Volume 3 Chapter 15: Don’t tell me this is the slaying of Che Zhou

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TL: This is the chapter from which everything starts breaking down and the roller coaster starts to fall.

Meng De POV

I obeyed Hua Tuo’s instructions and quietly rested in my quarters for several days but as I looked out of the window at the yellowing leaves, I began to get anxious again.

Because it was full-on rest, every matter was to be left to the administrative officials I chose. They tend to engage in a fair bit of politicking but their skill at governance is above and beyond the average official.

It was the frontlines… That made me worry.

On one side, Dian Wei, Liu Bei. On the other, Zhang Xiu, Yuan Shu.

I wonder how it’s like for the both of them. In theory, there should not be any hiccups and everything should proceed smoothly.

But why is it, why am I feeling so…

“…” I placed my hand over my heart as my eyes shifted from looking at the outside to the rafters, “Cheng Yu, you’re around right.”

Just as I finished, a black figure descended from the rafters in one smooth movement. As I turned to look, the small yet mature body of Cheng Yu in a respectful pose could be seen. “What are your orders, my lord.”

“About the frontlines–”

“Please forgive me about this but–”

“My body has recovered. And please don’t interrupt me. No matter what, I’m still your lord.”

“…” Her face tightened as she sank into silence for several minutes before continuing. “Dian Wei’s side has concluded with a great victory and Zhang Xiu’s surrender. Because Sun Ce has gone to attack Yuan Shu as well, that side should be able to report success some time over the next couple of days.”

What Cheng Yu said was brief, but I still committed the important points to my memory. Un, looks like everything went just as I had predicted.

“Is that so,” I said as I slowly got up. Cheng Yu came forward to help me up, but my pride made me stop her from doing so. “On Dian Wei’s end, just keep up what you’ve been doing. As for Xuan De, don’t forget to send Che Zhou to assist him. Shouchun is a critical area and if we hand it over to Sun Ce, Xu state will be vulnerable.”

“Don’t worry my lord. I have already made the necessary arrangements. By my calculations, General Che Zhou should have reached Shouchun by now.”

“Un, that’s good.” I waved to my servants who brought the tea over. These few autumn days, I’ve been lying in bed all day and it’s thanks to this new tea from the south that’s helped give me some comfort. “Don’t forget to tell Che Zhou to get along with Xuan De. Che Zhou is one of my earliest subordinates but she’s arrogant and callous. Don’t make her slight him.”

As I said so, I gently blew the tea leaves and slowly took a sip. Fragrant, as expected.

“About that…” After a long while, Cheng Yu began to speak hesitatingly. “I gave an extra mission to Che Zhou.”

“Un? An extra mission?” My hand stopped in mid-air as my lips curled unconsciously, “Hou hou, what are you scheming behind my back huh?”

Cheng Yu has always been a straightforward person and says what she means. Now that she’s being hesitant about saying it, it’s definitely something big.

“…” Cheng Yu suddenly bowed deeply before continuing, “I instructed General Che Zhou to deal with Lord Liu Bei–” Cheng Yu’s words stopped there.

The autumn breeze blew outside the window, and apart from sounds of the wind outside, the room was virtually silent. Perhaps even Cheng Yu was holding her breath.

I placed my teacup on a table at the side and used my hands to hook my hair behind my ears and sat up on the bed.

“… Assassinate him you mean?” I helped Cheng Yu state what she meant and then smiled as I looked at her, “Even though I’ve said it clearly before… Can you tell me why you need to go so far.”

After hearing me say so, Cheng Yu’s look did not relax from being given a chance to explain. Instead, her expression became even more serious.

“My lord, think about it. Liu Bei has the administrative officials who were skilled at various aspects of governance who were previously under the employment of Tao Qian. His warrior generals include Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao among many others and he not has over 10,000 troops. Shouchun city is within his grasp, and if Liu Bei so wishes, he can form an alliance with Liu Biao in Jing state and Yuan Shao in Heibei and launch a 3-pronged attack here. When the time comes, we will find ourselves in deep peril.”

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Cheng Yu took a step closer to me with each line, and with each step, her expression seemed to be ever more anxious. She was currently wearing the dark blue clothing not much different from what an assassin would wear and would definitely alarm any guards who saw this.”

(TL: For an accurate depiction of what she’s wearing, see (2) of Xun Yu’s character design.

After saying so much, I do of course get what she means. What Cheng Yu says makes sense but–

“But didn’t you say it yourself? ‘If Liu Bei so wishes.'” I relaxed my body and placed my arms on the pillow. “If Xuan De has the intent, he need not go through so much trouble. He could have just assassinated me and seize control of the Son of Heaven by using his status as the Royal Uncle, no?”

Of course, if Xuan De were to assassinate someone, he would definitely not use something as pathetic as having a physician poison me.

“Cheng Yu, you must understand that my decisions were made not based on my trust of Xuan De, but rather of my judgement of his person as someone who does things openly and honestly. If he truly thought of me as an enemy, he would never have followed me into Xuchang. The moment he enters Xuchang, his every move will be under my control. For what reason should he take such a risk?”

(TL: This is where it’s very different from the original. Indeed, Liu Bei here could easily take over from Cao Cao with all that talent under him. In the original, Liu Bei was at his lowest when he entered Xuchang.)

“…” Cheng Yu was silent, but looking at her expression, she should have more to say. After a while, she finally gave in, “I’ll write to Che Zhou and ask her not to act for now.”

“Un,” I picked up my teacup once more, only to find that the tea had cooled, “Though I don’t know if it will be in time.”

I turned the teacup and looked at the leaves that floated at the top.

“General Che Zhou could have already–”

“The one I’m worried about is not Xuan De.” I interrupted Cheng Yu and lowered my head as I stared at the floral patterns of my bed sheets, “I’m worried about Che Zhou.”

“Eh?” Cheng Yu made a rare, weird sound.

I was always uneasy about sending Che Zhou to govern Xu state alone. I keep getting the feeling that something will go wrong from this trip of hers.

“Report!!!~~~~~~~” Just as I was thinking about all this, a military courier came running in from outside.

Un? Did something happen?

Liu Bei POV

By the time we entered the city, the rest were already inside.

Though we had been here for a couple of days now, we’d been fighting all this while and this was my first view of Shouchun city. I must say, this is a place that’s easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city walls are high and the trenches in front of the city walls were deep. The only way past the city walls were 4 drawbridges.

If we had to lay siege on this city, I wonder what our chances would be. I sighed in relief as I looked at the lowering drawbridge in front of me.

“Ah! Big brother is here!” A voice came from the other side of the drawbridge and O looked over and saw Yi De and the rest waving at me.

“Oh!” I waved back at them as well.

“Listen closely. In a while, you will be placed in the prison for some time. Try not to speak at all during this period.” Just then, Feng Xian who was beside me was giving instructions to Yuan Shu and her subordinates, “After some time, Xuan De will let you all go, so don’t think about doing anything funny.”

“Ye… Yes!”

Feng Xian was probably only being honest with them, with no intention of scaring them at all. But her naturally dangerous look did not properly communicate her intent, and the 3 tensed up.

“Alright alright,” I said to Yuan Shu as I patted Feng Xian’s shoulders, “Don’t need to be so nervous. I just need you to settle some documents. Even if it’s a time of chaos, as troops belonging to the Imperial Court, we have to do things properly.”

“Oh, oh.” Yuan Shu replied as she nodded a few times fervently, which made me smile helplessly.

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Though I said as much, I knew that it was fine to leave it to Lei Bo who was the one who surrendered. If it came down to it, I could do it as well, and it wasn’t as though the formalities were necessary in times like these.

The real reason why I’m detaining Yuan Shu is because she probably has a limited number of places she can go even if I release her now. Given her temper, it is unlikely that she had cordial relations with her neighbouring peers and so realistically, the only places she can go will be Jing state and Jiangdong. And so, I planned to send her to the north to find her older sister.

(TL: In the original, Liu Bei defeated Yuan Shu who was already thoroughly defeated by Sun Ce and was on his way to meet Yuan Shao. Yuan Shu died after retreating and turning back.)

But why is it that I have to go so far for her?

Hai, I sighed, feeling troubled.

Speaking of which, I felt that I had finally made myself useful for once but who knew that Lei Bo would be one step ahead of me and hand over the city. In that case, aren’t I the most useless of all?

Hai, I sighed despondently.

Never mind. This is better than any surprise accidents happening.

And anyway, from what I know, wasn’t Liu Bei the same as how I am now? Always doing unneeded things and ending up having to pay for it.

Just like at Baidi city.

… Eh?

If I’ve become Liu Bei, then won’t I end up dying in Baidi city as I’m being carried by the currents of history?

Come on, isn’t that a little too unreasonable?

“Big brother?”

“… Eh?” I regained my senses to find that I’d already crossed the drawbridge and was now in front of everyone. I hurriedly gathered my thoughts and stopped thinking about things I had no answers to, “Oh oh, it’s been hard on everyone. How is it? Was anyone injured?”

“The enemy’s numerical advantage was too great and so we sustained some casualties,” Yun Chang reported as she walked up to the me on horseback, “But thanks to Lord Zhou Yu’s scheme, the casualties were minimised.”

Well, it is Zhou Yu after all.

I thought back to the scene when Zhou Yu came and looked about but could not find that imposing figure.

“Eh? Where is Sun Ce and her subordinates?”

“If you’re talking about Lord Sun Ce…” “They rested for a bit in the city, and then took off.” “She said something about giving Shouchun city in return for the favour though that is something that should be done of course.”

The Xu state 3 said so with their hands in their sleeves as they stood in a neat row.

“Eh? So they’ve gone back already?” I was a little surprised at that as I was still expecting that there might be some disputes or negotiations over Shouchun city.

“Ah, my lord, Lord Sun Ce also said that ‘After Lord Liu Bei has settled everything, come over to Jiangdong to enjoy some flower viewing over wine’ or something.” Zhang Liao said, and handed over a meatball with a disgusted face as though she wanted to throw it away to Feng Xian, “Geh, my lord, for you.”

“Ah, thanks.”

Flower viewing over wine huh… Un, from what I know, Jiangdong’s scenery is gorgeous. If I am able to, I would like to make a trip there.

And pay a visit to uncle Sun Jian while I’m at it too.

“Good boy~ Good boy~” Feng Xian received Red Hare and began cuddling it. Red Hare seemed to have really gotten close with Feng Xian and licked her icy expression profusely. And though it was not obvious, I could see that Red Hare’s licks seemed to have thawed Feng Xian’s expressions somewhat and her smile looked much warmer.

(TL: I don’t actually know what sex Red Hare is but Feng Xian says 乖~乖~ to it and when translated, I have to add a subject in so I’m just assuming it’s male for now.)

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“Oi! Stop talking about unnecessary things.”


An unfamiliar voice came from behind everyone and I looked from between the crowds and saw a female general wearing a grand and shiny set of plate armour and wielding a jade sword.

“Oi oi! You’re Liu Bei right!” She walked over with a disdainful look and a scowl which made her image even worse than it was. When she came up to me, she put her hands on her waist as she sized me up, “You really look pathetic huh.”

… Pa, pathetic?

“What are you say–” Yi De made to charge at her but Yun Chang stopped her.

It’s good that Yun Chang is calm at times like these and no matter what, we can’t afford to offend her.

“Would you happen to be General Che Zhou?” I asked as I respectfully bowed.

“Hmph!” She laughed mockingly, and looked around her as she continued, “That’s right, it’s me, the strongest in the world.”

“…” I was shocked at hearing this.

Strongest in the world… Isn’t that a bit overdoing it?

As they say… First Lu, second Ma, third Dian Wei, fourth Guan, fifth Zhao, sixth Zhang Fei, then its Huang, Xu, Sun, and the 2 Xiahou, the other 2 Zhangs, Xu, Pang, Gan, Zhou, Wei. That’s already 19 people, how could Che Zhou claim to be the strongest?

(TL: Depending on the source and opinions, the relative positions may differ. Especially at the lower end, some people might differ entirely. But it’s widely agreed that Lu Bu is the strongest and the top 10 are well recognised.)

But leaving that aside… From what I know, Che Zhou’s life will end soon. And the on to kill her is–

Just then, I locked eyes with Yun Chang who was forcing a smile and nodded at me.

If Yun Chang kills Che Zhou, won’t I become enemies with Meng De? I can’t let Yun Chang do anything to her.

… But I don’t sense any animosity at all from Yun Chang towards her.

“Hmph! Listen well Liu Xuan De,” Just as I was gathering my thoughts, she continued speaking, “I am here to–”


In the next instant, she fell to ground after being hit by something.

Out of nowhere, a single arrow pierced Che Zhou’s throat who was now on the ground.

“Enemies?!” Everyone drew their weapons and got into position.

“Shield warriors stand guard!” Along with Yun Chang’s shout, the soldiers who were at the city gates rushed over.

And just 30 paces away from me, several people who looked like ordinary citizens charged at us with weapons drawn.

“Be careful my lord!” Yun Chang yelled out as she swung out with a spear she picked up from nearby.

The long spear tossed an enemy several meters away like a cannon.

*Sou* *Sou*–

The sound of arrows being shot out rang out again, but the shield warriors were now in their formation in front of us and blocked them all.

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“Get the military couriers to tell the troops to eradicate the enemies that have blended in with the civilians!” Yun Chang yelled out as she fought on.

“Where did the arrows came from?!”

“Seems like it’s from the troops that surrendered on the city gates!” Zhang Liao said as she peeked from between the shields.

“Those bastards, have they fallen this far?!”

“Kill them all.”

Feng Xian and Yi De clenched their teeth as they charged out from behind the shields with 2 platoons following behind them as they went from different directions toward the mob.

In the meantime, I and Sun Qian pulled Che Zhou over while making sure that it was safe to do so. She was still alive, and we broke off the arrow stuck in her throat to prevent further blood loss.

“*Ke* *Ke*…” Che Zhou was presently coughing blood and breathing with great difficulty, and didn’t seem like she had much life left in her,

“General Che Zhou!?” I lightly shook her, “Hang in there, we’ll bring you to safety soon!” As I said so, I began asking where the nearest physicians were.

How could this have happened? Why did the surrendered troops rebel?!

If Che Zhou were to die here, then we might not be able to talk ourselves out of this…

Just then, I found that someone was pulling on my clothing. I looked over to see that it was Che Zhou’s hand. Her grip was now almost devoid of strength, and if I just shook myself, her hand would probably drop.

But she kept holding on to my sleeve, and seemed like she wanted to say something.

“Ah– *Ke* *Ke*…”

“Don’t speak anymore! We’re going to save you.”

“Big brother, it’s enough already.” Yun Chang said words that made my heart go cold as she patted my shoulders.

“Eh?” I turned back and found that Yun Chang had already drawn the sabre by her waist and was ready to slash down.

“Wait! Yun Chang, what are you doing?”

“I think General Che Zhou is hoping for someone to end her misery.”

“But…” I wanted to say more, but Che Zhou’s actions left me speechless.

Che Zhou closed her eyes in response to Yun Chang’s words.

Yun Chang was right. As warrior, Che Zhou definitely has her pride.

“Move away big brother. I don’t think this a scene big brother can stomach yet.” Yun Chang pushed me aside and placed her sword across Che Zhou’s neck.

Hai! Along with a sigh in my heart, Yun Chang’s sword descended on Che Zhou like it was supposed to in history.

We later found out that the one who rebelled was another subordinate general of Yuan Shu’s, Zhang Xun.

Seems like he had the intent to rebel from the very beginning, and decided to act when he saw us entering the city. He mistook Che Zhou as the highest commanding officer and acted against her first.

Thereafter, we easily dispatched Zhang Xun’s troops.

But now, we find ourselves in a difficult position with Che Zhou’s death.

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