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Yun Chang POV

Because of the myriad battles fought around Sishui Pass, its immediate surroundings were barren, and so within a short span of time, sand, soil and dust covered the residence.

All of us were sitting as we were before. Wen Yuan’s face was much less relaxed before and Liao Hua had closed her eyes. Only Lu Bu would shoot me glances from time to time to ask if we ought to start using more forceful measures.

At these glances, I only lightly shook my head.

I turned to look at Bian Xi, and saw that her weak and soft body was still sitting there. In these 15 minutes or so, she had been attending to some documents, and would sip some tea as she did so.

“I beseech the gatekeeper general to be magnanimous and let us cross the pass.” I thought for a moment, but couldn’t think of any good reasons to persuade her and repeated the words I’d used before, “The Imperial Chancellor has genuinely let us leave. We have also achieved much for the Imperial Chancellor back when we were at her service so we deserve passage.”

I was practically begging her by now, as I really did not want to resort to force. I feel like if I always have to resort to force, my path will become a savage and wrong one.

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Bian Xi looked at me, and it seemed like she knew what I was thinking about, and her calm face melted away. She frowned and slowly sighed, “I know that you all won’t stop advancing because of my words. I did all this just to carry out what I should do to follow my path.”

Hei! Bian Xi leapt out from behind the table and stood in front of the entrance with her arms spread when she finished.

“You may cross the pass by killing me. But I’m just fulfilling my duties so you will not be able to justify your acts in this pass.”

“…” My grip tightened as my heart shook from Bian Xi’s look that was as though she had made her resolve for whatever might come her way.

Under these circumstances, doesn’t it look like a virtuous individual standing up to a bunch of lawless, evil miscreants? What exactly is my virtuous path supposed be in such a situation?!

Can I really kill her, for my ideals, just because our paths clash?

“Alright. Since you’ve said so, then we will answer.” Just then, Wen Yuan smiled as she said so and relaxedly got up from the table before walking over to Bian Xi with her glaive in hand.

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“But we do not kill those who do not resist. If you truly wish to resist us, then draw your weapons and face us in battle.”

“Wen, Wen Yuan.”

“… I understand.” Bian Xi’s voice shook as she slowly drew her sabre hanging by her waist with her left hand and pointed it at us.

“Come out!” Bian Xi commanded with her weak and soft voice, and several dozen axemen came out from various parts of the residence, “Will this do?”

Though I called them axemen, it was clear that their capabilities were lacking. Apart from the front few who were able to emit some bloodlust, the men and women behind were thin and frail.

Perhaps this was all the ‘courtesy’ that Sishui Pass could muster.

“Un, I understand.”

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Wen Yuan and Lu Bu then got into their stances, ready to charge out anytime. Opposite them, Liao Hua caught my eye and took her short spear as she stood in front of the girls.

“Since Lord Bian Xi won’t let us through, then we have no choice.” I sighed at the situation before me as I drew my glaive.

“I understand. We’re all just following our own paths.” Bian Xi smiled, as though she was indifferent at the impending violence.

— Ha!

The first to act was Lu Bu. She smashed her halberd down onto Bian Xi’s head like a hurricane while Wen Yuan followed beside her.

*Ding*! Bian Xi swung her sword and blocked it, but was deflected and she had no choice but to swiftly jump backwards out of the room.

As for me, I was passive as I held my glaive while the bulk of the axemen surrounding us charged at me. Because of what happened before, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about fighting them, and did not wish to kill them wantonly either,

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“Ya!” I swung out with my hilt, with the intent of knocking them away and breaking through the surround.

But the longer the fight went on, the more passive I got, and I was unable to advance. I felt like my heart stood still.

In a few minutes, Bian Xi would probably meet her end at Wen Yuan or Lu Bu’s blade. As I thought so, I didn’t know what I felt or thought about such a result. All I knew was that I felt awful inside, and relieved that I didn’t have to be the one to kill Bian Xi.

“Ah!” A tender voice cried out from outside, and I saw Bian Xi’s body hurtling back into the room from outside and landing on the floor.

She was probably blown back from blocking Lu Bu’s attack head on.

Bian Xi’s face was covered in dust, and she looked terribly battered. But even so, she still tried to stand. In my heart, I began to feel that this person’s path was remarkably bright.

“Yaa!!” Just then, Wen Yuan blew away the surrounding axemen and lunged forward to the defenseless Bian Xi’s back.

And then, Wen Yuan’s blade descended.

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