eh? She didn’t?” Shi Guang Yuan frowned as she rubbed her chin, “That’s weird. She really wants to leave seclusion too.”

“Is that so?”

I thought back to what Cui Zhou Ping told me about hermits, about how she was incompetent and how I had agreed with her back then. Now that I think about what Shi Guang Yuan told me, I really wondered, what if I had given her a different answer back then… Would things have turned out differently?

Fate. It all comes down to fate in the end huh?

“Well, it’s not like it’s a big deal anyway. If you want to hear what Zhou Ping thinks, then you can just ask her yourself another time.” Shi Guang Yuan said as she pointed at me, “Let’s go back to our original topic. You said you were going to look for Kong Ming right?”

“Ah, un, yes.” I said, tensing up at the mention of Zhuge Liang.

“Zhuge Liang should be at Crouching Dragon right now. The mountain roads are being maintained after all and she shouldn’t be able to go anywhere.”

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“That is to say, if the 3 lordships wish to see Kong Ming, now is a good time.” Meng Gong Wei added as he nodded.

“Oh, I got it.” I said as I turned back to my sisters who nodded in response. I should be looking rather happy right now.

Just then, loud shuffling could be heard outside the inn. Before we could take a look outside, about a dozen men and women who looked completely exhausted and covered in dirt came into the inn.


“Boss, get us some liquor!”

“This old man is really exhausted~”

“This old woman is dead tired~”

“May I ask if this is…” I said as I looked at the villagers who came in and then at Shi Guang Yuan.

Shi Guang Yuan looked at the villagers and even exchanged greetings with some of them before smiling as she replied, “You should understand just by looking right? They just finished the works.”

“You mean the mountain road clearing works?”

“Un, that, yes.” Shi Guang Yuan nodded before yelling to a voluptuous woman nearby, “Little girl, how’s the mountain road?”

She is not a little girl already, okay? Those curves are definitely those of an adult.

“Ah, the mountain road is clear now.” The woman replied as she wiped the sweat on her neck, “But it’s best if you don’t go on horseback if you are going to use it as it’s rather slippery. We just finished clearing the loose soil so it’s not too steady yet.”

“Alright~” Shi Guang Yuan nodded and then turned to me, “That’s what she said, what do you think?”

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Me huh…

“Big brother.”

“Xuan De, let’s not hesitate any further.”

Thanks to the 2 behind me, my hesitation was swept away.

“Alright, I got it.” I said as I went past the 2 of them and got up, “We’ll be moving out.”

“You can’t go on horseback.”

“That’s fine, we’ll just go on foot.” Yun Chang replied on my behalf.

“Un, good idea.” Shi Guang Yuan said as though she were stifling laughter and gave us a round of applause, “Well then, I wish you a safe and pleasant trip. You can leave the horses with us for the time being. We’ll be here for the entire day.”

They are going to be loitering in the inn for the entire day huh…

“Ah yes.” Just then, I remembered what Shi Guang Yuan said before, “By the way, are you close with Zhuge Liang?”

“Of course I am. How else would our entire conversation have taken place otherwise?”

“Alright but why did you identify me just by knowing that I came here to look for Zhuge Liang?”

This was something that has been troubling me since the beginning but she was able to control the flow of the conversation for the longest time so I was not able to interject at all.

“Un?” She tilted her head, “Is that very difficult to understand?”

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