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Liu Bei POV

The sky was not bright yet when I returned to the residence, but a fair number of people were already awake.

“You’re back, big brother.”

“Ah, un.” I nodded as I replied to Yun Chang.

Yun Chang then began asking me about various things that happened today, mostly about Bo Fu’s state and not what transpired at Bo Fu’s residence nor why I went there.

“Good morning, my lord Liu Bei.” Liao Hua who stood beside Yun Chang rigidly greeted as she nodded at me.

“Ah… Good morning.” I hurriedly returned the greeting.

“We can finally rest easy now that our lord is back.” Standing on the other side of Yun Chang was Yi De. Though she said she was worried, her tone as still cold as ever.

“Since Xuan De is back, go and have a nap. We’ll be heading to the training grounds now and when I get back, I’ll continue your training.” Zi Long’s tone was similarly cold. Though she said this with a smile, her words made me feel exhausted and I felt like I wouldn’t be able to have a good sleep after hearing this.

Opposite them were the Xu state 3, who were packed and ready to leave to visit the various village elders and famous scholars of Jiangdong. Only xiao Yong looked like she wasn’t fully awake yet.

It was clear that everyone was worried about me, and they only carried on doing their own things after they saw that I was back.

Like Yun Chang, everyone else didn’t bring up Bo Fu’s family seal, as though they didn’t know about it which they ought to.

Personally speaking, I was rather bothered by this sort of atmosphere as I was afraid that everyone was just keeping what they wanted to say inside as they didn’t feel that it was right to confront me about it. I wanted to ask, but I was also afraid that the answers I would get would be like Wen Yuan’s and I might get convinced by them to take up Bo Fu’s offer so I buried this impulse and decided not to broach the topic for now.

“By the way, where’s Feng Xian?”

So I decided to change the topic.

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“Still sleeping. We didn’t wake her up.” Yun Chang said calmly, “She’s probably exhausted after what happened in the day.”

Un, that does make sense.

“Won’t my lord be resting?”

“Ah… Un, in a while I guess.”

The sky was beginning to brighten up, and even I were to go and rest, I would probably be tossing and turning without falling asleep.

“In that case, let’s have breakfast.” A refreshing and lively voice came from behind Yun Chang, and in the next moment, Gan Qing walked out from behind with a pot of porridge.

“Gan Qing, you’re awake too huh.”

“Hehehe, I felt that Xuan De must be famished so I hurried up and made some food for you.”

Seeing how relaxed she was, I too felt comforted.

“Un, thanks.” If it’s just porridge, Gan Qing shouldn’t have a problem right.

“Alright, then…” Gan Qing nodded and shifted her gaze to my side as she pointed, “Will you both be eating breakfast as well?”

“Un un, we are, we are!”

“If you’re offering food, then I’ll have some.”

If these 2 hadn’t spoken, I would have forgotten their existence…

I turned back and saw that those 2 had even taken out their own chopsticks from god knows where. The one on the left had her eyes half-closed and looked sleepy. her hair was braided and seemed like a mysterious person. The one on the right wore an eye-catching shade of red and her big eyes were bright and blinked a lot, her energy at odds with the person beside her.

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Based on what I’d learnt earlier, the sleepy one is called Pan Zhang while the overly-energetic one is called Ma Zhong.

When the hot porridge was served, the 2 people before me began to dig in even before I could even reach for my chopsticks.

And apparently, those 2 were familiar faces to everyone apart from me.

“Hai…” Yun Chang who sat to my left held her chin as she sighed and stirred her porridge with her chopsticks. I wonder if she’s troubled or if she doesn’t have much of an appetite.

“Yun Chang, what’s wrong?”

“Ah, nothing much… It’s just that these 2…”

Un? Why didn’t she continue her sentence?

“Alright, I’m full.”

“I’m full.”

Just then, 2 clear sounds rang out from plates being placed on the table. I looked over and saw Ma Zhong and Pan Zhang walk over with big steps. Ma Zhong grabbed Yun Chang’s hands, making her drop her chop sticks.

“Lord Guan Yu! Please have another duel with me!” Ma Zhong bowed deeply as she cried out.

“Like I said, you can train yourself first… Looking for me several times a day is really troubling…”

“No, please let me spar with you once more!”

Un? What’s going on?

I looked over at Yun Chang with curiosity and saw that she was extremely troubled and didn’t have the energy to look at me so I looked at Wen Yuan who was sitting on my right.

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Wen Yuan had a look that said ‘not this again’ and when she saw that I was looking at her, she shrugged and smiled stiffly.

“Imperial Uncle.”


Just then, Pan Zhang who had been silent all this while grabbed my hand.

“Please let Lord Guan Yu duel with Ma Zhong one more time. Don’t let our efforts to come here late at night go to waste.” Pan Zhang didn’t seem like she was asking me as she said so. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it feels like the braids behind her were jumping about and were ready to capture me and use me as a hostage to get Yun Chang to yield to their demands.

“Hai… Alright. stop bothering my big brother. I don’t think he can stop you all.” Yun Chang sighed and got up as she headed to the courtyard.

“Ah! Thank you Lord Guan Yu!” Ma Zhong seemed to understand what Yun Chang meant and caught up to her. Pan Zhang over here relented as well and followed behind Ma Zhong.

“What’s up with those 2?” I bent down and asked Wen Yuan when I saw that those 2 had left.

“Don’t mind them too much, my lord. They’re both Sun Quan’s subordinate generals.” She lowered her volume as she continued, “We met them before in the training grounds and after she crossed swords with Yun Chang, she began to bother Yun Chang…”

I see.

“But isn’t sparring a good thing? Why is Yun Chang so irritated?”

“That huh…” Wen Yuan paused and thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that it would be fine before she continued, “Ma Zhong and Pan Zhang often take bets on fights in the training grounds so her motive for training is just to earn money.”

“To put it simple, she has impure motives,” Wen Yuan added.

No wonder Yun Chang seems so irritated about duelling.

Just then, I remembered the other 2 weirdos which Feng Xian talked about, the octopus girl and the battle maniac. Could she be referring to these 2? They really are weird now that I’ve met them.

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“Ah!!, Just then, a cry of pain came from the outside, and a sword fell to the ground with a *dingdang*.

Wen Yuan and I looked outside and found that Ma Zhong had fallen to the ground while Yun Chang was walking up to her to help her up.

“As expected of Lord Guan Yu, your skill with blades is as impeccable as ever…” Ma Zhong’s impressed voice could be heard from inside. She was smiling bitterly, probably out of dissatisfaction with her own skill.

Pan Zhang was standing at the doorway to the courtyard and held her chin as she stared at the 2 of them in courtyard in deep thought.

“That was fast though. She got defeated pretty quickly.”

By my estimate, that should have only been 7-8 bouts. I must say, Yun Chang’s martial prowess is really impressive. When we first met in Zhuo county, she still said she didn’t know martial arts but looks like Guan Yu is Guan Yu after all.

“Not really.” Wen Yuan did not seem to agree with my assessment, “You must know that just 3 days ago when Ma Zhong first dueled with Yun Chang, Ma Zhong got defeated in just 1 bout so if there’s 1 thing to be impressed about, it’s Ma Zhong’s talent…”

Eh? So she’s actually pretty strong? Could it be that Ma Zhong is actually a really famous general? But I can’t recall hearing that name…

Honestly, I’m not too clear on the events after Red Cliff so if Ma Zhong is supposed to be a formidable person, he should have shined after Red Cliff right?

“Is Imperial Uncle there? Is Imperial Uncle there?!” All of a sudden, an anxious voice could be heard. Seems like it’s calling me.

“Oi, how can you just barge in like that?” Yun Chang who was outside said angrily.

“Eh? Chen Wu?” Ma Zhong called out.

Chen Wu? My heart shook as I felt like her appearance was an ominous premonition and got up to find her.

“Chen Wu, what’s the matter?”

“Imperial Uncle!” Just as I left the dining room, the sight of Chen Wu’s anxious face greeted me as she walked over, “My lord Sun Ce, she…”

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