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Yun Chang POV

After we followed the militia for about 3-5 km, a village appeared before us. It was pretty big, and as Chen Gong said, it was more like a town than a village.

Several dozen adobe houses were neatly arranged in a flat valley at the foot of a mountain. Because it was still early in the morning, there was a fire going in most of the houses and pillars of smoke rose to the skies. Looking further ahead, there was a water mill at the end of the river. The current continuously drove the wooden water wheel, powering the water mill. I’d always heard of such a convenient thing in the north but this was the first time I’ve ever seen it myself.

(TL: Adobe is a type of brick made out of sun-dried mud.)

Just as we stepped into the village, many villagers came running out of their houses and gathered before Chen Gong, and asked how she was doing and if she needed anything. Clearly, she had strong support from her people.

When they heard they’d won, everyone cheered and danced. Chen Gong was hugged by everyone, and received an almost god-like welcome.

I was still worried at first about our treatment once we came to the village since we’d been taken as members of the robbers but Chen Gong did not hand us over to the mob. After she spoke with some of the elders for a bit, she waved over the female soldier who tied me up and gave her some instructions. The female soldier then brough us down a side road away from the crowd.

“Hide the ropes on your hands, don’t let anyone see them.” The female soldier said softly, though she didn’t seem to make any effort to hide what she said. Liao Hua and I looked at each other and then complied by acting as though we were walking with our hands behind our backs.

“To be able to govern and manage this place well takes some skill and patience, even with the water mill and the strong support of the people.”

As we left the crowd, my curiousity led me to look about. The more I looked, the more I felt that this village town was well managed and began to heap praise. Now that battles are so commonplace, the lack of manpower is an issue which can be alleviated by something like the water mill.

“That Chen Gong looks like a cunning swindler but she’s pretty good huh.”

Why do you have to use such negative adjectives huh, Liao Hua.

“That’s right, our leader made this village the way it is now.” The female soldier added in. When she said this, she was extremely proud, as though she was the one who managed the village.

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“Before our leader came here, we fell prey to many pillagers, and it’s thanks to her that we are able to live decently now.”

“So the reason why you’re all so angry is because of those robbers right?”

Provisions are of extreme importance to both soldiers and ordinary citizens. They don’t have enough to fill their stomachs to begin with so if they have to endure plundering by robbers, they will face up to the robbers with the resolve to fight to the death.

But after I finished, the female soldier did not reply. She neither agreed nor disagreed, and only continued to walk on wordlessly with a difficult expression on her face.

As we followed along the line of houses, we soon stopped at a residence. It was rather quaint and not all that big, and it was actually at the end of the line.

“This is…”

“My house,” The female soldier bowed respectfully to me, and opened the door before entering, “The leader means for me to have you 2 stay here for now. When those thieves come again, we’ll use you 2 in negotiations.”

Isn’t that a little too haphazard? Captives should be kept in a more spacious, empty environment with professionals standing guard. Leaving aside the place to keep us, just having 1 person guard 2 captives is already rather ludicrous.

“Aren’t you afraid that we’ll escape?”

“The leader told me not to worry about that as you would have ran away long ago if you wanted to do so.”

That is indeed the case… But this lass is far too obedient.

“Here, have some water.” The female soldier scooped out some water with a clay bowl and brought it to our mouths and slowly delivered the water down our throats. Her movements were delicate and well-practiced, it seems, and we had no difficulty drinking.

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“The water’s delicious.”

“That’s right, this water is from a spring in a nearby cave. We led the stream down here on the leader’s orders.”

She’s even thought of that? She’s definitely not a simple person.

As I thought so, I set aside my worries for now and looked at the surroundings. The house was not big, and when we came in, I didn’t see anything that resembled a courtyard. When you entered the house, you came right into the hall. To the left was a room with a bed and nothing else.

“Are your parents in the fields now? Or have they not yet returned from missions?”

It’s not uncommon to have entire families in the army. That’s one big source of recruitment after all.

“My parents died of hunger in a famine 7-8 years ago.”

“Eh?” I felt like I had stepped on a land mine, “Ah, I’m sorry about that, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, I’m fine. It’s been so many years already so even if I think about them, I can’t remember what they look like anymore.” The female soldier said as she scooped water for herself and sat down on a stool across from us.

“A famine huh… Is the soil here barren?” Liao Hua stopped thinking about others things and had sat down to join us.

“The soil here is indeed barren, and it’s difficult to grow much. But my family wasn’t from here originally. We escaped from the north.”

“And then they starved to death when they couldn’t find food?”

“Watch your mouth, Liao Hua.”

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“No no no, it’s really okay since that’s the truth after all.” The female soldier waved her hands with a difficult expression, “Back then, I remember that we passed through a village which didn’t have enough food to give to refugees so my parents could only leave.”

If that village had taken them in then, her parents wouldn’t have died.

“I bore a grudge some time ago. Why didn’t they do anything to save my parents? But now when I’m in their shoes, I realise that this is a difficult situation to be in.”

“Are you pitying the robbers? Robbers don’t need any pity.”

“Please don’t denigrate yourself. You’re not robbers, just some refugees fleeing from famine who have no choice.”

Eh? What did she just say?

“You said we were refugees? And not robbers?”

“We’ve never treated you as robbers from the very beginning?” She seemed puzzled, “Aren’t you refugees who fled from the famine in Si state?”

“Ah, no…”

So that’s what it’s all about. Both sides are ordinary citizens and the conflict is over provisions. And the attacking side comprises of refugees.

But when you think about it from the point of view of the village, the acts of the imperiled refugees are no different from robbers. As this female soldier said, as a member of the village, how could they possibly hand out provisions when they don’t even have enough for themselves to begin with?

This conundrum is too difficult to deal with.

Just then, the female soldier seemed to have thought of something all of a sudden and took out a biscuit that looked like it was made using flour made from beans, and split it in 3 before bringing 2 parts to our mouths.

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“This is…” To be honest, I was suspicious of this act of hers so I wasn’t sure if I should bite even if she brought it to my mouth.

“I can’t help most people, but if it’s just 1 or 2, I hope I can do something. I know what it’s like to be hungry after all.” As she said so, she smiled and placed her part on the table, and licked the fragments on her fingers, “It’s times like these that we should help each other out right?”

What an optimistic person. This is my impression of her now. She’s probably just a few years younger than me but her heart is this wide?

“Ah, un.” Just then, Liao Hua wordlessly bent forward and bit her part before closing her eyes and began to slowly chew.

“Liao Hua…”

Liao Hua continued to chew and swallowed before she said, “Delicious.”

“Thanks! I made it myself! I was pretty confident about it too!” When the female soldier heard that, she became so jovial that it was as if she got glowing praises.

Optimistic people probably have more blessed lives.

*Dong*!!! *Dong*!!! *Dong*!!!

“This sound is!” When the female soldier heard the dull sounds of a gong, she stood up immediately.

“What’s the matter?” I was infected by her tension as well, and felt anxious.

“Your companions may have arrived.” The female soldier calmly said.

“I just hope they are ‘our’ companions.” Liao Hua said just as calmly.

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