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Liu Bei POV

As the ship left the shore and grew distant from it, so too did the people. After some time, the dark curtain of night fell and obscured the surroundings. No matter how I tried to look now, I could no longer see the people I’d gotten familiar with.

I was leaning against the railing as I stood on the deck. Huge waves buffeted the ship, rocking it, and making me feel seasick on top of the roiling emotions of regret and reluctance in my heart.

Leaving was actually so simple. I’d thought that there would be some hindrances or hiccups along the way, but it was all very smooth.

All in all, we did gain from this trip. We got to know Sun Quan and her weirdos, and our own camaraderie has increased. On the other hand, I’m very much troubled by the matter with Yu Ji. Yi De’s memory is also not back yet, and I haven’t had much opportunity to speak with her. It feels like we’re growing distant.

Hai. What shouldn’t have happened, has happened, and I’m not sure how to deal with things as they are. Eventually, things will be resolved but it’s going to difficult until then.

“Lord Liu Bei, why are you standing here?”


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I was pulled back to reality by a voice that called out to me. When I turned to the direction from where the voice came from, I saw Huang Gai in full plate armour standing there. The ship was rocking quite a fair but Huang Gai walked down the stairs with steady steps as she came over to where I was.

“I just came out here to get some fresh air.” I bottled up everything I was mulling about and gave her a soft reply.

“I see,” She stretched her neck as she looked out at the river and smiled naturally, “You all must be rather anxious as you don’t have a fixed base yet.”

“Keke, you’re right.” I laughed as I replied. It wasn’t the most important thing and I’m not too worried about where I’m headed to in the near future but these words still hit me hard. This was a very pertinent concern after all.

“But my lord let you stay in Jiangdong back then. Why didn’t you accept? Most people would have accepted it.”

“I’ve gone over this many times with my companions already.” I said as I looked at the cabin.

Even though I was outside now, I could still hear Zhou Cang and Chen Gong’s voices as they argued with each other. There was also Wen Yuan’s jeering, and Yun Chang and Zi Long who were admonishing them.

“But even so, everyone still follows you willingly huh.”

“Words cannot express how grateful I am to them for this.” I smiled as I looked at Huang Gai and asked the question I’d been brooding about for a while now, “Lord Huang Gai, why have you gone back to wearing plate?”

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“Un? Do I not look good in it?” She straightened up and turned around.

“No no no, how can that be? You look very impressive in it.” I hurriedly replied.

When she saw my frantic self, she raised her eyebrows and looked satisfied as she continued, “My lord Sun Ce requested for me to return to active duty.”

“Bo Fu wanted you to return to active duty huh.”

“Un,” Huang Gai thought for a moment, and seemed to be reluctant to say what she was about to say but she eventually closed her eyes as though she made a resolve as she said–

“Bo Fu is leaving.”

“Leaving? Where to?” I wasn’t able to immediately understand what Huang Gai meant.

“I don’t know, but she has passed over all authority to my lord Sun Quan.” Huang Gai shook her head, her braided ponytail floating in the wind. Looking at her, it seems like she really doesn’t know where Bo Fu is headed to but she’s been through a lot so she’s probably finding it easier to accept than most people.

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But what is Bo Fu thinking? Why is she leaving Jiangdong all of a sudden?

Huang Gai and the rest don’t know, and there’s no way I would know.

But one thing I can be sure about is that Bo Fu’s decision must have been related to the incident with Yu Ji, and her conversation with me.

Perhaps to Bo Fu, she thinks of herself as someone who’s living on borrowed time so she doesn’t want to get too involved with things.

Of course, this is just my hypothesis.

“Perhaps my lord merely wishes to go out and have fun for a while. She’s been fighting for a long time after all.” Huang Gai said with a relieved and satisfied smile. Seems like this is a reason which Huang Gai is happy with.

If that’s really the case, then that’s good.

I was still a little worried about Bo Fu but I know that there wasn’t anything to be worried about. She’s Bo Fu so she’ll be fine no matter what. Moreover, her fate is something that is undecided after all.

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“My lord, it’s cold outside. You should come in.” Just then, a familiar voice came from behind. When I turned, it was Yi De as expected.

“Ah, un.”

Every time I meet with Yi De, I have a lot of words to say to her. But every time I’m met with those clear, blank eyes of hers, I find those words stuck in my mouth. I was afraid that what I say would only agitate and trouble her to no end. To her now, I was just her lord after all.

“I’ll be heading back in then.”

“Un, that’s good.”

I said to Huang Gai, and headed to where Yi De was. When Yi De saw me come over, she even took 2 steps back, which hurt me deep down, and even made tears fill my eyes.

When we get to Jing state, Zhuge Liang will be there.

And everything will finally come to an end there.

I thought as I suppressed the desire to look at Yi De, and felt the torn feather fan behind me.

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