Liu Bei POV

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On this narrow path, many layers of branches stacked together to block sunlight from reaching the ground. If there were just a few more layers, it would probably resemble a cave environment. And thus, Wen Yuan has been sending reminders to the troops all the way to the back to be careful whilst marching forward.

From how things look, advancing in turn was indeed a wise choice as it would be a disaster if anything were to happen under these circumstances.

“Living in seclusion in these sort of mountainous regions wouldn’t be so bad.” Zi Long seems to like this environment however, as she looked about with her hand at her chin, looking as though she was already considering where she ought to build her lodge.

“Xuan De, if we do take the world in future, we should come here and live in seclusion when we retire.”

“Isn’t it a little too early to talk about retirement now?” I gave a slight protest. I’d never thought of this issue before, and felt weird thinking about such a thing at Zi Long’s sudden statement.

“Living in seclusion huh.”

“Un un, it does have the feel.”

Eh? Feng Xian and Wen Yuan chimed in as well as the 2 of them closed their eyes and imagined what it would be like to live in seclusion.

“As I said, isn’t it a little too early to think about this?”

“My lord (Liu Bei), you really don’t get it huh.” Wen Yuan said as she poked at my unromantic brain and made a face that looked like she was pitying me. I felt that it was a little rude of her but I didn’t stop her from continuing, “All warriors have a desire to live in seclusion for the latter part of their lives in a place surrounded by nature when they retire.”

“Well said.” Zi Long added. Feng Xian nodded as well.

“Live in seclusion huh…” I decided to follow suit and imagine what it would be like as well.

It’s been a while since I’ve been in this era, and naturally I didn’t have a single ounce of desire to revise what I learnt in high school language classes. But I do still remember Tao Yuan Ming’s poetry so I’ll use that as inspiration. That simple life of farming and solitude should be similar to living in seclusion.

(TL: Tao Qian Tao Yuan Ming is a famous poet from the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Not the Tao Qian in Volume 2.)

It’s actually kind of funny as I’ve always felt that living in seclusion would be extremely boring. Without computers, television, or any entertainment facilities, just hiding away in an unpopulated corner and farming away. No matter how beautiful the scenery may be, it feels rather aimless. Not to mention that having no one around would be dangerous as one got older so I naturally felt aversive to such a lifestyle.

But now that I’ve been here for the better part of a year now, it’s been so hectic that I’ve not had the time to seek entertainment at all. And now, I’ve practically forgotten what it felt like to have an abundance of entertainment in life. This is probably the effect that living with the ancient people have on me.

“… Perhaps living in seclusion might be interesting.” And so, I could see how it looked in my mind, and it gave me quite a good feeling about it too.

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“Eh, it’s fine if we just think about it. We still have a lot of work to do after all.” When Zi Long saw that I was beginning to get interested, she burst my bubble. That’s not fair when you were the one who brought it up.

But what she said is true. It’s fine to think about it, but as Liu Bei– Or if not Liu Bei, then as Cao Cao or Sun Quan– I will never be able to see the day that the Three Kingdoms are reunited as one.

“Xuan De, let’s stop talking for now. We’re emerging from the path soon.” Feng Xian said. While we were chatting, the light at the end of the path had become bright enough to light up the area already.

Looks like we’re finally here.

I’d best not think about the matter of living in seclusion for now.

I never imagined that after we emerged from the mountains that before us would be the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River now was rather different from that in the future. Not only was the water clear, the waves had a surging momentum that was unmatched by that of the future. The River was very choppy and bigger waves could splash up the tall cliffs. If one wasn’t careful, one might be swept off the cliff.

I began to feel nervous as I heard the sounds that the waves made as they crashed against the cliffs. In this era, people would still be at the mercy of these waters after all.

What was really surprising was that there was a metal chain fence about the cliffs. Looks like the nearby county cities might have erected them for fear of people being swept into the river. The chains seem to be rather old however, as the black iron have long since been covered by a reddish brown. As for whether it could still save lives, it would be prudent not to test it.

“Lord Lu Bu, have all the troops from the second division emerged from the mountains?”

“Un, most of the rear guard is out now.”

While I was having flights of fancy in my thoughts, Yun Chang and Feng Xian were doing their work as the overall commanders of each division. As for the choppy waters, the 2 of them didn’t seem too concerned, probably because they had experienced navigating through similar bodies of water before we reunited. They did however, get the troops to stand in formation in a position that was closer to the mountains as a precautionary measure.

“Big brother, what were Lord Sun Ce’s instructions again?” Yun Chang came over and asked me what the next step was after she was done with roll call and getting the troops in formation.

“Let me see.” I nodded, and took out a piece of silk that was covered in words from my pocket.

This piece of silk was given to me by Sun Ce through xiao Yong. Apart from the usual greetings, it told us broadly the route to Jiangdong.

I opened the silk and took a closer look. What was written on it was very simple. After leaving Runan, we were to cross the Great Plains and head east, before heading southeast along the mountains.

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“It should be here. It even specially mentioned a cliff.”

“So this is the cliff huh?” Yun Chang frowned and looked about.

I looked about as well but I didn’t see anyone who was here to pick us up.

“It might be disheartening for me to say this.” Wen Yuan said after she looked about and walked over with a stiff smile, “But could it be that we came to the wrong cliff?”

She then pointed about, and there were a number of cliffs some distance away.


There are way too many cliffs in this place. Come to think of it, the riverside should be ridden with cliffs right?!

How should I put this? As expected of Sun Ce?

“Looks like we should go back–”

*Dong* *Dong* *Dong*!!!

The sound of firecrackers in the nearby forest interrupted the call to retreat by Yun Chang, and sent everyone on high alert.

“Everyone, make preparations to engage the enemy!”

“General Guan, your blade!” Yun Chang reacted immediately and received her blade from Zhou Cang.

And immediately, the army began to descend into chaos. This couldn’t be helped as most of the troops were rather knew. Heck, even I got flustered.

But just as I was unsure of how to react, everyone else yelled out orders and began to control the situation.

“All those resting are to stand up! Once you get back into formation, squat and don’t move! Wen Yuan, get the main body under control.”

“Lord Zhang Liao! Tell the troops not to head toward the edge of the cliff!”

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“I got it! Don’t leave our lord (Liu Bei)’s side, my lord (Feng Xian) and Lord Zhao Yun!”

“Cavalry are to dismount at once! We don’t have much space to maneuver here to be careful of arrows!”

“Get into a dispersed formation! When the enemy appears, destroy them like how we trained!”

“… Protect the supply caravans and be careful of above.” “Get the shield warriors here so they can protect the rear guard from large rocks and fire arrows.” “But be ready to abandon our supplies as it looks like the enemy will come at us from both sides.”

*Dong* *Dong* *Dong* *Dong*!

The firecrackers went off again but our army was mostly calm now from the incessant shouting and orders. Even I who was in the heart of the army could see that we were in formation now.

*Pa*– *Pa*–

After about a minute or so, the firecrackers stopped and all that could be heard were the sound of waves crashing into the cliffs.

We quietly waited for the enemy to attack and didn’t dare to make any moves.

“My lord (Liu Bei), I feel that this situation is a little odd.”

“I feel the same. If they are robbers then they clearly picked the wrong targets.”

Wen Yuan and Zi Long were at my sides and expressed their suspicions about the situation as they kept their guard up.

But now that they’ve mentioned it, it is weird. Who could come and ambush us at this time?

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

— Well done! To think you reorganised your troops and dispelled the chaos in such a short time. Xuan De, you really have a bunch of good companions huh.

All of a sudden, applause could be heard from the shrubbery, followed by some praise.

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“Who is it?!” Yun Chang raised her glaive and threw it into where the voice came from with all her strength.

“… Hei!”


At the same time, Liao Hua’s spear and Chen Gong’s arrow shot out.

*Ding*! *Qing*!

I’d thought that the 3 weapons would pierce the shrubbery in the area they were aimed at but all of a sudden, several long weapons came out of the shrubbery and deflected the glaive, spear and arrow.

“…” Feng Xian wordlessly prepared to charge forth.

But it was a good thing that my eyes were sharp and my hands were quick as I managed to stop her. I shook my head slightly at Feng Xian, and she kept her halberd.

The reason why I did so was because I could guess what was going on.

“Feng Xian, Wen Yuan, don’t you both think that this voice is a little familiar?”



— Hahaha! What? You’ve forgotten my voice already?

Along with the reappearance of the voice, several figures leapt out from the shrubbery and revealed themselves before us.

“Ah!” After they did so, Yun Chang was very surprised to the point where she cried out.

Feng Xian and Wen Yuan were also looking at them with bulging eyes, and they slowly lowered their guard. Hua Tuo, Gan Qing and Mi Zhen in the rear guard should be able to recognise this girl.

As I thought so, I felt that I should stop thinking and extended my hands as I saluted the wolf-eyed girl who was speaking just now.

“Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu! It really has been a long while since we’ve met!”

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