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Liu Bei POV

As the sky got darker, so too did the surroundings become quieter. The passing of winter could be keenly felt as even though it was already night time, the temperature wasn’t very low.

*Gu*– Cold or not, my body couldn’t endure hunger for long. But at this time, I didn’t have the leisure to think about food.

I am presently carrying Bo Fu back to her residence after all.

“Hu… Hu…”

It was a good thing that it wasn’t too cold tonight so even if Bo Fu is asleep now, she won’t catch a cold. Her faint breathing was directed at my face and I breathed in a fair amount of alcohol from her breath that made me a little intoxicated.

“I’m sorry for troubling you both to give us a life.” Bo Fu’s subordinate general who sat beside me nodded and bowed, “I thank you both on behalf of my lord.”

This subordinate general was a girl, and seemed a fair bit younger than Feng Xian. Her hair was slightly greenish and she tied it up in a ponytail, with a long fringe in front. The eyes beneath her fringe were gloomy and had an odd look about them; those eyes looked more like they belonged to a medieval European witch or druid. And though it wasn’t cold now, it wasn’t warm either. Yet all she wore were some bandages around her chest which was very odd. All in all, she seemed like a very strange person.

“No no no, this is what we ought to do.” I smiled to make her feel easy, “Bo Fu is someone I should help after all.”

“In any case, I am still grateful to you both.” She bowed once more despite what I said before she continued, “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Chen Wu Chen Zi Liu, and I’m a commander of my lord Sun Quan’s personal troops. I look forward to getting along with Imperial Uncle and Lord Lu Bu.”

Chen Wu huh? Another familiar name which I know little about.

“Ah, I look forward to getting along with you as well.”

“Un, un…”

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I bowed as well while Feng Xian continued to steer the carriage while she turned to Chen Wu and nodded at her carefully and prudently.

“Speaking of which, you know Feng Xian from before?”

“Yes, I happened to meet her once in the military training grounds.”


When I heard this, something clicked in me. I swiftly turned to Feng Xian who nodded when she saw me looking at her and flicked her fingers across her chest.

Is she referring to Chen Wu’s bandages? I see, so Chen Wu is the bandage girl that Feng Xian was referring to huh. But apart from her looks and garb, she’s pretty much fine.

“Umm, Imperial Uncle. I have a few questions to ask you.” Just as I denied Feng Xian’s assessment of Chen Wu, Chen Wu spoke up.

“Un, is there any problem?”

“May I ask if you have any intent to kill the lords of my household?”

“Eh?” I was stunned at this sudden question, and hurriedly shook my head when I recovered, “No no no no, why do you ask? Where did that come from?”

“Un.” Chen Wu grunted and nodded.

“Then have you planted surveillance in my lords’ residences?”

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“Of course not!”

“Have you installed any traps?”

“I would hurt myself if I tried to do so.”

“Then have you said anything untoward about the lords of my household in your heart?”

“… Of course not. And that’s a little too far for you to bother with.”

Wh-wh-wh-what sort of questions are these? I turned to look at Feng Xian who looked back with a look that said ‘Now you get it?’, before turning back and concentrating on steering the carriage.

I can largely understand why Chen Wu has been labelled as a ‘weirdo’ now. In summary, this person has a persecutory delusions. You could say that it is a sort of occupational disease but this seemed a little too much.

“Un, that’s all I have to ask. Looks like Imperial Uncle isn’t a dangerous element.” Chen Wu concluded and took out a bamboo scroll from her pocket which she began to search through.

The scroll was filled with names and I happened to see Yun Chang’s name on it, as well as those of my other companions. Amongst them, I found my name and Chen Wu found it at the same time as well. She then took out a brush from her pocket and licked it before writing a tick beside my name.

That probably means I’m safe.

Eh, she really is weird.

“Un…” Just then, Bo Fu snored again. I turned to look at her and saw that her face was completely red,

Why was Bo Fu drinking so much? She was still fine in the day but now she was totally drunk.

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“Umm, Lord Chen Wu, may I ask how did Bo Fu become like this?”

At my question, Chen Wu only shook her head, “I was here for my patrol duty and I happened to see my lord drinking heavily. I was afraid that she would run into danger at night so I hurriedly came over.”

As she said so, she lightly touched Bo Fu’s shoulder, and continued in a relieved tone, “Good, at least my lord’s wound hasn’t festered.”

She then searched the carriage and found a clean carpet which she lay on Bo Fu. Looks like Chen Wu is a very loyal subordinate. Though she’s a little weird.

“But Imperial Uncle, when I met with my lord Sun Ce, she was already very tipsy but she still kept yelling out Imperial Uncle’s name.”


Chen Wu raided her head as she recalled what happened, “At that time, my lord kept muttering ‘Xuan De, why are you doing this’… ‘Xuan De, I’m really tired’… And other similar lines.”

Un… Looks like my words from earlier in the day hurt Bo Fu quite a bit.

I began to feel regret at how I handled the affair earlier in the day. Even if I was resolute about my decision, I should have been more tactful in refusing. But I really don’t get it, why can’t she help her little sister after she recovers?

“Xuan De!!”

Eek! I got a shock by the sudden yell from behind me, and turned to see that the source was Bo Fu.

I’d thought that she was awake but from her snoring, I found that she was just sleep-talking.

“Xuan De…” Her voice gradually became weaker as she called out, “Why won’t you help me…”

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Wu, looks like it really is what happened earlier today that led to this.

I wanted to wake Bo Fu up but that would be too selfish of myself. Instead of that, I might as well let Bo Fu vent it out. That way, I can understand how Bo Fu thinks as well. She’s not the sort who will divulge how hurt she is after all.

“Xuan De! Zhong Mou! Where are you!” Just then, she called out my name once more and reach out and happened to grab onto the hem of my clothing. She was panting and seemed to be suffering greatly, “Don’t leave me to handle it all alone! Ah! Don’t kil, me!”

“Bo Fu, calm down! Nobody’s going to kill you.” When I saw this, I hurriedly held her hand in the hopes that she would calm down but her nightmare still went on.

“Father?! Father why are you here?” She frowned as sweat streamed down her forehead, “Father, let me rest! Don’t make me practice the spear anymore!”

Bo Fu’s nightmare seemed to change scenes but her suffering still continued unabated.

“Imperial Uncle, let’s wake my lord up.” Chen Wu seemed very anxious. I felt the same way as well and was about to shake Bo Fu’s shoulders.

But was this really okay? If Bo Fu were to forcefully awake from her nightmare, she would have this nightmare etched into her consciousness.

“Bo Fu, I’m right beside you. Don’t be afraid, I’ll help you.” I repeated these words over and over again to her but Bo Fu’s nightmare didn’t diminish in the least.

“Imperial Uncle, give up– By the way, are you intending to kill my lord Sun Ce now?”

Of course not! I said in my mind as I continued to repeat words of comfort to Bo Fu.

After almost half an hour, Bo Fu finally calmed down and descended into a peaceful sleep. This might be thanks to me, or not. But this wasn’t important.

As I looked at Bo Fu’s sleeping face, I resolved to speak with her again once she woke up.

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