“Are you 3 here to receive us?”

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It has been 2-3 days since we said our goodbyes to Gan Qing and left Qi commandery. Though we haven’t seen Xu state city yet, our hosts have appeared before us.

On this point, Tao Qian was more considerate than Kong Ong.

“Yes, we are here to welcome Lord Liu Bei.” The girl on the left said in a serious manner. “Ah, I am Sun Qian Sun Gong You.”

“Cao Cao’s army will be arriving soon, our lord is awaiting you in the city.” The girl in the middle said something that was critical with a cheerful look. “I am Mi Zhu Mi Zhi Zhong.”

“That’s how it is, we have been awaiting your arrival for a while now.” The girl on the right had a look that said ‘what a pain’ all over her face and she saluted with her eyes half closed. “Ah, by the way I’m Jian Yong Jian Xian He.”

(TL: Historically accurate, they all served Xu state’s governor, though Jian Yong was supposed to be a childhood friend of Liu Bei.)

“Sun Qian, Mi Zhi and Jian Yong right?” I accepted the setting before me as I repeated their names.

Though their looks and personalities seemed to differ quite a bit from each other, their gestures, clothing and accessories were very similar.

“How far are we from Xu state city?” Feng Xian, who was holding the map, rode up and asked.

“Not far.” “If we keep moving, we should reach by evening.” “That’s how it is, so get a move on.”

To divide a single sentence amongst all 3 and say them in a way that makes it connect perfectly, what a high level of rapport amongst them… But isn’t it bothersome to do so?

“In any case, we give thanks to Lord Tao Qian for sending us a welcome party,” I bowed while on the horse, “Let us be on our way.”

“Un, we’ll guide you.” 3 simultaneous voices.

As they said so, they turned their horses and began galloping while we followed.

“My lord I’ve wanted to ask this before.” Zhang Liao said as she rode beside me. “Why is Lord Kong Rong making us go? Our troops are few and he has not given us any.”

“Ah… Perhaps Lord Kong Rong feels that my relationship with Meng De is good and maybe I can convince her.”

“What? Wars are not games. Cases where mere words have stopped an army that has marched forth to its destination and is ready to strike are few and far.”

“Yes, that is correct Zhang Liao.”

In the first place, I don’t think that my relationship with Meng De is exceptionally good. Neither do I believe that just having a good relationship can resolve conflicts peacefully.

But even so, I do want to speak with Meng De, and hear her reason for attacking Xu state.

If my memory is correct, then Cao Cao attacked Xu state in retaliation for Cao Song’s death. But wasn’t Cao Song alive now? What is the reason for attacking Xu state? Or should I say excuse?

In the short period that I have known Meng De, I feel that she isn’t the maliciously cunning sort like in the original fiction or in history. Every word and every action is intended to bring about her ideal, and I have no basis for this, but I feel that Meng De’s ideal does no consist of personal ambition.

As I thought so, I quickened the pace… Though because I wasn’t a good rider, I couldn’t get it much faster anyway.

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(TL: The kind of heavy cough that makes you want to vomit.)

Aiya! What the fuck!

We headed for Tao Qian’s abode the moment we entered Xu state city and when we entered his room we were greeted with the grotesque sight of an old man who lay on a bed with blood spewing out of his mouth.

I, and everyone else, was utterly shocked.

“Th… This is…” I frantically backtracked and asked the 3 from Xu state who were calmly looking on from the side.

“That’s right.” This is our lord, Lord Tao Qian.” “He is as you see he is.”

What do you mean he is as is…

I’d expected him to be in poor health but this was far beyond anything I had imagined.

“Quick, Hua Tuo. Have a look at him.”

“Oh!” Hua Tuo had been wearing a worried look all this while and was eager to try and treat Tao Qian.

Hua Tuo went up to measure his pulse and I went up with her as well.mTao Qian’s face had no luster at all, and it felt like he could die at any moment.

“Lord Tao Qian, are you alright.”

Though these words are useless, I still have to ask them in such circumstances.

“Ah… Lord Liu Bei is here… Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Though those words were a lie, they still have to be said under such circumstances.

“Hua Tuo, how is it?”

“… No good.” Hua Tuo said as she shook her head. “Lord Tao Qian isn’t ill in particular, he is just far too weak from old age and the life in him is almost drained, that is to say–”

… That is to say, he is dying a natural death of which there is no cure huh…

“I know… What’s wrong with my body, *ughkuu*!–” Every cough sounded like he was about to vomit his lungs out, “… Lord Liu Bei, I have heard of your name and I have also heard that it was Lord Kong Rong who sent you here… With this, I can be at peace.”

“Un? At peace?”

Tao Qian gave a slight nod.

“This Xu state city… As well as Xiaopei and Xiapi and all my other territories… Shall henceforth be yours Lord Liu Bei. I will write a letter of appointment and submit it to the Imperial Court.”


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No way, it’s my first time meeting you yo~~~

“Lord Liu Bei, don’t decline this…” I’m not declining, I just don’t understand. “My end is nigh and Cao Cao has marched her troops to my borders, and Xu state now… Has no one to take care of it~~ *ke* *ke* *ke*”

Tao Qian was actually sighing but his body was so weak he could only cough.

I looked at him and saw that though his body was weak, his gaze was resolute. I knew that he wasn’t just fooling around and actually planned on giving his lands to me.

… Just a while back, I was still thinking that it might be time to get ourselves a base and now Lord Tao Qian has sincerely offered his territories to me…

The most crucial of all was that he was unable to manage his territories at this time.

“In that case, I shall respectfully—- Eh eh! Why are you pulling me!”

Before I could finish my words, I was hauled out of the building by Yun Chang and Zhang Liao.

“What are you doing?!” I lost my temper a little as I yelled and tidied my clothing that they pulled me by.

“Big brother (my lord) wouldn’t be thinking of agreeing right?” 2 simultaneous voices.

“Yes I was, I think what Lord Tao Qian is saying makes sense.”

I said resolutely, upon which they sighed.

“Big brother, you are too naive.”

“My lord, Lord Tao Qian has yet to pass. If he gives away his official rank just like that, the commoners will start rumours about you~~”

“But Lord Tao Qian himself said that…”

“Big brother, you heard it and we did as well. But what about the others?” Yun Chang said. “If we mishandle this, things could easily go wrong~~”

… Now that they mention it, I think so too. Given that Tao Qian is still alive, having an outsider just barge in and take the spot of ruler would certainly start some unsavoury rumours.

(TL: Based harem.)

“… So I should decline first then?”


Un, this is the only way. It’s best not to be rash at this time.

And thereafter we re-entered the building and saw that everyone was waiting for my reply.

“Ah, Lord Tao Qian, I am here to aid you in your defense against Meng De, not to take your Xu state. Can we wait till after this conflict has concluded before we discuss that matter?”

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“Not good.” “My lord is already in such a state.” “Don’t torture the old man anymore,”

The 3 said upon hearing my reply.

“That cannot do,” I said, more anxious than before. “Then do you 3 think that I am worthy to take over Xu state?”

“Yes.” “We’ve long heard tell of Lord Liu Bei’s exploits.” “What is there to be unworthy about.”

… I shouldn’t have asked them.

“Maa, if you really can’t no matter what… Then we’ll take it slow for now.” Tao Qian didn’t seem to want to press the matter. “But please remember Lord Liu Bei… That you now bear the responsibility… Of all the commoners of Xu state under your care and protection! *ke* *ke* *ke*~~~”

Another wave of coughing.

“Un, I understand.” I bowed deeply in all seriousness and then asked in a helpless tone. “I would like to ask, what did you do to incur Meng De’s wrath?”

“… Hai~ *ke* *ke* *ke*~~ Haiya~~~” His coughing did not stop, but his sighs this time could not be stopped.

“I was a fool, and sent a newly surrendered Yellow Turban to guard her father. Who knew that such a thing would happen~~”

So in the end it’s that huh.

But I still have to ask Meng De later about this.

“Hai~~~~ But now that things have come to this, I can only deal with it.”

“Un… Please do.” Tao Qian nodded, before continuing. “Sun Qian, Mi Zhu and Jian Yong… Lord Liu Bei should know these 3 by now… Don’t think of them as 1 just because they are inseparable. Sun Qian is adept at dealing with internal affairs, Mi Zhu is good with finance and Jian Yong knows how to negotiate and debate. They each have their talents. I leave these 3 to Lord Liu Bei as well.”

As he said so, the 3 bowed deeply towards me which zi hurriedly ran up to stop.

“In this period of time, I will be working alongside you 3 and will be depending on you all for various things.” I said as I bowed.

“We are unworthy of such words.” 3 simultaneous voices.

Thereafter I got Hua Tuo to brew a concoction which would help boost vitality, in the hopes that it would make things easier for Tao Qian. Everyone did their introductions and then we left.

After we had settled our lodging arrangements, we met in the courtyard to discuss how we were going to deal with Meng De.

“As expected, talking our way out will be our main strategy.” I said first.

“Eh~~~ We aren’t fighting?”

“Lord Yi De, though fighting is exciting indeed, we shouldn’t fight, or kill, unnecessarily.” Feng Xian said as she quietly stroked the Red Hare.

“I agree with big brother. According to latest intelligence, Lord Cao Cao’s vanguard will arrive at this city by tomorrow while Lord Cao Cao herself is with the main body so we must get across to the vanguard general for this to work.” Yun Chang said as she supported her chin.

“Un,” I replied and got up. “In any case, we will be marching out tomorrow, and I will speak with the vanguard general.”

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Everyone nodded. Since it was late and we hadn’t eaten, Yun Chang and the rest went to eat while Yi De and Hua Tuo went to bed early.

As for me, I was on Yi De’s team this time as I was fairly fatigued and needed to be at my fullest for the negotiation tomorrow.

The morning of the next day.


I was still sleepy when I woke up and found it strange that I couldn’t get up only to find that a girl lay on each side of me which utterly shocked me.

“What was this?! I may be a healthy young man but I’m not so debaucherous!

“Eh? Is– Isn’t this Gan…”

I looked closely at the girl on my right… Why is Gan Qing here?! And in my bed no less!

I frantically looked over to my left again… I really don’t know this one.

“Eh! Eh!” I slapped the girl’s face a couple of times before she slowly opened her eyes. “Why are you here? And who are you?”

“Oh, Lord Liu Bei, you’re awake!” The girl happily said so when she saw me. “You don’t know me yet right!”


“… And that’s why I’m asking, so who are you huh~~~” I rubbed my frowned eyebrows.

“I’m Mi Zhen, Mi Zhu’s little sister.”

(TL: Mi Zhen, or Lady Mi as she is called, is Liu Bei’s second concubine.)

Is that so. She does indeed look like Mi Zhu, but smaller… Wait, now is not the time for this!!

“What I really want to ask is why are the 2 of you on my bed?”

Eh… It couldn’t be right, that I have already, to the 2 of them–

“Big brother, what happened?!”

Just then, Yun Chang’s voice and the footsteps of many others could be heard.

Though I don’t have a sense of what was going on, nor have I figured out a proper explanation for all this, for now I would just like to say–

— I’m dead.

At my side, I could still hear the peaceful breathing of Gan Qing.


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