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The sea breeze blew across the shore, cooling the air. The waters of the Yangtze River were choppy and kept rushing towards the rocks, making clear sounds when they clashed. It was good scenery but the waves were a tad too violent.

Just 100 paces away from this scenic spot, an emergency tent stood at odds with its surroundings.

“Ah!” A heart-wrenching cry sounded out, as though the one who cried out had her flesh torn apart.

And the source of the cry lay in the tent.

A girl wearing loose clothing with bandages around her breasts lay on a white bed. Even though she was writhing in pain, her eyes never weakened for a single moment and were as vicious as always. On closer look, one would find that her left shoulder was swollen and purplish red as it bled profusely.

“Big sister…” A young girl of about 14-5 stood outside the tent and gripped the tent tightly with both hands as she watched the scene before her. Fear and worry filled her eyes as she looked on at her elder sister.

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“Be good, little sister… Big sis is okay…” It was obvious that her wound was not fine at all as it took all she had to squeeze out these words with her trembling lips.

When met with this scene, the surrounding people began to get agitated.

“Eh! If only I was with my lord when we went hunting!”

“It’s not your fault, Han Dang. I, Cheng Pu am responsible. Back when Xu Gong was to be killed, I should have stood up and stopped it…”

(TL: Xu Gong is one of the feudal lords that Sun Ce defeated on his way to unifying Jiangdong. Xu Gong surrendered but remained disloyal and sent letters to Cao Cao when Sun Ce was planning to attack Xuchang while Cao Cao was at Guandu. Sun Ce executed Xu Gong but his son and 2 servants escaped and assassinated Sun Ce later on.)

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The 2 big men stood beside the bandaged girl with regretful expressions. Their figures seemed small and withdrawn, and their beards were pointing downwards. Neither of them seemed as fearsome and magnificent as before.

“There’s no use saying all that now. In any case, our lord is being treated right now.” Out of nowhere, a little girl’s innocent voice could be heard. It was tender, but seeped with authority, “You, the one who claimed to be Hua Tuo’s disciple, can you really save our lord?”

The little girl’s question was directed at the man in a yellow robe who was presently sitting beside the bandaged girl and taking her pulse. After a long while as he examined her, he finally spoke up, “Lord Zhang, in summary, the poison from the arrow has yet to reach her heart. As long as she regularly applies the medicine I have prepared and rests for 100 days, she will recover.”

At this, everyone in the tent could finally heave a small sigh of relief.

A lazy, useless looking man stood on the other side while a young girl with a majestic aura and wore colourful drapes while she held a feather fan stood in front of him.

“But if that’s the case…” The man muttered softly, but did not continue as he felt it would be inappropriate.

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But the girl in front of him who held the feather fan already knew what he wanted to say.

“Un, the plan to attack Xuchang from the rear will have to be shelved.” The girl had a look of dissatisfaction on her face but she closed her eyes and calmed down her emotions before she continued, “But that can’t be helped. Your health is more important.”

“…” The bandaged girl opened and closed her mouth, as though she was trying to say something.

“Un? My lord?” The feather fan girl went up close and grasped the bandaged girl’s hand.

The bandaged girl raised her head slightly. “…”

Her voice was extremely soft, but the feather fan girl heard everything loud and clear.

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— Let my little sister take my place. You will advise her on external affairs, and internal Zi Bu.

“My lord, you’re not dying so why did you leave words that sound like a will?” The feather fan girl nodded and smiled bitterly before turning to look at her new young master, “… Un, I got it. It’s about time we trained the little lord up.”

Sun Quan was presently just 14 years of age but because Sun Ce had to rest for 100 days after sustaining the wound from the attempted assassination, Sun Quan had to take over administration of Jiangdong.

Everyone soon left, and only Sun Ce was left in the tent so she could rest peacefully.

If I don’t take care of my body, how can I have the energy to speak with Xuan De when he comes to Jiangdong? Sun Ce got a little excited as this thought came to mind.

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