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Liu Bei POV

Because the waves were exceptionally violent, we stayed at the riverside for a few days and only set off once the tides receded and the waves subsided.

In these few days we lived rather comfortably and got to know how wealthy Jiangdong is, seeing as how Bo Fu was able to feed all 5,000 odd of us amply. It was much more relaxing than how we rationed ourselves while we were on the way here.

That said, there was much trouble as well.

Most of our troops came from the north so they were unused to spending a lot of time on a ship, and so nearly half of our troops suffered from seasickness. There were also some who’d fallen sick as well. I originally wanted our troops to put up on land for the night along the way to Jiangdong but Bo Fu insisted we stay on the ships as it wouldn’t make sense for guests to sleep outside. On our side, Liao Hua, Chen Gong and Yun Chang also agreed as they thought it was a good opportunity to train the adaptability of our troops.

Yun Chang is so serious with such things, even though she is vomiting so much.

And because of all this, Hua Tuo has been very busy attending to the sick with Gan Qing and Mi Zhen assisting her.

As for me, I’ve been taking classes in politics, finance, international relations and military affairs. Ever since the Xu state 3 reunited, they had come up with a timetable with Zi Long and each one of these 4 taught me one of the aforementioned subjects. The way they taught these subjects was exactly in the same fashion as in high school and I was a little nostalgic at first but by the next day, I was thoroughly sick of it.

Sometimes, I would sneak away under the pretext of helping Hua Tuo’s medical squad but Zi Long would always catch me p, though she would relent when she saw how moved the troops were at seeing me.

I really didn’t think that the troops would respect me as much as they did, and if I get the opportunity, I must ask Zhou Cang and Chen Gong why.

These were all things that happened before we set off, and right now, we were on the way to Shouchun.

I have just finished Zi Zhong’s finance class, which involved heavy use of the abacus. I’d thought that the abacus was a simple tool and easy to pick up from what I saw in television shows but the way Zi Zhong described it, it was as though it were a magical tool.

It’s a good thing that the second period is Gong You’s. Though there’s the saying that one shouldn’t bully the honest and kind, I’ve already decided to catch a break in the midst of my work and came out to the deck to catch some fresh air.

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As I stepped out of my room and headed to the stairs, I found that ship was rocking quite a bit and didn’t dare to make any large movements as I carefully headed down while holding on to the handrails.

There was something like an open air terrace on the 2nd floor so I decided to head there instead of all the way down.

But just after 2 steps, a large wave came for the ship and I was unable to dodge in time and could only hurriedly cover myself with the sleeve. After the wave hit, I looked down and saw that the soldiers on guard duty were standing still and straight as ever, completely unperturbed by the wave. Their willpower and balance is rather extraordinary; I would have become fish food if I hadn’t been holding on to the handrails.

Even if the waters were calm, it seems like travelling around by boat is still rather perilous in this era. I can somewhat understand why the people on both sides of the shore have a hard time now.

As I looked into the distance, I could somehow make out the other 4 ships in the mist. They don’t seem to be moving much from here but it should probably be the same on those ships as it is on this one.

Just 5 ships alone looks rather impressive enough. I wonder how it would look with 80 ships in the Battle of Red Cliffs?

Though I can’t quite imagine it now, I felt my heart tense up at the thought that such a momentous event would happen soon. The Battle of Red Cliffs is, after all, a different level from Guandu.

“Xuan De? Why’re you here? It’s pretty dangerous.”

Just then, 2 people walked out from the inside of the 2nd floor. The one who walked in front seemed rather relaxed while the one behind who was protecting the one in front, was looking left and right, afraid that something might happen.

“Ah, it’s Bo Fu and Lord Lu Meng.” I quickly saluted and bowed.

Ah yes, apart from my 4 ‘teachers’, my Jiangdong host, Bo Fu, and her personal guard, Lu Meng, was on this ship as well.

“You don’t need to be so formal with me. All of Jiangdong’s officials and generals keep doing this but I’m quite irritated at such things.”

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“Lord Liu Bei.”

Bo Fu casually waved her hands for me not to be so formal while Lu Meng bowed seriously.

“Speaking of which, what’s Xuan De doing here? Don’t you have work to do?”

This was something that Bo Fu was very good at but she still asked me anyway.

“Un… How do I put it, I guess I’m just taking a walk.” I laughed to hide the fact that I was playing truant ln my classes and decided to change the topic, “C, come to think of it, how long will it take for us to reach Shouchun?”

After I finished, Bo Fu did not reply immediately. She put her index finger into her mouth and sucked on it, making a sloshing sound of her tongue against her finger as her breathing became heavy. During this time, I felt a little awkward at this.

She then extended her finger to the skies, at which I finally understood that she was checking on the direction and speed of the wind.

She closed her eyes as she felt the wind, and opened them after a short while and said with a smile, “You’re lucky, Xuan De. The winds and the current are in our favour and we should reach within 3 days or so.”

“3 days huh…”

“Why, not too used to staying on a ship?”

“Un… A little.” If I said I was, that would be a lie but the real reason wasn’t that, “I’m just worried about Yi De who’s on another ship.”

Now that Yi De has completely forgotten all of us, the only ones she ever interacts with are Yun Chang and I but now that she’s on another ship, and given how isolated she is now, I’m rather worried about her.

“Umm… Has Lord Zhang Fei really lost her memories?” Lu Meng asked with a heavy expression in disbelief.

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After the banquet from before, Yun Chang and I had explained what happened to Yi De with Bo Fu and her subordinates. This wasn’t the sort of thing which could be hidden forever so we thought we might as well let them know to prevent anything untoward from happening in future.

At Lu Meng’s question, I could only express my regret, “We got separated after our loss at Xu state. I don’t know the details of what happened but it seems like Yi De injured her head. Looking at how she is right now, it must be true.”

I did have the thought that Yi De might have been joking, and not just once. But reality was exceedingly cruel, and it’s impossible for the Yi De I know to have such good acting skills.

“How can this be… She actually thinks she’s an administrative official! She’s clearly an upstanding warrior!”

So that’s what you mind.

“Be it administrative official or warrior general, I’ve decided to respect Yi De’s choice. Even if Yi De has not lost her memories, and if she wants to be an administrative official, then she can do so.”

Who decided that Zhang Fei has to be a warrior general anyway? There are times when even warrior generals who can write and draw will go be administrative officials, no?

“Un…” Lu Meng sank into thought, possibly about what she could do for Yi De.

Bo Fu clapped Lu Meng’s shoulders as she looked at her, “Lu Zi Ming, there’s nothing here so go and patrol the ship.”

After Bo Fu finished, Lu Meng did not stay for long and only bade Bo Fu to be careful before leaving.

Looks like Bo Fu really does have a lot of enemies in Jiangdong seeing as having Lu Meng be her personal guard and follow her everywhere means that there is actually a possibility that there could be someone who could harm her on this ship.

Just then, I felt a slight tug on my sleeve.

“Bo Fu?”

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“Xuan De, I’ve been thinking for these few days.” Bo Fu said and turned towards me, “I feel that I should apologise to you first.”

“Eh? What for?”

She paused and nodded before she continued, “I’ve always felt that Xuan De’s path has been smooth sailing, and compared to mine, it seems like everything, be it people, timing or anything else, is on your side and all you needed to do was to go with the flow. But after listening to what has happened to you since we parted ways, I found that this is wrong and it’s not been easy for you at all.”

After Bo Fu finished, she stretched her back as a show of her being relaxed and sighed again.

“Compared to Bo Fu, what has happened to me is nothing.”

I have been hiding and ducking here and there while Bo Fu accomplished the unification of Jiangdong.

“The unification of Jiangdong is only in appearance. There is still a lot that needs to be done internally.” Bo Fu said as she straightened up, “I can handle wars and battles but I’m nothing when it comes to policies and ruling.”

Bo Fu clearly meant something with those words. Just then, the wind blew strongly once more and blew her fringe up, revealing her beast-like eyes which I hadn’t seen clearly in a while. And those eyes revealed how jaded and tired she was.

“Ah… Oh no, my fringe got blown again…” Bo Fu said as she hurriedly pulled down her fringe.

“Bo Fu, looking at your eyes again after so long, I still think they’re really beautiful.”

“Wh– What are you talking about!” Bo Fu became shy at my words and blushed.

I’d already seen, and felt, it when Bo Fu said she was tired.

Bo Fu Sun Bo Fu, you should rest when you need to. Whether it’s us or the people of Jiangdong, I’m sure they will understand.

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