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*Shiku*~ Ben Chu sat on a plain cushion that didn’t seem very thick with her legs stretched out. She held a golden wine cup in her left hand and fiddled with the pattern of the wooden floor boards with her right. She did not continue from where she left off, and only sipped her wine.

“Ben Chu, I…”

“No, no need to say any further.” Ben Chu shook her head, and instead of anger, she calmly smiled, “I’ve already guessed that you would leave sooner or later since Xuan De doesn’t have a reason to stay here after all.”

Ben Chu twirled her index fingers about her wine cup and rocked her body back and forth as she said so, and was clearly on the verge of throwing a tantrum like a kid.

Though I felt troubled by this, I still kept my mind on business and nodded, “The whereabouts of 2 little sisters are still unclear so I must go and search for them. I’m afraid I can’t go with Ben Chu to Xuchang.”

“I haven’t even asked you to follow me but you’ve already rejected me huh.” Ben Chu smiled bitterly but it seems like she expected this as she nodded before she continued, “Un, this is something that can’t be helped.”

She downed the rest of her wine and gave a ‘Ha~’ before she kept the wine cup, as though she was trying to convince herself to accept it.

“But even if I’m not here, Ben Chu shouldn’t have much trouble. You have many capable retainers and brave generals by your side who can contribute far more than I can.”

Gong You had said that Ben Chu wanted me to follow her into Xuchang and it seems like she did have that intent but I really can’t quite understand why.

If you told me she wanted Zi Long or Gong You to stay then I can understand why since they’re talented individuals after all. But me? When it comes down to it, there really isn’t anything that I’ve done which can’t be done by someone else so I don’t see how Ben Chu would want me to stay.

But when she heard my words, Ben Chu’s face turned cold instantly and she stared daggers at me at which I didn’t know where to look and could only lower my head.

Did I say something wrong?

“Xuan De, you may not have realised it yet but there’s something you have in you which makes you surpass everyone else.” Ben Chu said as she slowly pointed at me, “And it is that something which can make you gather many about you.”

When did I ever acquire such a power?

“You don’t believe it?” Ben Chu’s expression remained serious as she said so when she saw my self-abasing smile.

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“And so, what is this something that makes me surpass everyone?”

“…” Ben Chu sank into silence and only stared at me for a few seconds before she started laughing, “Hahaha!”

“What are you laughing about?”

“No, I just think that if I were to verbalise it, everything would become weird. No, it’s more accurate to say that it is I who will become weird.”

Un? I really don’t get it.

After she laughed for a while, Ben Chu’s expression returned the calm one at the start. I don’t what went on inside her head but it seems like things are alright now.

“Come to think of it, you should be busy with packing on your side right? Why don’t I send some help over?”

“Oh, that’s alright, I can’t possibly impose any further on Ben Chu.”

“No, this is something I should do.” As she finished, Ben Chu got up and slowly walked over to the entrance of the tent. I don’t know what she has in mind but I just followed for the time being.

Ben Chu parted the curtains and let in a ray of sunshine which shone on Ben Chu’s face and made her squint.

“Perhaps Xuan De is like this ray of sunshine.” Ben Chu said. I didn’t understand what she meant and only nodded in response.

And so, for the next 2 days, we were occupied with packing. Gong You was still a little apprehensive of Ben Chu at first but the troops she sent over to help us did indeed help us plenty so Gong You stopped suspecting Ben Chu.

And on the 3rd day, we decided to set off.

Whether it was I or Gong You, leaving Liyang seemed almost too easy but there really wasn’t anything that was worthy of suspicion.

Ben Chu really was letting us go.

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When we left, Ben Chu came to send us off along with Yuan Shu whom we haven’t seen for a while now, as well as her strategists and generals. Not everyone seemed dismayed that we were leaving but they were all solemn at least and this was something I didn’t expect.

“I don’t know when we will meet again after this parting. I hope Xuan De doesn’t forget our promise.”

That promise is probably the favour that Ben Chu owes me.

“Un, if I ever need help, I’ll find Ben Chu.” I don’t actually feel like she owes me anything, nor do I intend on calling on the favour but I said as much anyway as it would make her feel easier.

Wu. The sound of hesitant swallowing of air came from behind Ben Chu. When I looked closer, I saw Yuan Shu’s little head poking out from Ben Chu’s side. She was holding on to Ben Chu’s long skirt with a somewhat angry expression.

“I’ll be seeing you again then, Lord Yuan Shu.”

“… Hmph!” Yuan Shu hesitated for a long while before she turned her head away and muttered softly, “You could have just stayed here. Why do you have to leave huh?”

“Gong Lu~” Ben Chu chided Yuan Shu and bade her not to say any further. Yuan Shu gave an “Wu~” and frowned.

“I, Liu Bei, will be leaving now. I hope I get to meet Lords Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu again one day!” I felt like regret could sprout in my heart anytime now so I saluted and made to leave immediately.

Ben Chu gave a long helpless sigh as she folded her arms below her breasts and smiled as she looked at me.

And then she suddenly came up close and before I realised what was happening, she placed her lips onto my cheeks.

“Big sister is so cunning~”

“Hahaha, Imperial Uncle is so lucky!”

“My lord, y-y-you should have kiss him where there’s no one around… Ju Shou stop pulling me!”

I seemed to have caught a glimpse of Xu You doing a cheering pose at the side.

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At this, I was really at a loss and didn’t know what to say. Ben Chu looked at me and smiled before saluting, “… Xuan De! I’ll see you again then!”

As we left Liyang, I kept turning back to take a look and only gave up after Liyang city was no longer in sight.

We’d only just left but I was already missing Ben Chu and the rest. This was probably the effect of that kiss.

“Xuan De, can you stop looking so lifeless?”

“Eh?” I only realised that I was making such a face when Zi Long told me, “Ah, that’s embarrassing.”

I hurriedly shook my head and stopped thinking about unimportant things.

“… It was just a kiss to the cheek.” Gong You said this in a chilly tone as she rode on my other side.

“Gong You, give me a break.” It wasn’t much but I still felt happy about it.

Could it be that… Ben Chu likes me?

No no no, impossible. She probably just wanted to prank me and I let her get away with it in front of everyone.

“Hai~ I really have no luck with women huh~” I sighed as I said so. For all 18 years of my life, I’ve mostly concentrated on studying and haven’t had much interaction with girls. Even if I have had a lot of interaction in this era, romantic experiences might be too high a hurdle for me.

“… You’re so blockheaded that it makes one mad.”

“Un? Gong You, did you say something?”

“… Selective hearing.”

“No, I really didn’t hear what you just said because of the horse…”

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I seemed to have said something wrong as Gong You was actually frowning and pouting angrily.

“Lord Sun Qian’s anger is understandable since Xuan De’s luck with women is clearly there in ample amounts~” Zi Long said as she looked at Gong You, “It’s not too deep now but you have indeed become a pillar of support for a number of girls.” Zi Long lightly poked me as she said so.

“Zi Long is at it again, how could I possible be capable of that huh…” I reached out to grab Zi Long’s hand but my riding skills were too lousy and I could only squirm to avoid her.

Ben Chu did say something similar as well a couple of days ago but I still don’t understand what they mean.

“Hm hm, you really are as blockheaded as a mosquito huh.” Zi Long smirked, “In that case, then you can only wait and see what it’s all about then.”

Zi Long didn’t sag any further. I felt like she meant something by those words but Zi Long wouldn’t answer me no matter how I tried to probe her.

I tried to ask Gog You as well but she ignored me.

“… About that matter, my lord should stop his inquiries.” Gong You said as she extended her hand and then returned to her usual calm expression before she continued, “Now that our organisation has grown, my lord ought to start thinking about giving out appointments and strengthening our logistics…”

She’s going into lecture mode right away?

Hai, but I guess it’s time I started learning about these things as well.

“Leave that aside for now, Lord Sun Qian. Xuan De, look ahead.” Just then, Zi Long who had been silent all this while suddenly spoke up and pointed ahead.

Her tone was more severe than before and I became serious as well and looked ahead at where she was pointing at.

Up ahead was a small convoy that was slowly heading towards us.

The one at the head was wearing a light blue official uniform with floral motifs, with a shiny jade ornament hanging by her waist. Her rarely-seen silvery white hair was tied together by a red string. Just by looking from afar, one could sense the domineering and confident aura she exuded.

Wasn’t that… Meng De?!

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