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A petite girl wearing a long floral gown with a plain veil wrapped around her was currently brisk walking into the feudal lord’s residence. What filled her mind was her new lord– Sun Quan’s immaturity and the ridiculous acts she has committed that could only be done by a kid.

“Has our lord escaped again?”

“Un, it seems like today’s documents are more than usual.”

Following behind Zhou Yu were 2 of her sub-commanders. The girl wearing a linen jacket with a hood named Xu Sheng while the girl with tanned skin who was wearing plate armour was called Ding Feng. Both of them were recently promoted to their positions and carried out Zhou Yu’s orders as her Associate Generals.

“Why is our lord so… Hai, it’s just some documents. Surely she could finish them in a jiffy?” Ding Feng expressed her dismay at her lord’s actions with raised eyebrows. She wanted to admonish her lord further but she was a subordinate after all, so she refrained from doing so.

“Our lord has her own considerations. She was forced to assume the role after all so this can’t be helped.” Xu Sheng seemed to be more understanding as she said so while fiddling with her chainmail under her clothing. She liked to wear her chainmail underneath her clothing as she had trypophobia, which was an open secret amongst everyone, and she detested things like chainmail or honeycombs.

“Xu Sheng shouldn’t take our lord’s side too much and have your own thinking sometimes.”

“How the lord thinks is how I think.”

“Un… Fine.”

No view of your own huh. Zhou Yu gave up for now. She felt that the dsay that Xu Sheng could face things on her own was the day she could ascend to be a commander in her own right.

But really, our lord has run away again?

Compared to how she looked, Zhou Yu was actually rather mature. She’d worked with Sun Ce for a while too and wasn’t very used to her new lord who was more foolish.

“Oi– Gong Jin–” While on a small path between buildings, someone ran over and stopped Zhou Yu with a voice that was loud and clear but had a tinge of indolence to it.

When Zhou Yu turned back, she saw that it was Lu Su.

Lu Su had his slightly curly hair tied and the belt for his long robes were loose to the point that his clothing kept slipping off his shoulders as he jogged over.

“Lu Su, what is with your attire! How disgraceful!”

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“Ah, I immediately rushed over when I heard that our lord ran away– Ah!” Lu Su explained as he ruffled his messy hair but Zhou Yu grabbed him over and began to tidy up his clothing, “I’ll do it myself!”

“No way. It’s still a mess whenever I leave it to you to do it yourself.”

She’s smaller than me but I have no say when she’s around at all, Lu Su complained in his mind though he didn’t actually hate the situation he was in.

“Un? What’re you smiling about?”

“No, nothing.” Lu Su hurriedly retracted his instinctive smile and then pointed at Zhou Yu’s head. “Your hair over here is standing, probably because of your sleeping position.”

“Ah!” Zhou Yu blushed immediately after Lu Su said so, and she immediately used her hands to flatten her hair after she felt her hair and confirmed that it was true.

She then turned to scold the other 2 people, “Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, couldn’t you have told me!”

“Eh? Wasn’t this hairstyle on purpose?” Ding Feng feigned ignorance with a serious look.

“How could that be?”

“I thought that you would discover it yourself sooner or later.”

“I hope that you can tell it to me straight in future.”

“Yes.” Xu Sheng lowered her head, at which Zhou Yu couldn’t help but feel that Xu Sheng had no ill will at all.

No wonder she’d been feeling gazes on her all day. It was her bed hair.

“Looks like Gong Jin doesn’t have good sleeping posture.”

“Cut the crap, let’s go!”

“Ah– Ah– I know, don’t pull me.”

When they reached the main hall, all they saw was Zhang Zhao sitting at the second seat with stacks of documents on the table in front of her. Clearly, she was dealing with the work that Sun Quan hadn’t finished.

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“Zi Bu, what’s the status?”

“Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin have gone out to look for her but there is no news yet.”

“When did she go missing?”

“About an hour ago. Our lord slipped away when Zhou Tai went to get tea for her.”

“And Jiang Qin? Where was Jiang Qin then?”

“… That pirate was swimming in the sea then.”

“What a useless fellow.”

“Hahaha, what a slacker that Jiang Qin is.”

“Shut it, Lu Su. Ding Feng, Xu Sheng, go and help them find our lord as well. Start with the southern flower gardens. Our lord may have gone there to make some strange clothes again.”

“Yes.” “I hear and obey.”

“Hu~” Zhou Yu sighed after the 2 of them left and sat beside Zhang Zhao as she began to help her out with the documents.

“Let me help out as well. The work in Jiangdong has increased substantially recently after we took Jianye and Wu Du.”

“Thanks, you 2.” Zhang Zhao bowed slightly as she stuck her hands in her slleeves and brought them to her chest.

Though she was short, she wore very long robes. Her face was one of young girl, and she even looked a couple of years younger than Zhou Yu. But the truth is that Zhang Zhao was already past 30 years of age.

How this was possible was a famous mystery in Jiangdong.

“When she gets back, I’ll have to give her a good lecture.” Zhou Yu mumbled as she got to work with the bamboo scrolls.

“No, I’ll do it first.”

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“Eh?” “L, lord Zhang Zhao?”

Zhang Zhao spoke in a calm voice but it gave Lu Su and Zhou Yu a fright.

Zhang Zhao only lectures people when she is truly angry and when it comes to lecturing, Zhang Zhao actually delivers a lecture that starts with the classics all the way to contemporary studies and literature. By the time she finishes, more than half a day will have passed.

The only reason why she hasn’t shown her anger on the surface is because she is concentrating on the unfinished administrative work at hand, Zhou Yu guessed.

And that was the actual truth as Zhang Zhao was burning with rage inside like never before even though she had a calm ezpression on her.

“Oh, all 3 of you are here.”


Just then, a firm, female voice came from the entrance.

When the 3 of them heard it, they hurriedly raised their heads.

What they saw was a girl with a long fringe that obscured her eyes standing at the door with a faint smile. All she wore were a set of short robed that exposed her smooth arms and her bandaged chest.

“My lord! Why have you come here?” Zhou Yu was rather surprised as Sun Ce had stayed in a separate annex while she was still recovering from the assassination attempt and hadn’t asked about how things were for some time now.

“My lord!” Zhang Zhao called out as she bowed.

“Yo–” Lu Su raised his hand as he called out stiffly and casually.

“Give a proper greeting!”


And he got his head hit by Zhou Yu.

“Yo–” Sun Ce however, was unperturbed as she greeted everyone like how Lu Su did, “What’s up with Zhong Mou today?”

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“Our little lord has run off somewhere again.” Zhou Yu said helplessly, and harboured hopes that Sun Ce would take some time to discipline Sun Quan.

“Hahaha, is that so?” But Sun Ce actually started laughing instead, “She really is like my younger self.”

“My lord!”

“Alright alright, I got it. I’ll speak with Zhong Mou on the way back.” Sun Ce paused and looked about before she continued, “I actually came out here to tell everyone that Xuan De might come over and stay for a few days.”

“Eh? What’s that?”

“Un, Xuan De’s subordinate Jian Yong came to look for me a little while ago about this and I agreed first as I felt it was a good idea. I’ll speak to Zhong Mou about it on my way back as well… Ah, I’ll be leaving first.”

Sun Ce looked about and seemed to have seen something that made her leave in a hurry before she could finish what she had tod say.

“Oi!! My lord, we cannot allow that!” By the time Zhang Zhao recovered from her surprise and tried to protest her lord’s decision, Sun Ce was gone.



Zhou Yu could feel Zhang Zhao’s rage continue to rise and didn’t know what she should say.

But for Liu Bei to come to Jiangdong, that is something that would draw a lot of attention. Zhang Zhao probably has this opinion as well. But their lord probably won’t relent on this, Zhou Yu thought.

“Oi! You guys!” All of a sudden, someone else came running in.

“Lu Meng? Why’re you here as well?”

“Our lord slipped out of her ward all of a sudden?! And her wound hasn’t even fully healed yet… May I ask if you guys have seen her?”

They really are sisters huh.

It wasn’t just Zhou Yu, Lu Su and Zhang Zhao had this thought as well.

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