Volume 4 Chapter 5: Don’t tell me this is the capture of Wang by the second sister

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Yuan Shao POV


I took a sip of tea and rolled my sore shoulders.

Just saying some words was enough to tire me.

Right now, I was sitting in the Grand Commandant’s seat in the main hall.

My Grand Commandant seat has been specially made to be taller than the other seats by several levels. And I sat atop the seat and looked down on my retainers as always.

I told everyone what happened yesterday and hopes to hear their views.

“We understand what happened,” Tian Feng, who sat at the front of all my retainers, said as she nodded. She had a prim and proper ponytail as always, and sat up straight with her hands on her thighs, “Then did my lord agree to it?”

“How could I?” I elegantly waved, “Though I feel that this is a good chance, I still think I should discuss this with everyone first.”

“My lord is truly wise!” Feng Ji, who was wearing a black robe, hurriedly continued after me, “My lord is peerless in battle, kind beyond comparison, matchless in strategy and has unrivalled bravery. This is a rare opportunity to put an end to Cao Cao. We should send our forces across Baima and make a beeline for Xuchang.”

“Hm hm, I know that even without you telling me.” I said as I puffed my chest out proudly.

— An alliance with Liu Bei, against Cao Cao.

To be honest, I was indeed convinced then. I’d wanted to defeat Cao Cao long ago when she held sway over the Son of Heaven. If it weren’t for the fact that I hadn’t yet controlled Hebei, the world wouldn’t be under Cao Cao’s control.

As I thought so, I looked at Tian Feng’s sourpuss face and felt that I should have listened to her then.

But you can’t really blame me for that. Who asked her to have such a wooden face? If she could be more like Feng Ji, I wouldn’t flare up at her so much.

“We’ve been constantly at war and this has drained our civilians and emptied our stores. I don’t think we should face Cao Cao head on at this stage.” Just then, the irritating Tian Feng began speaking again, “Latest intel shows that Cao Cao’s army has gathered at Ying river already. If they are that rushed, I believe their armaments and supplies have not been adequately prepared. We now hold the defender’s advantage and should station garrisons at Liyang, Henei and each state’s borders as we wait for them to attack first. Within a year, the Cao army will definitely collapse. When the time comes, all we have to do is send an envoy to welcome the Son of Heaven into our territory. And should Cao Cao try to stop us, we have legitimate reason to march our troops into the capital. By then, Cao Cao will have lost the support of the people as well and will be no more.”

A year… It was indeed a good plan but this was…

“There’s no need to waste so much time right?” Shen Pei, who was sitting beside Feng Ji, said as she looked at me before smiling at Tian Feng, “Our lord now occupies He ei and our troops heavily outnumber the Cao army manifold. What difference will there be between attacking Cao Cao and attacking the likes of Han Fu and Zhang Yang?”

“Shen Pei, you!”

“They are different. Cao Cao is not the sort who acts without thinking.” Ju Shou said quietly to Shen Pei as she hurriedly held back the agitated Tian Feng. “The key to victory does not lay in numbers but strategy and tactics. Cao Cao is intelligent and there are no shortage of strategists and warrior generals under her. Our army can easily defeat Cao Cao but if we launch a large scale attack, the outcome is unpredictable. Moreover, we don’t have a legitimate reason to attack right?”

“Liu Bei is the Imperial Uncle and is now under attack by a Court official. As Court officials of the Great Han, saving the legitimate descendents of the Great Han is our duty. Is that not reason enough?”

They’re still fighting…

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I yawned in irritation nf began to feel like it was a waste of time to discuss this with them. What made me even more angry was how they always used words I couldn’t quite understand.

… In that case, I can only resort to the method I used when we attacked Dong Zhuo.

“Silence!” I called out as I elegantly waved. Only when they heard me did they sit back down quietly, “I’ve heard many suggestions from all of you and feel that they all deserve some merit. In short, there are 2 schools of thought, a battle of attrition or a head-on collision right?”

Shen Pei and Feng Ji smiled as they nodded, and Tian Feng and Ju Shou did not raise any objections either.


I took out a bronze box and opened a hole at the top.

“I have 2 pieces of silk in this box, 1 has a circle drawn on it, the other has a cross.” I then shook the box before continuing, “Now, the cross shall symbolise attrition while a circle symbolises collision. I will now take one out from inside and our course of action shall be what is chosen. What do you all think? It’s fair to everyone.”

“My lord, how can we use such a childish method for such an important matter…”

“This is not a game, but a mandate from Heaven!” I interrupted Tian Feng’s displeased voice and pointed her nose as I continued, “It will be Heaven who decides and Heaven is always right. And we will do whatever Heaven wants us to.”

Tian Feng still had more to say but she did not speak and only hesitated for a moment before turning her face away.

Hmph, this fellow.

“Alright, let us now see what Heaven has in store for us.” I reached my hand in and pulled out a piece of silk as I said so.

— A circle was drawn on the silk.

“Hu~~~” After deploying the troops and generals, everyone left, and I could finally relax.

“My lord.”

“Ah, it’s Feng Ji.” Feng Ji, who was wearing her black robes and a tall official hat as always, came strolling back and I smiled, “Feng Ji, that move of yours is truly effective.”

I took out the box from before and extracted the 2 pieces of silk. Both had circles on them.

“My lord exaggerates,” Feng Ji smiled as she bowed deeply, “If it weren’t for this, Tian Feng and the rest would have went on and on.”

“That’s right, this thing is truly the perfect solution to resolving differences between lords and retainers. Kekeke.” I covered my mouth as I laughed gracefully, “How about it, I’ll leave the command of the army to you and Shen Pei. Do a good job.”

“Ah, your servant hears and obeys.” Feng Ji was clearly over the moon when she heard this but she still suppressed her joy and offered gratitude.

As soon as she was done, she half ran out of the room. The reason why she came back was probably to secure that appointment. I giggled when I thought of this. I have known for a while that Feng Ji is a greedy fellow. But on the other hand, she is a good subordinate.

At the very least, she always knows what I’m thinking. She knows that I intend on facing Cao Cao head on. This is the sort of person I need. In future when I ascend to greater positions, this sort of subordinate won’t become a dangerous element.

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“Speaking of which, my lord.”

“Un? What else is there Feng Ji?” I asked, curious as to why she came back.

“My lord has a just reason for attacking Cao Cao and should denounce her publicly.” Feng Ji said before bowing, “Secretary Chen Lin has good literary skills. I believe Chen Lin can fulfill this responsibility.

Denouncing huh… It’s a good idea. But…

“No need,” I waved my sleeve as I stood up, “Cao Cao isn’t the sort who will be perturbed by this sort of thing. And I intend on having a fair and proper showdown with Cao Cao.”

As I said so, I walked down the steps and went into the inner room. My fists were clenched as I was more heated up than ever before.

Cao Cao, I’ve never been able to best you at anything since we were kids. But now, I will prove that I’m stronger than you.

You will soon taste how sharp my sword is.

Liu Bei POV

The march of time was gradual and by the time I sensed the passage of time, it was already the beginning of winter.

Dark clouds covered the sky, the streets were devoid of people and the fields were empty. Even the yellowing leaves that lay everywhere were now a part of the soil.

Even though there’s no weather report on this era, I am more or less sure that the first snow of winter will come soon. And this will be the first snow for me since I’ve come to this era.

And with this snow came Meng De’s troops which are camped out not too far away from the city.

Meng De have you really come? Am I that unworthy of your trust? Or have I become a hindrance to your ambitions which must be removed now?

“Are Yuan Shao’s troops still staying put?” I asked as I looked with despair at the columns of smoke out in the wilderness as I held the city walls.

“Imperial Uncle, from Lord Sun Qian’s message, Yuan Shao has agreed to an alliance but her strategists have differing views and Yuan Shao herself intends on maintaining the status quo for the time being and observe the situation so it will be difficult to expect reinforcements.” Chen Deng Chen Yuan Long, who was standing behind me, replied respectfully.

I bore the words in mind as I turned and looked at the man who was old enough to be my elder brother and nodded.

I understand the situation but I’m still anxious. How can I hope to resist Meng De with the army I have in this city?

“… Imperial Uncle need not worry.” Chen Deng seemed to have seen that I was anxious and smiled as he looked at me with knowing eyes, “From what I can see, those flags are just an act.”


An act?

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“The Imperial Chancellor is a devious one, and would no doubt concentrate her forces on Yuan Shao. At the same time, she knows that Imperial Uncle is not easy to deal with and so she has done this to ensure that your actions are limited.”

“Is that really the case…”

“Of course, this is just a conjecture of mine. Perhaps Imperial Uncle is seen even more highly by the Imperial Chancellor.”

Eh? What does that mean? I asked Chen Deng, but he only smiled in response.

“I am Wang Zhong, the Imperial Chancellor’s General Who Manifests Firmness, and I demand the traitor Liu Bei to open the city and surrender immediately!!”

The shout from outside was so unbelievably loud that it could be heard from this meeting room on the other side of Xu state city.

And Yun Chang and Yi De, were currently in the meeting room discussing strategies for the upcoming battles.

“What is that bastard shouting for? I’ll show him…” Yi De began rolling up her sleeves when she heard the shout.

“Don’t be so agitated little sister. You’re only letting the enemy get to you.” Yun Chang said as she pressed down on Yi De’s tiny head before turning to me and wrapping up our discussions, “So that is to say that we are not yet clear whether Lord Cao Cao is in this vanguard troop?”

“Un, so I was thinking about letting one of you go and ascertain the truth.”

“Little sister is willing to go!”

“Overruled, Yun Chang, you go.”

“Then why did big brother even ask! Do you not trust me? Even if it’s Lord Cao Cao, I’ll capture her anyway!”

It’s because you’re like that that I can’t truat you~~~

“Un, I’ll go this time then.” Yun Chang saud as she swept up the Green Dragon Crescent Blade and stood up.

“Yun Chang, this is a request from me. Don’t injure too much.”

“Don’t worry big brother. I’ll take care of myself.” Yun Chang gave a refreshing smile and flicked her red glossy hair before walking out.

Yun Chang, you got it wrong… Don’t injure Wang Zhong too much.

Yun Chang POV

I exited the meeting room and sprinted to our barracks and randomly picked out 3,000 men to meet the enemy with.

“Open the gates!!!” Along with the yell of the general atop the city walls, the Xu state city gates slowly opened and the face of the enemy appeared before me.

I can’t let down big brother’s trust in me. However, I’m worried that my skills may have gotten rusty from a lack of challenging battles in a long while.

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I led the troops out of the city and realised that snow had begun falling.

The snowfall was not heavy but it floated down uniformly and chaotically, creating a picturesque wintry landscape. It landed on my red hair, on the back of the horse and on my blade. It did not feel unpleasant, rather it helped soothe my mood and made me feel comfortable.

“I am Wang Zhong, General of the Household, who dares meet my challenge?”

When the warrior saw me exit the city, he raised his broadsword and reported his name. At such basic courtesy shown to me, I felt I should reply appropriately. “I am Guan Yu Guan Yun Chang, and I am here under orders to meet you in battle.”

“Oh? So you’re one of the 3 who slew Hua Xiong?” He smiled mockingly, and seemed to be taking me lightly, “Now that Sun Jian and Pan Feng are both dead, you are the only left and soon you shall join them.”

At these words, my rage surged endlessly but I was able to suppress it somehow as I replied calmly, “Sun Jian is the Tiger of Jiangdong and a hero of his generation; Pan Feng’s martial skills may have been lacking but he faced death fearlessly and is a good man of which the likes are rarely seen these days. As a mere surrendered general, what right do you have to criticise them?”

“Kuh!” He was now rendered speechless by my retort and yelled out as he charged at me, “You’re just a woman, die!”

Just a woman? … Looks like he’s a rather prejudiced fellow.

I only sat calmly on my horse and slowly moved toward him as he yelled and charged at me.

“Waa!!!” He charged up to where he was just 5 paces away from me before swinging his broadsword down on my head.

But no matter how lethal a move may be, a slow move is a slow move.

I focused my senses and raised the bloodlust that had remained dormant in me for a long while now as I raised my glaive–

“Haa!!” I yelled out as I slashed down diagonally from the right.

I’m not bragging when I say I’m confident in my speed when wielding the Green Dragon Crescent Blade.

And the ferocity of the slash made him flinch in fear and the blade he swung out turned into a defending block instead.

Hmph! Looks like it’s over.

I moved my hand at the front to the back and put force into my blade as it pressed down onto Wang Zhong’s weapon–


“Kuh– Wa, waa!!!” Along with a cry from the horse, Wang Zhong fell to the ground along with the horse.

“D, damn it– Wu!” He tried to stand, but my blade was at his neck.

“…” I stood like that for moment before pulling blade back and used it to carry him by his armor. He did not resist, which saved me a great deal of trouble and I turned back and yelled at his troops which were at a loss as to what to do, “Listen well, return and tell Lord Cao Cao that her Wang Zhong has been captured alive by Guan Yu!”

The enemy troops before me had already begun retreating and I wonder if they heard what I just said.

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