Volume 3 Chapter 13: Don’t tell me this is the strike on Yuan Shu (4)

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“Hai~~~~” I sat on a shrub as I stared at the most distant leaf in the forest in my field of vision. Rustling, discordant sounds could be heard from time to time.

Eventually, the anxiety inside finally became too much to bear and I spat it out. “Even if it’s for ensuring my safety, isn’t this a little overboard?”

After a round of democratic voting, my exclusion from the entire battle was passed unanimously.

And so ever since they’ve left, I’ve been sitting in a bored daze for over an hour already.

Having to stay here while the others go into battle is honestly more tortuous than joining them. The constant fear of what might happen that filled my heart made it difficult for me to calm down.

“This is for the sake of our lord.” “Though it may not be nice to hear it, but my lord’s presence on the battlefield will only make things difficult.” “… You don’t need to be so down all of a sudden, Zi Zhong may have said it a little bluntly but what she said makes sense. Moreover, protecting the main base is a far important mission than Xuan De thinks. There are no cushy jobs in war.”

The you who is currently sipping tea on a rocking chair has no right to say such things.

Holding fort with me at the main base was the Xu state 3 and 1,000 reserve troops. Apart from us 4 who were staring at the forest doing nothing, the other troops were currently anxiously packing up.

We don’t know if our plan worked but since we’ve exposed ourselves, we will have to break camp regardless.

“You 3 say that guarding the main base is important, but how is that important? Explain it to me.” I was bored so I decided to be a bit feisty.

“In theory, no matter how much the battle is in your favour, you will have to retreat if your main camp is taken.” “The main camp is something like a means of retreat, and it will be difficult to advance without a way to retreat.” “Maa, it’s something that only applies in theory. And our main camp hasn’t been seen by them yet so nothing should happen.”

“If xiao Yong didn’t say that, I would have been convinced.”

To put it simply, we’re very free right? How does this help address my concerns?

I felt strangely frustrated and didn’t continue arguing. As I bent my head and stared at the fine grains of sand on the ground and the grass stalks, I shook my head lightly.

I wonder if I am befitting of the position of a feudal lord. It feels like I’ve become a mascot character.

In Xuchang, everyone had expressed their intent in following me. Though I’m grateful for that, I’m very uneasy and perplexed.

I don’t know how much charisma I have, to be able to be acknowledged by so many heroes and great people. But since I’ve been acknowledged, I keep getting the feeling that everyone will one day see through how useless I really am and leave me.

That is what I fear the most.

Perhaps I should really seek a way I can be useful.

“My lord~~ We’re back~~” A voice without much vitality came from the forest.

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I put aside my internal turmoil and raised my head to look at the forest I had been staring at before. Not far off, I could see Feng Xian with her halberd at the head. She didn’t seem very perturbed from her mission.

Feng Xian is back, that means…

I waved at her and she waved her halberd back when she saw that it was me sitting by the forest.

As they walked closer, I could see 3 figures who had their hands tied in front of them.

Was it Yuan Shu and her subordinates?

When they got much closer, I was able to clearly see what the 3 looked like. Though the 2 behind were new faces, the one in front was a child wearing an eye-catching royal robe whom I’ve seen before.

Even though she was a captive, Yuan Shu still put on airs around her.

“Oi, can’t you loosen the ropes a little? What if I get a bruise from this huh?!”

“Stop spouting such useless words. Everyone is tied up similarly.” Feng Xian shot down Yuan Shu without even looking back at her.

“Please don’t talk my lord!”

“Hai, I’m understanding you less and less my lord.”

“You both are really noisy! I’m the Emperor and you both must listen to me!!”

Unlike Yuan Shu, the 3 subordinate generals beside her seemed very calm and their tones seemed to suggest they were already resigned to their fates.

“Lord Lu Bu has returned much earlier than expected.” “Un, looks like it was a great success.” “We’ll probably get a good night’s sleep tonight.”

Didn’t you have a good night’s sleep yesterday as well?

“My lord, I have accomplished my task.” Lu Bu said as she exited the forest and stopped in front of me while pointing behind her. “Apart from Yuan Shu and her 2 subordinate generals, there are 1,000 ordinary troops.”

“Oh, it’s been hard on you… Doesn’t look like it was very hard?” Looking at Feng Xian who was yawning with drooping eyes, it didn’t seem like she had exerted a lot of effort.

Something that was more noticeable was Yuan Shu, who was presently grinding her teeth and looked like she would charge out anytime. Though she probably thought she looked fearsome, in reality, she seemed more like an angry little chihuahua.

“Bring Yuan Shu and her subordinate generals to the main tent while the rest will bring the other captives to the side while you await further orders!!” Feng Xian shouted to everyone tiredly before sighing as she turned to me. “That’s right, I barely did anything. I’d thought it would be an intense battle but who knew that Yuan Shu would surrender immediately without resisting.”

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“Haa?” Surrendered?

“In other words, we won without a fight.” “Looking at Yuan Shu’s personality, she probably felt that it would be better to obediently surrender since the other side already said they were here to capture her alive.” “Though them surrendering is a rather spineless
act, it’s something that is unambiguously good for us.”

Even if the Xu state 3 didn’t explain, I would have understood as well. As a second young miss of a noble family, Yuan Shu couldn’t possibly understand the pride of a warrior. This result is quite reasonable if you think about it that way.

I didn’t plan on making too many comments and got up with the intention of entering the main tent. But when I saw the captives, my feet stopped.

They were far too thin.

Each seemed thinner than the other and the spears they held seem like thick pillars in their hands. Their faces were pale, and their breaths were ragged even when they sat down.

“… Gong You, bring these people to our stores to get some food.”

“… Even though that is something that should be done.” “No matter if they are feudal lords or generals or ordinary soldiers, all captives should be interrogated first.” “And these 1,000 odd men have pretty good equipment so they’re probably Yuan Shu’s personal guard. If they were to try anything funny…”

They had their reservations and what they said does indeed make sense from a strategic perspective.

“What could people who can barely even hold their spears possibly do.” I replied immediately after xiao Yong finished, and then continued in a sombre tone. “In any case, just give them food first. Lives are more important than strategies.”

If it’s food for few thousand people, it’s not something I can’t afford. And besides, it was Meng De’s to begin with. I’m just distributing something that isn’t mine to begin with.

The 3 smiled meaningfully and acknowledged the order before leading the captives to the stores.

“Feng Xian, let’s head into the main tent.” I said as I patted Feng Xian’s shoulders.

Feng Xian was probably still sleepy as she only nodded slightly before following me into the main tent.

There is of course a very good reason for capturing Yuan Shu alive.

Even if our interception and ambush succeeded, it was unlikely that we would be able to wipe them out and half of the 20,000 strong would likely make it back to the city, which would still be more than enough to make for a difficult siege battle.

And so, we need Yuan Shu to hand over Shouchun city to us by any means necessary.

And so, my job is to handle the negotiations with her.

“You want me to give you Shouchun city? Never.”

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“…” Though I’d known that it wouldn’t be easy, I didn’t think that it would be this difficult right off the bat.

From the very beginning up till now, I’ve been trying to convince her nicely. I had thought that the simple minded Yuan Shu was someone even I could handle but who knew that she would reject everything I said without even thinking.

— If I haven’t returned to camp before Yuan Shu is brought back, then I ask that Lord Liu Bei scare her with some threats. She will probably hand over the city obediently very quickly.

This was what Zhou Yu said to me before she left. I hadn’t intended on threatening anyone but since she’s not complying, I have no choice.

I looked at Feng Xian, hoping for some help from her on this.

Feng Xian looked at me in turn and grunted in acknowledgement before placing her halberd on a wooden chair beside her.

“You all ought to consider this carefully. We could very well kill all of you before attacking the city.” Feng Xian said these words in a tone so cold that even I shuddered.

“…” Yuan Shu seemed to have withdrawn a bit at hearing this, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she was at a loss as to what to do.

Un, seems like it’s as Zhou Yu said…

“Don’t be silly, why do we have to give you Shouchun city?” I’d thought victory was in sight but all of a sudden, someone interjected. I looked over and saw that it was Yuan Shu’s female subordinate general who had a shiny forehead.

“Even if you kill us all, our forces will not be wiped out in the forest. When you finally attack the city, there should be close to more or less 10,000 troops waiting for you. And as for what kind of losses you should be expecting in a siege battle with a defense of that size, I don’t think you need me to tell you.”

I was stopped short by her but I couldn’t back out at this juncture.

“B, but is that really fine? If Yuan Shu dies, the city will descend into chaos.” I stood up from my seat to calm myself down. “Though the army still remains, if they should succumb to in-fighting, then it will also be an easy victory for us.”

Looking at how malnourished the personal guard was, troop morale cannot be very high.

“You need not be worried about that,” The other subordinate general who was covered in soil said in a mocking tone. “Though they’re all selfish people, they aren’t the type who will prioritise their selfish desires in a situation like this where they have a common enemy.”

“Perhaps someone might just surrender outright?!”

“Hmph!” Yuan Shu straightened her back as she haughtily continued. “My subordinates are not so unambitious people. Every one of them is a despicable person who is planning on stealing the Jade Seal for themself and declare themselves Emperor.”

What is there to show off about this…

“And so, with your abilities, the best you can do is kill me. Even then, you will find that the city is beyond you.” Yuan Shu said with a scornful look.

With what seemed like a conclusion from Yuan Shu, I felt like our negotiations have fallen through.

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“What? You think I don’t dare to?” Feng Xian could no longer hold herself back and reached out to wield her halberd.

I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Now wasn’t the time to act rashly.

As that subordinate general said, we would only mount a siege if that was the only choice left to us.

At the end of the day, we had to take the city after all.

“Yuan Shu…”

“Don’t speak to me again, lackey of Cao Cao.”

“I’m only trying to help…” I felt even more at a loss, seeing Yuan Shu’s rage.

What do we do… If it’s like this, then we can only wait for Zhou Yu and the rest to return.

But I really didn’t think that Yuan Shu was so fearless.


Wait a minute, what is this feeling of incongruity I’m getting?

If Yuan Shu doesn’t fear death, then why did she surrender without a fight?

“Yuan Shu’s subordinate generals are truly a hindrance.” Just as I was trying to figure out the reason for the disconnect, Feng Xian began muttering as she frowned. “I shouldn’t have listened to what Yuan Shu said at the very beginning and just killed those 2.”

At the very beginning?

“Feng Xian,” I whispered as I elbowed Feng Xian’s waist. “What did you say to them at the very beginning?”

“Ah?” She was baffled as to why I was asking her this but she didn’t think too much about it and explained. “Nothing much really, I just said ‘Yuan Shu is to be captured alive and everyone is to be killed’, and then Yuan Shu obediently surrendered. She had requested that we allow everyone to live and I felt that was doable so I agreed. But now I see that she kept those 2 subordinate generals alive so that they can help her in negotiations.”

“…” No, that can’t be it. If I think about it from a favourable view of Yuan Shu, then it must be that…

“Feng Xian, bring Yuan Shu’s subordinate generals out.” I immediately looked at Yuan Shu’s face after I said so, and was delighted to see that she had wavered, before continuing. “I wish to speak with her alone.”

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