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Liu Bei POV

I was somehow able to extricate myself from Chen Dao, and I dragged my tired body and empty stomach back where I came from.

The sky had turned dark before I knew it, and most of the soldiers around seemed to have finished their dinner and were already cleaning up. Some were even faster, and had warmed up some wine, and sat outside their tent and began to chat with the others. The older ones began to tell stories of the first Han Emperor. I don’t know how much of what they told were just exaggerations but those who listened seemed to be enjoying the stories.

Ah, I think the cook has cleared up the equipment.

I could get the cook to come and set up a small stove but this felt like an abuse of special privileges which I really wasn’t comfortable with. Instead of bothering others, I might as well look about for some food. And if I really can’t find anything, it’s not like I can’t live if I skip a meal.


“…” Looks like tonight will be a long night.

“Eh? Xuan De?”

“Ah…” When I heard someone call out to me, my heart shook from fear that it would be someone troublesome again but when I turned, I saw that it was someone endearing instead.

“Ah, it’s Gan Qing.”

She was wearing her set of old, pink clothing and some cloth shoes which weren’t really suitable for winter and came running over.

“Hehehe…” She had a jovial smile on her as she ran over.

“Where’s Xuan De headed to?”

“I was just strolling about before dinner,” I felt a little embarrassed about what I was about to say next, and scratched the back of my head, “And then I missed dinnertime while I was walking about.”

“Eh? So Xuan De hasn’t had dinner yet?”

I smiled helplessly and nodded.

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“You could have gotten the cook out…” She muttered, as she placed her finger on her cute lips, and said, “It just so happens that Lord Hua Tuo is out so I have an extra portion. Why don’t you come and eat with us?”

“Hua Tuo’s not around?”

“Un un, she’s having a discussion with sister Guan.”

It’s probably about Yi De.

Yun Chang has to manage the army in the day and when night falls, she busied herself with Yi De. She won’t wait for things to happen like me, and will do anything she can.

I just hope she doesn’t tire herself out.

*Gu*… While I was thinking, my stomach called out again. Gan Qing smiled, which made me feel embarrassed,

“I’m normally okay even if I skip a meal but I don’t know why it’s like that today.”

“As the saying goes, appetite grows with numbers.” Gan Qing bent down and closely inspected my face, “Maybe Xuan De is feeling more relieved and comfortable after we’ve reunited so your appetite has grown.”

“Un, I guess you’re right.” Come to think of it, my appetite has increased a fair bit these few days, “I’ll be eating with you then.”

It’s best to quickly eat. I don’t know how long my stomach will keep calling for.

“Xiao Mi– Look who’s here!”

“Un– Wa! It’s big brother Xuan De!”

Gan Qing couldn’t wait to surprise Mi Zhen and called out to her as she parted the curtains. When Mi Zhen saw that it was me, she put down the toy in her hands and flew into my chest.

“Oh~ Good girl, Mi Zhen!” I didn’t dodge her, and caught Mi Zhen as she flew over. Because there was quite a bit of momentum, I had to twirl about as I hugged her.

“Hahaha~” Mi Zhen seems to enjoy this.

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I then slowly placed Mi Zhen back down as she hugged my leg with no intention of letting go at all.

“Un? Mi Zhen, have you grown taller?”

“Hehehe,” She proudly stuck out her chest at my words, “I’ve been eating all my food without being picky~”

“Good girl!” I bent down and stroked her small head as I began to closely inspect her. Her braids seemed to be slightly longer, and she’ll probably become a woman soon. But seeing her slightly thinner face made me worried.

She must have went through quite a lot when she followed Yun Chang on the way here. Though I believe that Yun Chang did her utmost best to care for these 2 girls, Gan Qing and Mi Zhen have definitely been through a fair amount of hardship.

“Here, Xuan De.”

Just then, a wooden bowl filled with rice was before me. Looks like Gan Qing’s back with food.

“Ah, thanks.” I thanked Gan Qing as I received the wooden bowl, and when I looked inside, I saw that there wasn’t just white rice inside. There was some braised meat as well. The colour of the meat was very good, and it glistened in the light.

“This meat is…”

“It’s a special for Xuan De~ I think Xuan De has been eating dried meat all this while right?” Gan Qing said as she placed the other dishes on the table, and called Mi Zhen over for dinner.

I see, she specially made some braised meat huh? Gan Qing is really caring.

… Wait.

“Gan Qing.”

“Un? What’s up, Xuan De?”

“Did you make this?”

“Yes, I specially made it from meat bought from the market.” She said as she smiled radiantly at me.

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“U, umm, I think that such expensive foods should be–”

“Xuan De, I specially made it for you~ Try it quick.”

“Wu…” I really can’t say anything after she’s said this much.

As I looked at the delicious-looking pieces of braised meat, I couldn’t help but remember that they were made by Gan Qing and I began to grow more worried.

But how could I possibly back out now?

And so I drummed up my courage and picked up a piece of meat.

This was something that Gan Qing went to great lengths to make for me so I can’t waste it even if it tastes terrible.

Ahen, I gathered all the courage I could ever muster and placed it in my mouth and closed my mouth immediately so that I could squeeze out a look of enjoyment even if it was terrible beyond imagination.


“Un?” The taste of braised meat spread throughout my mouth, and I began to chew more quickly, “… Delicious.”

“Eh? Really?!”

I nodded vigorously. Though it’s not something that was out of this world, it was a very homely, warm taste that made one feel comfortable and satisfied.

“I really didn’t think it would be this good! Gan Qing’s culinary skills have really improved huh.” As I expressed my astonishment, my mouth didn’t stop with rice and the other dishes.

“Hehe, I’ve been practicing after all.” Gan Qing ate slowly with a blissful smile on her face from my praise, “I can’t do much, and can only support Xuan De in these areas.”

“Support big brother!” Mi Zhen piped up loudly as Gan Qing said so. The 2 of them looked at each other and smiled.

Hai… I sighed inside. I’ve always felt that I owe these 2 a lot.

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“We’ve never really had a time to rest after we left Xu state. It’s been– Hard on you both all this while.” I said as I ate to make it seem more natural, but the words still got stuck in my throat mid-sentence. I couldn’t swallow my food nor could I say the words I wanged to say and only managed to finish my sentence after a moment’s pause.

“Why are you saying such things, Xuan De? Mi Zhen and I have both decided to follow Xuan De of our own volition from the very beginning, and we’ve been prepared for whatever may come long ago.”

“That’s right, that’s right! There’s Xuan De here, and big sister as well so I like it here!” Mi Zhen gave a radiant, innocent smile.

“But I haven’t even been able to spend time with you all…”

I’ve been busy with various things and have unknowingly neglected Gan Qing and Mi Zhen. Nor have I thought of them very much during the day.

“Xuan De is now the Xuan De of 5,000 troops and dozens of retainers so how could we possibly think of monopolising Xuan De? And anyway–” She put down her bowl and chopsticks as she said so and held my left hand that was clenched tight out of regret, “Isn’t Xuan De with us now?”

Gan Qing flashed a strong smile, the same one that she had on her when we first met in the fields. I remembered that this was the plain smile that I liked and that I had missed very much.

As I looked as Gan Qing, my eyes began to tear up and my vision became blurry. Her hair was slightly soaked in sweat and I raised my right hand and swept her fringe aside and looked closely at her.

She didn’t avoid me, and stared into my eyes as she slowly blushed.

I looked at this cute, strong girl and smiled, “I hope you can continue to stay with me from now on.”

“… Un.” I could feel her intent, and her warmth from my hands.

“What about me?!” Mi Zhen asked as she pouted. I stroked her head, thinking that she looked really cute.

“Of course I hope that Mi Zhen will be with me as well~”

“Un! Mi Zhen will!”

The sky was now completely dark out but I haven’t finished my dinner yet.

We still have to march tomorrow but for now, I hope to spend just a while more with Gan Qing and Mi Zhen.

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