“… Here.” “Lord Liu Bei, this stack of silk tissue and bamboo scrolls is your work quota for the first half of today.” “If you don’t finish this by noon, you can forget about lunch.”

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(TL: People in ancient China used silk tissue before paper was widely used.)

“…” After a few days of safe, secure and carefree living, the Xu state 3 called me over. Just as I took a seat, a small mountain of bamboo scrolls and a stack of silk tissue thicker than a full length dictionary was placed before me. “… You mean for me to do all this?”


No way…

I’d thought I was just a guest too~~~ I never thought I had to work~~~

“That is a given.” “Lord Tao Qian’s health is lacking so even if you do not assume the role of Governor, these day-to-day administrative work still needs to be done by you. “Don’t worry, we’ll help out. Ah, Chen Deng and his father will help too.”

(TL: Chen Deng is still male here. He and his father Chen Gui were officials that served Tao Qian, and later on, Liu Bei as well.)

“Why don’t you all do it then?” I said irritably. “And to be honest, I don’t know any of this.”

There is no way that an ordinary high schooler can govern a large swathe of land well. It’s better to know my limits than to blindly assume responsibilities that I can’t fulfill.

“Everything is difficult in the beginning.” “This sort of thing is actually really easy anyway, you just need to get used to it.” “Lord Liu Bei need not feel too pressures, though one wrong decision could imperil a whole village or town.”

How is that supposed to help!!

“Un…” I picked up the brush very unwillingly and opened the first bamboo scroll before me. “What is this? … Umm, can someone help me read this…”

“…” “You, you can’t read?” “… Pu.”

“Don’t laugh okay?!”

I just can’t understand the words in your era, that’s all.

There’s no helping that this era uses the characters from the Han official script instead of the contemporary Chinese simplified script. Though I still can make out most of the words, reading long passages is still very difficult.

(TL: This isn’t just traditional script. Traditional is still very intuitive if you know simplified. Most Chinese characters undergo at least one revision every dynasty or so, so a lot of words can seem unrecognisable.)

“We don’t have too much time for this, so you will have to work hard on your own.” Sun Qian said as she stood up and held a bamboo scroll which she started reading out from. “For example, this one is a report by a local agricultural official that the autumn harvest in Xiao Pei is predicted to fall short of targets, and asks if we should start preventive measures or if we should prepare for the shortfall.”


There is listening, and then there is understanding. Throwing out a problem that only an experienced agricultural official can understand and resolve on short notice, what are you expecting from me?

“Looks like you don’t understand.” “You should suggest preventive measures.” “But you probably can’t suggest anything concrete though.”


Why did you ask if you knew then. Though I was regarded by them as incapable and ignorant, it was the truth and I could not refute this.

“In any case.” “Leave this agricultural matter to us while you look at others.” “… Looking at you, this amount of work will definitely not be done by noon… Gong You, stay here and help. Delegate some minor tasks to Lord Liu Bei.”


Sun Qian did not reply, and so I turned to look at her, and saw that she was nodding wordlessly.

Though Sun Qian’s expressionless countenance had not changed, she probably felt like she got a whole lot of trouble dumped on her is what I thought.

The other 2 then gave Sun Qian some broad instructions and left thereafter. Seeing the 2 figures from afar, I felt that this sight was really unnatural compared to the usual 3.

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“Now then.” Sun Qian searched the stack of silk tissues and read out loud from one…

… No more.

This is way too dry.

“Now then, next.” Sun Qian took another sheet of silk tissue out from the stack and recited from it the same way she had done since an hour ago, “This one is–”

“Excuse me…”

“… Is Lord Liu Bei thirsty?” Sun Qian said calmly after being momentarily surprised at my words.

“No… I was wondering if you were thirsty.” I said helplessly as I looked at Sun Qian.

From the beginning, Sun Qian would basically recite the contents of a particular matter from a silk tissue, I would then ask her what she thought and then Sun Qian would then go on a long tirade that could last for almost 10 minutes, of which I could not understand most of what she said. In the end, I had to resort to saying ‘Th, then let’s do it that way then.’

No matter how you look at it, she is at most merely consulting me. But since she already had ideas on how to resolve each matter, why does she have to hear my opinion on it?

“I’m okay.”

She really doesn’t say much huh~~~ No good, I need to escape.

“…” I silently got up and said, “I’m going to the toilet.

As long as I step out of this room, I’ll be free.

In any case, it’s not like I’m needed here. Rather, she can probably settle things quicker if she doesn’t have to recite them to me.

“Does Lord Liu Bei intend on running away?”

“!!” I froze in place on the spot in mid-motion and turned my head stiffly to Sun Qian and smiled. “Wh, what are you saying? Didn’t I just say that I’m going to the toilet?”

“… Lord Liu Bei is intending on running away right?”

“How could that be? I was just…”

“Lord Liu Bei is running away?”


I gave up. She gave me no room to escape at all.

And so I resignedly made to return to my seat with my head hung low.



Sun Qian was standing in front of me between me and my seat.

“Eh?” I raised my head and looked at Sun Qian who was one head shorter than me and her deep black eyes locked onto me, her face close enough that it was almost touching mine.

She slowly raised her hand and said as she pointed outside.

“… Perhaps we should take a break.”


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“Before noon.” Sun Qian continued. “We must return before noon, and I will be accompanying you.”

How did it become like that?

“Why are you escaping with me?”

“Because Zi Zhong and Xian He have left you to me, you’re my responsibility.” Sun Qian said as she looked at me with a serious face. “And I can also browse the shops in the city while I’m accompanying you.”

“Well, I don’t actually mind that at all…”

As I said so, Gong You nodded and did not say any further. I frowned as I did not understand what to do next and decided to go ahead with the plan to leave.

As I turned and headed outside, I could hear the footsteps of Sun Qian following behind.

Xu state city was big, and well-governed by Tao Qian so no matter where we went, we were always greeted with a sight of peace and harmony.

“Sun Qian, do you know any interesting places in the city?”

“… Nothing in particular.”

“Th, then do you have any place in particular you want to go?”


“Sun Qian, what sort of activities do you engage in outside of work?”

“Hang about Zi Zhong and Xian He.”

“That, that’s not really an activity…”

So, so suffocating… I have no idea what to talk about. Could this be because I have no experience in conversing with girls?

Or could it be that conversation from her flows freely only when it’s about work? When Tao Qian had said that she was good to speak with, he couldn’t be just referring to work right.

“Un… Is Sun Qian the ‘mukuchi’ type?”

(TL: Mukuchi or 无口 is an ACG (anime, cartoons and games) archetype for females that don’t speak. In short, Chinese otaku lingo.)

“What is that?”

“No, nothing.”

She probably wouldn’t understand even if I tried explaining.

I looked about left and right listlessly.

I wonder what Feng Xian, Yun Chang and the rest are doing now. It wouldn’t be strange for them to be having fun somewhere somehow in a city this big.

“Sun Qian, how did you 3 end up working under Tao Qian?”

“I was here from the very beginning. Mi Zhu was originally a merchant who switched over while Jian Yong came to join Tao Qian from the north.”

What a simple and clear summary.

“Look at that–” Sun Qian pointed to a 2-storey tall building. “That’s Mi Zhu’s house.”

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Oh~~~ Having this sort of house in the city should be quite the luxury in this era.

I really couldn’t tell that the Mi Zhu who was always happy-go-lucky was actually an accomplished merchant.

No wonder old man Tao Qian put her in charge of finance.

“Un? What’s up over there?”

I saw that there was some commotion over at the city gates and asked Sun Qian.

“… Could be refugees from the north.” Sun Qian said as she headed in that direction, as I followed behind. “I’ve received information that Yuan Shao has been expanding her lands recently.”

Yuan Shao is it?

I wonder if Gongsun Zan and Han Fu are alright.

When we neared the city gates, I involuntarily gulped. The sight before me was much harsher than I had imagined.

The refugees at the gates were numerous. By my rough estimations, there were at least 7-8,000 of them and Xu state city definitely does not have the space to accommodate all of them.

“Sun Qian, what do we do with them?”

We wouldn’t be chasing them off forcefully right?

The term ‘refugees’ does not elicit much optimism and what I saw before me reminded of scenes of disaster I’d only seen before in movies and TV shows.

“… In any case, we should give them some food first.” While I was still dealing with the swirling feelings of pity and sadness inside me, she had went to speak with the city guards and returned to where I was. “Lord Liu Bei, please wait while I go ahead and hear about the situation from the refugees.”

“Ah, wait.”

As she said so, Sun Qian made to leave but I managed to catch her by the sleeve.

“I’ll go too, though I don’t know how much help I can be of.”

“…” Sun Qian nodded wordlessly and so we headed to where the refugees were together.

The refugees were from all over the country but the bulk of them were from the north. All of them shared the same reason for running southward – To escape the flames of war.

Wars and conflicts over territory can happen anywhere and anytime in this era, and many commoners will inevitably suffer greatly because of this. Though it seemed peaceful here, I must not forget that we are living on a knife-edge.

“Un, I understand the overall situation more or less.” Sun Qian said as she nodded.

When Sun Qian was asking around just now, most of the time she was listening and gave an ‘un’ in reply, and did not raise many follow-up questions either.

Just then, Sun Qian walked over to me.

“How is it?”

“There are almost 100,000 refugees. I’ve decided to let some of them stay here in Xu state city while the rest will be sent to other commanderies and counties under our jurisdiction.”

“So you’re taking all of them in then?”

“If we don’t take them in, they have no choice but to head further south. Judging by their condition from speaking with them before, they probably won’t make it,” Sun Qian said as she looked at them, “And I think that they probably aren’t too willing to leave. When I was speaking with them just now, their eyes and faces told me that they hope to be able to find a place they can stay here. At the same time, their timidness stems from fear that we will drive them off.”

“…” I looked at Sun Qian and was amazed at how much she understood those people despite speaking so little.

Perhaps it’s not that Sun Qian speaks little, but that she understands most things through observing, listening and coming to an understanding without having to elicit answers from the other side.

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There’s no way to ask the refugees if they can still make a longer journey elsewhere after all without alarming them. The things that others aren’t willing or able to say can only be ascertained by one’s efforts to understand their point of view and how they think.

Just like when I said I had to go to the toilet, my frustrated look had already exposed my true intention of escaping to her. At the same time, she agreed to come out with me as a solution to the problem of my lack of focus and will.

Being good to speak with and being good at speaking are 2 different things as the former emphasises listening and understanding while the latter emphasises projecting what you mean.

I see, I see.

I now more or less understand what Tao Qian means. Sun Qian is indeed the one who is most suited to be one’s confidante.

These were my thoughts as I looked at Sun Qian who was directing the refugee work flows amongst the officials, troops and guards.

“Alright, I’ve delegated all the work. It’s not getting any earlier so let’s…” She had finished making the necessary arrangements and turned back to me and said, “Un? Is there something on my face?”

“Ah? No, nothing.” I realised that I was staring at Sun Qian the whole time I was lost in my thoughts and shook my head I replied.

“Un… Let’s go then.” Sun Qian might have felt something from my expression but she did not ask further.

“Go back?”

“Un, it’s going to be noon soon, Lord Liu Bei should go get lunch.” Sun Qian said.

“And you?”

“I have other plans.”

“To do my administrative work for me?”


Sun Qian did not reply. She probably doesn’t lie, and her silence is an affirmation of what I said.

As I thought, Sun Qian probably never intended for me to go through all those documents from the very beginning.

When Sun Qian said to return before noon, she actually meant that for herself. She had to fulfill her responsibilities of supervising me, and intended to return before noon to finish the work so that there wouldn’t be nobody there when Mi Zhu and Jian Yong came to check on things. Even if I wasn’t there when they came, it would have been fine as long as the work was done.

“I’m not in a rush to get lunch so I’ll help you too… Ah, haha, it’s actually my duty to begin with though.” I smiled as I said so to Sun Qian.


“Aiya, you don’t need to be too concerned about taking care of me,” I smiled to Sun Qian as I placed my hands on my hips, “When you’re with me, you can relax a little.”

“… Un.” Sun Qian stared at me for a bit before nodding. As she raised her head, she used the calmest voice and said, “As long as you don’t end up giving me more work.”

As she said so, Sun Qian began walking off.

“Haha, I’ll try my best…”

I said as I laughed and quickly followed her.

It might be better if I don’t go, but I intend to help where ever I can, no matter how small of a contribution it may be. After all, I can’t continue being so ignorant and useless.

“And,” Sun Qian who was ahead turned and said with a slightly reddened face, “Please call me Gong You from now on, my lord.”


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