Volume 4 Chapter 25: Don’t tell me this is the Battle of Baima (1)

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After staying in Liyang for 2-3 days, I began to realise that the troop numbers were swelling from new entrants into the city. I checked with Zhang He when we went to drink again and learnt that Ben Chu had actually mobilised over 100,000 men which were now gathered at the border between Yuan and Cao territories.

And during this stay, I also learnt that Feng Xian and Zhang Liao had not made it here before us. After much investigation, we learnt from informal sources that the 2 were with Yun Chang so this greatly allayed my concerns. The only worry I had left was what sort of mess Lu Bu, who was not supposed to be a part of the Battle of Guan Du, would create this time.

Recently, meetings have increased in frequency and the main topics revolved around tactics to be employed in various battlefields, which meant that war was imminent.

Baima, Yan Liang– I never forgot these words Zhang He gave me.

The reason why I proactively participated in the meetings was not to make Ben Chu’s deployment work easier. It was so that I could understand the flow of battle and be able to grasp the movements of Yun Chang and the rest as early as possible.

I don’t know if what I said had an effect, but in the meetings that followed after we spoke in her tent, she reduced the elevation of her special seat by half. She also layered in thick boards in the tent, which made it such that the other seats were now at the same level with hers.

The effect of these changes were obvious and everyone was befuddled by this. Perhaps only I and Yuan Shao understand the meaning behind this.

“Alright, that’s all for today.” Ben Chu said softly, and got up to leave. Before she left, she turned and said, “Yan Liang, Wen Chou. And… Xuan De, you come over as well.”

Not only did Ben Chu get me to change the way I address her, she also changed the way she addressed me, which honestly felt a little weird. And for some reason, Zi Long and Gong You gave me another round of scolding after they learnt of this.

But she’s calling for me now?

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were the same as always and quickly followed Ben Chu to the back of the tent. I did not dare tarry any longer and quickly followed them as well.

This was the first time I was in the back of the tent. It wasn’t particularly big, and could only fit a slightly larger table. It felt more like a single room that was carved out of the tent.

“I didn’t mention that we are going to attack Baima first but I’m sure you all have detected as much.” Ben Chu said very softly.

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“Eh? Is that so?” “Attacking Baima?!”

“Softer you 2! Are you girls! Do you want the entire Central Plains to hear it!” Ben Chu scolded as she smacked Yan Liang and Wen Chou’s heads with her folding fan.

Do these 2 really not know before this?

“Really!” Ben Chu shook her head, “You both weren’t around the last time when we discussed this. Yan Liang will be going to conquer Baima.”

“Eh~~~ Just her alone?”

“Don’t be too eager, Wen Chou. There are more than enough battles to go around.” Ben Chu smiled as she patted Wen Chou’s shoulders, “Let Yan Liang go first, there will be more chances for you in future.”

“Hehe, sorry about it, Wen Chou~”

“Hmph! You’re lucky this time!”

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were bickering with each other as they left, but it was obvious that they were joking.

Now, only I and Ben Chu were left.

“Ah, Xuan De.” Just then, Ben Chu finally called out to me, “I heard that one of the slayers of Hua Xiong, Guan Yu, has been forced to surrender to Meng De, and she will be participating in the upcoming battle.”

Ben Chu didn’t finish what she wanted to say, probably because she felt I would be able to understand her implied meaning. But at this time, it was better to be clear.

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“What Ben Chu means is…”

“What I mean is, can you put aside your personal feelings when you face her on the battlefield?”


I completely forgot that. I only thought about how I was going to see Yun Chang at last and completely forgot that we were now enemies.

“That is…” I know I should at least give the right answer for appearance’s sake to Ben Chu but I really couldn’t say it, and could only spit out an “I don’t know.”

I don’t know if Yun Chang is really serving Meng De but Yun Chang will usually set aside her personal feelings on the battlefield. There is also the effects of bloodlust, which makes anything possible on the battlefield.

“I thought so as well.” But Ben Chu did not try and force me to, instead she nodded, “Then I’ll try and grasp Guan Yu’s movements beforehand and let you know as soon as possible. The decision to move out will depend on you. I won’t force your hand.”

“… Eh?”

Honestly, hearing such considerate words from Ben Chu greatly surprised me. I really didn’t think that Yuan Shao would be so understanding.

“Wh, what! I’ll say this first, this is no reason for you to slack off!” Yuan Shao turned her face away when she saw me, “Yuan Hao and the rest also said that it would be even better if you could persuade them to rejoin you on the battlefield if you meet them, so you better work hard on that!”

Rejoin me? Un…

“Un, that’s all, Xuan De can go back now…”

“Umm,” Ben Chu was about to leave but I stopped her and looked into her eyes as I said the words I’ve been thinking about for a very long time, “… I want to join the attack on Baima.”

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Yun Chang POV

Without knowing how urgent the situation had become, we left behind Gan Qing and Mi Zhen as we headed toward Guandu without rest at full speed. Guandu was not very far from Xuchang, and we could see many evacuating civilians along the way. Because of an imminent war, all civilians living around the border between Cao and Yuan have packed up and headed south.

This is why I hate wars.

And I don’t know if it’s intentional, but I’m not in the same division as Wen Yuan, which is rather regrettable. On the other hand, Hua Tuo has been assigned to my battalion as a military medic. I’d thought she would not be accustomed to hardship at first but then I remembered that she had been through a lot with us, and with the Yellow Turbans so I didn’t think too much about it, and asked if she had heard anything about big brother from the physicians.

“Un… The physicians don’t really talk to me at all~~~” Hua Tuo said as she held her chin with her small hands, and said in puzzlement, “Whenever I go and say hi, they always disperse. Sometimes, I get tripped as well. Hehehe.”

This isn’t something to laugh about, aren’t you being bullied?!

(TL: The great mystic commander Zhang Jue, subjected to classroom bullying…)

In any case, big brother should not have died yet, and as long as we’re both alive, we can meet again. This was something that I have held on to.

As I thought so, we were now at the encampment at Guandu, and my heart began to wander more and more toward thinking about big brother and Yi De.

“Oi! Lord Guan Yu~~”Just then, Lord Cao Cao’s voice could be heard from afar. I turned and saw her coming over.

“Ah, Lord Cao Cao.” I saluted and bowed.

“No need for such formalities,” Lord Cao Cao said as she waved her hand, “How have you been recently?”

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“Everything is fine.” For some reason, I always ask Lord Cao Cao this whenever I meet her, “Umm, Lord Cao Cao. Have you heard any news of my big brother?”

When she heard me say this, Lord Cao Cao began ruffling her hair with a helpless smile. “Yes… Some time ago, I had a report come in that said that someone saw Xuan De head north from Ye city.”

“Eh!” I didn’t expect that there would be nes this time, and I hurriedly stepped forward, “What else?!”

Lord Cao Cao casually took a step back and waved her hands, seems like she doesn’t know where big brother headed to.

“But one can more or less guess. Perhaps Xuan De is residing in some city,” Lord Cao Cao smiled as she curled her hair with her fingers, “Or perhaps Xuan De has joined Ben Chu.”

Yuan Shao? Isn’t that the enemy we are facing this time?! Does that mean I might meet with big brother on the battlefield? I wonder if Wen Yuan and Lord Lu Bu know of this.

“Don’t worry,” Lord Cao Cao smiled as she patted my shoulders, “When you all see Xuan De, you can just leave right away. Don’t worry about my side.”

“…” Lord Cao Cao seems to have really searched for us, but, “Lord Cao Cao need not worry. We owe a favour to Lord Cao Cao so even ifwe do leave, we must repay your favour first. This is something Lord Cao Cao need not worry about.” As I said so, I bowed.

“Lord Guan Yu is truly a virtuous woman, but you need not worry about such things. Didn’t I say it before? I personally do not wish to see anything untoward happen to Xuan De.” As she said so, Lord Cao Cao gave a smile that was unlike her usual one, and seemed more sincere.

— Report!!


Just then, it seemed like something happened, as everyone in the encampment was on alert and a military courier rushed over and knelt before Lord Cao Cao.

“What is it that has alarmed you?” Lord Cao Cao asked calmly, to which the military courier said with difficulty.

— Baima has been invaded.

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